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05-24-2017, 12:42 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2017, 12:51 AM by Seperallis.)
Nyland Daily News
President leaves Liberalist roster ahead of primaries
By Heather Grey
Published: 15 Quartyr 1584
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President Kohout sits down with Liberalist party leader Milan Vuletaski to discuss future legislation. Photo taken Treizen, 1583.
NYKOPING - Just a few weeks ahead of the official start of the 1584 primaries season, President Kohout announced that he would not seek re-election as part of the Liberalist ticket, a move long speculated after nearly a year of growing resistance to his agenda from within his own party. The announcement came amidst rumors of unprecedented attempts within the party to mount a primary challenge against the incumbent president, though a sitting president leaving his party while still holding office would itself be a historic first.
The announcement from the White House was brief a lacking in detail, but made mention of "irreconcilable differences" between the president and many of the party's long-serving leadership, who he accused of "political maneuvering for personal gain at the expense of the nation's wellbeing and the wishes of Nylanders everywhere" for obstructing an agenda the president was elected to enact. Kohout has called the party and said leadership "dinosaurs from a bygone era, too unable or unwilling to bring the party into the next century," and blaming what has recently been named the "Karlsson Caucus", a large group of traditional old-guard liberals within the party, for its flagging membership and declining results in the polls.
For his part, the president has consistently held "policy over politics" as part of his message, emphasizing his willingness to deal with whoever backs his vision & agenda regardless of affiliation. While his message remains the same, his future in politics grows ever cloudy; Kohout maintains that he will seek a second term, but no president has ever won office without the backing of a major party.
He might not need to struggle alone, however. Drama within NL began when the president's tax plan was defeated in the Assembly; over the next couple years, Karlssonites within the organization slowly gathered the backbone and political will to openly oppose Kohout until scandal finally broke with the defeat of the healthcare bill - where a large majority of NL representatives voted against it. While their opposition grew, a moderate group within the party has emerged as well, grumbling over the political obstructionism of the Karlssonite members.
Rarely have these grumbling been seen anywhere beyond closed doors, but other internal frustrations have grown intense as political goals come to a head, with several vocal members of the "Karlsson Caucus" calling for the removal of Milan Vuletaski as party leader, for "failing to represent the interests and ideology of the party." Vuletaski, who has served in the role since Anna Hallman's resignation in 1576, has been a devout supporter of the president's agenda and sponsored several key legislative pieces.
Assemblyman Rosario Manrique openly criticized several of his fellow Liberals after the defeat of the healthcare bill, stating, among other things, "There comes a time in every Assemblyman's career when he must reconcile the demands of his ideology, and the demands of his voter. Consistently, these people [Karlssonites] choose pure ideology over their voters, and history proves that we'll face a reckoning over it."
Whether or not the "reckoning" comes, or Kohout's ideals of a "new Liberalism" can survive, will be determined this Vintyr.
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Nyland Daily News
New Party in the Offing as Liberals Divide
By Heather Grey
Published: 24 Quartyr 1584
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Kerr Machen gives his first official speech as a Moderate, a new party founded
NYKOPING - With the 1584 primary season looming there has been an official break in the Liberalist fold, as a small group of former Liberalists announces their new party, the Moderate Coalition of Nyland in a joint press conference in Nykoping. The group has chosen to do so with "much deliberation" after experiencing what they call a "tyranny of the minority" in the NL the previous term, as the Karlsson Caucus repeatedly dictated policy despite their minority position and the opposition of party leader Milan Vuletaski.
The party is, simply put, a rejection of the more extreme ideologies of Nyland, preferring instead a more nuanced approach to policy. Their primary motto, at the moment, is "Progress over Politics" which has strong connections to current president Kohout's mantra. The group is currently small, but they believe, in time, they will gather jaded members of the other parties who reject the emphasis on ideology over policy.
The chairman of the new party has not yet been selected but decisions are expected to be made soon, as primary season is rapidly approaching. Many are expecting former Liberalist Rosario Manrique to be offered the post, though time will tell.
It is also to be seen whether or not Kohout will join the Moderate fold. The main speaker at the press conference, Kerr Machen, refused to comment on speculation but did say that conversations had been had with the President who recently announced he would likely not be running on the Liberalist ticket in the upcoming Presidential election. The incumbent President switching parties for their second election would be both a controversial and historic event.
While all current members of the Moderates are ex-NL members there are rumors that conversations have been made across party lines to drum up support. While there aren't expected to be large movements, there could be a fair number coming from the other major parties.
