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Archived: Maps of Siora, Land Claim Thread 07/2017 — 11/2018
Nation name : Arctic Reclamation Corporation
Population: 30 million (3 Million Lanlanians, 25 million natives, 2 million others)
GDP per capital: $25,000

ARC claims governorship of the entire arctic region, though it controls far less, limited largely to the continent's coastlines and the southerlands.

Alpha site (Capital), Bravo site, Charlie Site ect… (The company is not very inventive when it comes to naming settlements) of which will be mostly located at great distance from each other on or near the natural coves of the coastline. The locals usually don’t call there settlements by their official designations, however these unofficial names do not make it to the official maps.

Brief description of your country
The Arctic Reclamation Corporation was an international enterprise to colonise and develop the Arctic region, with the eventual goal of selling the developed regions to its parent countries or creating new Arctic nations.
The slight issue with this business model was that it did not account for intervening in a civil war between the apartheid government in the southlands and it's ingenious population. Almost overnight ARC transformed from a wealthy corporation to a poor nation with 30 million lifes in the balance, with all the poverty, crime and ethnic tensions a post colonial nation can hope for.

Now if only people would stop asking why the company had so many mercerises at hand and ready, that would be nice...there's work to be done you know!

Brief Summary of how you'd like your country to fit in the world
Lacking in stability and legitimacy and being a former colony of the HLE, it will be the corporation's interest to align it's self with it's former overlord, at least until it's situation improves. Afterwards...well...a great task lies ahead for the company, huge swaths of it's population are uneducated, crime and corruption are rampant, massive infrastructure projects are needed to rebuild and develop the continent and this quarterly budget definitely did not account for becoming a continental power. All this will take will take colossal investments to they can't be too fussy where the money comes from.
(11-21-2017, 08:34 PM)Joshua Wrote: Nation name: The Commonwealth of Saeard
Population: 68 million
GDP per capita: 21,000


Burnaburgh - Capital (around where the red dot is if possible)
Cyneford - On one of the rivers
Eorlheord - Inland

Brief description of your country
Saeard is a Federal Republic with a strong naval tradition that prides itself on being welcoming and peaceful. Once one of the world's most impressive economies Saeard has endured almost two decades of economic stagnation, increasing debt, and high unemployment. The Head of State and Government is the Bretwalda, there is a bicameral legislature and a separate judiciary. Crime rates are increasing, but corruption remains relatively low.

Brief Summary of how you'd like your country to fit in the world
Traditionally Saeard was an industrial power. Shipbuilding was the most important employer, since nationalisation output and efficiency has declined dramatically. Saeard still relies on traditional industrial professions, and its economy is suffering because of it. Saeard has a reputation for being a peaceful nation, and in its heyday was a well respected diplomatic player, who was not infrequently called on to mediate disputes between nations.
Approved for 66m@24k.

The full map hasn't been uploaded as i'm waiting for William to update his claim based on information I provided on the chat, but here's a preview: I do encourage you to add a few more cities, though. Your country's pretty naked. Additionally, it wouldn't hurt to tell us a bit about your country in a thread in the OOC discussion forum. So we can get a feel for each another and such. ;D
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
I would like to trouble you with a re-positioning and addition of new cities to Saratov.

[Image: mHBwOeC.png]
(11-22-2017, 02:38 AM)Ayzek Wrote:
(11-21-2017, 08:34 PM)Joshua Wrote: Nation name: The Commonwealth of Saeard
Population: 68 million
GDP per capita: 21,000


Burnaburgh - Capital (around where the red dot is if possible)
Cyneford - On one of the rivers
Eorlheord - Inland

Brief description of your country
Saeard is a Federal Republic with a strong naval tradition that prides itself on being welcoming and peaceful. Once one of the world's most impressive economies Saeard has endured almost two decades of economic stagnation, increasing debt, and high unemployment. The Head of State and Government is the Bretwalda, there is a bicameral legislature and a separate judiciary. Crime rates are increasing, but corruption remains relatively low.

