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09-23-2016, 04:42 PM
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Nyland Daily News
President Morgen issues sanctions against Akitsu and Svarna Surya
By Thomas Kauvegaard
Published: Fein, 1579
![[Image: psemedia48044_13.jpg]](
Nylander President Tilda Morgen
Norkeping, Nylander Republic | President Tilda Morgen has imposed sanctions against the governments of Svarna Surya and Akitsu, through an executive order. The package of sanctiongs are a response to the coup d'etat against the legitimate governments of both countries, and the controversial constitutional changes which followed.
President Tilda Morgen justified her decree in the authoritarian slide in both Svarna Surya and Akitsu, and the need of the international community to act in order to avoid a wave of authoritarianism and unstability in the Ostaran continent, which would have negative consequences for the order and peace of the continent. It is the first time that Nyland government has sanction a country for internal affairs in decades.
The Order will establish visa bans to a number of government and military officials of both Svarnan Surya and Akitsu, specially those directly involved in the coup d'etat and anti-constitutional measures which followed. It also freezes assets and bans doing business in Nyland against companies from vote countries which are state-owned or have direct links with the government or military industries. It also establishes an arms embargo on both countries.
The order also bar state-owned financial institutions from those countries from directly accessing the Nylander financial system, also technically they may be permitted to do so indirectly through banks in other countries. Notwithstanding, their assets under Nyland law will be frozen as well.
President Morgen's executive order will have an immediate effect, although it is unclear if Nylander Assembly will support this decision. It is believed that the decision was even controversial within Morgen's coalition government, and this may be a reason why the sanctions were not issued immediately. But analysts believe that the "hardline approach on foreign policy" within the Morgen administration -which it is believed to have Secretary of State Helga Myhre and Secretary of Defense Viggo Worsae as leading voices- imposed at the end.
Secretary of State Helga Myhre has declared that the issued sanctions should not be understood as a "full-fledged support of the previous Svarnan coalition government" which "serious abuses and mismanagement of rule of law we were the first to criticize", but she added that "unlawful usurpation of power by the military authorities can not be tolerated" and that the reforms of the new authorities does not fulfill "the standards of a liberal democracy". Myhre insisted that Morgen administration will keep working to the promotion of democracy and peace in Ostara, as only workable and stable solution for the strengthening of peace and security in the region.
President Tilda Morgen called Nyland's allies to issue similar sanctions against both countries.
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Nyland Daily News
SDAP and PAN Announce Political Alliance
By Yakov Sverdlov
Published: 1580 something
Nyköping -The Social Democratic Workers Party (SDAP) and the People's Alternative for Nyland (PAN) have announced their plans to merge the two parties within an ''alliance'' that will become the main organizational vehicle of their parties in the future. Both parties have experienced a slow decline in recent years, although the SDAP did deliver some ministers and secretaries to the current government administration. Nevertheless, voters and prominent party members complained that ''the Left'' in Nyland was becoming invisible. Finally, the PAN and the SDAP decided to continue together under the name ''Nylander Popular Alliance'' (NPA). With the radical PAN being a part of it, the new movement will likely be decisively more leftist than the SDAP.
![[Image: Hlyv98r.png]](
The negotiations were already under way for some years between the PAN and the SDAP, and were not always easy. The PAN is still often considered an authentically Marxist movement, while the SDAP abbandoned Marxism decades ago. Both parties could however succeed in finding common ground on a number of what they called ''fundamental principles'' which will form the basis of the NPA and its election platform in the future as well. The new party wants to be a ''people's party'', striving for ''Justice, Liberty, and Dignity'' for ''all who are different, but equal''. The new party prioritizes the needs of ''social, cultural, sexual, and ethnic minorities that together make up the majority of the people of Nyland and the world''. The SDAP primarily focussed on the economic needs of the ''working class'', but the NPA sees this as part of a ''broad, national, campaign'' for ''justice and dignity'' in Nyland, that involves ''cultural, social and political struggle'' against the ''neo-liberal forces'' that try to control the country and the people.
