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Arkiania Rising
2nd Septem, 1599
Imperial Senate Chambers
I'balan, Mestra

The Imperial Senate had been summoned early in the morning, much to the Senators dismay. It had been nearly a century since an emperor had summoned the Senate outside of its normal meeting time. What's more, it had been decades since the last Emperor directly spoke to the Senate. It had become a long standing tradition that the Senate would carry on its business, and the Emperor would be informed of its decisions through the Imperial Chancellor. Thus before the sun had even risen, here sat the Senators of the Imperium wondering why their Emperor would break such traditions and summon them. Many questioned whether such a summons was justified or even legal.

Bickering ensued throughout the chamber, the Chancellor sat miserably in her chair drinking her coffee. It was way too early, but she had been warned by her predecessor Markus Salrio, that the Imperial Family often did things on their own time. How right he was. She peered around the table at the squabbling of the Imperial Senators. There were 12 Senators representing the 12 provinces of the Imperium, and thus each represented one of the 12 principalities of the old empire. Each Senator was a representation of the old aristocracy, with each Senator being from a Great House of the Imperium. Some held the title of Duke or Duchess, while others were Marquess. So was the state of the Imperium in this the modern era. The Chancellor however was appointed by the reigning monarch to oversee the affairs of the State on behalf of the Emperor, thus wielding immense power in their own right, so also was tradition.

Three loud resonating thuds echoed through the chamber, as the chamber doors were opened. A voice echoed throughout the chamber, "Praise his Excellence, High Lord Edward III vi Menra, Emperor of Mestra" Edward now in his late thirties walk into the chamber, around the circular senate table and took his seat on the throne seated on a stone dais opposite the chamber doors. The Senators took their seats once more as the Edward sat. The Chancellor waited a few moments before standing and bowing, "Your Majesty, I welcome you to the Imperial Seante, and pray for your health and guidance over this the Imperium. To you I transfer the ..." Edward raised his hand before the Chancellor could finish, he waived his hand indicating she should be seated. Pausing for a moment, she bowed and took her seat. This was a most peculiar night.

"I apologize to you all for convening the Senate so early in the morning, and for neglecting formal protocols of this chamber, we have no time for such formalities."

A Senator stood bowing ever so slightly, enough to follow protocol but not enough to be respectful, which was the intention. "I beg your forgiveness your Majesty, but the formalities of this chamber must be adhered to. This is the sole rule of law which must always be obeyed, for none are above the Law."
Edward smiled a bit, "You forget Duke that this Senate is merely to serve the whims of the Imperial Crown and thus to serve the whims of the one who bears it and subsequently the Imperial Family. It is thus that the protocols of this chamber are simply to stroke the ego of my long past ancestors and I on this morning will not observe them."
"I beg your pardon your majesty, but the Law..." Edward held up his hand once more. "You forget your place Duke, this nation has long been held secured by my family and as such this nation is exists because House Menra has deemed it worthy to ensure its survival. Under the Law as you so like to reference, is the sole authority of the Imperium to be vested in the Imperial Crown. It is therefore to be assumed that the Imperial Crown holds all authority over the Law and thus Duke, I am the Law ordained so for the sake of the people. Now you will take your seat." The Duke quickly took his seat, his face was red. Out of the corner of his eyes he could see the slight snickering of his fellow Senators.

"I have summoned you all here, to inform you that yesterday the Kingdom of Arkiania declared war on Octitania. While I do not seek conflict or to without thought or care to send our brave soldiers to war, I am compelled to defend our southern brethren. It is thus that I am formally declaring war on Octitania in defense of Arkiania. We will end this conflict in the south swiftly and with great care. The 2nd and 3rd Imperial Fleets have already moved into the conflict zone. We will coordinate with the UDF to begin evacuating those in the conflict zone." Edward rose from the throne and quickly headed for the door. The Senators stood and bowed quickly.

The chamber erupted into chaos, as discussion began. Regardless of what the Senate thought, the decision was still final. After all the Emperor was the embodiment of the Law and it was he who wielded absolute authority within the Imperium.

So it was on the 2nd of Septem 1599, the Mestran Imperium declared war of the forces of Octitania and would bring its might against its foes.
2nd Septem

The day before, Prime Minister Sephanos Menelaus had addressed the nation again. He informed that Octitanian forces had been attacked by Arkiania in Octitania national territory, and they had pushed into further Octitanian land. Menelaus denounced such attack and declared that Octitania would defend itself by any means necessary. "Arkianian aggression will not prevail", he warned. He finished his speech calling the international community to give a strong message against Arkianian aggression, and promising the Octitanian people that his government won't renounce to defend them and their freedom.

