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Community Etiquette
. . : : Foreword : : . .

This set of rules cannot and are not intended to be all-encompassing, and are meant as a framework for acceptable conduct. As a member of this board, you acknowledge that you have read and are aware of these rules, and that you agree to abide by their terms. If you do not agree to these rules, then you may address your grievance to your community admins and argue your case for a change.

. . : : General Community Rules : : . .

1. Content and Behavior
1A) The rules contained here are in addition to and superceded by the forum's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

1B) Try to keep inflammatory and explicit language to a minimum. We realize casual back-and-forth ribbing with such language is common; simply stop if you're asked to stop, and refain from getting out of hand.

1C) Discussions of real-world religion and politics shall be kept exclusively to the Boring and Politically Correct Club and #politics on Discord when not referring to roleplay. The nature of our role play means we can't preclude talk about such topics through the course of discussing our own writing, but please keep such discussions related to roleplay only, and either end or direct them to the above places when they leave the RP topic or become hostile.

2. Spam & Malicious Content
2A) All accounts created solely for malicious spam, off-site advertising, scamming, soliciting, and any illicit activities will be irrevocably banned without exception or appeal.

2B) Spam games and other pointless content whose purpose is to inflate a user’s post count shall be contained within The Corner. Posts elsewhere shall serve some constructive purpose. Please try not to resurrect dead threads without some reason or new information.

3. Harassment & Community Conduct
3A) This community is meant as a hangout for people of relatively similar interests. At the very least, respect your fellow members as human beings and be courteous and mindful of others; please steer hijacked conversations back on topic, and refrain from constant antagonisms and "baiting" over interests and beliefs/lifestyle.

3B) Harassment is any behavior that disturbs or upsets, is characteristically repetitive, and often intended to be disturbing or threatening. Willful and deliberate harassment of any person will not be tolerated in our community, by or against any person. Harassment of members and nonmembers outside the forum is still subject to you being permanently and irrevocably banned from the community, including the forum, discord, any and all games servers, and anywhere else where the Eternity name is displayed.

3C) If you intend to leave Eternity with little or no intention of returning, do not attempt to delete your posts. Regular members lack the power to do this properly, and any attempts at doing so will be reversed. If you do not wish your content to remain after your departure, then ask a staff member for assistance.

4. Signatures & Profiles
4A) Forum signature limit is set to 9001 characters, to include all text and code, and shall exceed neither 800 pixel width nor 400 pixel height to prevent screen stretching for most people. Changing your screen name is allowed, but be reasonable and don't abuse this policy, to avoid confusion.

4B) Community members may have one forum and one Discord account per live person, with the exception of Community staff (for testing and administrative purposes). If you fail to receive an activation email or have other account login issues, contact a staff member for support.

5. Community Improvement
5A) The community is not perfect, and can always be improved:
- This Thread should be used to suggest improvements to the layout and function of the forums, chat, discord, and other aesthetic or functional improvements.
- This Thread should be used to suggest all other general improvements to the community as a whole.

6. Admin Enforcement & Complaints
6A) The following hierachy of actions exists for forum staff to follow regarding infractions of any rules, unless a specific section calls for some other action to be taken, including but not limited to:

1st Infraction: First verbal/written warning

2nd Infraction: Final verbal/written warning

3rd Infraction: 1-day account suspension of posting privileges.

4th Infraction: 1-week account suspension etc.

5th Infraction: 1-month account suspension etc.

6th Infraction: 3-month account suspension etc.

7th Infraction: Permanent account suspension etc.

6B) Any persons banned shall honor the length and terms of the ban, and the ban shall include all aspects of the community (the forum, chat, discord, NS RMB, and any other places that bear the Eternity name) unless otherwise stated. Attempts to circumvent or violate any ban shall see it extended by a length up to and including permanent account suspension or deletion at Staff's discretion.

6C) Please address complaints and issues about an aspect of the community, the forum, or of another person, via the recommended process below:
- For Roleplay-specific Issues: Contact the Chief of Logical Reason, via PM or on Discord. A response will be made as soon as possible.

- For Complaints about the Board or other Members: Contact the Chief of Public Relations.
- - If she is part of the problem (or otherwise unresponsive), contact the Chief of Staff Support.
- - If he is part of the problem too (or otherwise unresponsive), contact the Chief of Logical Reason.
- - Failing all else and as a last resort, contact the Chief Admin.

6D) Understand this forum is the Chief Admin’s playground and we are all playing within it. Staff serve at the Chief Admin’s discretion. These rules are not all-encompassing, and as such the word of Staff is law regarding rule enforcement and interpretation. However, fairness is better for everyone; if you feel a staff member is flaunting rules or exerting clear bias in rule enforcement, then please follow the above guidelines for complaints.

6E) If you have issues with members or aspects of the community that are giving you consideration to leave us, please make every effort to speak with an admin so we can try and resolve these issues both for you and other members.

. . : : Category Specific Rules : : . .

7. Modern Tech Role Play
7A) Specific MTRP rules are kept in this thread.

8. Alternative Role Play
8A) Alternative, Non-NationStates or non-nation based role play, or nation-based role play that takes place in a universe outside Siora will be conducted in this section.