''We have to recognize that in this age, society no longer functions the way we used to think it did. It has changed in a fundamental manner. People have liberated themselves from the structures of the past. The individual has never been so autonomous and self-conscious before in history. But there are still many people being coerced into systems and structures against their will, because there are organizations that profit from that. Many people, Nylander citizens, live in permanent crisis. Our society sees crisis after crisis. There is nothing mankind cannot do. But currently we are heading towards a big wall at full speed. We have to change our course. We need to challenge and change such a system from the inside out, in order to create a society based on respect and recognition, which are fundamental for liberty and democracy to exist. They are fundamental if we want to have a future.'' one of the NPA's new leaders explained. ''The old SDAP was in decline because as a Social Democratic party, it was part of the old society that no longer exists anymore. The SDAP was guided by a political narrative that holds no meaning anymore in the present. The Nylander Popular Alliance is a new, broad political and social movement, that wants to contribute to the development of the present-day society, by fighting for human needs in all spheres. We need new ways of organizing our economy, new ways of organizing politics, new ways of organizing authority. We are at a crossroads in history. What we choose for today, will have an impact for many generations to come. Think of the environment, for a start. We can change things now. We can make improvements by starting to think about solutions. The old SDAP would present a formula to fix the world. The NPA instead wants to open up a dialogue with everyone who wants to be part of it and try to find solutions.''
The NPA will hold its first official and founding congress in three months, where the NPA will elect and announce a new leader who will run in the elections. Until the next elections in Nyland, the SDAP and PAN legislative factions will co-operate, but remain independent. The NPA will participate in their place in the next elections. Whether the NPA will also run for presidency is unknown.
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Nyland Daily News
NPA Presents New Leader
By Yakov Sverdlov
Published: 1580 something
Nyköping - Ulrick Brandt has been appointed as the new NPA's first political leader at the first and founding Congress of the NPA. Several thousand delegates from all over Nyland, former delegates of the SDAP and the PAN, came to the capital to attend the founding congress of the Nylander Popular Alliance. Ulrick Brandt, a prominent PAN figure who took the initiative in bringing the PAN and the SDAP together has been voted as the political leader of the new movement.
In Nykoping, several thousand members of Nyland's two Socialist parties came together to attend the founding congress of the NPA, a merger between the two. Whatever their past differences, they agree now that the Left must unite in the face of declining election results and the rising tide of what they consider ''Neo-Fascism''. Ulrick Brandt's name quickly circulated as the favorite candidate to lead the new movement that seeks to, in its own words, build a ''social movement from below''. Brandt is a considered a young but talented member of the old PAN, the Marxist sister party of the moderate SDAP. But Brandt was seen as a modernizer within the PAN, whose mission was to drag the PAN out of the radical circles to appeal to a broader audience. This brought him closer to the SDAP, but instead of seeking a confrontation with them, he invited the SDAP to build a broad leftist, progressive, grassroots movement. Brandt is seen as a key player within the NPA, but also as one of its chief ideologues. Brandt was also, allegedly, on very good terms with Agnetha Nørup, the leader of the SDAP since the death of its pragmatic icon Markus Ljungborg. Nørup was mainly known for endorsing the current Nylander president and getting SDAP members into the current government administration. Nørup combined a sense of ideological pragmatism with a form of Socialist Humanism, but she failed to attract voters.
Nørup will return to being a powerful background figure within the NPA, as she had always done prior to becoming the SDAP's leader. Ulrick Brandt's youthfulness, enthusiasm, energy and his idealism will have to set the image of the NPA as a modern Leftist movement. Brandt considers himself a so-called ''pragmatic idealist''. ''I am not naive, I am only one man. I cannot change the world, and I won't change it. I don't know whether the world will be better 20 years in the future. But what I do know, and what I can do, is to roll up my sleeves and try to find solutions to the actual problems that people are having. I want to find those solutions together, with them. The NPA is first and foremost a social movement. Our members must get out on the streets, meet people, listen to their issues, and think with them about what can be done. This is real politics, how politics should be practiced.'' said Brandt in an interview. ''I have been appointed as the political leader of the NPA today. That doesn't make me the boss. I am the lowest-ranking servant. My work is the least important. The work of our activists, our militants in the field, that's what really changes and improves this world. They get things done for the people.''
