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11-16-2016, 12:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-16-2016, 12:42 AM by BrumBrum.)
"Politicians should live like the real everyday Nylanders" says Kasper Jansen!
By Båhl Engberg
Published: 1580
![[Image: Peter-Eggers-Cafe-3.jpg]](
Kasper, NMP candidate
Today the NMP presidential hopeful Kasper Jansen has condemned the "champagne socialists" and "out of touch politicans" on high pay. The candidate said in a speech today "Today most of the Nyland house are millionaires, the salary is in the hundreds of thousands a year. This is a disgrace. How many you here today working truly hard jobs , labouring away 12 hours a day earn that money? ". After waiting for hands to go up he continued "I see no hands up. Wow , yet these politicians stealing hundreds of thousands and millions they do not deserve basically come for your vote as a "man of the people". These very people would vote for a wage rise in an instant , something for the record I have never ever done. I challenge the NPA, NCL and any other party and especially Tilda Morgen , take a wage cut , you earn minimum wage, you try to raise a family on the average wage. Oh thats right you won't because you are a corporatist, selfish immoral pig. You'd rather let the peasants do that for you while you laud over them patronisingly like royalty. I won't be that kind of president. "
Later on he unveiled his proposals. The candidate proposed to cut the presidents pay to just $75,000 a year the average salary for an educated Nylander while proposing the average salary of a legislator be just $50,000 a year. He also proposed bans on second jobs for legislators and to cap any public sector pay to just $75,000 to stop the "rape of the taxpayers purse". The candidate condemned the rich execs saying "The rich execs cut the wages, cut the benefits, they say they can't afford to give you time off. All the while they are going around in their fancy Lyons or whatever luxury car they have paid for kindly by you and the poor employee.Well I tell you I'm sick to death of these people raping you all , the time for the state gravy train has stopped and he people will win." The candidate also proposed limiting hotel expenses to just $50 a night for rooms and for $15 a day for meals and to economy public transport fares for officials. The candidate also proposed selling the private airplane fleet calling the state aircraft an "insult to the working class". The candidate has announced he "will not listen to the corporatist pigs who complain that putting the working class first will hurt their companies" saying "Look its simple if your company doesn't benefit the working and middle class I don't give a fig , go bankrupt for all I care and leave our country if you don't believe in looking after the people who really generate your wealth. We only care about the working and middle class and we believe that small business owned by people you see in the community are the only important businesses. Any other business should consider themselves lucky to be so big." The candidate has called on unions to back his bid and condemn the "champagne socialist" NPA bid and has promised unions the first seat at the table of power should he be elected.The presidential hopeful then turned to Ulrick , he said "You think Ulrick will change things for you. I tell you that man is a liar and a corporate whore. He is not your men. In fact I'm not usually one to swear but Fuck Ulrick. FU Ulrick I'm with the working class you caviar socialist. " The crowd are reported to have chanted Fuck Ulrick in response to the speech.
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11-18-2016, 11:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-17-2016, 04:06 AM by Hadash.)
Nyland Daily News
President Tilda Morgen endorsed as NCL presidential candidate
By Marina Tromsengard
Published: Septem 1580
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President Tilda Morgen, during a roundtable in the Tynning College this weekend.
Tynning, Nyland - Tilda Morgen was confirmed as New Centrist List candidate for the 1580 presidential elections by the NCL Citizens' Assembly, the highest organ of the party after the Federal Committee.
The proposal of Morgen to repeat as NCL candidate obtained 90.8% of the vote, while only 3.9% of Citizen's Assembly members rejected openly the proposal, the highest for a NCL candidate since the creation of the party in 1567. The rejection of the proposal would have not imply the rejection of Morgen as candidate, though, but instead open a process of a two-month primaries, which Morgen was expected to win anyway, as every NCL member in the federal administration, and most of the NCL MPs already endorsed her as candidate. The center-left political party is confident that Morgen will be reelected as President late this year.
Morgen has already been endorsed by the Green Party, which hopes to extend their coalition in the federal government for another four years. It is not clear if the other minor members of the federal government, the FLIB and the Social Democrats (the latter already merger into the NPA coalition) will do so.