Emphasis in the press conference was put on a "third-way mentality" that all members had in their early discussions -- that the right-left spectrum was flawed and that progress that benefited the Nylander people was of chief importance over political ideology or loyalty to a party ideal. They also emphasized the importance of political evolution. "The times change." Machen said frankly, "and our parties should too. To assume that one ideology -- one party -- could maintain the 'correct way of thinking' over such a long period of time is ludicrous."
While the new party members are excited about their prospects their expectations are still tempered. A period of consolidation is expected, though they are hoping to make a splash this Vintyr.
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05-24-2017, 10:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2017, 10:37 PM by Seperallis.)
Nyland Daily News
Three arrested in false-flag assassination plot
By M. M. Goode
Published: 28 Quartyr, 1584
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Folkestad Police Department officers escorted by Federal operative after raid on alleged assassins' home.
FOLKESTAD - Three men were arrested yesterday in Folkestad by federal S.H.I.E.L.D. investigators during a targeted sting operation on one of the men's homes. Investigators have refused to release the names of the men citing their pending case, who stand as "strong suspects in a plan to perform severe acts of violence."
The three men, aged 28, 27 & 24, are implicated in a plot to assassinate several leading political figures. While many details were not forthcoming as to how the men first drew the suspicion of federal intelligence agencies, authorities say that during the course of many months, the 28 year old created a fake Galasian identity using both real and forged documents that he and his co-conspirators allegedly planned to use as a cover with which to murder high-profile government officials. All three men are born and raised in Nyland, and allegedly wanted to attack politicians who support the government's refugee policies.
A year and a half ago, President Kohout relaxed limits on refugee quotas, a move praised on the left and villified by the right.
All three suspects are known members of the Golden Unity movement, a far-right political action organization that often uses inflammatory and violent rhetoric in their rallies, where the three first met. The three were also active in spreading propoganda photos and video online. Gustav Haugen and other outspoken leaders of the group declined to comment on the investigation until its conclusion, but did say they did not support violence or murder to "save the Republic."
Found in the raided home were several stores of military small-arms and munitions, bomb-making materials and completed bombs, plans of public spaced and offices, and leaflets on "enemies of the Republic" that are often a staple at Golden Unity rallies.
"The suspects wrote on these lists a number of classifications, from 'top' to 'low' priority, likely as a list of possible 'targets,'" authorities stated. The "hit-list" includes such popular names as President Kohout, President Morgen, Secretary of State Helga Myhre, as well as others. The suspects allegedly wanted to kill popular leaders and disguise the act, "so as to be seen by Nylanders and the world as having been committed by a refugee," investigators explained.
The ongoing investigation into the plot, though failed, has still raised alarms over growing right-wing sentiment and popularity in Nyland, and what it means for democracy here. There are also concerns as to how the men were able to manipulate government asylum procedures and assume a Galasian refugee's identity.
The last decade has seen waves of refugees reaching Nyland, first from Tambossa and more recently from the ongoing civil war in New Galasia. The issue of migrants has driven right-wing popularity of late, amplified xenophobic attitudes and inflamed anti-immigrant incidents across the country.
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Nyland Daily News
Centrists and Greens strengthen their alliance
By Margaret Greenberg
Published: Fein 1584
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Yasmin Malimey, the General Secretary of the New Centrist List, daughter of Khokharsan and Tambossan immigrants, played an important role in the joint conference.
New Fenridge, Nyland - Delegates and representatives from the New Centrist List and the Green Party gathered yesterday in New Fenridge, where they gathered in a meeting known as "Alternative for Nyland Joined Conference".
The conference took place only a month and half after the 8th Congress of the New Centrist List, where the centrist political party discussed and approved their new political platform -which is likely to amended and renewed after the primaries- and agreed to further increase their cooperation with the Green Party in order to build a "stronger centrist and progressive alternative governance for the Nylander Republic". The NCL congress also introduced important changes in the structure and organization of the centrist party, strengthening the executive role and influence of the General Secretary of the party, while establishing a new system of internal primaries, open to sympathizers and not only to militants, and separating both offices. The Congress also elected Yasmin Malimey as new General Secretary of the New Centrist List, replacing former vice presidente candidate Eyvind Beskow.
While the New Centrist List and the Green Party had already established electoral cooperation in certain non-competitive districts -under the name of New Centrist Alliance- they have agree to establish a new electoral coalition for the late 1584 elections under a new name, still to determine. While there was some especulation that the new name could be "Alternative for Nyland", following the conference name, members of both parties had denied this, arguing that it was just a generic name, and that the official name of the new electoral coalition will be announced soon.