Whether the NPA is going to present its own presidential candidate or whether it will endorse Tilda Morgen again is still an undecided issue. ''I cannot answer that'', said Brandt. ''The NPA is still divided over the issue, it's too soon to reach a conclusion.'' Brandt and several other key members of the NPA have announced to begin writing an election program, which will then be presented to the NPA Congress and put to a vote. Brandt was however furious about the presented NMP candidate Kasper Jansen. ''The NMP has made a cunning turn. They went from Theocratic Fascism to presenting themselves as a working class party. I want to warn every worker of Nyland: do not fall for their trap. They promise mountains of money for struggling families, just to get their vote and carry out a Theocratic agenda. The NMP is the sword of the Corporate system, promoting a reactionary agenda intended to freeze the existing social hierarchy. The only thing they care about when it concerns workers is to ensure they remain at the bottom of the hierarchy.''
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11-02-2016, 01:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-02-2016, 01:29 PM by BrumBrum.)
Kasper hits back at Ulrick
By Båhl Engberg
Published: 1580
![[Image: Peter-Eggers-Cafe-3.jpg]](
Kasper, NMP candidate
Kasper Jansen , the NMP presidential candidate and first confirmed candidate hit back at Ulrick Brandt of the NPA today. In his first rally after the announcement of the candidate he attacked the candidate as "the enemy of the workers." He said in his speech "Ulrick Brandt says we are theocratic fascists. He says we support workers rights, the poor and small businesses as a rouse. Well let me make one thing absolutely clear. This is not a rouse , this is not a lie, the sole reason I ran was to get decent good Messianic values back into our morally bankrupt capitalist system. For too long these corporate whores including so called "socialists" like Ulrick have lied to you. They have told you we are on your side, we will fight the corporations then they take the corporate donations like prostitutes to do their bidding. Then when they've got your vote they sell you down the river, they sell your rights. They vote against your right to a basic income, they vote for favourable terms for the rich that fund them.I say to you today don't fall for it. You have the chance for change, for real change, change that puts you first.This election you have a choice to beat the big corporations.
You see I'm sick of this country putting big corporates first. The big shops killing our small shops.Killing our main streets, killing our communities , killing the very soul of Nyland. I'm sick of the large corporations paying you a low wage while forcing government to subsidise your living just so you can get by while working full time hours. If you work a 40 hour week you should not just get by while the elites profit off your labour to an egregious degree and corporate fat cats live the life of riley in their super yachts, there country clubs and their mansions paying little in taxes while your sons and daughters struggle for food, while you choose to heat or eat.That is why I vow if your president to work with my party to improve your lot. I vow to get your minimum wage up to $14 an hour, I vow to cap top pay levels at 20 times the lowest wage possibly lowering this to 10 times if inequality doesn't reduce enough. Its why I vow to fight for capital gains to go up to 50% on high income amounts over 250,000 dollars. Its why I vow to lower rates for small business owners , the real growth generators to 15% corporation tax while big companies will pay their proper taxes 40%. We will give the mom and pop shops a fighting chance by banning big chain stores from opening after 17:30. The corporate tyranny will end , you see we are the real socialists. We are the real equality party, we are the ones who will fight for you. A vote for NPA is a vote for a sham socialist party , a party only in it for themselves and the big corporate fat cats. I call today for a revolution , a revolution of the working class against rich. The rich have had their greedy lot long enough. Its time for the revolution to begin.
