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Eternity Minecraft - Server is Live!
Couple of questions: Do we have a plugin for chat? like other channels, whispers, etc? or is this included in one of our other plugins. Just a curiosity. Second question, is there any progress on the new map, or how big it might be? I suppose also, will we be retaining the factions mod? Might be nice to know for setting up plots and such.
(12-15-2018, 08:29 PM)Mestra Wrote: Couple of questions: Do we have a plugin for chat? like other channels, whispers, etc? or is this included in one of our other plugins. Just a curiosity. Second question, is there any progress on the new map, or how big it might be? I suppose also, will we be retaining the factions mod? Might be nice to know for setting up plots and such.
Hm, if I remember correctly, we do have a plugin for chat. It should be EssentialsChat, which ties into all the other EssentialsX plugins.

For your second question, no, there hasn't been progress. A lot of the time I was going to use on it was eaten by Kingdom Come, and before that some reviews I wrote/recorded for other games. While I expect myself to work on it substantially after I finish writing up the important locations for the Andlosheim campaign that has been sitting and waiting on me for the last 2+ years, I don't expect to start until next weekend at the earliest (though I might be proven wrong). In any case, while I can get some "pre-production" and planning done for it - setting up the height map, drawing out locations and planning features, etc. - I'm loathe to fully begin work on the actual final version of the map until after World Painter is patched for the upcoming 1.14 update (if ever), which is supposed to happen sometime in early 2019.

How big will it be? Well, pretty big. If we use the Andlosheim setting as a base, then I anticipate Sidgard and the nearby petty realms will probably be one 20k x 16k map (though actual size will vary by the final design), and then Storslagen will get it's own 14k x 14k or so map, followed by the Sinne & and other places, Darnathir and its surroundings, and the big ocean between Darnathir and Sidgard... All of these maps will be linked via multiverse to create transitions between them, and after the creation of the height map will need to have detail added. Obviously these won't all come out at once because that's just too much goddamn work. Flipped Smile

Most likely, I'll be doing something similar but smaller with using the MTRP map to build upon while Andlosheim is prepared, splitting the continents onto separate linked maps for people to traverse. This'll also give me time to get more familiar with World Painter and designing maps before making mistakes with Andlosheim, and is something I can probably do/finish while waiting for the 1.14 patch release.

But What About Factions?
I dunno. I might keep the Factions plugin, but I'm just feeling Towny more? I don't know, I just don't anticipate factionalized warfare being the big thing that happens, but I'm likely to not change much. I'm also looking at the possibility of other options to building CivEX (which probably won't happen, I can't find up to date or official site or info outside of a subreddit, which doesn't warm my cockles), but that would likely require a huge redesign and/or someone who cares to learn java. No thanks. Regardless, if plots are designed around the possibility of dropping Factions, then there wouldn't be much issue if we switch.

Feel free to give me some ideas or possibilities.
On pain of death, I pledge to not be a dick to others on the EternityRPC Minecraft Server, nor to divulge the login credentials (i.e. IP address, port, et al) of said server to anyone under any circumstances whatsoever.

Forum name: RC159570
Minecraft username: RC159570
(01-30-2019, 08:40 PM)RC159570 Wrote: On pain of death, I pledge to not be a dick to others on the EternityRPC Minecraft Server, nor to divulge the login credentials (i.e. IP address, port, et al) of said server to anyone under any circumstances whatsoever.

Forum name: RC159570
Minecraft username: RC159570

Ye've been added to the list, and credentials have been sent.
I intended to be done with updates by now, but there've been some issues. The major one is there's some kind of overflow issue with the dynamic map that's causing it to eat up all available drive space until the computer can't perform writes anymore. I did some things yesterday to hopefully resolve it, but I wasn't home in the evening to test, and won't be home today either.

In the meantime, I've re-opened the server this morning without the dynamic map until I get things resolved.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Server updated to MC 1.13.2!
EternityRPC Minecraft - Public Test Beta v3.2.2

That's really the big news of the month, I guess. I started this process a month ago, and after taking some time with it on the first day, I've spent the past month finding the time here and there to solve bugs and find certain fixes to problems. If you want a complete list of changes to what comes in Minecraft 1.13, you can have a look at Mojang's official change log here, but the big gist is that 1) the oceans have a lot more going on in them now, including new flora, fauna and monsters, and 2) sweeping changes in the core structure of the game broke literally everything, requiring lots of tracking down updates and fixing bugs on the server backend. All of that is completed now; go me.