Brief Summary of how you'd like your country to fit in the world
Traditionally Saeard was an industrial power. Shipbuilding was the most important employer, since nationalisation output and efficiency has declined dramatically. Saeard still relies on traditional industrial professions, and its economy is suffering because of it. Saeard has a reputation for being a peaceful nation, and in its heyday was a well respected diplomatic player, who was not infrequently called on to mediate disputes between nations.
Approved for 66m@24k.

The full map hasn't been uploaded as i'm waiting for William to update his claim based on information I provided on the chat, but here's a preview: I do encourage you to add a few more cities, though. Your country's pretty naked. Additionally, it wouldn't hurt to tell us a bit about your country in a thread in the OOC discussion forum. So we can get a feel for each another and such. ;D

I think I'll need to alter my brief ever so slightly to account for 30 million natives, being a former colony and for you all being filthy eco commies. But I've altered my location accordingly and I'll do the rest this evening.
(11-20-2017, 01:54 AM)BrumBrum Wrote: If you move Do Nadiyom ki siti southwest onto the river Joya ke siti south onto that river at the southern end(western source of the river) , Kile De Sahara onto the northern river junction and Nadi Janksana onto the river junction where the two big source rivers meet that may work and may work while keeping them all in state.

(11-20-2017, 08:07 AM)Delt Wrote: Some cities for Gehennan Gynavae:

Donn (only city on the island)

All of the cities should be coastal.

Also in Gehenna:

Hamfurt - Move to be on the river north of the V in Kave.
Saltzenburg - To go in the place of Hamfurt's old position

Many thanks.

(11-21-2017, 11:08 PM)Father Wi11iam Wrote: Nation name : Arctic Reclamation Corporation
Population: 30 million (3 Million Lanlanians, 25 million natives, 2 million others)
GDP per capital: $25,000

ARC claims governorship of the entire arctic region, though it controls far less, limited largely to the continent's coastlines and the southerlands.

Alpha site (Capital), Bravo site, Charlie Site ect… (The company is not very inventive when it comes to naming settlements) of which will be mostly located at great distance from each other on or near the natural coves of the coastline. The locals usually don’t call there settlements by their official designations, however these unofficial names do not make it to the official maps.

Brief description of your country
The Arctic Reclamation Corporation was an international enterprise to colonise and develop the Arctic region, with the eventual goal of selling the developed regions to its parent countries or creating new Arctic nations.
The slight issue with this business model was that it did not account for intervening in a civil war between the apartheid government in the southlands and it's ingenious population. Almost overnight ARC transformed from a wealthy corporation to a poor nation with 30 million lifes in the balance, with all the poverty, crime and ethnic tensions a post colonial nation can hope for.

Now if only people would stop asking why the company had so many mercerises at hand and ready, that would be nice...there's work to be done you know!

Brief Summary of how you'd like your country to fit in the world
Lacking in stability and legitimacy and being a former colony of the HLE, it will be the corporation's interest to align it's self with it's former overlord, at least until it's situation improves. Afterwards...well...a great task lies ahead for the company, huge swaths of it's population are uneducated, crime and corruption are rampant, massive infrastructure projects are needed to rebuild and develop the continent and this quarterly budget definitely did not account for becoming a continental power. All this will take will take colossal investments to they can't be too fussy where the money comes from.
Non-state actor approved for 165k, with revenue totaling 312b.

(11-22-2017, 05:57 AM)Arkiania Wrote: I would like to trouble you with a re-positioning and addition of new cities to Saratov.

[Image: mHBwOeC.png]
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
(10-02-2017, 11:53 PM)Hadash Wrote: New Galasia has finally split in two countries.

The western side of New Galasia has been renamed as "Kingdom of Drazen". Unless the Directorate says otherwise, the Kingdom of Drazen should become a NPC.

The eastern region, now an independent country, is named Rojadavistan. The main cities of Rojadavistan are:
  • Sermîyan (capital city, somewhere in the middle of the country)
  • Bakûrgûnd (city of Eastmarch, just renamed)
  • Kevnajar (city of Nova Tairal, just renamed)
  • Madavî (nearby Nova Tairal, but more inland)
  • Basûr (a random city somewhere in the south, if adding a fifth one for such small country is okay)

The population of Drazen is: 17,690,466.