On income tax no longer will you pay through your nose. I will lower taxes on the poor and try to get to 0% income tax and for those who say how, its simple we will tax the rich , the rich for far too long have paid far too little. Indeed any income over 75,000 dollars a household for partners and 50,000 dollars for individuals wil pay at least 55% on income over that amount. Fairness will be restored and benefits will be replaced, replaced with a basic income."
The candidate also condemned the current president Tilda Morgen saying "This nation needs a fresh face, a new way of politics. No longer will we put up with her corporate prostituting , no longer can we put up with her warmongering around the world. No longer can we put up with the world policeman attitude. You see Tilda Morgen is a fraud, she is a fraud in it for the arms corporations who are the only ones to benefit off mass war. She is a traitor to her people and her country. Mrs Morgen, the blood of all the soldiers dead, the blood of everyone killed by Nyland bombs around the world. That is on you , and quite frankly you are going to burn in hell." We remain to see how Kaspers candidacy affects his and his parties poll ratings.
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Nyland Daily News
'Kasper Jansen is an Elitist decoy'
By Yakov Sverdlov
Published: 1580 something
Nyköping - Ulrick Brandt attended a local initiative of NPA volunteers to set up free educational support in a poor neighbourhood in Lillehem where children have only access to low-quality public schools. At the occasion, journalists asked Brandt about his response to the words of Kasper Jansen - who accused the NPA of being ''corporate whores''. Brandt took his opportunity to explain the ''dark nature'' of the NMP.
''The NMP, and Kasper Jansen above all, is a typical phenomenon of this age. He has his mouth full of the working classes, but he's never even met anyone who is 'working class'. Jansen is part of the 5% of our society. He belongs to an elite that tries to shape people's views, that tries to control what their values should be, and how they ought to think and vote. This elite consists of a group of privileged people, who grew up with similar backgrounds, had similar education, became part of the social elite, and they derive their ideas about the World from the media, operated by journalists with exactly the same backgrounds. The NMP is part of an elite culture that dominates our society in every possible way. So when Jansen speaks of what the ''working class'' wants, he actually means what he says the working class must want... Through the media, he tries to impose on people what their needs are, so that he can then promise them the cure, if they vote for him. Its a confidence trick. Fraud. Manipulation. Instead of listening to the many different voices of the people, the NMP forces voters into a category of 'working class', tells them what to think, so they can tell them how to vote. The goal is power. It's about controlling the masses. This is what the 5% wants. But this is not how the world works anymore. People don't want to be controlled anymore, because they know, the elite is not serving them.''
''The NMP is producing a narrative in which they try to construct an alliance between them and what they call the working class. By definition, they thus assert themselves as political leaders, who happen to posess the glorious wisdom of what is good for their followers. This is exactly the point. They want followers. Because if they have followers, they can develop more power, and consolidate the position of the elite. This is the main difference between the NPA and the NMP. The NMP is seeking to control people, through a discourse presenting the NMP as the heroic rescuers of a helpless Working class. The NPA is entirely uninterested in power. The NPA wants to listen to the voices of the people, learn from them, and cooperate with them.''
''Our world is dominated by 10% of the people. Or I would rather say that 90% of the people in our world, are invisible. They are not heard, they are not represented, they live segregated from the 10%, and they have no power over their lives. The NMP wants to reinforce that division in our society, by imposing a uniform religious set of values, by annihilating difference, rejecting pluralism, and their tool is the political narrative in which they claim to stand up for the 90%, while actually they are hijacking the voice of those 90%. The NPA wants to give that 90% a voice. The NMP is overscreaming it so it cannot be heard.''
Brandt had to laugh when asked about Jansen's accusations of corporate links. ''I believe Jansen has already reached the point where he is simply making stuff up. Do you think any corporation lets our activists inside their expensive offices to begin with? The moment we show up they shut their doors because they know we're coming for a Sit-in or a protest!''
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11-02-2016, 11:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-03-2016, 01:15 AM by BrumBrum.)
