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1585-1586 Nyland Federal Assembly
The current President is: Anders Kohout (Florinthus)
The current Speaker of the Assembly is: Nichlas Hougaard (Blacaria)

1583-1584 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions

[Image: NKfoQN7.png]

UP 106 | CDA 101 | MCN 70 | NKR 68 | NL 66 | NPA 45 | NCP 25 | PCP 21 | LCN 18 | NMP 15

Bill Posting Period is CLOSED

Emergency Sessions: None

HEAR ye, hear ye, the 1580-1581 session of the Nyland Federal Assembly is now in session. All Honourable Assemblypersons, do please take your seats for role-call.

Within these halls, all legislative decisions for Nyland shall take place. Anyone from any party shall be allowed to present legislation for consideration, but only one bill may be active upon the floor for debate and vote at any one time. Furthermore, during debate, one must clearly state who is being recognized to speak on the floor, their party (if applicable), and then put forth their statement or argument for or against the bill and other points of discussion; one may refer to others arguments if they so desire, but they shall refrain from direct outbursts on the floor without having been called to the floor to speak.

The Rules
This is meant to be a fun thing where anyone can pop in as an assemblyperson of Nyland's legislature, and legislation by no means has to remain serious or solemn. There are a few basic rules to consider, however:

1) Legislation for the period can only be presented during an open period for submittal. The status of the Bill Submittal period is located above. If you miss the posting period, tough shit; hold onto it for later.
2) Submitted Bills are first-come, first-served. If emergency stuff happens, such as natural disaster or a state of war, a separate thread will be created. (No more Tambossa-style "vote only" unless time is really, really of the essence)
3) There are no time limits on debate. If the session ends before debate finishes, or we don't get through the queue of bills, then tough shit, it's gone; remake it in the next session.
4) To move for a vote, two people must motion for a vote. Voting will then begin in this thread, with people posting whether they vote for or against, and which party they represent.
5) After a bill moves to a vote, there is no revote; will not be re-submitted until the next session.
6) Votes will be weighted by party, and the party's votes split based upon those who recognize themselves as from such party. Individual people may of course split their alloted votes amongst (yes), (no) and (abstain) if they so wish.
7) Any Bill that passes a vote, regardless of how trivial or silly, will move to the President's Desk for consideration; the President must post his approval/denial in this thread.
8) Any bill denied by the President may still become law with a 2/3 majority in favor in the legislature; any bill approved by the President is in immediate effect and becomes law throughout Nyland.

God help us all.

If one so wishes to put forth legislation, please proceed through the following steps:

1) Complete the following form:
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2) Post form in a reply to this thread, during an open submission period; legislation is first-come, first-served.

Show ContentLegislation Being Heard (on the floor):
Show ContentSubmitted Legislation (to be heard):
Show ContentLegislation Passed or Failed:

Previous Sessions

1583-1584 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1581-1582 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1579-1580 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1577-1578 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1575-1576 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1573-1574 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1571-1572 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1569-1570 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions

The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg
Head of State: HM Arch-King Aerin III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Nis Overgaard

The Ceribian Federation
Head of State: President Okropir Bakradze
Head of Government: Prime Minister Daviti Dgebuadze

The Healthcare Reform for All Act of 1585 (HRA85)
Assembly Bill 1585.077
Drafted by: Angelica Parker-Olsen (NCDA), Kraig Parker (MCN), Hannah Koch (UP)
Submitted by: Erik van Holkiet (MCN)
Submit Date: (Date submitted to be heard on the floor. (answer this))
Hearing Date: (Date the bill was heard on the floor. (leave blank))
Revision Date: (Latest revision date of the bill. (leave blank))

The Healthcare Reform for All Act of 1585 seeks to reform Nylands healthcare system to establish a new single-payer system. The bill will establish a single government social insurance program called Medicare that will provide healthcare insurance for all in Nyland. This program will be funded by the establishment of a mostly flat payroll tax on all Nyland personal income.

This bill is intended to address the rising costs in healthcare by removing the profit-motive from the system. By ensuring the primary healthcare provider, Medicare, is not operating for profit, costs across Nyland can be cut to the benefit of Nylander citizens.

Section 1: Medicare
I) The government will establish a single governmental social insurance program. This program shall be called Medicare.
II) Medicare will be the primary provider for all Nylander healthcare services.
III) Medicare will be a non-profit organization, funded by the government.
IV) Non-Medicare providers will still be allowed to exist, and can be used alongside Medicare.

Section 2: What Coverage is Provided
I) All medical procedures will be covered by Medicare.
II) For non-elective medical procedures, Medicare will pay for the entirety of the cost (minus a minimal co-pay)
III) For non-cosmetic elective medical procedures, Medicare will pay for most of the costs, but not all. (coverage rates depend on the given procedure, naturally)
IV) For cosmetic elective medical procedures, Medicare will pay for some costs, but not all. (coverage rates depend on the given procedure, and why they are being undertaken)
V) In the event that the individual is unable to pay for their procedure up-front (considering elective procedures), Medicare will pay for the procedure and offer free financing options to the individual in question.
VI) The definitions of non-elective, non-cosmetic elective, and cosmetic elective, will be decided by the Department of Health and must be approved by the Legislature.