The Octitanian Armed Forces tried to push back the Arkianian army as far as possible, but they started to withdraw in several areas in order to avoid being overpowered or isolated from the bulk of Octitanian frontline forces. As soon as possible, forces from the rear were sent to prepare a counter-attack aimed to stop Arkianian attacks, and Octitanian replied with artillery, rockets and missiles directly at Arkianian forces at both sides of the border.

Despite Mestran declaration of war, Octitanian government did not abandon diplomatic initiatives, consdering that Mestran government may reconsider their position before actual fighting happened, if Octitania seemed able to resist Arkianian attacks and after pressure of the international community. Visibly irritated, however, Octitanian Foreign Minister denounced the position of the Mestran government, rejecting the words of the Mestran monarch as lies and untruthful propaganda.

"There can't be a war in defense of Arkiania", he declared in Lanlian to the foreign press, "as there is no war against Arkiania. It is actually Arkiania the only aggressor, and Octitania is trying to defend itself, fighting for our sovereignty and freedom of the Octitanian people".

Later that day, Prime Minister Sephanos Menelaus announced total mobilization of the Octitanian armed forces, and national conscription for every Octitanian male citizen older than 20 years old.
2nd Septem, 1599

Over the night, Arkianian forces continued a steady advance into the morning pushing 20km towards the sea, and in the north 30km. Despite Octitanian forces withdrawing for a counter-attack. Arkianian forces continued on their push the aim was to keep Octitania forces busy while Mestra was preparing for an invasion in the North, another aim was to isolate the major port city of Laganda along with any Octitanian forces in the area before they could retreat and abandon the city. Arkiania's strategic bomber fleet began to be used to launch cruise missiles at Octitania airfields in an effort to severely cripple their airfields. Inside of the Lagandan Inlet, Navy planes continued to strike at local the naval force in preparation for an assault on the island inside of the inlet.
3rd Septem

Octitanian forces focused on avoiding that the area surrounding the Laganda region was left isolated from the rest of the country. What remained of Octitania's southern navy and Air Force, along with surface-to-surface missiles, aimed to cause as much as damage as possible in the fronts nearby Laganda.

Meanwhile, a large amount of Octitanian forces were moved from the west to central and eastern Octitania, aimed to be immediately mobilized to stop any further advance by Arkianian forces as soon as possible.
3rd Septem, 1599
Eastern Octitania

Much of the Arkiania effort soon became focused on Laganda. Trapping in Octitanian forces would deal a decisive blow to its Airforce, Ground Forces, and Navy. The retreat allowed for the Arkianians to advance even further and the front-line became increasingly closer to towards the end of the inlet. Forces in the south began launching probing attacks against the Octitania Army in an effort further slow their retreat. A coordinated air effort was launched from squadrons from Arnas, Arkanium, and planes from the battle fleet to target ships, installations, and retreating Octitanian ground forces. In the North, the push slowed as Octitanian forces were being drawn from west to fortify the lines and avoid being isolated. Forces deployed in the west were ordered to advance through the mountains, the majority of these forces were experienced in mountain fighting and were hardened from fighting the Achians, and Achian Partisans in the mountains. Helicopters were used extensively to quickly deploy forces to strategic areas.
4th Septem, 1599

The 2nd Imperial Fleet had positioned itself along the Arkiania coast near Elatokrori. Humanitarian aid and troops were deployed into the region, as civilian populations were treated. Further, into the heart of the island Imperial troops engaged in evacuation efforts while avoiding front line confrontation. While the Imperium had declared war on Octitania, it was still hesitant to commit ground troops to the war effort. Air strikes were carried out on key military targets, while avoiding civilian populated zones. It was a difficult effort and air strikes were limited. The Mestran air superiority was doubled by the arrival of the 3rd fleet off of Moshofion on the northern Octitanian coast. Fighters from the 3rd fleet were engaged in suppression of Octitanian planes, while the 2nd fleet carried out the air strikes. Additionally, the 3rd fleet was to blockade the Moshofion port and cut off naval access for northern Octitanian.
6th Septem

Octitania forces slowly retreated from the frontlines in Laganda province, withdrawing toward Laganda city which, along new reinforcements, they aimed to defend. Meanwhile, Octitanian armed forces prepared a new counter-attack, aimed to avoided to Laganda to be completely isolated, and to break the Arkianian siege in case of necessary.