Both parties will keep their own political independence, although they will campaign together. All New Centrist List and Green Party incumbent deputies and representatives -at both local, state and federal levels- will be remain as the endorsed candidates for the coming elections if they decide to run for reelection, while new or vacant candidates will be decided through a mixed system of primaries and an assigment of electoral viability. The new electoral coalition, which is expected to increase their result in the Nylander Assembly while more efficiently defending the seats won in the last electoral circles, it does not come exactly as a surprise, as both party have cooperated in a large number of issues, and the Green Party has officially endorsed New Centrist List candidates for the last three presidential elections.
The conference also agreed a joint and basic political agenda for the next five years, roughly defined as a "pro-business and pragmatist centrist and progressive alternative for the country, in defense of democracy, equality, and environmental protection", which is expected to be highly influenced by the result of the presidential primaries of the new coalition, which will be culminated in their first congress where a final electoral platform will be announced, just two months before the federal elections.
The new electoral coalition will try to take advantage of the declining approval rating of President Kohout, the divisions and chaos inside the Nyland Liberalists, and the lack of a realistic center-left alternative in the country. However, a number of New Centrist List had disagreed with this approach, which they believe is moving away the New Centrists from the original roots of the party, and several prominent members of the New Centrist List, such as Gunnar Bjeppesen, Albrekt Hildegardt, Daniel Lars Boardman or Olof Ekberg have joined the Moderates, a new federal political party.
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Nyland Daily News
Moderates Announce Roxanne Dietrich-Hall as First Chairwoman
By Anna Moreau
Published: Fein 1584
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Dietrich-Hall (33) approaches the podium for her first official press conference as Chairwoman of the Moderate Coalition of Nyland
Nykoping, Nyland - After a brief deliberation, Roxanne Dietrich-Hall has been appointed Chairwoman of the Moderate Coalition of Nyland, a new party created just this year.
The selection was decided after a brief congress of all assembled Moderates assemblypersons (22 in full) to determine the chairperson before further deliberations could begin to determine policy objectives, platforms and other decisions for the upcoming election season. The First Congress of the Moderate Coalition of Nyland is expected to begin next week, capping off a flurry of activity for the new party.
The selection of Dietrich-Hall comes as a bit of a surprise, as her relative inexperience left many looking to older, more experienced options, including many of the Moderates coming from the New Centrist List. Still, many saw her youth as representative of the partys new beginnings, and she has chosen to surround herself with those same experienced names to provide counsel and serve as party leaders.
Though specific party platforms are to be decided after the primaries and the upcoming party congress Dietrich-Hall did briefly speak on the direction in which she planned to move the party.
"There is a distinct lack of a true centre-right option in Nyland. The Liberalists are hamstrung by extremists and disunity -- this was the key impetus in the creation of our new party after all -- and while I have immense respect for the work the NCL, and more recently the NCA, has done, it is clear they are moving towards a centre-left platform. There is a reason many early NCL leaders are now Moderates. We will represent a new voice that has been sidelined for some time."
There is still much up in the air for the Moderates, who have little time to make crucial decisions before they participate in the upcoming elections. It is also to be seen how the Liberalists react to the splinter party, as NL leaders have thus far refrained from commenting. Moderates have come from other parties as well, so it is a bit of a surprise nothing has yet come forward, but surely in time comments will be made.
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Nyland Daily News
Two attempted assassinations in 3 days prompts political response
By M. M. Goode
Published: 4 Tolven, 1584
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Hestiviken police conducting a search of assassination suspects' vehicle in the early morning.
HESTIVIKEN - Five men were arrested in Hestiviken in the early morning hours yesterday, after an anonymous tip led SHIELD investigators and local police to surround and search the men's van. Found within the van were prepared home-made bomb parts and military weapons hardware, and all five men are reportedly charged under conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism, among others.
All five men are known to be members of the far-right Golden Unity movement, and further investigations into the men's homes later yesterday revealed a plot to bomb major transit hubs in the city and assault local government offices under the guise of making the attacks look like foreign terrorism. Violent propaganda against so-called "enemies of the people" was found, especially against prominent Kohout administration leaders, along large stores of weapons and ammunition. Information found at the homes has led to indictment of a further 13 individuals, with the investigation still ongoing.
This is the second time this year a major false-flag terrorist assassination plot by members of the Golden Unity movement was foiled by federal investigators, whose leadership could not be reached for comment.
