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Future RP
Who would like to create a future RP? It would be character-based as opposed to nation-based.

This is the premise that Rommy and I have established so far, for consideration:
  • The Solar System is governed by a system-wide single government. This government is a form of confederation, with distinct nations still in existence.
  • Humanity has access to relatively advanced technology, including spaceships, however they have never before been able to achieve faster-than-light travel.
  • An FTL project, years in the making, has finally produced a working FTL drive.
  • Humanity sends out its first FTL-capable exploratory/research project with a small crew (around 15 or so). The RP centers around this crew.

What we need to figure out is the composition of this crew and, for now, the first adventure they will be embarking on. In addition to the barest complement required to run a starship (captain, executive officer, bridge crew, engineering, marine complement), there will probably be a fair few scientists and other smart people.

As for the initial scenario, it might involve the crew's first experience in FTL, exploring a nearby star system (Alpha Centauri, Sirius, Barnard's Star). Perhaps they find a long-lost human colony that left on a sub-FTL colony ship years ago. Perhaps they discover evidence of an ancient alien race. Perhaps the long-lost humans are being oppressed by the Goa'uld? Who knows.
Here's another idea:

After their first FTL jump, the crew finds that their ship has been disabled. A member of the crew has gone rogue, taken control of key functions of the ship, and sealed himself off from the rest of the crew. He is an extremist of some sort (possibly a separatist from one of the colonies in the Solar System such as Mars or Jupiter), but the crew is eventually able to talk him down, or through some other means, are able to capture/kill him.
I like this idea, count me in, even if it's just the two of us.
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I am in; personally I view the crew's leadership (CDR, First Officer) to be Terran and the majority of the crew to be terran. However, I imagine Colonials being useful to exploring some planets so there would be a few on the ship, both for some practical purposes as well as publicity purposes.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
I have put up an opening post for the first adventure of the UNS Jarol Lynis (other names might be considered). It just contains a bit of background info and sets up for the formation of the ship's crew.
Jarol Lynis for the ship's name seems a bit weird if the man is still alive. Probably would make more sense to name it more generic UNS Horizon or Explorer perhaps.
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Lines said he wanted it named after him, but we can totally change it. It's kind of just a joke.

As far as the crew goes, I think Rommy made an unofficial claim to the medical officer, but he'll have to state that in this thread. The majority of the crew will be Earthers, mostly because Earth actually contains the vast majority of the human population, but partly because the Colonials are not held in as high regard as true-blue, homegrown Earthers.

I believe that these are the basic roles that need to be filled, although not necessarily by a person, they can be "NPCs", so to speak, if necessary:
  • Captain
  • Executive Officer
  • Chief Medical Officer
  • Marine Detachment Commander
  • Chief Scientific Officer
  • Chief Engineer

If we take into account the various departments under these people (8 marines, 3 bridge crew, 2 corpsmen, 2 engineers), we get 15 men and women to crew the ship, excluding the scientists.

I'm thinking of being either the Executive Officer or Marine Detachment Commander.
Exec or Marine Commander? Not Captain or Marine Commander? As a question, how are we saying the Military structure of future-UN is gonna be? Each Nation having its own forces? A unified force?

My desired position would either be Marine Detachment or Scientist, whether that means that I have multiple characters including the Chiefs of each or just one character is up to you.
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I think that the individual nations probably have their own forces and the UN as a whole has its own military force, as well.

I think that I'll probably leave the captaincy to someone else.

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