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Forum Rules Rewrite - Public Comment
Spoilered below is a rough draft of the new rewritten community rules. This thread is to be used for public comment on the rules, to correct errors, and voice concerns or suggestions. If there is no comment, then these will go into effect by the end of the month. Read carefully; if you have and questions or concerns, voice them now so we may find some way to address them.

Reasons for the change are written in the foreword. This took some time to write, with input from several people, with the aim of being both comprehensive yet...not...overbearing? Yeah, I guess that's the word.

Again, please comment only if you have suggestions for changes or questions. This thread will remain open until 27 Aug.

Show ContentDA RULZ:
I've already seen some questions and comments in the chat about this so I want to clarify some things.

It is not the intentions of the staff to eliminate completely conversations regarding real life topics and non-RP subjects. We're not trying to stifle conversation or eliminate discussion or debate.

What we are trying to limit is the inflammatory arguments and verbal battles that have been occurring with increasing frequency. We all are guilty in this, staff members included. There will still be channels for you to communicate about these issues, but we don't want fights and arguments and rudeness on our main chat. We're not going full authoritarian, guys, but it has become clear that our hands-off mentality just isn't working anymore.

My hope is that, in time, discord will be able to appear on the board itself (as of now I don't believe it can) and we can potentially move on from chatango. Until then, we will all have to deal with moving to the appropriate channels for non-RP or real life topics that are outlined in the new regs.

When these eventually become official rules, we won't immediately shut down anyone who doesn't follow them perfectly. There will be a grace period of sorts where we'll remind everyone to take conversations to the appropriate channels. This is common sense stuff. We the staff recognize that, sometimes, real life will find its way onto the chat through general conversation. What we want is for the conversation to then move to the appropriate channel. "hey, lets take this to the politics channel on discord", or "let's open up a debate on this topic in the gentlemans club".

If you have questions or concerns, PLEASE take the opportunity to PM or message me or any of the staff members. We, and I, want to hear your opinions about this because after all, it is being done to make this community better for everyone, which includes you. Don't be shy about it -- this stuff is important to us.
Just a reminder that three days from now, this thread will close if there are no further comments or concerns to address. This is your chance to most easily influence the rule before they are implemented, at which point it will be a somewhat less open and quick process to have changed those things that cause you concerns...mostly because I'm very much going to be far less amenable to changes when I leave a thread like this open for a month with no one commenting, only to have said people that didn't comment whine about not liking the "new" rules shortly after we start operating under them.

I understand several people keeping quiet are happy with these rules. That is good, and thank you for reading them.

But, you know. I'm just sayin'. It's gonna happen. You and I both know this. Flipped Smile
As a final edit that I thought about over the weekend but didn't post:

I will edit 6C, changing "general process" to "recommended process." I will also edit 2D to remove a typo. These edits, as well as me closing the thread, will take place when I get home from work. I will also make the necessary changes to make these rules publicly and easily accessible.

Until then, discussion is over, and I thank everyone for taking the time to read what was written. Until the final edits and forum formatting is made, these are now, for all intents and purposes, the rules of conduct on our forum in force and effect from this day forward.

*throws confetti*
Be advised, everyone, that for the next little while there will be a period of transition where we will be more lenient, per se, in enforcement. ~~~ particularly in terms of the new chatango chat rules.

Please be aware that the attempts of staff and other members to guide conversation into the appropriate channels will start happening more and more frequently, until they eventually become habit. You won't be thrown out for doing it, because it does sometimes happen, but please heed the requests to move to appropriate channels, namely the gentlemans club and the discord channel.

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Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.