The news of this most recent terrorist plot comes off the back of an attempted attack in Nyköping just three days prior, where a lone gunman named Ellis Walsh was shot and killed attempting to force entry into the White House after being discovered by security personnel. Further details in that case revealed a stockpile of weapons, and extensive anti-government/anti-business writings from Mr. Walsh, who expressed an almost pathological desire to "punish" opponents of the National Messanic Party, who he deemed as "traitors to the people" in a reflection of NMP political rhetoric. NMP leadership has likewise been unavailable for comment regarding that matter.
While the perpetrators in both instances were stopped before harm could be done, both events so close together and so close to the heart of federal politics have sparked a debate among both people and politicians across the country as to the most appropriate way to deal with "radical ideologies," and even "radical parties," within Nyland.
Opinions on the topic have seemingly transcended the left-right party divide. Both André Davidsson and Leon Dahlin (Ultranationalist and Moderate party assemblypersons, respectively) have come out in favor of enabling a ban on "anti-democratic institutions" of all stripes. According to Assemblyman Davidsson, "Every party whose goal is to abolish the democrazy not only should be banned, but has to be banned. We've seen in too many places around the world what happens to democracy when you allow these sorts of [undemocratic] institutions to fester."
On the otherhand, several Liberalist and Centrist members have come out against such blatant bans. Milan Vuletaski (NL) harshly criticized such discussions, saying that "Nyland already has a system to get rid of violent, undemocratic terrorists masquerading as political ideologies; we call it 'the judiciary.' Trust in our security and police apparatus to catch these criminals, and trust in our courts to bring them to justice. We will catch these people and punish them as they manifest themselves, without the need to erode our democratic institutions from within."
The White House has not made official comment on the matter, simply saying that the administration does not support the "curbing of political freedoms."
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07-02-2017, 01:04 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-02-2017, 02:00 AM by Hadash.)
Nyland Daily News
President Kohout starts coalition talks with the Centrist Democrats
By Margaret Greenberg
Published: Alvan 18, 1585
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James Douglass Brockenrough, Centrist Democrat presidential candidate.
Nykoping, Nyland - The Centrist Democrat candidate James Douglass Brockenborough met today with President Anders Kohout in order to discuss political reforms shared by the Centrist Democrats and the Moderates, and the option that the center-left coalition joins President Kohout's second administration.
President Kohout had previously declared that he aims to form a federal government with enough parliamentary support, and as it is uncertain if the Nyland Liberalists are willing to join the federal government, the Centrist Democrats -which are the second largest parliamentary group in the Nylander Assembly- may play an important role in Kohout administration. The New Centrist List and the Greens -which formed the Nylander Centrist Democratic Alliance a year ago- were both part of Kohout's first administration -although not without differences and disagreements, including the failure of Kohout's tax reform- but, although it is regarded as a likely outcome, both sides have showed so far a rather cautious approach to the coalition talks.
Both President Kohout and Brockenborough described their first meeting in positive terms, and Brockenborough declared to be confident about some reforms both the Moderates and the Centrist Democrats could agree, such as the healthcare reform and the improvement of the tax system, despite previous disagreements. It was rumoured that Brockenborough may replace Secretary of State Helga Myhre, who announced that she was not going to continue in that post after eigh years serving for both Tilda Morgen and Anders Kohout administration. However, this has not been confirmed and it is still unclear if Brockenborough will join the federal government.
Unlike NCL presidential candidates in the past, James Brockenborough has no official leadership position in the Centrist Democrats besides being member of the 33-member Federal Committee, where his own supporters are found in minority. As soon as the presidential result was announced, Brockenborough found himself target of criticism inside the coalition, as he obtained a worse than expected result, more than ten points behind the result obtained by President Tilda Morgen in 1580. The coalition agreement between the NCL and the Green Party had not the expected result either, both experiencing a combined loss of twenty-four seats compared to two years ago. Many believe that Brockenborough's campaign was excessively left-leaning, allowing the Moderates to gain ground from former NCL and Nyland Liberalists' voters. This may force Brockenborough to step aside and play a more secondary role, with senior Centrist Democrats as Secretary of Education Marion Rybak and Lenna Schenkenberg (who has also being rumoured as possible Secretary of State) to have a more active role during the negotiations with the Moderate. Eyvind Beskow, former General Secretary of the NCL and VP candidate in 1580, would have already hinted at that option during the last Federal Committee meeting, according to a Nyköping newspaper.
