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Nyland Daily News
Nyland Daily News

In post-war New Zealmark, fraud allegations cast doubts for peace
By B. Russel Sprout
Published: 25 Zechyr, 1595

[Image: ZScgrGS.jpg]
Citizens in New Zealmark casting their election ballots for the first time since 1590.

ZEEBRUGGE, New Zealmark - Nearly four years after a protest in New Zealmark turned into a coup against the Soyabar-influenced government, the tropical Ostaran nation held its first round of elections to determine its first legal and democratic government moving forward into a post-war world.

These elections were marred by allegations of voting fraud actions on behalf of proponents and members of the current ruling Imperial coalition, which garnered 53.3% of the vote in the contested elections, which would nearly give it full governmental control and a dominant hand in creating the foundation of the post-war country. Its next closest rivals each barely scraped 20% of the vote.

Allegations of fraud included incidents of ballot stuffing, ballot harvesting, using credentials of persons killed in the conflict to vote and similar forms of registration and impersonation fraud, and throwing out ballots of those voting against the Imperial coalition. Fraud activities were observed in many election and polling centers across the country by the myriad international organizations sent to the country, including Nyland, Mordvania, the HLE and others.

However, fraud was not reported to be uniform or widespread throughout the country, with the Rue Research Group noting that the vast majority of fraud took place "in the cities and other such areas firmly under provisional government control." Effects of the fraud on the election are difficult to acertain, but reports from election observers note that the fraud activities "very likely" inflated vote tallies in favor of the Imperialists by as much as "4 to 5 times the legitimate tally."

[Image: Z4Djivu.png]
New Zealmark's provisional election results, as of last night.

The Imperial coalition - or Imperialist Party - was installed as the provisional government of New Zealmark last year, following the ceasefire agreement and negotiations between Soyabar, Ishnalla, Svarna Surya and local rebels that resulted in the Brigidnan power's withdrawl from the country's civil conflict. The agreement ended the civil war in the country, which began in Tolven, 1591 after a protest and coup by members of the Disciples of Vamana Uldana.

Notably, the Disciples of Vamana Uldana back and support The Commune for NZ, one of the Imperialist Coalition's main political rivals. The Imperialists themselves receive direct support from Ishnalla - whose military provides policing and peacekeeping actions in New Zealmark - and Svarna Surya.

For their part, Imperialist leaders admit that the reports of international election observers are "most likely accurate," but deny any allegation that the activities were condoned or supported by the provisional government or its foreign supporters. "The reports of fraud are troubling," one government spokesman stated, "We of course want a successful, honest election for the sake of peace in our country, and we are reviewing our options going forward."

The spokesman could not comment on whether the election results would stand, or whether a re-run would be necessary.

Marches in protest of the election results, and the Imperialist Coalition in New Zealmark, are scheduled for this weekend in Zeebrugge.
Nyland Daily News

NMP added to list of domestic terror groups, targeted in mass inter-agency raids
By Ulrik Thorssen
Published: 12 Ochtyr 1595

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Aldlund County Sheriffs preparing to raid NMP headquarters in Somecity. Sheriffs in relevant counties were tapped to assist SHIELD and FCIS agents in arresting known National Messanic Party and NMP Messanic Patrol members.

Nykoping, Nyland - Mass raids took place throughout northern Nyland late last night after the Marionette administration announced that the National Messanic Party and its affiliated organizations were being added to the list of recognized domestic terrorist organizations. The announcement came hours after Niklas Westerberg, Chief of the FSD's Counter-terrorism Division, surprised both the White House and the nation with an extraordinary announcement in which he condemned the NMP and its recruitment of "child soldiers" and officially recommended the Administration add it to the list of terrorist organization.

Several NMP Assemblymen have been already arrested, along with dozens of local Party and Messanic Patrol leaders. Many more members of the Messanic Patrol have also been arrested, including those underage. The Department of Justice has not signaled in which cases it will press charges.

The status of NMP leader Kasper Jansen is unknown but the District Court for Nykoping has issued a warrant for his arrest.