The population of Rojadavistan is: 9,897,529.

Those numbers are before the war, though. About 500,000 and 1 million would have died. And there was a large number of refugees which may return or not.

New Galasia GDP per capita before the war was $35,154. But the western side (Drazen now) was supposedly way richer than the east (Rojadavistan). The civil war mostly affected just the eastern region until 1584 (it started in 1579), although Angirisian invasion of the western region was probably more destructive and nationwide as a whole, I guess, even if shorter. Consider this when adjusting numbers.

I believe that should be all.

I am changing their starting pops to 11,090,466 and 8,897,529. Their old populations gave Drazen way too high a density...and added up to more than New Galasia's original pop, so they've both been scaled down somewhat. Let's say 600,000 died in the east and 50,000 in the west, based on the numbers you provide. An additionally 750,000 were displaced internationally from the east (but many more internally, so have fun), while 100,000 were displaced from the west. So, a population drop of up to 1.35m in the east and 150k in the west.

So, new populations:
11,010,276 - Drazen -- it dropped less than 150k to take into consideration births and the influx of ethnic Galasians you mentioned 6 seconds ago.
07,720,532 - Rojadavistan

You've stated that Drazen was way richer than Rojodavistan to start. Let's say a 2:1 split, cause "way". THE ECONOMY was around 680 billion, so that's 440b and 240b. We'll rek Roja's GDP by 30%, cause 5 year civil war, leaving its GDP at 168b; Drazen's GDP shall drop by 5%, so simulate a disruption from the civil war and invasion that has largely recovered in the 3 years since the end of the conflict, so 418b.

418b/11m = 38k.
168b/07m = 21k.

New statistics:

11,010,276 @ 37,964.53 for 418 billion - Drazen
07,720,532 @ 21,760.16 for 160 billion - Rojadavistan

Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Pursuant to our conversation in the chatbox below, could I have a Khionna Polar Research stationed named Isbjerg located on the coast.

Thank you if you accept this simple request <3

The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg
Head of State: HM Arch-King Aerin III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Nis Overgaard

The Ceribian Federation
Head of State: President Okropir Bakradze
Head of Government: Prime Minister Daviti Dgebuadze

Can Goldecia claim the green spot between New Aldenian Khionnna and Nyland Khionna as Royal Goldecian Khionna and have 4 bases there Camp Edmund III , Camp Peter I, Camp Arthur I and Camp Mary I. We'd use it for climate research , research into nature , possibly allow some development for tourism but thats about it sicentific research and tourism.Guess there could be a settlement called Point Harry for the tourism base.

Edit:Is there any other parts of the antarctic I can claim or putting those 5 places in the itnernational zone or two in Taenus khionna on the islands(Deschaine said it would be okay).
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
(11-27-2017, 03:23 PM)BrumBrum Wrote: Can Goldecia claim the green spot between New Aldenian Khionnna and Nyland Khionna as Royal Goldecian Khionna and have 4 bases there Camp Edmund III , Camp Peter I, Camp Arthur I and Camp Mary I. We'd use it for climate research , research into nature , possibly allow some development for tourism  but thats about it sicentific research and tourism.
Nah. I can spawn a couple of those in the International zone tho.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
(11-27-2017, 03:36 PM)Ayzek Wrote:
(11-27-2017, 03:23 PM)BrumBrum Wrote: Can Goldecia claim the green spot between New Aldenian Khionnna and Nyland Khionna as Royal Goldecian Khionna and have 4 bases there Camp Edmund III , Camp Peter I, Camp Arthur I and Camp Mary I. We'd use it for climate research , research into nature , possibly allow some development for tourism  but thats about it sicentific research and tourism.
Nah. I can spawn a couple of those in the International zone tho.

Okay can you spawn 2 in the international zone and 2 in the Taenus Zone on the islands(Deschaine has given chatango approval on the idea of some being in the Taenus zone and co-operating on research between the two countries.) Both zones would be 1 coastal and one deeper inland possibly close to interesting things like shelves or glaciers.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!

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