Brockenborough, however, may find an unexpected ally in Yasmin Malimey, General Secretary of the New Centrist List since 1584, who has found herself also target of criticism for her role in the management of the electoral campaign. Malimey, who rose to prominence as a leading member of NCL parliamentary group during Tilda Morgen's presidency, could join forces with Brockenborough in order to strengthen party unity.
Brockenborough's supporters claim it would be foolish to ignore the result of the NCDA primaries only eigh months ago, and that strengthening the pressence of the Centrist Democrats in the federal government would help to push for important and popular reforms, which are likely to have a positive effect on the 1586 legislative elections. On the other hand, while many believe that Brockenborough should be leading the negotiations with the Moderates, they argue that Brockenborough labour-friendly orientation and hawkish foreign policy views are unlikely to have an easy accomodation on the Kohout administration, favouring Centrist Democrat members willing to compromise on healthcare and tax reform, and with a foreign policy oriented toward trade and regional cooperation, more in tune with the Moderates and even the Nyland Liberalists, in case the later decide to join the federal government in order to reduce the influence of the ultra-nationalists in the Nylander Assembly.
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06-27-2018, 09:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2018, 10:01 PM by Seperallis.)
Nyland Daily News
Hundreds arrested after political & citizen organizations added to "terrorist" lists
By Heather Grey
Published: 25 Zechyr 1587
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The raids.
NYVATTENDEL - Homes, facilities and businesses across the country tied to what some would call political or civil action groups were raided and several hundred people arrested on charges of conspiracy and terrorism this morning in the largest, most sweeping federal crackdown in our recent history. The come mere minutes after the announcement by the Kohout administration to add many new domestic groups to the federal list of known and accepted terrorist organizations. Most notable among the organizations listed is the Nylander Frontier Movement and the Golden Unity "party," who made headlines in recent years, though the complete list includes more than a dozen organizations that span the political spectrum.
Early this morning, Kohout administration spokespersons publicly announced the existence of a nearly three-year S.H.I.E.L.D intelligence and investigation mission into what it calls "domestic terrorism," with much of the focus primarily on alleged groups promoting terror and violence from within and using the mask of Nyland's democratic ideals and institutions. Along with that announcement was a list of 14 groups and organizations that were added to the Federal List of Designated Terrorist Groups. While the far-right Golden Unity and the NFM were the most pronounced names on the list, several other designees were also considered far-left were added, such as the Southern Wolves and the Democratic Liberation Group.
The broad federal probes were started after several apparent domestic assassination and terror plots were uncovered and foiled in early-mid 1584.
Just minutes following this announcement, sweeping and coordinated raids were conducted across the country, leading to arrests and indictments of almost 500 persons, many with high-profile names: most notable were Gustav Haugen and several other members of GU leadership, who have made a point of being high-profile opponents of anything "Liberal." Charges were leveled ranging from conspiracy, to terrorism, to full-blown sedition.
Since the arrests there have been immediate and loud criticisms from the right and left, including some moderate voices, that the acts are a deliberate attack on opponents of Kohout's Liberal government and an unconstitutional infringement on free speech. Some small protests have sprung up, with some larger ones in support of several of the detained individuals planned in the coming weeks.
For its part the White House has clarified that the arrests come "after three years of intelligence gathering not only identified a credible threat, but real and provable actions taken to overthrow the democratic government of Nyland and terrorize her people." Regardless, we will soon be watching the courts, were the battle will surely be long in resolving.
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06-27-2018, 10:04 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2018, 10:05 PM by Seperallis.)
Nyland Daily News
Supreme Court confirms federal action against "political" organizations, others
By Heather Grey
Published: 28 Zechyr 1592
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Nyköping - A five year saga of justice came to a close after the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the government's actions to suppress otherwise political voices that actively take physical action in attacking or subverting the constitution or people of Nyland. The decision condemns nearly 500 people to a federal court decision convicting them of terrorism, sedition, and conspiracy against the government and people of Nyland.
The saga began in the middle of 1587 when S.H.I.E.L.D agents under the liberal Kohout government, following a three-year investigation, performed sweeping country-wide raids on select domestic organizations and people that it had added to its Federal List of Designated Terror Groups. Hundreds were arrested and indicted on various charges of crimes against Nyland and her people. Most notable were some of the government's most outspoken critics in the far-right, though those arrested and the groups targeted spanned the political spectrum, and many self-professed paramilitary groups.