8B) Currently, "Alternative Role Play" (henceforth "ARP") has five subsections, where more can be added as needs demands it:
- - Fantasia Design - This is where you can plan and place OOC threads for your non-SMTRP role plays; this exists for your convenience, and you are not required to make a thread here to create/start role play in Fantasia.
- - Fantasia - This is where you can start and reply to non-SMTRP role play threads.
- - Andlosheim - Both OOC and story threads for the Andlosheim magical fantasy role play setting may go here. Andlosheim-specific rules might be found in its OOC section.
- - Alternative Earth - It's Earth, but different. Perform nation and character roleplay in a version of Earth's past where history has been re-written, and can be vastly different to our own.
- - Pokemon Ultimate - Do you wanna be the very best, like no one ever was? Here lives Eternity's Pokemon RP setting.

8C) Thread creators have the authority to create and enforce specific rules for their stories, campaigns, and other such threads in the "ARP" section, and to decline the use of characters or participation by certain parties if those characters/people are deemed unreasonable or in violation of general community rules. Specific rules for specific Fantasia role plays may overrule general forum roleplay etiquette.

8D) RP thread creators (or GMs) have the authority to perform non-lethal autos for the purpose of preserving or progressing the plot with or without consent. However, creators/GMs MUST give critical warning before terminating a character's life without permission.

8E) As a general rule, respect common sense reality in our role plays and remain in character. In the absence of specific RP rules, try respecting general SMTRP writing etiquette (section 1) as best you can. Of course, RP creators may give permission or set guidelines that not only bend reality or allow for out-of-character moments, but also disregard normal RP rules and etiquette entirely, at their discretion.

9. Universe's End Restaurant
9A) This section of the forum contains all non-RP community content, and is split into the following sections:
- - The Bulletin Board - Exists for community announcements and news, houses the rules, and displays helpful information. This is not for spam games.
- - The Diner - Exists as a general catch-all chat forum for anything that does not belong in any other forum. This is not for spam games.
- - The Gameroom - Exists as a place primarily for video game stuff, but may also encompass tabletop and others. This is not for spam games.
- - Writer's Bloc - Exists as a forum for all non-RP literature, from sharing your own writings, the writings of others and your thoughts thereof, learning or teaching the principles of good writing, and more. May also include writing competitions. This is not for spam games.
- - The Corner - This is for spam games.

10. The Boring and Politically Correct Club
10A) The Boring and Politically Correct Club exists as our forum for serious discussion, essays and debate, politics, and more. This section is intended for substantial and worthwhile discussion. Do not post here if you intend to "win." There is no "winning" here; This forum exists as an exchange of ideas, to refine your own understanding on subjects through the forging fires of discourse.

10B) In the case of an argument or debate breaking out over a topic...good! Keep the discussion factual, respectful, and focused narrowly on the specific arguments. According to research, the likelihood of changing someone's opinion in an argument drops off dramatically after three back-and-forth exchanges, so if the disagreement has not been reconciled by then either rethink your argument and try a different approach, or concede that the argument is going nowhere and agree to disagree.

11. Oblivion Compound
11A) This section of the forum contains all community administrative areas, and is split into the following sections:
- - Hall of Forever - Come here to discuss community happenings, events, and to participate in improving the community. Community improvement efforts, petitions, and suggestions primarily fall into this area.
- - Twilight Castle - The "public offices" are located within this section. This section exists to view the public release of the Community Administration's behind-the-scenes work.
- - Embassy Square - This space is dedicated to Eternity's external affiliated communities, and exists for other communities to advertise themselves, share their own newsletters and information, and generally co-mingle in hopes of sharing members and minds.
- - Library of Eternity - This is where dead threads worthy of remembrance go, to be displayed before the public.

12. Extras

12A) Discord
i. The official Discord server is to be found here.
ii. All general forum rules also apply to conduct within the Discord server.
iii. Discord admins may include additional rules regarding conduct on the Discord server; check the Discord server's welcome screen for Discord rules and their changes. Where Discord rules are either contradictory or less stringent, the general community rules precede them.
iv. Discord admins may use temporary police actions in Discord chat as they see fit; permanent actions against violators of Discord server rules will be enacted in accordance with the community infraction policy as outlined in section 6A of these rules, and will require community staff approval.
v. Complaints about conduct or abuse by Discord staff shall be levied with the Chief of Public Relations.

12B) Nationstates
i. All above mentioned general forum rules also apply to conduct within NationStates and the Eternity NationStates regional message board.
Sept 1 '17 Changes:

- Edited section 6C to correct a typo.

- Edited section 8C to correct a typo.
June 22, 2018


- Added a description to section 8B to include the new "Alternative Earth" setting.
November 7, 2019


- Shortened the rules by about 1000 words. The Foreword was the largest victim; other sections were reworded while keeping the same spirit of the rule.

- Removed link to broken staff page (code is left in to re-add at a later date if necessary).

- Added links to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

- Infractions and duration in Section 6A edited to not be completely retarded. The durations are now more intuitive.

- Cut most of Section 6C, streamlined Staff issue reporting. All non-RP issues and complaints now go to the same people.

- Section 12A regarding Chatango removed. Section 12 reordered to reflect this.

- Section 8B edited to include the Pokemon Ultimate area.

- Edited 6D the clarify the true scope of admin authority, and streamline reporting of admin grievances. (Eternity is not a democracy.)

- Something else I may have forgotten. It's a pretty thorough rewrite, but more could have been done. For posterity, I have copied the old rules here, spoilered below:
Show Content Pre-Nov 2019 rules:
November 7, 2019 (part 2)


- Edited Section 6D to reflect previous changes made in 6C.

- Corrected my lisp in 3C.

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Chat and Sioran News
You can find a more extensive list of stuff that's happened in role play here...if people bothered to add it.

About Eternity RPC

Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.