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Eternity Newsletter Preview
New newsletter for July will be started next week. If you have suggestions for items to include in the newsletter for this month, please let me know in either a PM or by posting here.

However, if you want to write your own item to include, you're more than welcome to do so. All authors will be credited in the newsletter. Maybe there will be something else in it for authors, who knows...if you want some help on formatting and style, some examples on how to write for the newsletter are in, well, the previous newsletter that you can find above. Smile

For posterity, and so I don't lose them again, I'm popping this here for myself:
also for my reference, the "Complete List of NS Codes."
The draft of the July newsletter is (mostly) completed. I know I have to fix the table at the bottom.

Top of the thread, ya lazy fuqs:
Clarification: us conniving rule drafters are the Board Administration Staff/Team. "The Directorate" is short for "the RP Directorate" and its staff is really only Blac and I.

Edit: this is Ayzek. Flipped Smile
The Directorate sounds cooler. I now dub the forum staff The Directorate so we have, like, this cool name and stuff.
Anyway, July newsletter has been formatted and posted. The newsletter is stickied in this forum.
"No onions for the Austrians, no onions for those dogs."

Who said this quote lol
New newsletter for August will be started tonight. If you have suggestions for items to include in the newsletter for this month, please let me know in either a PM or by posting here.

However, if you want to write your own item to include, you're more than welcome to do so. All authors will be credited in the newsletter. Maybe there will be something else in it for authors, who knows...if you want some help on formatting and style, some examples on how to write for the newsletter are in, well, the previous newsletter that you can find above.
The August draft of the newsletter is written and posted in the front post. I'll format and edit sometime later, probably posting it tomorrow or sunday. maybe.
August newsletter has been formatted and posted. The newsletter is stickied in this forum.

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You can find a more extensive list of stuff that's happened in role play here...if people bothered to add it.

About Eternity RPC

Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.