The NCL Citizens' Assembly also approved, with several ammendments, the NCL 1581-1585 Platform written by Albrekt Hildegardt and Fredrika Skarsgard. The Platform does not offer a radical shift from the previous one, and it continues the social liberal and progressive agenda focused on economic growth, investment in education and employment, strengthening equal opportunities and gender equality, and a moderate internationalist and pro-democratization orientation on foreign policy.
Although members described the debates as "engaging" and "constructive", much of this weekend Citizens' Assembly was lived as a joyful celebration of three years of action of government under a NCL federal government. Marion Rybak, Head of the Commission for Financial Policy, received the second largest applause of the day when she announced that the federal government firmly pushing for a $12-hour Federal Minimum Wage for the 1581. The NCL 1581-1585 Platform has promised to study an increase the Federal Minimum Wage to $14 before 1584, in cooperation with the Low Pay Commission, if economic growth continues as predicted by the Department of Treasury.
The Citizens' Assembly also confirmed the replacement of much of the leadership of the New Centrist List. While Eyvind Beskow will continue as First Secretary of the party, Albrekt Hildegardt will be replaced by MP Angelica Parker-Olson as NCL Spokesperson, and a young MP, Yasmin Malimey, was appointed as Deputy General Secretary. Malimey, 44 and daughter of Eastern Skathian parents, will also head the NCL Committee for Electoral Strategy, which will be in charge of the electoral campaign for the legislative and presidential elections late this year.
It is expected that President Morgen will announce his running Vice President as incumbent Vice President Gunnar Bjeppesen, 67, is not expected to run again. Although there were rumours that the Vice President could be Green Party leader Ingmar Moodyson, in order to strengthen the alliance between both political parties, it is unclear if it will be so. Other names that Morgen may be considering as running mate could Secretary of State Helga Myhre, Jan Strodegaard -one of the most veteran NCL MPs, Speaker of the Nylander Assembly Lenna Schenkenberg or Eyvind Beskow.
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11-25-2016, 07:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-25-2016, 07:10 AM by Seperallis.)
Nyland Daily News
Not your grandfather's Liberalism: Anders Kohout wins NL primary
By B. Russell Sprout
Published: 7 Nueva, 1580
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Anders Kohout (right) & Astrad Johannsson (left) quietly await the primary vote tally behind the stage of the NL nation party conference with Monica Friberg (left, out of frame).
New Fenridge - In a 2420 to 1512 to 398 vote, delegates to Nyland Liberalists' party convention in New Fenridge confirmed Anders Kohout as the party's candidate for President of the republic. While the vote itself was more a formality, the numbers mostly pre-determined via individual state caucus and primary votes, Assemblyman Kohout's performance and eventual selection in the primaries came as a surprise to most. Faced with opposition from several elder statesmen (and women), the "young," often brash Kohout - himself a relatively junior member of the Assembly - positioned himself as the outsider, the "non-lawyer," "non-elite" candidate who rose from nothing to get where he is, often personally attacking his opponents for their "silver spoon" mentalities and backgrounds.
Few more so than Astrad Johannsson, however, who often saw himself singled out by Kohout as the "scion, the godfather of the Old Guard" of Liberalism and blamed for NL's fall from prominence, the two often came to heavy blows during the debates, but Kohout's promise and message won the day. A message of a "new, fresh, modern evolution of Liberalism that's a fits the new modern reality of our world."
Kohout, born in Flåleandshem as the son of Nentsian immigrants, he grew up in a working family, continuing and completing his Bachelors in engineering despite taking a job full-time to support his mother after the death of his father. Moving to Gainsborough after graduation, the young Kohout eventually grew tired of "shitty uncontested candidates," running for and earning two terms as mayor of the city before landing a seat in the Federal Assembly following the 1574 elections.
"Your grandfather's Liberalism is dead," declared Kohout after accepting his nomination. "The old guard, the big money has failed with their outdated ideals. Blind reliance on the "invisible hand" in all things is a farce, and their insistence on trickle-down systems does nothing but piss on the poor working Nylander. It's time to stop droning the same failed message over and over like it's 1480. It's time to sweep out the cobwebs, to be smart Liberals again who move with the realities of a modern world and understand that what's good for big business, what's good for Mr. Moneybags' stock portfolio neither fixes our slagging dinosaur of an education system nor advances the livelihood of the working poor in our country. It's about time Liberalism went to work for all the people again."