One big change is that I took this moment to wipe the dynamic map, erasing the map of the current overworld to free room for a future map of our next, larger, and better overworld. Don't worry, everything is still there and playable; I have simply stopped supporting the current world in the dynamic map. I've also started to keep track of local server version, using some naming scheme that really means nothing other than to make me feel like I'm accomplishing something; for reference, the version for this server is listed up beneath that garish cyan header.

Anyway, not much super exiting new content this time around, but I did make a few changes besides a simple version update that'll help us going forward:

- Client-Server version workarounds added:
Not a huge issue now since the server is updated, and mainly just me future-proofing against the coming 1.14 update. You no longer have to roll back your MC client version to play on the server if our server is outdated; the server will generate a sort of "compatibility mode" for your client to access. Should be a huge quality of life improvement for most of you.

- Trees now obey gravity:
As advertised. Cutting out a section of tree makes everything above fall to the ground. No more floating trees.

- Factions system removed/archived:
The Factions system we use hasn't been updated since June of last year, and breaks under the 1.13 update. I have a newer, better system waiting that might work, but reasons keep me from making it immediately available. Some other server systems were removed as well because of errors and such, but they won't impact anyone and will likely be replaced with some other better options as well.

- New lock system. Same locks:
Server rolled over to much improved lock system, but don't worry; all the improvements are on my end. For you, everything is functionally the same.

- New Permissions system:
Old permissions and groups have been migrated, so you won't really notice much different...except the server role titles that finally work. Takes a little time for me to learn, but a much more powerful and stable permissions system allows for things I've wanted and couldn't have. Again more backend goodies for me, but can allow for some more complex stuff in the future.

- Overworld removed from Dynmap:
As I stated above, the Dynmap no longer features the overworld. If you're lost, make a map.

What's next for the server?

Well, in the immediate future are two things:

First, I begin work on the new overworld. This will be based on the heightmap of Siora, its landmasses split amongst multiple connected worlds...maybe, or maybe it'll just be Brigidna or something else boring. This map will serve as the new overworld and give me some good practice with some tools before I work on an Andlosheim-based map after the 1.14 update comes out (though we likely won't see that one for a while yet).

Second, new goodies for the server. I have a lot of things lined up: a magic system, furnace/crafting/chest effects, a different kind of grief prevention system that relies less on chunks and regions, a working and robust economy, Boss Battles, and some other things that'll really make this world ready for what I want it to be. Lots of cool goodies; I just hope I don't break the server box in the process (but surely it'll be fine).

After that...who knows. I'll probably need some help building the actual world, mainly with actual landmarks, probably also with lore etc, I dunno. I have to figure that out. For now, I have other things to worry about.

But that's about it.
Woot... So Excited!!. I'll eventually get back to make templates and the like.
Two Questions: will we be moving to 1.14 at some point or is that on hold for a bit?
Second: Would it be possible to have a desert map world? I'm really wanting to create a southern empire styled city, to accommodate exploration in that kind of zone.
Well, I didn’t mean to take a week to respond, yet here we are.

We will, eventually, move to 1.14. I don’t have an eta for you, as the entire process relies upon other people: first for Mojang to provide a stable version that doesn’t need more hotfixes; second, plugin authors to test/update their components for 1.14 compatibility after all the changes and fixes are finalized. I don’t know how major the changes are in 1.14, but given changes in crafting functionality and a slew of new blocks and mobs, our server might not update to 1.14 until July or August, and I anticipate some things being broken regardless.

But on that note, I’ve been contemplating whether or not to completely change the server architecture over to Forge, or just a minor change. Ideally, I want to make up my mind on this before doing a major update like that.

So I guess that’s technically on hold? Flipped Smile

Anyway, there will be deserts in the new world, especially in the Andlosheim-styled map. The Siora one I want to play around with should have some. In any case, you’ll be able to build in a desert, yes.

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Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.