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Siora Modern Tech Role Play Scene Rules

Section I: General
  1. The Role Play Directorate is the final authority regarding the Siora Modern Tech Role Play Scene . Failure to cooperate with it may result in in-game consequences and/or action by Board Staff.
  2. Sioran Role Play centers on the fictional planet Siora. Consequently, clear copies of Real-life persons, religions, countries, and the like are discouraged. The use of Real-life names, especially modern ones, in similar role is effectively prohibited.
  3. Be amicable with all Players and cooperative especially with the Role Play Directorate. It mission is to keep the Scene fair, balanced, and realistic.
  4. God-modding is prohibited. God-modding includes: assuming an unreasonable level of control over another Player’s character(s) or aspects without their consent; having ridiculously perfect and/or powerful character, countries, equipment, or technology; meta-gaming; and generally, overly unrealistic activities or aspects.
  5. God-modding and other forms of immature and/or unrealistic Role Play may be Ignored by a Player. Application and resolution of said are subject to Directorate Review.
  6. The Official Maps shall be maintained by the Directorate.

Section II: Player Countries
  1. Directorate Approval is necessary for a Player Country to be considered canon to Siora. The Directorate may Reject or Remove Player Countries.
  2. The Directorate may establish Non-Player Countries, which shall be role-played by the Director or a Directorate-appointed Caretaker. The extent of the Caretaker’s control may vary between Non-Player Countries.
  3. A Player is permitted a maximum of three Player Countries without incurring explicit restrictions. A Player Country does not necessary have to be a “country” by convention terms; certain International Organizations may qualify as Player Countries.
  4. A Player may not create a Country with malicious or unfair intent. A Player Country may be Removed and its role play retconned if such intent is apparent after the fact.
  5. Countries owned by the same Player are not prohibited from interacting or associating with one another, subject to in-game canon, situations, and Directorate Consent. Using one Country to glorify, strengthen, or otherwise unfairly advance another is prohibited.
  6. The Directorate may determine a Country’s initial Territory, Population, and GDP per capita, as well as its annual Growth/Decline with or without its Player’s input.
  7. Multiple Players may Share a Country with Directorate Approval. The exact distribution of duties and roles lies largely on the involved Players. Depending on the distribution, however, a Player may be recognized as the Ultimate Player or all Players may be recognized as equal Co-players. Should a Co-player become inactive, the remaining Players may continue to operate the Country. Should an Ultimate Player become inactive, the Country’s fate lies with the Directorate.
  8. The Directorate may assign control of an inactive Player’s Country to another or reclassify it as a Non-Player Country.

Section III: Military and Warfare
  1. A military must be reasonably sized and equipped to its Country’s budget, economy, and population and is subject to Directorate Review.
  2. An In-game Casus Belli is required before a Player may wage War against a Country, Alliance, or Idea, and may be fabricated through Role Play by involved Players. War may not be forced upon a Player unless warranted In-game.
  3. Damages to a nation's infrastructure, population, and economy are subject to Directorate Review.
  4. An occupation of a Player State is indefinite, though subject to Directorate Review. Political consequences of an occupation lie largely with the involved Players. The Directorate may intervene to defend Player Interests or otherwise enforce a realistic settlement.

Section IV: Technology
  1. As the Sioran Modern Tech Role Play Scene is meant to be exactly that, In-game technology is limited to a) that which already exists in Real Life, b) is estimated to be serviceable within the next ten Real-life years, and c) concepts that have been Approved by the Directorate.
  2. Due to the inherent value of involved technologies, the following is in effect:
    1. Nuclear weapons are prohibited. Nuclear weaponry or their development may still play a role in specific Role Play Narratives with Directorate Approval.
    2. Ownership and exercise of a major Space Program is limited to Countries whose Players have developed their Country's space-faring history, exploits, and assets to the Directorate's satisfaction. This does not apply to Non-Player Countries. Prominent outer-space activities, such as construction of orbital or extraterrestrial facilities and exploration of other celestial bodies, require Directorate Approval.

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Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.