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The Sentence Too Far: The Whispers of the Association
Prime Minister Koji Iwata

As I walk out to the front entrance with the Chief of Staff, I watch as the cars roll up. Photographers are snapping photos as fast as they can. The official state photographer is nearby, looking for the perfect pictures to take of the forthcoming greetings. I take a deep breath and put on a formal smile, masking my nervousness in the process.

The Singanese car is the first to pull up. Prime Minister Twei Keiloi steps out and I mentally chastise myself. I remember the dossier stating he abhors the press; he's the type of politician that would rather put distance between them if possible. However, there was no way I could just slice out the media from all of this. They had to be here for this opening moment and for the ceremony earlier. They will also likely be here for the end parts. We did not plan any press conferences for the conclusion of this meeting for a variety of reasons, the chief among them being that this conference is only the first part of a very long process.

As we bow to each other and shake hands, he exchanges pleasantries and thanks Kazemura for Singan's reconstruction. I smile as we break the handshake and respond, "It is a pleasure to meet with you today. It is not just our works. Your effective leadership since the war has taken the nation on the road towards prosperity and growth. I look forward to discussing those aforementioned whispers today."

As the Singanese delegation continues its way into the main lobby, I notice President Eun Jeong of Kortoa and his cabinet approaching. Ah yes, the Kortoan delegation. Their invitation to these talks was done with strategic and economic interests in mind. Kortoa is still looking for assistance to rebuild after their own conflict. Their position near Svarna and at the end of the peninsula makes them strategically placed at the crossroads between the West and East. As we exchange bows and shake hands, he exchanges his opening remarks and I smile in response. As we break our handshake, I say, "It is a pleasure to meet face to face. I hope that we will begin to build the foundations for a greater tomorrow, especially for our Southern siblings in Kortoa." I meet with the rest of his cabinet before they continue towards the lobby, leaving me to meet with one of the most critical players of this conference.

The Sainamese delegation, led by Sato Konosuke and Yashiro Isono exit their vehicle and I can't help but think back to the first official meeting between Konosuke and I. Traditionally, the Kazemuran Prime Minister would meet face to face with the Akitan Prime Minister, followed by the Sainamese President as part of the first official state visit. This reflected a kinship Kazemura shared with Akitsu and the friendliness they shared with Sainam. However, Akitsu's fall into fascism and the civil war in Singan changed the dynamic between Sainam and Kazemura. Once just formal allies with an entente cordial, the relationship between Sainam and Kazemura has evolved into that of policymakers of the East with a closeness that has proven to be surprising for Kazemurans.

Simply put, Kazemurans always considered the Sainamese to be rather offputting and interested in wealth first and foremost. At least, up until these last 15 years. While that feeling may be true, there is also a feeling of respect, possibly even kinship, that has blossomed. Sure wealth may be first and foremost for the Sainamese but peace and stability for the East are a close second. Followed by tentacles. We don't talk about that though.

Bows and handshakes are exchanged with Konosuke and his delegation. We exchange pleasantries and they make their way into the main lobby. As they move ahead, I think about Akitsu for a moment and the promises I made during the campaign. Once they are freed from the fascist regime and return to the global community, will things return to as they were before? I don't know, but I don't think so. Most likely, Sainam has replaced Akitsu as Kazemura's primary ally, and if this meeting goes well that will likely continue for years to come.

My thoughts snap back to reality as the Hôinômese delegation makes their way from their vehicle. Foreign Minister Diêp Dùp Dùng is leading the way, as we had expected. The Prime Minister of Hoinom had no interest in foreign affairs and prefers to focus closer to home. Minister Dùng's serious face was also to be expected; 20 years of experience has not gone to waste. He's likely looking to see what his country will get from this.

We interchanged greetings and he continued forward. I nod to the press and make my way into the palace. As I walk inside, I can hear the large doors closing shut dramatically behind me, shutting out the press and leaving us with some modicum of peace and quiet. At least for now.

I notice Chief Asahiro talking to one of our personnel. I give her a nod and she nods back, knowing that it's time for us to get moving. I walk to the steps before the doors to the Outer Sanctum and stop short to face our esteemed guests.

"Esteemed guests and colleagues," I begin. "Thank you for your patience. We will be making our way to the Hall of Mirrors, where we will be hosting the main discussion. Additionally, each delegation will have its own room for discussions and planning. You are free to use the rooms if you wish. They are marked with the respective country's flag." I step down from the step and lead the way towards the Hall of Mirrors on the East Wing of the Imperial Palace. Chief Asahiro speeds up her walk to catch up to me, out of earshot of the others.

"Think they'll use the rooms?" I ask her softly.

"Depends," She responds. "Even if they don't, we'll still use ours." I nod in response and we continue to walk in relative silence for the next few minutes. Hushed whispers come from the group behind us, talking about Muze knows what. Finally, we reach the Hall's golden doors and stop in front of two guards. Chief Asahiro and I salute the two guards and they salute in response. The guards slowly pull open the doors to the Hall of Mirrors, revealing the large conference room table within the Hall. We stop just short of the entrance and both bow for a long moment, before raising our heads to face our guests.

"Welcome, to the Hall of Mirrors," I tell them. "Let us enter, take our seats and begin."

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