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A new RP for Octitania
I want to do a RP with you guys with the Constitutional Convention of 1579. I think it could work out very well.

So the basic rules are each 7 duchies get delegations proportionate to their population. 1 rep. per 500,000 people. But the speaker casts the vote of behalf of the entire delegation and he will be debating on behalf of the delegation, most of the time.

So I want to give you guys as much freedom as you need to get creative and so you can each play an active role in the convention. I will roleplay the President of the convention which basically announces the debate sessions, announces with passes and does not, and dismisses and recalls the convention.

I forgot the names of the 7 duchies so if you want, you can make them up. But I will put radom duchy names down below and give some notes about them

Epela- rural, mountainous- normal political position: right
Argaza- rural, agrarian- normal political position: populist (on no particular spectrum)
Aetos- urban, unions present- normal political position: left
Ochoininon- not rural, not extensively urbanized- normal political position: center-left
Tylousa- mining companies present, corrupt- normal political position: center
Sozurion- foresting main trade, not very many people; normal political position: center-right
Pheria- urban, near the capital- normal political position: center-left

So what do you guys think? How can we make this work?
Hi Wiz, welcome back first of all.

What do you envision to happen in this, specifically? do the participants, as delegates to the convention, debate the merits (or lack thereof~) of political reform for the country and at the end affect this change, or is it much more open-ended than that? how much "reform" do you actually intend to implement in your country, or will this be based on how the IC goes?
(05-26-2017, 04:51 PM)Adwest Wrote: Hi Wiz, welcome back first of all.

What do you envision to happen in this, specifically? do the participants, as delegates to the convention, debate the merits (or lack thereof~) of political reform for the country and at the end affect this change, or is it much more open-ended than that? how much "reform" do you actually intend to implement in your country, or will this be based on how the IC goes?

Thanks, it certainly good to be back.

Cocerning the RP, I was thinking about keeping the monarchy. But now to think of it, I would like the topic weathered we should keep the monarchy or not in the convention. As this convention comes along, it will be determining the foundational fate of the Empire. Your character is what you craft it to be. It can be corrupt or as populist as you want. The political wisdom is almost completely gone. But the notes I gave above is what the politician's/person's constituants think. So a lot of freedom here.
So I am confused, what are we actually roleplaying?
(05-27-2017, 08:10 PM)Arkiania Wrote: So I am confused, what are we actually roleplaying?

This is Constitutional Convention. Delegates from different parts of the Empire are coming together to put together a new Constitution for Octitania.
Should this wait a bit until other RP's are done? I would like more people to participate in this RP but if no one else is interested, maybe this RP is not a good idea. I just thought it make an interesting RP.

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