His running-mate for Vice President has not yet been announced, though analysts are fairly certain that after the attacks of the primary campaign, it's unlikely that Johannsson will be selected for the post.
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Nyland Daily News
Football Special: Much ado about Michael Stephenson
By H.A. Vartti
Published: 21 Nueva, 1580
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Michael Stephenson is the new manager and head coach of Nyland's men's national football team.
Flåleandshem - For two years, the future of Nylander football was been in limbo since Jurgen Baumann's initial announcement to end his work as manager and head coach of the men's national team by electing not to renew his contract. Following his departure, the NFL still had not finalized a selection, prompting former assistant head coach Martin Aguilar to agree to temporarily fill the post until a selectuon could be made.
Martin never wanted the post permanently, citing a desire to continue his career elsewhere, but it seemed he might be forced into it until, a year and a half on, the League finally announced its decision: Flåleandshem Metro coach and former architect of IF Ydrilt's rise to the Superettan, Michael Stephenson. While surprising to many, the appointment certainly isn't undeserved.
Rise to the Top
Michael began his coaching "career" with hsi son't Little League football team, at the time more well known for his job as sports writer for the Isort Daily News, a local newspaper. Never really intending to make a name for himself, his teams nevertheless did very well, winning state championships twice in six years as coach.
"It was always just a hobby," Michael commented, who stopped coaching once his son had moved from Little League to school athletics. Obviously, though, his story doesn't stop there.
Isort has never been a town known for footballing talent, and though it did have a local professional team, IFK Isort, it's amateur footballing scene remained very small. Still, when Stephenson's son was offered a position on the team of then-local amateur club IF Ydrilt after college, Stephenson once again volunteered his time to his son's athletic endeavors, this time as defensive coach.
It took several years, but he eventuallt assumed head coaching responsibilities in 1568, and immediately in '69 the team saw itself promoted from Division 4 with a State Championship and a good showing in the South Region Derby. From there, the "miracle" story wrote itself: finishing 2nd in the South Region and winning the Nationwide Championship in 1571 to move to Division 2; earning a place in Division 1 two years later; squeezing into the Superettan - a feat none predicted - in 1574. Following his miracle run with Ydrilt, Michael was hired by Flåleandshem Metro near the end of 1576 to right the floundering team after two terrible years and a threat of reaching the relegation zone...which he did, bringing the team back into Superettan prominence.
"I never imagined back in '68 that I'd be offered professional gigs, but here I am," Michael smiled with characteristic modesty. When questioned about his 'Method Man' nickname from the press for his calculating style, he offered, "I didn't do anything special, really. I just looked at what we were up against, told [the team] what they needed to do, and they responded as best they could."
Hopefully his "simple" approach will help him meet the one goal the League has set for him: secure World Cup qualification for 1582. Stephenson himself, though? "I really want to take Baumann's old youth program and revitalize it, make it something that can carry this team and this sport into the next decade and beyond. But of course, we'll focus on one milestone at a time."
As is his, well, "method," I suppose.
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Nyland Daily News
Local Politician Intimidates Town With Biker Gang
By Yakov Sverdlov
Published: 1580 something
Nyköping - It was a strange sight in the quiet town of Nyvattendel, in the north-east of Nyland near the Galizian border. All of a sudden, dozens, if not hundreds of bikers entered the town with the goal to intimidate the local authorities. A scene one would normally expect to take place in countries like Nentsia or Oslanburg occurred in this sleepy border region of our country. The bikers prominently drove through the town over the main streets and boulevards, obstructing the traffic, and violently ordering angered citizens to shut up and wait until the motorcade had passed. Local police, not expecting the visit, could do little more than look on. The bikers eventually assembled before the Town Hall where a local politician held a rally with his opposition party. Gustav Haugen, a local politician, called in his biker friends to ''pursuade'' the local establishment permit vigilante organizations to search and arrest illegal immigrants.
