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Eternity Newsletter Preview
[Image: logo.png]
[Image: 2PpRxwy.png?1]
"My Russian salad is annexing the entire refrigerator now."

[Image: 5jxeKC4.png?1]

Community rules adopted!
After a long month of closed door discussions between admins, the new, flashy, fancy, shiny community guidelines were rolled into the light of day with much fanfare! The new guidelines were longer and more in-depth than the previously sparse set they were designed to replace, which had been criticised for a lack of both clarity and substance. Authors of the new ruleset spent a month drafting a document that answered formerly ambiguous questions of forum etiquette, rule enforcement, and administrative authority while community staff debated the finer points of the new changes.

Finally, the community released the final draft of the new formal community etiquette in early August for public comment, receiving substantial praise and some spurts of criticism from members of the community; the greatest criticism came from minority voices, who voiced concerns over the new "authoritarian" direction of the community administration. The official thread for comment remained silent of comment and criticism however, signaling the public's consent, and so the newly re-written regulations were quietly adopted after the deadline for comment passed on the eve of the 28th August.

Implementation of the new rules has gone over quietly throughout the community with surprisingly few hiccups during the transition, most of which remain related to new etiquette regarding the forum chatbox.

The oddly curious can view the new Eternity Community Etiquette through this link, but...why?

Forum roleplay map revamped!
While forum admins were gripping with the challenge of rewriting the rules, The Linear One, His Most Esteemed High Majesty, Lord of Creation, King Alldays (long may he reign) spent literal minutes improving the community'smodern roleplay map! Previously using a gradient, grey-scale map for topography with gaudy vibrant colors for countries, the new map makes use of super advanced alien AI to create super detailed height maps. Almost tens of people worldwide were nearly whelmed from the intense graphical changes, and now so can you, too!

[Image: VFaUpcF.png]

How positively wonderful! The Benevolent One has once again blessed us with the Glory and Power of His creation!

Other News
  • New forum formatting tweaks correct aethetic displeasures that no one knew they needed.
  • Virgin sacrifices to the Linear One reportedly on the decline, due to sudden lack of virgins to sacrifice.
  • What are frogs?
  • Much loved members return from military training. Well done! Welcome back! Way to go!
  • Super secret forum playground for admins and their helpers under consideration. Shh, it's a secret.
  • New forum banner styles under consideration. Is a new logo to follow?

[Image: 6XM4QBT.png?]
Dying New Galasia
The story of revolution in Galasia continues with the near-collapse of Galasian regime forces to the Angirisian incursion. A war that started with a military overthrow of the country's government and monarchy, the Near East country of New Galasia has seen itself embroiled in the cauldron of civil conflict in its eastern enclave of Eastmarch for the last seven years as the local population used the coup in the west as a pretense to seek seek independence and their disparate other aims.

Angiris has intervened in the west, hitting the "illegitimate" military regime forces in a hard, powerful thrust south and west to end the supposed "government" and restore order to the chaos on its border. But, as Angiris focuses its attentions in the west, the fragile detente between militias in the east is broken when groups make final pushes to claim as much power and land as possible before the coming, inevitable talks of peace...a storm before the calm. What will come of the people in the East, especially when strong doubts still remain that the Angirisians really intend to give the Rojadavi their due independence?

Quote:Amrun stood stark still in a line with several older men, his rifle shouldered in the usual pseudo-military fashion his trainers had drilled into him over the past weeks. Short and wiry with a baby-clean face, he contrasted greatly with nearly all of the other men, the stocky men, the bearded men, the men with leathery bronze skin from decades of toiling under the hot Galasian sun.

Throughout his childhood, Amrun listened silently to the hushed discontent of his fathers, his friends' fathers, his grandfathers; the humiliation of using foreign words to talk about your own home, the continued occupation from the western pocket of the "country," the second-class treatment and constant reminders of subjugation and who your "betters" were. The antagonism was constant, yet fighting against it was pointless, as you had no rights, you were just mules to put profits into the pockets of western imperialists. You were expendable, a worthless brown savage in a savage brown land.

Not that they would do anything about it, of course. At least, not until the coup.

>> Read More Here <<

Other News
  • Millerainia aggressively fights its lowest population growth in history with new Purposeful Family Program.
  • Largest worldwide sanctions package leveled on Belayazimiya for being completely ridiculous.
  • Goldecia descending further into self destruction, with racist calls to "breed out" select skin colors in a futile effort to fight racism.
  • Oslanburg saves the whales...for your dinner plate!
  • Kazemura men's football team signs legendary Florinthian player & coach Doug Greene. Yay, sports!
  • Hushed rumors of impending West Brigidna integration amongst the hallowed halls of power, which would create one of the largest social, political and economic power blocs on the continent.

[Image: j160JI5.png?]
Eclipse fever grips Eternity
It's not every day That one gets to see an eclipse live in person, and in its totality. All to often the weather gets in the way, or we have schooling or work that prevents any viewing. Most commonly, the event just takes place somewhere far outside of where we live. The most recent one, however, captured the attention and imagination of many Eternity members several months in advance, with discussions taking place in June and some members researching long before even then. Excited viewers from across Eternity anxiously awaited the 21st of August.

With the cosmic event now behind us, certain people keep reminiscing. You can reminisce with them!

[Image: n0COk5M.png]

Statues, Idols, and Symbols ~~ Oh My
Recent events in the real world - or rather the US, same difference, really - have sparked several fervent debates across the community regarding several topics that have crept into the national consciousness. Mr Flo, ever interested tryign to understand different points of view, has opened several points of discussion on these topics in the Gentlemen's Club as an effort to get people to explore their positions further. Will the discussions stay that way? Who knows; in the world today, it's become increasingly uncommon to be able to hold a rational, respectful debate between two people of opposing viewpoints, as too often people nowadays forget that they are nto the sum of their opinions and get weirdly irate at the thought of not being entirely in the right.

