"The Prince"
A Historical RP
I was mulling over a medieval/historical RP idea some days ago while driving up here to the in-laws, and when discussing it with Sal came to find that it's very similar to an idea she had (that we'd apparently discussed) some time ago. Simply speaking, it'll take place in I'll skip the fluff, and get to a general overview of how it would work:
Character/vignette writing; each person participating in the RP would do so as one - and only one - character, where additional npcs may be added and rp'd by me or someone else, as necessary to advance the plot or create a nice story.
Jekabpils, Videjszeme. It is summertime, and the "court" as it were is away from the capital of Nereta to the Grand Prince's summer home, a manse and surrounding lands near the riverside city. This is where our story begins.
Videjszeme and Valisfoldek have endured a long history of peace, warfare, trade, raids, separation and intermingling for centuries, ever since the Valisfold first settled in the "southlands" and came into contact with the Seļi. Recent generations, however, have known very little other than prosperity and peace as the two peoples have grown closer and friendlier with each other, but old rivalries rarely completely die.
Now, though, tragedy has struck Videjszeme, as the young King Viljams, last of his line (as far as we know) is dead before his time, the victim of a horrible hunting accident...or was it an "accident?"
Only three people, the same people that were with him in his last moments, know of the king's death, but can they keep the secret from the rest of the manor - and the public - until a new king can be found...one way or another?
The objective of the RP changes based upon your character, whether you're one of the three main named characters who know of the king's death (who each have their own separate, secret objectives), or a custom-made character who doesn't know of the death (yet). Generally speaking, the RP will end once a new King has been found and successfully accepted.
The outcome is not predetermined, even though this is a "historical" RP.
There are a few set cast members for this story, while others may be made-up. These "main characters" are as follows:
The Statesman : Duke Aleksis no Pljavinjas - Pljavinjas as a province lies just west of Iluukste, in the historical Selji heartland, and has always held a prominent place in the politics of Videjszeme. Aleksis is no different: an elder statesman who can trace his lineage as lords of the region all the way back to tribal times. Poor King Viljams looked up to the man as both an accomplished official and as something of a father figure. Ambitious but loyal, Aleksis served his lord faithfully and well as his Lord Chancellor and has the earned respect of many in the Saeima, but with the King now dead and no known heir available, it's not a far stretch that such a distinguished servant of the State might make a natural replacement...but surely any sudden suggestion would prompt harsh resistance and calls for an investigation for an heir. One must play these things carefully, after all...
The Warrior : Field Marshal Mikus Vasiljjevs - Commander of his armies, Mikus started life as a farmer's son. Rare is it for someone of low station to gain recognition, but exceptional skill and persistence served him well as he repeatedly distinguished himself in service of the realm through three successive Kings, serving faithfully and well. With the King now gone and none ready to replace him, some might say it's a small step to go from commanding an army to commanding a nation, but surely very few of his aristocratic peers would relish a baseborn scoundrel seeking to leap far beyond his station, and surely even fewer in the Saeima would even consider such a coronation. Even were he not an ambitious man, surely his duty to his country might see him too preoccupied with keeping the King's death quiet for as long as possible, should the land-hungry powers around Videjszeme seek to take advantage of a government in chaos...
The Outside Bet : Reinis Peetersons - King Viljams met this strapping young lad while attending University in Valisfoldek, and they became fast friends. When Viljams went home to be crowned King, Reinis followed, and has been a close friend and advisor in the court since then. Reinis has a secret, though, a secret that could cost him his life if he's not careful. Can he navigate these dangerous next few days? (Whoever plays as Reinis: speak with me about the "secret" when you choose this character.)
Here we have the character submission form. Regardless of whether you're looking to play as one of the above people or create your own, fill this out. Yes, for anything not shown above, you can make up stuff, within reason.
Discussion, interest, questions are appreciated.
A Historical RP
I was mulling over a medieval/historical RP idea some days ago while driving up here to the in-laws, and when discussing it with Sal came to find that it's very similar to an idea she had (that we'd apparently discussed) some time ago. Simply speaking, it'll take place in I'll skip the fluff, and get to a general overview of how it would work:
Character/vignette writing; each person participating in the RP would do so as one - and only one - character, where additional npcs may be added and rp'd by me or someone else, as necessary to advance the plot or create a nice story.
Jekabpils, Videjszeme. It is summertime, and the "court" as it were is away from the capital of Nereta to the Grand Prince's summer home, a manse and surrounding lands near the riverside city. This is where our story begins.
Videjszeme and Valisfoldek have endured a long history of peace, warfare, trade, raids, separation and intermingling for centuries, ever since the Valisfold first settled in the "southlands" and came into contact with the Seļi. Recent generations, however, have known very little other than prosperity and peace as the two peoples have grown closer and friendlier with each other, but old rivalries rarely completely die.
Now, though, tragedy has struck Videjszeme, as the young King Viljams, last of his line (as far as we know) is dead before his time, the victim of a horrible hunting accident...or was it an "accident?"
Only three people, the same people that were with him in his last moments, know of the king's death, but can they keep the secret from the rest of the manor - and the public - until a new king can be found...one way or another?
The objective of the RP changes based upon your character, whether you're one of the three main named characters who know of the king's death (who each have their own separate, secret objectives), or a custom-made character who doesn't know of the death (yet). Generally speaking, the RP will end once a new King has been found and successfully accepted.
The outcome is not predetermined, even though this is a "historical" RP.
There are a few set cast members for this story, while others may be made-up. These "main characters" are as follows:
The Statesman : Duke Aleksis no Pljavinjas - Pljavinjas as a province lies just west of Iluukste, in the historical Selji heartland, and has always held a prominent place in the politics of Videjszeme. Aleksis is no different: an elder statesman who can trace his lineage as lords of the region all the way back to tribal times. Poor King Viljams looked up to the man as both an accomplished official and as something of a father figure. Ambitious but loyal, Aleksis served his lord faithfully and well as his Lord Chancellor and has the earned respect of many in the Saeima, but with the King now dead and no known heir available, it's not a far stretch that such a distinguished servant of the State might make a natural replacement...but surely any sudden suggestion would prompt harsh resistance and calls for an investigation for an heir. One must play these things carefully, after all...
The Warrior : Field Marshal Mikus Vasiljjevs - Commander of his armies, Mikus started life as a farmer's son. Rare is it for someone of low station to gain recognition, but exceptional skill and persistence served him well as he repeatedly distinguished himself in service of the realm through three successive Kings, serving faithfully and well. With the King now gone and none ready to replace him, some might say it's a small step to go from commanding an army to commanding a nation, but surely very few of his aristocratic peers would relish a baseborn scoundrel seeking to leap far beyond his station, and surely even fewer in the Saeima would even consider such a coronation. Even were he not an ambitious man, surely his duty to his country might see him too preoccupied with keeping the King's death quiet for as long as possible, should the land-hungry powers around Videjszeme seek to take advantage of a government in chaos...
The Outside Bet : Reinis Peetersons - King Viljams met this strapping young lad while attending University in Valisfoldek, and they became fast friends. When Viljams went home to be crowned King, Reinis followed, and has been a close friend and advisor in the court since then. Reinis has a secret, though, a secret that could cost him his life if he's not careful. Can he navigate these dangerous next few days? (Whoever plays as Reinis: speak with me about the "secret" when you choose this character.)
Here we have the character submission form. Regardless of whether you're looking to play as one of the above people or create your own, fill this out. Yes, for anything not shown above, you can make up stuff, within reason.
character sheet:
Discussion, interest, questions are appreciated.