![[Image: j8auRkh.jpg]](
Nyvattendel seems like a quiet town on a first impression, but in recent years has seen change due to the influx of Galizian immigrants, mainly in search for jobs. Locals have suffered under the rise of crime in the region, especially when unemployed illegal immigrants live on the streets and become addicted to drugs. The traditional political establishment struggles how to deal with the issue, and the federal government hasn't done much either. One radical solution has been offered by Gustav Haugen - a former school teacher with a particular desire for ''heavy-handedness'' in just about anything. Haugen and his militants, losely affiliated to the UP that seems to be heading towards an electoral victory in the federal elections, demanded the immediate closure of the border and special units to be deployed to ''clean the streets'' of illegals, drug addicts and ''pedophiles''.
Haugen's rather bold way of describing the immigrants from Galizia was not appreciated by the local establishment and his proposals were largely ignored. Haugen has now obviously chosen a different path: intimidation. He already warned his colleagues in the city council that if they continued to ''obstruct'' the necessary ''operations'' to protect the Nylander community, he would ''punish'' their ''treasonous'' attitude by bringing ''some Patriots to this place''. Initially, the rest of the council and local media mocked the threat. But as hundreds of angry 100-kg weighing bikers encircled the town hall the laughter disappeared for a mixture of uncertainty, confusion, and fear. Uncertainty what this action meant for the future, confusion over whether it was serious, and fear that if it came to it, Gustav Haugen can actually mobilize some strong men to encourage people to change their mind.
With hundreds of bikers and maybe a few hundred of his own supporters, and many locals that are tired of the immigration-related problems, Haugen held a rally right in front of the town hall. He challenged the mayor to come out and explain to their faces his ''policy of national neglect'' that is ''bordering the treasonous''. When the mayor refused to appear, Haugen declared victory and promptly interpreted it as the ''silent acquiescence'' of the mayor that from now on, their movement could begin to patrol the streets and the border to catch ''illegals'' and bring them to jail, ''where they belong''.
Gustav Haugen also apparently found it an opportune moment to his supporters that he intended to cooperate with ''other Patriotic movements'' and run for president in the future. ''We all know what we will get from next presidency: a Nentsian immigrant, or that weak woman again. We will be working on a movement however, to end that nonsense for once and for all!'' Whether Haugen intends to run as a member of the UP or not he did not specify.
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Nyland Daily News
Gustav Haugen Unfolds Plans for Nationwide Movement
By Yakov Sverdlov
Published: 1580 something
Nyköping - Gustav Haugen, the local politician from Nyvattendel, has revealed his plans for a nationwide political movement. Together with several anti-immigration and protest groups from the country's north-east, Haugen announced the formation of the so-called ''Golden Unity Party'', which he claims is ''neither Left nor Right''. Its sole objective is to ''Unify the People and liberate the Nation from Liberal Hegemony''. Critics have accused Haugen and his methods as far-right.
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Golden Unity
The party has been named ''Golden Unity'', in combination with a symbol of bundled arrows, reminiscent of a far-right style. Haugen denies however that his movement is Neo-Fascist. ''Journalists always seek some deeper, hidden meanings. I wanted a Red flag not because I'm a Socialist but because the UP already has a blue flag. And I wanted a golden bundle of arrows because thats literally 'Golden Unity'. That's it. The Liberal press will find hidden clues anyway. I don't care.''
The movement is backed by various groups. The ''Patriots'', a Nylander biker gang with nationalist sympathies has already declared its support for Haugen, but also the protest platform ''Nylander Frontier Movement'', which holds frequent rallies against mass immigration in Eastern Nyland, also declared its support for Haugen. What Haugen's allies share is a common rejection of the dominance of 'soft liberal politics' in Nyland, and the ''near total ineffectiveness'' of the Nylander politicians to serve the nation's interests and their ''complete neglect'' for the fate of the country.
''This country has been ruined by a decadent elite that cares nothing for the interests of this country. Nyland is nothing anymore on the international stage. Our unemployed have no hope while the bankers and the corporate finance mafia celebrate crisis after crisis. Liberal politicians and Socialists have turned the state into an indebted slave of the banks while handing out presents to their own voters: the immigrant hordes that have stormed our borders in search for an easy life. I tell you here now: Freedom is a struggle! Freedom must be earned. Freedom belongs to the hard-working Nylander people. Freedom belongs to us. Golden Unity is going to take it back. We will tear down the Liberal-Fascist regime in Nyland. They will have to murder me if they want to stop me!''