But we in Eternity care. Yes, we believe, even despite our own failings, that proper discourse can still function to bridge our cultural and ideological divides like it used to do so long ago:

Quote:So it's more or less in the subject title and the photos above. In recent years, there has been significant pressure regarding confederate statues, flags, symbols, etc. in the public sphere. While there has surely been dissatisfaction with confederate statues, flags, symbols, etc. for some time, this came up significantly in 2015, when there was significant backlash regarding the confederate flags being used atop government buildings and in other public spaces, and since then has grown to encompass all sorts of confederate symbols and statues.

In the years since, confederate statues in particular have gotten a lot of bad press, and it seems every month or so there's another mayor announcing their city will be taking down statues or removing symbols from government spaces, parks, etc. Even streets names after significant confederate leaders have been targeted.

This topic will be available for members to discuss how they feel regarding the subject of Confederate symbols, flags, statues, etc. Feel free to rebut, discuss, confirm, debate, all you'd like. I get that there are significant branches this discussion could take that aren't all on topic, so try to stay as close to the primary topic as you can, which is the confederate flags, symbols, and statues and primarily their removal/defence, etc.

>> Read More Here <<

Other News
  • Diplomacy game on temporary hiatus as its players both begin jobs and travel to exotic locales.
  • Sep & Sal's Birthweek Poetry Party Blowout Bonanza Mega Deluxe Slam Jam both begins, and ends. It was only a week, after all. Geez.
  • Plague Inc is kinda cool, I guess.
  • Do you even lift, bro?
  • Flo floats the idea of a monthly research op-ed periodical podcast.
  • Q3 2017 Eternity Authors' Challenge enters its final month, ending 30 Sept.

[Image: gjU8K5j.png?1]

This message was brought to you by the Eternity RPC External Liaison Program
Written and edited by Seperallis ([Image: oertha__947908t2.jpg] Oertha)

[Image: t5302010.png]
([Image: blacaria__492151t2.jpg] Blacaria)
[Image: t5306732.png]
([Image: imperial_monkeys__608391t2.png] Imperial Monkeys)
[Image: t5301234.png]
( [-] )
[Image: t5302011.png]
([-] Florinthus)
[Image: t5301237.png]
([Image: oertha__947908t2.jpg] Oertha)
[Image: nsrepresentative.png]
Alvino Castillon
([-] Almaniania)

Fuq you Lines, I post where I want. >:U
(also, I'll go to the proper "Eternity on NS" place eventually, even though this thing doesn't strictly apply to NS regions)

So I'm appointing myself to the post of "person who writes dispatch posts" and working on proper...things. Each dispatch will come out at least monthly, to be disseminated by whoever. I'll make the effort to code the dispatch in as many different ways as possible, to meet the needs of other forum formatting requirements (IF, Zeta, Proboards, etc). Each dispatch will discuss happenings regarding our community, covering the following topics:

- Community News
- Role Play
- Writings (or something else, maybe everything about the forum that's not news or roleplay)
- Gaming (I guess?)

First things first, I don't know everything about everything going on with the forum (mainly re: roleplay). So, whenever I post something regarding a new telegram, there will be a point before it gets sent out for public comment and suggestions regarding things to include. Comment with your suggestions and news and whatnot, and I'll (maybe) include it.

Second, I need someone to make cool fancy graphics for me. I'm going to use the Eternity logo at the top of our forum, but I still need section headers done in the same style (see above topics); I may or may not want graphics for the "June 2017 Dispatch" part I'd put below the main header, but I might just, you know, do that with text. I dunno, try to make one for me anyway? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Uh, I guess that's it. I'll work on something either tonight or this week.
Here's some hidden files with our symbols on them:

[Image: alt-logo.png]

[Image: eternity-banner.png]

[Image: orb-logo.png]

There's also the flag in the information table and the logo on the Ignite version.

The regional colors are blue (#336699), light gray (#bdc1cd), and...midnight blue? #151925.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Did you use a font for the logo & embellish it, or is that hand-drawn?
I kidnapped it from the Internet and added the dragon parts from our dragon to it. Sucks, cause it's really cool.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
A draft of our first foreign dispatch is posted in the original post. Top of the thread. If you're too lazy to scroll up, here's a link:

What I need:

1) info to add, mainly info of what's happening in RP, especially if it's something I can write about and give a quote for. I know much more has happened, but I'm not making it my job to know every single thing about the rp and put it all up here; let me know what shit's gone down, and I might make room in the message to other forums.

2) comb through for grammar and factual errors.

3) Check the content. Make sure it's worth reading, and the kind of something we want to send out. If you want more sections, more types of things, let me know. I've split the content into three categories: news about the forum; news about roleplay; news about community happenings. This is all the stuff I felt was "important."

4) Pictures & graphics. I might add some more, but another picture or two would not be amiss

*** *** NOTE TO SELF *** *** ***
Add quick links for map, wiki, etc to the top. AND DON'T FORGET IT!
This is quite good!!! Thanks for highlighting the plight of the saamojeds!
Needs more about me. And my numerous titles. Mostly my numerous titles, we must confuse these dirty foreigners.

Aside from that, looks solid. I'm afraid I don't have any content though. Sad

I need to invade more things.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Alright, cool. In that case, as soon as I get the date image from Sal, I'll edit the format to match other forums, and post it out.
June newsletter is completed. Newsletter code will be posted shortly.

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Chat and Sioran News
You can find a more extensive list of stuff that's happened in role play here...if people bothered to add it.

About Eternity RPC

Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.