Section 3: Who Recieves Coverage
I) Any person in Nyland with a valid Medicare ID will be covered by Medicare.
II) A Medicare ID will be provided to all citizens of Nyland
III) Temporary Medicare IDs will also be provided to those non-citizens who are permitted to stay in Nyland legally
a) These temporary Medicare IDs will be provided for the duration of their stay in Nyland, but will have to be renewed once per year for the duration of their stay

Section 4: The Medicare Tax
I) Medicare shall be funded by a flat payroll tax that shall be called "the Medicare Tax"
II) Medicare Tax shall be applied to all Nylander personal income
III) Medicare Tax will be taken from each paycheck, rather than at the end of the year.
IV) Medicare tax shall start at 10%
a) Half (5%) shall be paid by individuals, while the other half (5%) shall be paid by employers
V) Nylanders with incomes less than $25,000 (or otherwise in the 0% tax bracket) can apply for a credit equal to half of their Medicare Tax payments over the year.

Tax Reform Act of 1585 (TRA85)
Assembly Bill 1585.101
Drafted by: Assembly Committee for Tax Reform
Submitted by: Lorens Molde, (MCN)
Submit Date: TBD
Hearing Date:
Revision Date:

This bill mildly amends the Tax Reform Act of 1580 (TRA80) and reforms the VAT tax structure of Nyland. The goal is to reduce the tax burden on poor and lower-middle class Nylanders by eliminating their personal income tax, and by eliminating and adjusting certain VAT categories which have a demonstrable effect on the budgets of lower income households.

Section 1: Individual Income Tax Rates Reform

I. All individual income falling between the range $0 - $40,000 will have an income tax of 0%.
II. All individual income falling between the range $40,001 - $100,000 will have an income tax of 18%.
III. All individual income falling between the range $100,001 - $300,000 will have an income tax of 32%.
VI. All individual income of $300,001 or more will have an income tax of 45%.

Section 2: Value Added Tax Reform

The following tax rates will be applied:

I. Standard Rate: 25%
II. Reduced Rate: 10%
III. Zero Rate: 0%

The Standard VAT rate of 25% is applied to all supplies of good or services, unless a specific measures provides for the reduced, zero rate, or simple exemption.

Examples of good and services taxable at the reduced rate (10%)

I. Food Preparation
II. Textbooks for primary and secondary school.
III. Cultural goods declared of general interest by the Department of Commerce
IV Passenger transport
V. Hotel accommodation
VI. Health & Hygiene

Examples of good  and services taxable at the Zero Rate (0%)

I. Exports of Goods
II. Intra-Community supplies of goods
III. Supplies to ships and aircraft used for international transportation

Examples of exempt supplies of goods and services

The term “exempt supplies” refers to supplies of goods and services that are not liable to tax and that do not give rise to a right of input tax deduction

I. Supply of immovable property
II. Medical services
III. Finance
IV. Insurance
V. Betting and gaming
VI. Education
VII. Foodstuffs
VIII. Feminine Hygiene

The change will be effective immediately (next fiscal year)

Section 3: New VAT Definitions

I. "Food Preparation" shall encompass all goods and services where food and drink is prepared for consumption by an company/individual/agency and then presented to a customer as either "ready to cook" or "ready to eat"
II. "Foodstuffs" shall encompass any and all consumable items not included in the "Food Preparation" category.
III. "Feminine Hygiene" shall encompass all Hygiene products or services whose necessary purpose is extricably linked to the unique biology of women.
IV. "Health and Hygiene" shall encompass all goods and services whose primary purpose serves to improve human health and Hygiene that are neither medical in nature, nor included as "Feminine Hygiene."
Nichlas Hougaard
Speaker of the Assembly

The Healthcare Reform for All Act of 1585 has been placed forward for debate. All honorable assembly persons are hereby invited for comment.

The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg
Head of State: HM Arch-King Aerin III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Nis Overgaard

The Ceribian Federation
Head of State: President Okropir Bakradze
Head of Government: Prime Minister Daviti Dgebuadze

Albrekt Hildegardt

Honorable Assemblypersons, I would like to take this time to declare my complete support for this bill, the Healthcare Reform for All Act of 1585. This is a bill that has been thoroughly deliberated in committee and went through several waves of drafts and redrafts. There were times when we didn't think it would survive, but here it is, before you all.

This bill seeks to do just what it says. It wants to ensure all people in Nyland have access to Healthcare, regardless of their status as a taxpayer, though keep in mind that almost all those receiving healthcare in Nyland under this system would in fact be tax payers. What is healthcare but the promise that an individuals life will be protected and maintained. We want to ensure that this promise remains cheap and easy for all in Nyland to access, regardless of their taxpayer status. For those who are concerned about undocumented immigrants or freeloaders, we have included the Medicare ID system to ensure that those who should have access get it. That being said, you will not be barred from accessing a hospital for not having a Medicare ID.

The profit-motive in the insurance market has ensured that costs remain high in Nyland regardless of advancements in technology and availability. By removing this, we can ensure that necessary treatments are not subjected to a nickel-and-dime strategy of keeping prices up. Medicare, as we have called it, will work, because we will provide for it to work. We will ensure that the necessary funding and expertise is built here so that we may continue to have the most advanced healthcare system in the world, but simply have it be accessible to everyone in Nyland.

This is a bill that has been a long time coming, and it's time for us to do what is right in the healthcare industry and provide for all Nylanders.

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