![[Image: g9Uu6Bb.png]](
Political program
Although the Golden Unity Party (GUP) was announced with a lot of noise and sense for theater, Gustav Haugen and his supporters had not bothered to prepare a political program for their movement.
''Why would we waste energy on writing down a political program that nobody reads, outlying policy plans that nobody cares about and which only the Lying Press is going to use as ammunition to undermine our goals? It's not that difficult what we want. We want that NCL woman removed from power. We want to knock the Liberals off their throne. We want to end the endemic corruption of the system. We want to end the Skathian Hordes from entering Nyland. We want to smash crime, hang pedophiles by their balls, clear the streets of drug addicts and homeless drunkards, we want to restore Nylander unity, restore Nyland's power, throw out the foreign agents that have dictated our foreign policies, and we are going to end the lies that overpaid journalists circulate every day to justify the degenerate state of this country. In short, we don't need a program. We want what every sane Nylander wants. Enough bullshit already. There's too much talk by the political elite. What have they achieved for this country? They have done nothing. Golden Unity is going to repair this country. If you want to discuss ideas, go to a philosophy class in university!''
Haugen also predicted to his audience that the media will condemn him as a far-right movement. ''Of course, and mark my words, the Lying Press will seek to frame me as far-right, or populist, and there will be a bandwagon of liberal intellectuals to brand me as a fascist. Don't listen to them. They get their salary from the Leftist intellectual customer who buys their shitty papers. You know me. You know what I stand for. Nothing but sane solutions to the insane problems of this country. Nothing more, nothing... Less. Don't let them divide and destroy our movement. This may be our last chance to save it. Unified, we can defeat them. Our Unity is our Strength!''
After these final statements, the crowd cheered for Gustav Haugen. There were two or three individuals who found it necessary to do Nazi salutes and start chanting ''Hail Haugen'', but Haugen's bodyguards quickly removed these Neo-Nazi's from the building. What to make of the Golden Unity Party, only time will tell.
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Nyland Daily News
Golden Unity Marches through Capital
By Yakov Sverdlov
Published: 1580 something
Nyköping - For the first time in many years, the streets of Nykoping witnessed a neo-fascist march spreading a message of hatred. The Nylander Frontier Movement, a far-right anti-immigrant organization related to Golden Unity, marched through the capital with balaclava's, paramilitary uniforms, and burning torches. The scene shocked many local inhabitants and tourists in the cosmopolitan city, where such open displays of hatred and extremism are seldomly seen. Gustav Haugen, Golden Unity front man, was not present.
Nylander Frontier Movement
The Nylander Frontier Movement is a far-right vigilante organization based in Nyvattendel, with the mission to ''protect their region from mass immigration, crime, and rapists''. In the past few years its members, often military veterans of some sorts, dedicated themselves to patrolling the Nylander-Galizian borders and helping the police arrest illegal immigrants. There have been several cases of hate crimes being committed by the NFM.
Recently, the NFM declared its support for Gustav Haugen, a local Nyvattendel politician, and his party, the Golden Unity Party. The NFM widened its mission, claiming that it now serves ''the one true movement that can liberate Nyland from Cultural Marxism''. The NFM considers itself a paramilitary organization involved in a ''war'' against the ''Akhadist Invasion'' of Nyland and the ''Socialist traitors'' that currently govern the country. The NFM wants to ''mobilize the White Nylander Race'' to defend the Nylander blood, culture and soil.
According to various political scientists we spoke at the Nykoping University, the NFM is a neo-fascist organization, even though its parent organization - Golden Unity - seems less radical and rejects the label. The presence of the NFM naturally led to clashes with leftists and anti-fascist activists. The police had to intervene to ensure that the NFM march could continue undisturbed. Before the Nylander assembly, the march ended, where some speeches were given. One of the movements commanders warned the Nylander Assembly that they keep ''lists'' of every 'treasonous decision' made by the politicians, and that their 'day of reckoning' will come when Golden Unity comes to power. Leaflets were distributed among bystanders which contained lists of politicians that the movement declared ''Enemies of the State'', and signs that hinted at their assassination. Among the politicians on the list were president Tilda Morgen, NPA leader Ulrick Brandt, NMP leader Kasper Jansen, and NL presidential candidate Anders Kohout.
