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Arkiania Rising
Ochtyr 22nd, 1599

By this time, the Octitanian force in Laganda had ballooned to 25,000 volunteers toward defending the city. Even as civilians kept abandoning the city nearly as much were volunteering. The Octitanians fortified buildings and barricaded roads wherever they could, and attempted to conceal any remaining heavy equipment from Arkianian air cover. They improvised with whatever equipment they could not run. Acting much like a guerrilla force, buildings and vehicles were booby-trapped. While reports on the status of the city were sparse, the Octitanian government used the resistance of the city as a symbol, and rallying call.

Early in the morning of 9th, ground operations in Laganda began. Arkianian forces moved in from the North and the South, with a small force moving in from the west intended as a diversion. Engineers interrupted and disabled the majority of the city's electrical power grid. In the skies, the ARAF provided close air support employing attack aircraft, gunships, unmanned aerial vehicles, and attack helicopters to carry out strikes against the strongholds littered across the city. Arkianian Recon Elements assisted with designated, as well as with guiding artillery. Arkianian mechanized forces faced continuous ambushes, and intense house to house fighting occurred. Fanatical resistance from the Octitanians had kept movements into the city slow. Arkianian soldiers were constantly pinned down in their convoys, and FOBs were under constant attack. The only break was close air support, which would cause Octitanian forces to retreat or hide.

The cities metro's provided a safe haven for the Octitanians and remaining civilians alike, improvised rail cars were built to transport supplies and men, and their exits would prove important to moving men wherever they were needed. The fighting also extended to these tunnels. The terminals once taken would have to be closed off and blocked to prevent Octitanians from arriving to them and ambushing them from behind. However, the terminals also allowed Arkianian's to set up FOBs from them as well, as above-ground FOBs faced constant shelling from the Octitanians. By the end of the 15th, most of the outskirts of city had been taken, much of it now lying in rubble. Important bridges and intersections had been taken allowing, Arkianian forces to push towards the city's center.

On the 16th, a spearhead was begun to drive deep into the city and penetrate Octitanian defensive positions. Infantry following closely by clearing buildings. Clearing buildings proved to be such a menace to Arkianian troops, tear gas, and phosphorous grenades were being used, or the buildings were simply destroyed by artillery, air strikes, or by vehicle. Such tactics proved to be devastating on the city, entire blocks being turned into rubble. The damage also extended to the deeper part of the city, where airstrikes had been targeting defensive posts, and vehicles. While fighting continued, the Arkianians continued to sue for the city to surrender, hoping to avoid further damages to the city, and avoid civilian casualties. By the 22nd the outskirts of the city had been completely taken.

On the front, Arkianian pushes in the hills continued to be a slow grind. In times of increasing casualties, the Arkianian's simply preferred to completely destroy an area by either burying Octitanian defenses, or fire bombing the hills. By the 22nd, the goals of the operation were finally met with the last Octitanian positions being taken. After constant advance, the Arkianians were exhausted. They dug in and waited for any counter attack, and for the coming Mestran relief, though that for many seemed a distant way off. Preparations for the next offensives were continuing, and the break was used to plan, re-assess, and restock supplies which at this point had been dwindled after 2 months of continuous advance.

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