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Eternal Ramblings
I floated the idea, I'm not sure to others but certainly to myself, of a sort of podcast? Talk show? for the community for a while now, at least since before the move away from zetaboards to here. While this probably isn't the final format or even the final title, I feel like I wanted to at least start something that - while requiring at least some time - doesn't require a whole lot of effort. I'd intended for it to have more structure and feature at least one person who wasn't myself every week, something with a bit more of a purpose and a bit less directionless group chatter than the one that was done some years ago by....whoever.

Also, the title's a work in progress, but it's definitely rambling and it's mostly about eternity maybe kinda, so I couldn't resist the very obvious naming opportunity. By all means, feel free to come up with something better. Flipped Smile

Hopefully you guys like it. I'll probably keep doing it, just because I feel like I need the practice in just, you know, getting out and talking. Let me know if it's something you enjoy regardless, and how many minutes you suffered through before you couldn't stand either the boredom or my voice.

Anyway, enjoy. Or don't. I'll probably still try to keep this as a weekly or bi-weekly thing (monthly just feels too long) regardless. All videos will be in following posts so I can keep this clear for a list of them if I want. Also, if you want an audio-only file to keep with you for God knows what nefarious reasons, let me know and I'll try to put one up for download.

The first, the starter. I talk mostly about Eternity projects I've left abandoned and my plans to get them, well, if not finished then at least back on track. I finish out talking about the last week of my work life, because I work with the biggest bunch of manchildren in the world and sometimes it's just simultaneously too funny and appalling.

Video in the background is Armello. I like the music. Also it's fun. Also also, I have gobs of game video of it that I won't use otherwise, so it'll get off my computer now.

Of course, after a year of being fine, my microphone decides to have problems on the day of a one-shot live recording. C'est la vie. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.

Wherein I decide upon a weekly format for now, talk about Minecraft (again), Hadash's SCA...stuff, the upcoming community newsletter, and community activity. I finish out with a long ramble about the last week, which had a huge impact on getting barely anything done. \o/

Featuring yet another Armello game in which I mess up big time by trying to do extra things when I had the chance to get a guaranteed victory. Oh well, live and learn.

Yet again, microphone problems abound, this time with an annoying cutting-out and variable microphone static; I've no idea what's going on with it, but I'll keep trying different things to fix it. I honestly would rather have the old problem of the popping/buzzing; at least that was easy to notice and edit out, instead of a constant and increasingly louder static. I blame aliens.

Enjoy! Or don't. If you want an audio-only file to keep with you for God knows what nefarious reasons, let me know and I'll try to put one up for download.

Not much happening in the week, but I do give a minor update on the status of Minecraft: the server is up, but a recent update to either the game or the server software means that I'll soon be busy with plugin upgrades. The bulk of the episode, though, features me discussing some recent anime watchings with my wife, so much so that I actually have to edit out more than half the conversation just for the sake of this video not being 3 hours long! Wow!

The talk in this episode mainly revolves around the recent anime we are currently watching, but since both of them are pretty "meh," we decide to also talk about some recent ones we watched that are actually worth your time.

Needing something suitably anime, I went for the most anime game I have on my hard drive at the moment: Uncharted Waters Online. Sadly you don't get to see the anime; I am simply crossing the Pacific to get back to my home port of Amsterdam. Featuring actual sound editing because my raw footage had none

Enjoy! Or don't. If you want an audio-only file to keep with you for God knows what nefarious reasons, let me know and I'll try to put one up for download.
As a note, we throw out some spoilers for some shows in this one. Most of them are old(er) series, so you've probably seen or heard about them anyway (if you even watch anime, which is only like 5% of you), but we talk about: Ore Monogatari (00:07:00), Excel Saga (00:12:00), Steins:Gate (00:28:53)... and uhhhh some others. I don't remember.

Also featuring Lila, our cat, who was sitting on my lap drooling on me the entire time we filmed this.
Also Baccano! and Moribito. I don't know the time stamps, I didn't go back through and look for them. I don't remember what else was covered; I do know the next episode has us talk at length about various Gundam series, though.

It's the goodness of an Eternal Ramble, in one easy bite!

For real though, recording issues have left me high and dry. I've struggled with them all week, but they just got worse over the weekend; it seems the problem is with the recording codec, which is some fancy new one, and of course my dumb butt decided to do two full-length recordings without checking to see if either of them was working properly. Lesson learned.

Of course, I couldn't just leave all one of you that watch/listen all high and dry, or leave the rant order chronologically inconsistent or incomplete. I also doubt I'd have the time to fix the issue, re-record, and get it up on a weekday, even if I didn't have serious reservations about being late with the upload.

Anyway, thanks for the understanding, and I'm sure I'll see you next week with the second half of my anime discussion with Sal.

Full-length rambling returns! In which we continue the anime discussion from two weeks ago, with the real Sal, the best Sal.

There is actually forum stuff to talk about, so I touch on that, but mostly this episode is all a continuation of two weeks ago, and the second half of the anime discussion I had with Sal. We wrap up our "recent" watch lists an recommendations, and then launch into the question of our guilty pleasure shows, or stuff we like that others generally hate and stuff we hate that others generally like. I know, we're such old-fart contrarians!

I put the most anime thing I currently have on my computer in the background: Vindictus. It's just a collection of clips from various recordings I've done while re-learning the game, and also pieces that might become part of a "Butts" post/video sometime in the near-ish future. I don't entirely know yet; the more I play and come to terms with all the changes from the last 3.5 years, the more complex my feelings & thoughts on it, so it's becoming something of a chore to get done!

Anyway, Enjoy! Or don't. If you want an audio-only file to keep with you for God knows what nefarious reasons, let me know and I'll try to put one up for download.

Also, a quick heads-up: Sal and I will be out of town soonish, so there won't be time for a full ramble next week. Maybe. At least, not something current or topical; I'll think of something, though.

Featuring the cat!

Out of town this weekend during my normal recording time, so here's a mini-ramble that became slightly less mini! Not as light as the other things I've talked about (except for the one time I explored my greatest anxiety, I guess), as I did a ramble on the possible future of the Eternity community.

Sadly, the nature of my rambling didn't let me share all of my thoughts on the topic, such as possibilities and solutions, but then it would have been even less mini, and no one wants that. But seriously, who's in store for this community? What's its future? I feel like it's a discussion worth having.

Video is from the trip, snapped by Sal as I drove. I wanted to just do a live recording on my own somewhere, just recording audio and video together in one take, so while this is more work, the end result is objectively better. After all, I can barely talk when I'm not doing anything, so you know it would be terrible if I talked while walking, or even driving.

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About Eternity RPC

Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.