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Future RP
Depending on how many people are interested, perhaps we have two characters per person or some people? For instance the likelihood of the Bridge Crew, Engineers, and some of the scientists actually leaving the ship (assuming they find a planet to explore or something else to leave the ship for) is relatively small so perhaps having an "away team" member for those that would have their characters stuck in the ship would be good, probably either a scientist or a marine.

Is He Active Now? Only Time Will Tell...
I'd be interested in RPing as a medical officer, or the chief engineer. This thread idea you guys came up with is giving me a good vibe.
[Image: Wbs3DMM.png]

I will be very hands off and spend most of my time getting drunk in my quarters.

Also, yes, naming it after me was a joke. Call it Enterprise. *nods
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
This is a very important expedition. I don't think they would appoint a drunkard captain to lead it. Tongue

E: Unless you want to be the guy whose incompetence allowed the rogue crew member to enact his plan. That could be interesting. Then you feel GREAT SHAME. Or not, because you're a bastard.
Here is my brief bio for my Executive Officer character (assuming no one else wants to challenge my claim to the position):


Welch, John P.
Lieutenant Commander

March 19, 2317, North American Commonwealth (32 years of age)

Summary of service record:
LCDR John Welch began his military career in the North American Commonwealth Space Forces when he was 17 years of age. His career with the NAC Space Forces was marked by commendations from his commanding officers for his quick mind and efficiency. He was expected to attain high rank in the NAC military until he unexpectedly resigned and took a commission in the UN Space Navy after the outbreak of hostilities with the Yegorov Society in the Saturn System. He served with distinction during the conflict, culminating in his victory over the enemy ship Pobeda, a frigate-class vessel, while commanding the corvette UNS Beauregard. For this action, he was awarded the Bronze Star and his promotion to LCDR was expedited. In 2348, he was chosen to become the Executive Officer of the UNS Horizon (filler name).
Generic post expressing interest.

Pike, Christopher J.

April 8th, 2324, Elysium Settlement, United Martian Republic(25 years of age)

Selected Position: Chief Operations Officer; Second Officer of the UNS Horizon

Summary of service record:

Pike was born into a family, whose long history within the Martian Military was unrivaled( His great-grandfather acting as the Fleet Admiral for the Martian Navy during its rebellion), as such, Pike attended Elysium Military Academy, before commissioning into the Martian Aerospace Corps. Pike operated within the various intelligence agencies that the Martian Military would operate in order to keep up with other rivals throughout the solar system. Eventually, Pike was allowed to transfer into the United Nations Space Navy, the first in his family to do so (earning him much ire throughout the various branches of his family). Within the UNSN, Pike was the First Officer on the UNS Hadfield, during the Yegorov Crisis, however due to a clash with his commanding officer over protocol as to what to do with prisoners who attempted to board the ship, Pike was not recommended for promotion. Pike's sometimes cold malice earns him both respect and ire among his subordinates and superiors.

Sources claim, that Pike was chosen to be on the UNS Horizon, in order to have an aggressive and effective point of view.

Belkos, Devin C.
2nd Lieutenant

September 1, 2322 (27 years of age)
Sydney, Republic of Australia, Commonwealth of Nations

Summary of service record:
Devin Charles Belkos enrolled in the Commonwealth of Nations Space Corps' Officer Enlistment Program at the age of eighteen. Following his initial acceptance and training he was siphoned into the Engineering Division and was trained as a Power Plant Maintainer. Following graduation he, along with the rest of his classmates, received the rank of Officer Cadet and were issued ship assignments. OFF. Belkos was stationed aboard the HMS Surprise under the command of Chief Engineer LIEU. Michael Foster. OFF. Belkos served with distinction and was involved in several anti-piracy operations in the circumstellar Asteroid Belt, specifically in the Battles of Vesta and Psyche. OFF. Belkos earned a promotion to Midshipman, as well as a commendation, during the Battle of Psyche for rescuing several injured crewmen after a coolant tank exploded. After his six year contract with the CNSC was ended, MSM. Belkos decided to enroll for transfer to the UNSN. He was accepted, granted the rank of Lieutenant, and sent in for training on all engineering systems the UNSN ships housed. He graduated from the UNSN Engineering Officer School, and was assigned a position aboard the destroyer UNS Celestial as its Chief Engineer.

LIEU. Devin Belkos has apparently been chosen as Chief Engineer for the UNS Horizon.
[Image: Wbs3DMM.png]
#19 Sign up for your spots people Big Grin
Claiming one of the Assistant Medical Officers.

Ulianov, Taras Artemovych
Lieutenant Commander

June 30, 2307 (42 years of age)
Elista, Republic of Kalmykia, Russia

Summary of service record:
LCDR Taras Ulianov completed his postgraduate medical residency with Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry to receive a Doctorate of Medicine in 2338.  As a civilian, Ulianov served as Director of the Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics in Mariinsky Hospital in St. Petersburg from 2339 through 2344 wherein he oversaw the treatment of several unusual cases with overwhelmingly positive outcomes and managed department staffing.  During this time, Ulianov received State funding to participate in research activities regarding acceleration stress and mitigating the effects of acceleration stress on the human body, and in the development of treatments for disorders resulting in orthostatic intolerance.  In 2345, Ulianov entered the UNSN with the direct commission rank of ensign.  After completing a one-year residency with the Naval Hospital, he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and was given the opportunity to continue his research while continuing to practice as an internist.

LCDR Ulianov was selected to serve as an Assistant Medical Officer for the UNS Horizon.  In preparation, he has completed flight training and is equipped to provide auxiliary emergency response in the event of health event in any crew in-flight.

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You can find a more extensive list of stuff that's happened in role play here...if people bothered to add it.

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