Ulrick liar according to Kasper
By Båhl Engberg
Published: 1580
![[Image: Peter-Eggers-Cafe-3.jpg]](
Kasper, NMP candidate
Kasper Jansen today branded in an interview with the media Ulrick Brandt a liar. He says "Today once again our opponents lied saying they were the party of the working class. However that was to be expected. What was not expected is how low they would stoop when it comes to my background." The candidate described his childhood as one of hardship growing up in a Sentric household on limited means. He said "When I was growing up I had 4 brothers. My mum and dad were both working all the hours they could muster at minimum wage which in them days was very low. We were among the poorest in society. In fact we had to take on jobs during off school to help out with the family budget. Rich we were not but you know what? I learnt the value of hard work but I also learnt that the poor had it hard , and saw the unjustness in our situation. My parents took it with such grace but I was not going to allow for that future for my kids of which I have 2 beautiful boys and a gorgeous girl. I vowed to get out of poverty and started a business, in bakery. We now run our chain successfully , thank Noel according to Messianic values. You know whats funny my policies would hit me and my own bakery chain. Yes my business makes millions but you know what we give most of that away to good charities. good charities fighting poverty and to protect innocent lives. I know what hardship is , I know what many workers go though. You see just because I am rich now doesn't mean I don't understand the challenges of the working class. Indeed I live and breathe it every day seeing working class reguarly and doing charity work volunteering hours. I condemn the lying and nasty vitriol of Ulrick Brandt ."
He laughed off claims he represents the 5% saying "You really think the top 1% or even 5% want our policies. Our policies will hit them in the pocket and they know it , which is why they use parties like NPA to attack us. They attack us because we threaten their corrupt system and threaten to bring them down. If you want a decoy they are it. Tell me what executive or manager in their right mind unless they were of course moral human beings would support a candidate that wants to rais minimum wage to $14 nationally, cut back their opening hours , tax their businesses at 40%, tax their capital gains at 50% , tax them at 55%+ and to cap their wages at 20 times the average worker. Yes there are a few moral millionaires and billionaires but they are few . The rest are against us and fighting us and by extension the working class. The rest are bribing our opponents including Ulrick, Morgen and the party of Harrow as they have done for generations. You see we are the real outsiders this election. You want career crony cappitalist politicians vote FLIB, vote NPA , Vote NL, Vote NCL or Vote Green. You want a party to stand up to crony capitalism and stand up for your family vote NMP the real party of the working class."
Kasper Jansen also hinted that should he be elected he would look into the finances of top businessmen , politicians and charity leaders with a view to rooting out "pervasive corruption". Kasper said "Nyland likes to think its innocent, but let me tell you bribery is alive and well, its part of business. You see we are Svarna , its just our corruption isn't through illegalities and under the table its in open air. We call it campaign contributions , we call it lobbying , we call it corporate fundraising events. We call it "appointing experts" who just happen to be from the industries they regulate. Then there is dark money , the breaching of electoral and funding laws. The dirty money. Let me tell you Nyland is dirty as heck and should we get to power I would call for an investigation of all politicians , businessmen and charity leaders over my whole term to root out corruption and get those who deserve to be in jail rotting away , rotting in jail.
In fact I'm surprised there hasn't been violence from the oppressed already and honestly while I do not endorse violence and hope we can get change democratically I wouldn't blame those who feel violence is the only way with politicians ignoring them. The political class needs to change or face being forced to change in less desirable ways."
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11-03-2016, 01:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-03-2016, 01:08 AM by Nentsia.)
Nyland Daily News
'NPA Sues Jansen for Libel'
By Yakov Sverdlov
Published: 1580 something
Nyköping - In a new round of insults, Ulrick Brandt responded to the latest accusations of NMP candidate Kasper Jansen. ''Mr. Jansen has painfully revealed his true nature to Nyland. He is playing a political game. He wants to win the so-called working class by insisting on how many enemies he is making with heavy tax cuts. Is that all he has to offer? Seems kinda lame for the Revolution he is proposing.''
