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August 2017 Newsletter
Show ContentAugust 2017 Newsletter Preview:

Select the relevant spoiler for the forum you are on, select all of the code (take care to scroll down in the code box; there's much more than what's displayed) and copy the code to where you need it to be.

If the forum you are on has code that's not supported, the code seems to break, or there are other problems with the display of the newsletter, post your problems here so I can fix them.

After you've placed the newsletter where it needs to go, be sure to comment here saying so!

And of course, if you want to join the external liaison team and help get the word out about the region, you can post/apply here!

Show ContentZetaboards Code:
Show ContentNS Dispatch Code:

Show ContentSuper Special Code just for Angiris because oh we don't need more than 10 pictures per post durrrrr:
Newsletter has been posted to Equinox & Angiris. It has also been posted as an NS dispatch.

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About Eternity RPC

Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.