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01-05-2017, 03:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2017, 03:37 AM by Seperallis.)
Nyland Daily News
Anti-union protests sweep Videjszeme
By B. Russell Sprout
Published: 1 Septem, 1581
![[Image: Rx6B9WQ.jpg]](
Protests in Nereta, Videjszeme.
NERETA, VIDEJSZEME - The air in downtown Nereta, the capital of Videjszeme, was filled with protestor's chants as a large group assembled outside the capital building, waving picket signs and shouting slogans of "Valisfold prosperity makes Seļi slavery," "Videjszeme for Videjszeme," and "Unions are partnerships, not occupations."
The protests have been organized by several national and local labor groups under the coordination and encouragement of the Nacionaalaa Apvieniiba, or "National Alliance," a right-leaning nationalist party that saw a large upswell of support in recent years and that currently heads the government's opposition. The protestors' greivances are many and varied, but they boil down to one singular message: the government's policies of integration and union with Valisfoldek is favoring large companies and foreign workers to the detriment of large swathes of the country's natve citizens.
With the exception of a brief period from 1573 to 1574, the Party for Progress has firmly held governmental power in Videjszeme for nearly two decades, promising to turn the largely agrarian country - one of Brigidna's poorest per-capita demographics - into a strong modern economy. They seem to have at least kept that promise over the years as the country's economy and GDP soared, doubling from $192 Billion in 1556 to just under $400 Billion in 1580, thanks to explosive growth in the country's new and booming technology and service industries.
"The common man has seen no benefit from any of this, though," commented Ivars Diimanis, a National Alliance parliamentarian who was one of many leading the rally and agreed to speak with us. According to him, the massive boom in wealth has remained stratified in the new rich businesses and their owners; furthermore, the vast majority of these companies come from outside the country's borders, from places such as Angiris or Nyland, with a very small fraction of the new industry being created and incorporated in Videjszeme.
To make matters worse, most of these new jobs have been filled by foreign-educated, foreign-born workers from poorer nations, lured to the country by higher wages driven by high worker demand and a much lower cost of living compared to its neighbors. While these foreign workers come from anywhere, more than two-thirds originate from Valisfoldek, with whom Videjszeme's union guarantees free movement of people and goods, and whose people have drawn a disproportionate amount of ire.
Prior to the recent tech boom, 20% of Videjszeme's 14 million people identified as ethnically Valisfolk - half of whom spoke Seļi as their second language - with nearly all of them living in the border cities of Akniiste & Illuukste. A decade later, that number has swelled to nearly 31% of the country, many of whom now are highly educated, very well paid, and speak little if any Seļi.
All these resulting factors have caused a massive shift in the country's demographics. The influx of people has strained a housing market that's struggled to cope, causing spikes in rents and housing prices in the cities, driving away their former, most often "native" tenants. Inflation has risen with the new increased supply of money and demand of goods, even with central authorities implementing measures to contain it. Commented Ivars, "The Party for Progress talks of growing the economy and modernizing our country and bringing in new wealth, but whose wealth? Certainly not ours, and the more 'wealth' their policies bring, the poorer our people become. If you're not a foreigner in a big city, then you're a second-class citizen, and in your own country, no less."
For their part, the Party of Progress has used the new tax revenues to sponsor a renewal of infrastructure and welfare, and a party spokesman has stated that a new technology-focused, reformed education system is being considered, but Ivars and today's protesters have considered it too little concessions for so large a problem. "They can't buy me off with handouts. The people don't want pity, they want to live and work where they please, to not be forced into poor communities from homes they can no longer afford because they had to make a choice between food or rent. They no longer want to be slaves to foreigners on their own soil, under the guise of 'economic progress,' that our so-called 'union' encourages."
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Nyland Daily News
A'sir urges discussion with Kyrzbekistan amidst rocket tests
By Sandy Shore
Published: 8 Nueva, 1581
![[Image: world_09_temp-1325578458-4f02b8da-620x348.jpg]](
A'sir displays new short-range missile during firing tests in the south of the country.