In the months following the initial arrests, hundreds more were taken in, pushing the number up to well over one thousand.
Those arrested also ran the economic gammut, from local strongmen to high-powered individuals, though all had the same common thread of either actively participating in activities the government considered sedition - such as the 1580 invasion of Nyvattendel - or overseeing such events and plans such as putting out literal hit-lists of opposition party members for others to act upon.
Opponents of the arrests argued that the timing of the raids was meant to suppress dissent by the liberal government of "strong patriotic opposition" ahead of the 1588 presidential election season, and were conducted on purely political grounds. However, in light of all the evidence collected by S.H.I.E.L.D in the years leading up to the police action, the courts disagreed, citing that "political affiliation and the first amendment does not and has never protected those who have committed real crimes against the government or other people." Eventually the case wound its way through the system before finding itself before the Supreme Court, where the lower courts' decisions were upheld, and the constitutionality formalized.
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Nyland Daily News
FSD: NMP Recruits Child Soldiers
Published: Wednesday 11 Ochtyr 1595 CE
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FSD Counter Terrorism chief Niklas Westerberg
Nyköping, Nyland - On an extremely rare occasion, Nyland's secret service FSD has gone public about a counter-terrorism operation. The shocking details of the FSD's investigations into the NMP were presented at a press conference. Among the most important conclusions of the FSD were that the NMP functions as a ''political cover'' for far-right terror networks and that these networks are actively recruiting training ''child soldiers'' to commit terrorist attacks. The FSD has advised the President and the Nylander Congress to revoke the immunity of NMP deputies and dismantle the entire organization and place it on the list of terror organizations.
''Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here.'' Niklas Westerberg said at the press conference. He is the chief of the FSD's counter-terrorist section. ''As you may understand, this all feels a little uneasy for me and it goes against the natural instincts of our agency and our mission. But it is our job to protect Nyland, and to warn those that need to be warned of the threats that exist against our constitutional order. That is why we have decided that on this special occasion, the public has a right and a need to know of the danger that exists in our society.''
''Our operations began after the recent terrorist attacks committed by teenagers with ties to the NMP. At the heart of our operations lies the question how large the terrorist threat from the NMP and NMP-sympathizers is, and, what terrorist networks exist and how far they are in their preparation for more attacks. The operations are still ongoing, so I cannot disclose any further operational details. The FSD never discloses information on its operations and methods. But what we have discovered so far, is so alarming, that we have made the extraordinary decision to warn the public amidst ongoing operations.''
''We have concluded, based on intensive study into the NMP and affiliated groups, that the NMP is no ordinary political party. The NMP is a cover, a legal front, a facade. Its purpose is to shield and protect hidden far-right terrorist networks. The NMP is actively involved in covering up its extremist elements and activities, internally condones violence, and has not undertaken a single measure to discourage violence among its members since the terrorist attacks. Party funds, party propaganda, facilities, and member lists are used for the recruitment, training and preparation of paramilitary groups. The NMP ideology encourages violence against what are designated as ''enemies'', which include immigrants and the LGBT community. The NMP political leadership has attempted and discussed the abuse of its political power to obstruct the investigations of the FCIS into recent terrorist attacks. The FSD has live recordings of this.''
''In line with earlier terrorist attacks, FSD surveillance of the activities of the most extreme and dangerous figures within the NMP has shown that the NMP diliberately seeks to recruit children as part of its strategy. It recruits among frustrated youths, young and impressionable children, and indoctrinates them with a violent ideology. They also give them weapons and shooting training, including automatic assault rifles. The goal is to lure the most fanatical children deeper into the NMP terror networks and to convince them to become child soldiers in a race war. If left unopposed, the FSD estimates that sooner rather than later, such children end up shooting at civilians in the streets of Nyland - believing they are the chosen ones.''
''Ladies and gentlemen, I wish I had better news for you today. But by going public about what the NMP is really doing beneath the surface, may save dozens or even hundreds of lives. Based on our findings, the FSD has formally advised the president to inform the Nylander Assembly and to launch a procedure to outlaw the NMP as a terrorist organization. The current NMP delegates in the Assembly should, in our eyes, have their immunity revoked and placed under criminal investigation from the FCIS and the Assembly, for their involvement in the obstruction of justice and facilitating terrorism. That is not up to the FSD however. Our job limits itself to warning. That is what we have done today. Our work is far from over yet. We will continue to closely monitor the terrorist threat in Nyland. Thank you.''
Niklas Westerberg refused to answer further questions. It remains to be seen how the government responds.