SMTRP Date and Calendar System
Universal Time
Universal Time is the primary time standard used on Siora, derived from various atomic clocks positioned across the globe that measure the passage of proper time on the planet's geoid. UT mainly measures the passage of seconds, which be additionally broken down into days, hours, and minutes. It is most compatible with the Universal Calender, which is the modern development of the Theodorian Calender.
Duration of Various Universal Time Periods
In-game PeriodIn YearsIn MonthsIn DaysIn HoursIn MinutesIn SecondsReal-life time
1 Year1143929,408564,48033,868,80049 days
1 MonthN/R12867240,3202,419,20049/(365.25/12) days
1 DayN/RN/R1241,44086,4003 hours
1 HourN/RN/RN/R1603,6007.5 minutes
1 MinuteN/RN/RN/RN/R1607.5 seconds
International Standard Calendar
The Universal Calendar is itself the successor of the Theodorian Calendar, which itself was a development of the Old Lanlanian Lunar Calendar. It was created to fix an issue with the Theodorian Calendar which caused it to fall out of sync with the planet's revolution around the sun over the centuries. It divides the revolution into 14 months of 28 days each, generally ignoring the lunar cycles that formed the basis of its ancient predecessor (though, there is still some overlap). The Universal Calendar—and, indeed, Universal Time as a whole—ignores the solar day, instead choosing to tolerate the minor discrepancies between Solar Time and Atomic Time and focusing on the passage of time—the period between two events. This has lead to the hours of sunlight differing slightly at various points in the year.
Duration of Various Universal Time Periods
Alvan Dosa Marth Quartyr Fein Zechyr Septem Ochtyr Nueva Dein Elva Tolven Treizen Vintyr
International Standard Seasons
Seasons on Siora
Season Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere
Spring Marth 15 - Zechyr 28 Dein 15 - Treizen 28
Summer Septem 1 - Dein 14 Vintyr 1 - Marth 14
Autumn Dein 15 - Treizen 28 Marth 15 - Zechyr 28
Winter Vintyr 1 - Marth 14 Septem 1 - Dein 14

Chat and Sioran News
You can find a more extensive list of stuff that's happened in role play here...if people bothered to add it.

About Eternity RPC

Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.