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Eternity Minecraft - Server is Live!
Few issues i've noticed. One the spawn house shouldn't have pressure plates going into the building, monsters will sometimes get in there and basically stay. End up dying going to spawn. Also not sure why the spawn building is always laggy, perhaps the spawn point needs to be reset??

Am curious as to why some monsters won't take damage when in the sun, while others will. These can be from the same type of mobs or different mobs.
The spawn point was reset last night, and raised basically half a block, as we tested last night, yet the issue persisted. The problem is related to the one Lines had, and is a client-side lag issue with teleports that I probably can't fix unless I either host on a server farm or buy a professional, commercial internet connection. Both the server and any observers will see you in the proper position; any simple movement should resync the client to the server.

But I'll add this to the list of known problems (and draft said list) later, to see what can be done.

Re: pressure plates, I like pressure plates. Sad

To fix the issue of dying, new flags have been added to the spawn region. Among other things, players are now invincible inside and immediately around the spawn house to prevent future mob griefing.

Re: mobs not despawning in daylight, some mobs don't (creepers, spiders et al), as we know; husks were added as well, which are basically zombies that don't die in the daylight. Furthermore, a long while ago, Mojang added the ability for mobs to spawn with and wear armor; any such mobs are protected from death by sun, as if they were under a tree.

If mobs aren't despawning under some other weird circumstances, take a screenshot and let me know.
Server is down because I've shut off my computer for the day. It will remain like this for maybe at least the next twelve hours, as we are headed to Charleston. Both computer and server will be up again this evening.

Speaking of the computer, Lines and I are on the verge of getting a dedicated box for the server. The earliest this will happen is the 31st, though it may still take some time after that for updates and to maybe migrate files. Expect a post about it when it happens, sometime in early June.

Server is back up.
As a general note, I made some changes to some permissions.

First, I made Lines/Ayzek an admin with OP powers. I'm trusting that you will use these powers in an "official" capacity, and not for personal benefit during survival gameplay.

Second, I made Mestra a mod, in lieu of me actually making a separate "Builder" permissions group, so he can build server stuff. Same as above, don't use these "powers" as a means for gaining unfair advantages in survival gameplay.
Server's currently offline as I work on moving it to a "new" machine and off my personal desktop. It will probably be back up this weekend.
Since "this weekend" has lasted a while, I'll give you an update: the files are currently migrating to the new server, a process that will finish by the weekend. The process also brings with it the last of the plugins I'd planned to install; after configuring them and updating permissions, work will begin on readying the server for public access... which is a process I'll talk about in detail when I'm not pecking away on a phone.

Why'd this take so long? Well, I was waiting to use the new machine until after I'd made backup and restore disks for it...only to learn that it doesn't have a writable drive. I then took forever deciding on what new RAM to put in it, not wanting to start the machine with the 4 gb of RAM that it had. We now have 8gb to devote to this, so that's cool I guess.

Anyway, I'll update when the process is done and the server is back up. I expect it to be completed this weekend, for real this time, I promise.
The server's back up now. Has been all week, I've just 1) dot distracted with Postal, and then 2) became very busy at work, to the point where I just don't have energy coming home from work to use my brain and finish configuring the new stuff that was added. In the meantime, the hardware is running and the server works, which is cool. You can all enjoy minecraft again. I'll post a proper update on the new plugins when they're configured.

On a separate note, please tell me what mods you want installed. I'm thinking of installing the tekkit suite, and the terrain generation thing Flo mentioned once that I thought I saved but apparently didn't...if I can find it...
The server is currently disconnected because hurricane and also moving. I might reconnect it and complete the update like I said I would, but that would be October at the earliest, and assuming I don't immediately get a job offer that necessitates my immediate move.

Just letting you know.
good to know. I've been waiting on the new minecraft for xbox one, which I hear you can play with PC servers, to get back into it.
The server has returned!

...for now. It'll be gone again fro a little bit when I, too, make the move further north (booooo), but for now the server has returned. With the return, comes a lot of changes. You'll have to excuse me as I link things, instead of listing everything about what's new, simply due to how massive some of the changes are:

Server is updated to 1.12.2!
Yep, no longer must you roll back your client to play, you can use the normal 1.12 update client. Of course that has caused one small problem: broken plugins. Most have been updated, but there are a couple exceptions...

Factions Added!
This is absolutely YUUUGE. This update brings a faction plugin to the server, allowing players to join together and claim parts of the world, waging war between each other to cull or claim their enemies, making allies, building their bases...yeah, I still prefer Towny, but I figure we lose nothing by giving this a try. Faction claims protect the claimed plots of land from griefing, as faction leaders can assign permissions to areas under their control, which is the main reason why I was looking at something like this.