The change in the NMP's status was reportedly supported by both the FCIS and SHIELD, which were also investigating the NMP and its affiliates.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Nyland Daily News

Ex-Spy Criticizes Nylander Politics
By Gabriel Bergh
Published: Vintyr 1597

[Image: zoBDPjD.jpg]
Robert Hedberg

Nykoping - Robert Hedberg, former spy from the Federal Security Department, has expressed his unabashed distaste of the current state of Nylander politics at a conference hosted by several Nylander Right wing think-tanks. Several Right-wing think-tanks, political organizations, and leading Conservative thinkers and journalists had gathered at the ''Nylander Conservative Future'' conference. One of the most surprising lectures came from the little-known Robert Hedberg, whose background in Nylander intelligence provides him with a unique perspective on the country's politics and where it is heading.

Aged 47 years old, and allegedly born to an ordinary middle-class family from Folkestad, Hedberg captured the attention with his damning speech against Nylander politics. ''It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.'' The former spy - who refuses to say much about his previous career - lamented the decline of Nylander politics, which has been held hostage by ''idiotic extremists'' that have ''hijacked the Left and Right''. ''To the Left we have Anarchists and Communists'', he complained, ''and on the Right we have a zealous bunch of Racist terrorists and religious fundamentalists''. As a result, concluded Hedberg, Nylander voters were ''driven like cattle'' into the arms of Liberals. ''The Liberals now can rely on the majority vote as the only viable alternative to Extremists and political hooligans. Nyland is owned by the Liberals.'' Conservatism, he warns, is on the verge of political extinction. ''If we carry on like this, Conservatism will have been eliminated from Nylander politics within 5 years. Its label will be deceptively usurped by religious fanatics and extreme nationalists.''

Hedberg called upon the attendants of the conference, and upon all Nylander Conservative intellectuals, to ''wake up'' from their ''slumber'' and work towards an action programme to ''regroup'' and to reclaim its position within Nylander culture and politics. ''I know from my experiences what the absence of a sound and strong Conservative movement has meant for Nyland's national security. But not just in national security is Conservatism missing from Nyland's politics. Its absence is now increasingly being felt in business, in schools, in our neighbourhoods. The Conservative restoration is not just a matter of tribal politics, it is a necessity for the health of Nyland's political culture. The people of Nyland deserve this option at the polls. This country needs it.''

Hedberg received a loud applause from the audience. Afterwards he was asked whether he considered to found a new political party or enter politics. ''At this stage, we Conservatives need to rethink our position, ideas, and strategy, before we could even think of launching a new movement or party. I want to launch this debate. I am not here to pursue a political career.''

Hedberg was invited by one of the conference hosts, a Right-wing think-tank on strategic and security studies, where Hedberg has been building connections through his work as an FSD intelligence officer. Asked about his professional background, he only wanted to confirm to have worked in counter-intelligence for the FSD. For any further information, he referred journalists to request the FSD for information - which it has refused to give.
Nyland Daily News

President Deitrich-Hall Speaks Out Against Tieguonese Government

By John Putontesphot
Published: Septum 18, 1599

[Image: 360_china_protest_0221.jpg]
Images of the protest have been slow to leak out of Tieguo due to a freeze on social media usage

Duonzhou, Tieguo - Limited descriptions of violence and protest have been reported out of the Ostaran nation of Tieguo in recent days, with some reports going so far as the claim extreme violence being used by Tieguonese government forces against protesters.

In the wake of violence in Tieguo, nearly all foreign reporters, including those from Nyland, have been detained and deported from the country. Some, including one from Castleon, have still not been heard from and are declared missing.

President Dietrich-Hall spoke today in front of reporters on the issue, affirming that all Nyland reporters were accounted for but the fact that some foreign journalists were still not accounted for was an affront to human rights.

Following the speech made by the President, a spokesperson had this to say: "The office of the President has met with the Tieguonese ambassador several times in order to get to the bottom of this. This is not something we take lightly and all options are on the table."

The spokesperson did not answer questions with regards to what that last statement meant, but later in the day, the Nylander government announced official trade pressures on Tieguo, with a 5% tariff on agricultural goods and a 10% tariff on electronics and manufactured goods.

The Nylander government has not said what its goals are with regards to these pressures, but presumably they are to bring the Tieguonese government to the table with regards to foreign journalists in their custody.

As well, the government has been mum on the assault on protesters that began the crisis in the first place, but the spokesperson said the return of foreign journalists to their countries of origin is the first priority of the Nyland government, though they sympathize with all who are fighting against oppression and desire a peaceful resolution in Tieguo and will do their best to work to that end.

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