Brandt admits he is getting tired of Jansen. ''If Jansen wants to play games by calling me a corrupt criminal, it says more about the kind of politician he is. The kind that is more interested in games and elections than in actually moving this country forward. But if he dares to publically disrespect the millions of volunteers of NPA members, who for decades, as members of the SDAP and the PAN, have done very important work in local communities, I will stand up to support my troops. Because this is disgusting. A sickening, opportunist, petty little politician from the NMP accusing hard-working volunteers, who actually try to do something for their neighbour, of being criminals is the lowest form of politics that exists. It is our constitutional right to be protected from unfounded criminal accusations, and I will not hesitate to make use of that right to defend the honour of the NPA members. We will sue Jansen for Libel.''
Brandt further rejected the NMP's election program as useless ''toilet paper''. ''The NMP is so obsessed with asserting itself as the King of the Workers, that they lose themselves in trying to portray themselves as an enemy of of everyone who is not a worker. What they mean by working class remains undefined, because they of course have no idea what they are talking about. Their attempt to antagonize the entire private sector has driven them to a fetish with high tax rates. I don't know what kind of revolution the NMP thinks it is making, but it surely won't achieve anything. They are merely playing games. Politics is their playground. They cannot survive without enemies like the NPA to punch against, cut down, and spit on, to show how good they are. Its a form of pure Narcissism. Jansen looks like a typical pathological narcissist - if you ask me. Look at that face of his.''
The NPA has officially gone to court to sue Kasper Jansen for libel over his accusations that the NPA has taken bribes.
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11-03-2016, 01:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-03-2016, 01:28 AM by BrumBrum.)
Jansen brands lawsuit pathetic
By Båhl Engberg
Published: 1580
![[Image: Peter-Eggers-Cafe-3.jpg]](
Kasper, NMP candidate
Kasper Jansen today branded the lawsuit a "pathetic" and "desperate" move by the NPA. He said to the press today "If they want to take us to court let them. Its only going to destroy their own reputation. It is obvious to anyone looking at our statements that we did not accuse them of a criminal act. In fact we were merely comparing the donations, lobbying and fundraising to bribes. Indeed you only have to look at countries like Goldecia to see that in most non-corrupted democratic systems that these types of payments would indeed be seen as bribes. This is unprecedented in Nyland history and only goes to show just how scared the establishment are of a true workers revolution via the NMP."
In response to criticism of the "anti-big corporation stance" and facing demands to say what he thinks working class means he said "I think the fact they re defending corporations just shows their sham socialist nature. They are not socialists but corporatists hiding in socialist clothing. They want to know what working class is because they think executives are working class! Well here is our simple easy to understand for those that are not idiots working class definition. Those earning under 40,000 dollars for an average family household are working class those earning 40,000-100,000 dollars a household are middle class and those are who should get most support. The rich above that can afford to pay to help those less well off and damn well should. Any person who does not wish to help the poor of this country while having wealth. Any CEO wanting lower taxes is not a patriot, they are not true Nylanders in fact they are enemies of Nyland itself if they are against the working class. You see we need to defeat these enemies of Nyland for the good of Nyland. Being rich is not immoral, but being rich and not supporting the poors right to free healthcare, free education,free childcare and a living wage is just immoral, unmessianic , anti-nyland and selfish. I have to ask why the NPA support these types.
You see this is a war , its a war between right and wrong, its a war between the working and middle class against the rich evil greedy corporatists who are quite frankly metaphoric traitors to this country. This is a war the working class must win with the NMP on their side for the good of this country."
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11-03-2016, 02:33 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-03-2016, 02:34 AM by Nentsia.)
Nyland Daily News
NPA Publishes Election Program
By Yakov Sverdlov
Published: 1580 something
Nyköping - ''For Humanity, against Neoliberalism'', is the new title of the recently published NPA election program. The document was sent to all NPA departments across Nyland yesterday evening, and was handed to the press this morning. Although it still requires official ratification by the NPA Member Congress, it is unlikely to be rejected.
