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OOC: Balochia and the Northern Wars
I have spoken with lynis and others about this, but don't have anything terribly formal yet. I made this map briefly to describe the ethnic/cultural breakdown of Harmajaa, Sappa, and Balochia (or what was once known as Duran).

[Image: aKbraSN.png]

As you can see, large saamojedic population in Balochia. This is like karjelinn as well, where a large saami population is basically second class citizens, though in Balochia it's much more extreme. I'm not totally sure yet, but maybe something like South Africa even? Idk...

The OOC intentions of this campaign experience are as follows:

- Do legitimate roleplay in a region that has been almost completely sleepy thus far.
- Eliminate the weird "sappa" state that is basically a less unified Harmajaan state.
- Fix "The Duran Problem"
- Adjust the northern border of Severyane so it is more appealing

I do not have much decided on the Baloch people (they refer to themselves as Boloch and their nation is Bolochyya) I'd like to ask hahk or jam to see how these people can fit into things.

Jam, Hahk, other vostic folks, let me know whats up in this region so we can work on a storyline etc.

I'm open to any all ideas that can solve the above problems.
Okay, so the situation that we were all talking about in the chat is as follows, basically:

- Saamojedi oppressed majority rises up and starts killing Balochs like crazy
- Balochs cry to their Vostic brethren for aid, their call is answered by Severyane, Kubaniza, and Calgarov (maybe others)
- Peacekeepers come in and fuck shit up until there is an actual peace for them to keep
- Saamojedi create their own nation, Balochs are left with their half

It was suggested that the Balochs are annexed to Severyane, but I personally would prefer an independent Baloch rump state.
It should be noted that the Baloch would be incredibly prejudiced towards the saamojedi. I'm not sure about specific manifestations of that, but I talked about the saami folks being kept in underdeveloped parts of the country and being more or less banned from the wealthy provinces of "Balochia proper". There would be a long history of saamojedic suffering that will finally reach a tipping point.

This tipping point... I'm unsure what should inspire it. Perhaps harmajaa might try to encourage more extremist elements to rise up. I'm open to ideas.

If a rump state remains, which I am not at all opposed to, the border will probably be adjusted very slightly. This will not be a result of the conflict but a sort of quick edit to make it more appealing. That's largely up to lynis however. Be advised that friction between any saamojedic state and this balochia rump state will be very intense.

Something I'm hoping to do as well is eventually have a united saamojedic republic. harmajaa is officially called "The Saamojedic State of Harmajaa" and it's eventual goal would be to unite all the saamojed people under one banner. A UNITED SAPPLAND

But all in good time.
Perhaps the Saamojedi should have just focused on improving their own lands instead of trying to take the hard-earned wealth of the successful, industrious, and innovative Baloch people.
I made a flag for Balochia as well...

[Image: BbgKfwA.png]
Republika Bolochyya
Is burning jedi villages a common practice in Balochia? Tongue
Actually in some cases yes Smile it does in fact happen. You don't know it yet, but that particular village housed a few saamojedic nationalist terrorist types.

One of which happens to be the character I introduced Flipped Smile

Regardless, the subjugation is supposed to be very intense. Something has to flare these people up into a frenzy.
When can I kill the Saamojedi?
[Image: Wbs3DMM.png]
In time, in time. Things will get so bad and the tides will turn. Then there will be mass riots and a large force will storm balochia proper.

Then the fun begins >Smile
Given Sev's turn towards a real democracy, would it really make sense for them to assume the old USR stance of "defend all Vostics until we can subsume them again?" Obviously it wouldn't want armed rebel terror on its border, but at the same time, I have a hard time believing they'd be so naive to fight the battle of a bloody ruthless regime whose policies worsened the mess. Surely they'd be more interested in defending Balochia proper, ensuring its survival until status quo agreement is reached.

But that's just my two cents; you got a story planned, so by all means, don't let me stop you. Flipped Smile

Until I stop you. e_e

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