In other areas, Octitanian forces were forced to withdraw more quickly. Octitania movilized what remained from their air force and navy aiming to cause as much damage as possible to Mestran forces. Meanwhile, Octitanian forces reinforced Moshofion, in order to prepare in case Mestran forces attempted a invasion from sea in the northern coast.
7th Septem, 1599

The Arkianian Royal Navy began sending a fleet to join up with the Mestran fleet deployed North of Octitania to assist with Operations in Moshofion. Arkianian Forces north of Laganda continued their fast push towards isolating the region, however Octitanian Forces began their counter-attack. Octitanians struck vulnerable points in which increasingly became thinner as the Arkianian's advanced. The swift and decided counter-attack pushed the Arkianians back causing heavy casualties in the process. Forces stationed in west of the region were ordered to attack Octitania positions to expand the front-line, while some were hastily diverted to counter the Octitanian attack. Despite this Arkianian forces continued their advance to cut off the region as the gap became smaller. Forces in the south continued their probing attacks against Octitanian forces. Further west, Arkianian forces continued their advance even quicker as Octitanian forces continued withdrawing. In the mountains the initial attack by Arkianian forces was a massive success and Octitanian forces were caught by surprise and were in disarray. The valley was quickly seized in only a few days, with fortifications on the Octitania side of the mountain range also seized by special forces.

At sea, the overwhelming airpower critically crippled the Octitania fleet stations in the inlet, though it did not go without its problems. The fleet made a last attempt to break out into open sea, and defiant Octitanian captains destroyed 3 destroyers, and 1 Cruiser out of the combined fleet of 26 ships. The Octitanian ships already devastated by repeated attacks from the air were destroyed or damaged beyond repair. An Octitanian carrier that survived earlier attacks unscathed was crippled, and was scuttled by its crew to avoid capture. The attack was hailed as a massive success, but the Octitanians had naval ships elsewhere, and the losses faced in the battle concerned Arkianian Naval command that in a prolonged war the Arkianian Navy could become limited in its operations due to Octitanian interference. With the fleet stationed in Laganda devastated, the fleet began amphibious operations towards the island.
Septem 10th, 1599

The quick losses against Arkianian forces started to have an effect in the morale of the Octitanian troops. However, the Octitanian military had resisted better than many could have thought. Under the leadership of General Avraam Androtionus, the training of thousands of young and veteran concripts had started, aimed to start a guerrilla warfare against Arkianian troops.

What remained of Octitanian navy regrouped in order to prepare for a new attack against enemy forces, aimed to cause a final but serious damage against enemy forces on the sea.
Septem 10th, 1599

The Octitanian advance continued to cause heavy casualties among Arkianian troops, by the 10th Octitanian forces had nearly isolated Arkianian troops further east. The arrival of relief forces prevented the Octitanians from making further advances. However the offensive had provided a enough time for a significant withdrawal of Octitanian forces from the Lagkada region. With the majority of Octitanian forces successfully withdrawn from Lagkada. A small force in the region remained, the majority built and took up defensive positions within the city, with the intentions of fighting on the causing further delays in the Arkianian advance. 2,000 Octitanian forces remained, with 3,000 in civilian volunteers along with a handful of heavy vehicles and equipment. With the offensive nearing its end, the results appear to be a Pyrrhic victory for Arkianian forces. While a major city is inevitable going to be able to be seized, continued heavy casualties are expected, and the majority of Octitanian forces were able to succeed at withdrawing before being cut off. In the west, the advance continued steadily, however was expected to slow in the incoming days as the front stabilized. In the mountains the swift advanced had continued until the 10th, before the forces deployed there were ordered to dig in to be reinforced with regular forces. At sea, airborne and amphibious forces lands on the island inside of the inlet, defensive of the airport were quickly destroyed, and the airport was seized by airborne special forces. On the shores, the marines were unopposed after the majority of defenses were struck by continuous airborne assaults and strikes. The small Octitanian force on the island retreated into the deep interior and the towns. Further north of Octitania, an Octitanian Royal Navy fleet set off towards the inlet in an effort to put the fleet deployed there out of action. Unlike in the battle preceding it, this fleet was no damaged and the ships were fresh.

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