While part of Gharabaghi's election promise, the tests unexpectedly come during his public address.
A'BHEZ, A'SIR - Gharabaghi, president of A'sir, went on record again today in A'sirian state media in support of a renewed push to make good on his election promise to increase its commitments to NETO and normalize relations with its neighbors. In an open press conference in A'bhez, Gharabaghi critizized the socialist regime in Kyrzbekistan for policy failings that have led to continued partisan violence in that country, and called upon other countries - most notable Ga'bath and Severyane - to "do more to convince Kyrzbekistan's governing regime" to accept and implement measures to find a peaceful resolution to violence in the country.
One such measure the President clearly referenced was the Severyane-brokered deal Gharabaghi attempted almost four years ago, in which A'sir would recognize what it deems as "the Socialist rebels" that currently control the vast majority of the country as Kyrzbekistan's legitimate government, normalizing relations in exchange for Kyrzbekistan's good-faith involvement in peace talks with A'sirian-backed the Akhadic rebels from the two countries' mountainous border. The socialist faction in Kyrzbekistan immediately and flatly rejected the deal back then, citing that A'sir "could not possibly operate such a deal in good faith," but failed to provide any details or basis for its accusation.
For his part, President Gharabaghi's most recent push to settle A'sir's disputes with its neighbors comes amidst growing impatience with his conservative base, who still view the ruling faction of their southern neighbor as dangerous communist revolutionaries seeking to destroy Akhadic tradition, despite the President's "kind" words regarding socialism some years ago. Gharabaghi's influence and insistence on peace, though still strong, has not been able to put a damper on his government's pushing forward with their promised missile and rocket developments, as final tests begin on an as-yet unnamed new short-range rocket system.
On the order of the A'sirian Revolutionary Guard, tests were scheduled and performed in the highlands to the south of the country facing the border, sending a very clear message of intent to both Gharabaghi and Kyrzbekistan. Likewise, adamant calls from both his supporters within his conservative political alliance and his critics outside his circle to take a more hard-line approach to "dealing with" Kyrzbekistan cast doubt over just how long Gharabaghi can continue to espouse his diplomatic solution, especially as candidates much less favorable to such a solution start gaining sway in the pre-campaign ideological jousting taking place ahead of upcoming elections.
Gharabaghi at least remains defiant and undaunted as he urges a diplomatic solution to "the situation" in his last year as president. "If we continue to allow for only total domination," he warns, " then we can only expect total resentment, and continued killings, as we have seen consistently with [Kyrzbekistan's] Arberian suppression. It's easy to make war; making peace is what takes true skill and courage."
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Nyland Daily News
An aging military seeks high-tech soldiers
By Amin Yshed
Published: 6 Treizen, 1581
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Nyköping, NYLAND - Following an executive directive by President Kohout, Secretary of Defense Olof Sverkerson publicly announced a new round of hiring for Nyland's various military branches, though the new wave of incoming soldiers aren't your usual G.I.
"The future of warfare is changing as our world changes," stated Secretary Sverkerson in his press address. "Just as our society and our world becomes increasingly dependent upon cyberspace and evermore advanced computerized technologies, so to must our nation's military evolve to match and counter the new threats and vulnerabilities posed by these changes. We must account for the fact that, in the coming decades and beyond, attacks on Nyland, and even the very nature of warfare itself, will take place not with guns and bombs, but in the ever-expanding realm of cyberspace."
During the 1580 election campaign, President Kohout made it clear that "updating and modernizing" the nation's military was one of his top priorities, but Secretay Sverkerson made it clear that, "this is not the end solution to that promise, but just the first step in what will be an ongoing process to prepare our defense and security infrastructure for the future."
About 20,000 new high-tech "cyber warfare division" positions are expected to be added across all defense agencies. While primarily dealing in online and other computerized security, the D.o.D. stressed that these 17th Century warriors will not face lowered physical requirements. "These men and women will still be soldiers first, and they'll still have to demonstrate ability to handle a rifle and hike 20 miles with a 100 pound rucksack like everyone else."
It's unclear how these additional jobs will be funded, but analysts assume that, short of new appropriations from the Federal Assembly, most of the budget may very well simply be reallocated from research and development projects as many said projects wind to a close sometime in the next year or two.