Factions also came with an assortment of other plugins that'll really give the server some flair:
- CreativeGates - introduces the ability for players to create their own linked portal networks, for that day in the future when I limit everyone to a single /home. Oh yes, it's coming. Tongue
- MassiveBooks - Greatly expands the uses for books and gives additional functionality, such as the ability to edit a book after writing one, creating "server books" - prewritten books that'll automatically write themselves if you use their title for your book - and item-frame bookcases that'll let you create actual functional libraries, among other things. Pretty wicked.
-MassiveHat - Silly hats for silly people. Turn anything in your inventory into a hat!*

Factions works best with a lot more people than we have, but we'll give it a try, yeah? Oh, and on that note...

You can create Faction Mobs!
This is basically a way for factions to raise large standing armies - for a price -  to wage their warfare. Certainly not a good as fighting real people, but who doesn't like riding into battle with hordes of minions are their back? Big Grin

Hyperconomy, our minecraft economy plugin, is finally configured!
...mostly. I'll probably have to edit the database, but it's functional now! You can make your own shops in various ways! Chest shops, item frame shops, shops that open up when you enter a certain area, item displays...yeah, sadly it's not using an actual item for money, but I have future plans that only certain items can be used to generate the world's currency (aside from below), which is close to the same thing. I'd intended to install a plugin to link the economy info into a web-page for easy viewing, but it seems to have broken with the 1.12 update and seems to have been abandoned. Sad.

This is a pretty huge deal, so you might want to familiarize yourself with the commands and other documentation. Or don't, and wait for the day when I make the Supernoob's Starter Guide, whichever suits your mojo.

Citizens2, THE Minecraft npc plugin, is installed and ready to go!
This is massive. I mean, not as readily massive as some of the other plugins, but this one has the potential to grow based on how it's used. We can have NPCs wandering our world, performing various functions, acting as our, well, citizens. Already I have a few plugins installed that introduce certain "traits" to the created npcs, which determine how the npc behaves. More may be added in the future, but so far we have:
- Alchemist - An npc that will create certain potions for you if you have the right ingredients...for a price. Potion recipes still have to be created on my end, but I intend to make every non-splash potion available.
- Blacksmith - You can now repair your weapons, tool, and armor...again, for a price. Who knows, you might get lucky and find yourself with something better than you had before. Wink
- Builder - Bring the builder the right blocks, and he will build your buildings for you. Can be set to make new constructions, or moitor an area for changes and change them back to how they were; useful for fixing war damage, or guarding a creation against griefing/mistakes. Makes use of schematics, which an admin or mod will have to create, but this will be the primary way for you to transplant your builds from creative maps into the survival world...for a price, of course. (Oh, also, only those who've supported the community financially will be able to make use of this; just fair warning)
- Sentinel - Create customizable and equipable guards for your homes/cities/bases/whatever. Can be set to patrol an area, sit in one place, attack only certain targets, etc etc. Keep those annoying husks out of your home.
- Hypermerchant - Create npc shopkeepers that'll sell your stuff for you with an easy-to-use graphical interface and a minimum of weird text-based commands...for a small commission.  Also, your shop NPCs will show up on the dynamic map for everyone to see what you're selling and where you're selling it, which is nice.
- Denizens - This...this is huge. We can create fully scripted NPCs that will do whatever we want. This one isn't some plug-and-play plugin, this one actually requires a lot of actual scripting knowledge, but the payoff would be huge if I/we could get a handle on how it works. I'm talkin' quest npcs, simple townsfolk, travelers, gatekeepers, conversationalists...This is huge. This is beyond my ability. This is something I really need to get a handle on, and make some really unique stuff.

Oh yeah, did I mention our NPCs will now show up on the dynamic map? Because they will.

Time Is Money!
Or so the saying goes. A plugin that rewards players for their activity by distributing a small sum of munee every so often. Will most likely be changed in the future. Also, bonus rewards are given to those that have donated to the community. Wink

Pickup Money installed!
...and subsequently broken by the 1.12 update, I've had it installed since April, but never announced it...though I'm sure you noticed the money if you were online at all during that time. Sadly one of only two plugins that haven't yet been updated after the update. Oh well, I'll just have to hope someone does it. *pokes Lines to learn Java*

Fuckin' SuperTrails, how do they work?
Flashy as fuck, bruh.

Whew, that was a lot. I'm tired now. Give it a whirl, let me know how/if things work. o/

* Only available to staff & people that have donated to the community.

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Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.