For Humanity Against Neoliberalism announces the NPA as a social movement ''from below'' that seeks to radically transform Nylander society, not from above, but together with the people. ''We aren’t proposing a new world, but something preceding a new world: an antechamber, a free and democratic space for political struggle.''
''The NPA is not an ordinary party. We listen to those who have been silenced. We recognize those who have been faceless. We remember the names of those who are nameless. We want to work on the future for those who did not have one. We care about those who did not exist. The Nylander Popular Alliance is an alliance, that walks with the People, and among the People, in the struggle for a better future where there will be Justice, Liberty, and Democracy for all - not just for those who are part of the Neoliberal system. Ours is a struggle against the Powers that continue to marginalize and oppress all minorities in Nyland, who together form the majority. Ours is a struggle against Neoliberalism, against Racism, against Sexism - Against all forms exclusion.''
''The Nylander Popular Alliance understands that justice only exists for the corrupt and powerful. We understand that we must construct a society in which those who lead do so with the will of the people. There is no other path. In today's society, there continues to be a ruling class that holds power. But it is no longer only a capitalist class, or the feudal aristocracy of the past, but an entirely mixed layer of corporate leaders, government administrators, and the leaders of major professional, political, religious, scientific and cultural organisations. Together they make up a ruling elite, occupied with their self-interests, and entirely incapable of ending the growing inequality and injustices in our society. This ruling elite seeks to hold on to its power in a society where injustice and inequality is increasingly rampant by imposing conformity everywhere; they want the entire economy to be operated along Neoliberal models; they want to subject culture to the Neoliberal standards by transforming art into commerce; they want the entire media to be governed by commercial interests; and they want society to become consumers of commercial products. They even want the environment to become a source for Neoliberal production. If it is up to the Powerful, all of the world becomes one uniform Neoliberal market. The NPA, together with the people, will resist that and struggle for the existence of all those who are not just consumers, and who are different but equal.''
''This is why we address our brothers and sisters in different non-governmental organizations, in immigrant organizations, workers in the cities and in the countryside, teachers and students, housewives and squatters, artists and intellectuals, members of independent political parties, Nylanders. We call all of you to a national dialogue with the theme of democracy, freedom, and justice. Walk with us, against Inhumanity, against Neoliberalism, and for Humanity.''
The NPA program calls for the creation of a Participative democracy in Nyland, with less power for the Nylander federal government, and more government tasks being carried out by local governments. The NPA also proposes free access to education, and an increase of the public education budget with 30%. ''Democracy begins with education. Justice can only exist if all Nylander children have the same opportunities at good education. Education is not a private commodity. It is a necessity in a free society.''
The NPA also wants a federal ban on private funding of election campaigns, and replace it with a public fund from which campaigns by registered political parties and candidates can be funded, open, and transparently - with no third parties being able to exert undemocratic influence.
The NPA is also proposing several environmentalist meassures to halt what it sees as the self-destructive exploitation of the planet by the Neoliberal forces. ''We are collectively heading towards major disasters. Humble men and women do not want their local environment destroyed. They do not want their children to grow up on a dying planet. But the Powerful refuse to take the drastic measures that are required to turn the ship. Only firm popular resistance against the exploitation and destruction of the environment stands between us today, and catastrophe tomorrow. The NPA is in favor of imposing quota on the amount of cows that farming mega-corporations may posess. The single largest contributor to global warming, and the single largest consumer of fresh water in the world is the cow industry. The powerful try to protect these mega industries, the food industries, by convincing the people to buy expensive hybrid cars. Cars are only a minor contributor to global warming compared to the cow industry. No industry in the world produces so much methane, and consumes so much water and energy. And all that for the simple production of food. Beef is arguably the most expensive food in existence, because the price we pay is our planet.''