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"The Prince," a historical RP
@Jam: Nope, I haven't thought much on it since posting this, honestly. I've had other projects to attend to, and I think I mostly just posted this idea because it was on my mind, and I thought it'd be neat.

@Flo: The status is that's it might be on hold for at least a week, or probably until mid-February, when I'll literally have very little else to do while I'm trapped in Clemson.
Basic information on the three main character - if you can call them that - have been posted. CHaracter sheet format has been posted as well.
As discussed, here is my character submission. Timeline depending, some things in the bio may be adjusted. Additionally, I failed to give specifics with regard to place names; I don't have a map of Videjszeme in front of me and will correct this later.

Quote:Name: Laimonis Zvaigznekalns

Appearance: Laimonis is on the shorter side of average with a svelte build and of scant androgyny. He comes across as ageless, and as shifting of interpretation as an impressionistic oil piece, seemingly early in his third decade in the eyes of one viewer, but appearing to be closer to mid-life to others. His amorphous appearance may be in part due to the boyish smoothness of his face interrupted only by a thin line of jet black mustache, his true complexion unknown and hidden under a permanent dusting of pale powder; perhaps it is due to his long crop of glossy black curls with the first whispers of wiry grey shining at the temples. Always the first to adopt the latest fashions, it is rumored that Laimonis has never worn the same outfit twice (unless, of course, a certain ensemble happens to be a muse for his latest work of art, in which case it is also rumored that he has been seen not taking the clothes off for weeks on end - even wearing them in the bath.)

Personality: Laimonis is an artist - a man of exaggerated gestures, embellished speech patterns, and melodramatic flourish. At his very core, he is a true hedonist who delights in the company of beautiful women - and men alike, in fine wine and rich foods, and especially in the arts. To him, there is no shame in and no greater human directive than seeking and giving pleasure of all breeds. But he is also a man dedicated to his craft who pours love into and derives pride from his works, and who strives for ultimate perfection in all his undertakings. Laziness is not acceptable in himself or in those with whom he surrounds himself - after all, even questing for pleasure suggests an active involvement on the seeker's part. Although extravagant, even flamboyant, he is not the airheaded fop as he may be perceived. On the contrary, he is both highly educated and highly intelligent with an opinion on all the latest news in the realm. Generally an optimist and an extrovert to boot, he is aware that he can be overwhelming for the less socially inclined, but believes the best way to deal with this issue is by subjecting those hermetic types to an even larger dose of his boisterous self.

Bio: Seventh son of a once court musician who had retired in his old age to an idyllic mansion in the countryside with his young fourth wife, Laimonis was sent at an early to a boarding school in Videjszeme's capital. There he excelled in arts and literature with a particular penchant for oils and received constant praise from his tutors who hailed him as something of a prodigy. In his letters home to his family, he described his passions for the subjects he was taught and promised only to return home once his name was known by the king himself.

During his sixteenth year, however, his father passed away and he was forced to leave school earlier than he'd expected, returning to help his father's wife care for his five younger siblings as the elder Zvaigznekalns children were abroad with either studies or wars. Not allowing this to derail his plans, Laimonis routinely sent for canvases and media from the capital using the money he'd earned from commissions completed during his schooling and converted an unused wing of his late father's house into a makeshift studio. It was by only chance that his talent was rediscovered in the pastoral venue. Weeks short of Laimonis' eighteenth birthday, an earl traveling through their county happened upon the Zvaigznekalns mansion seeking lodging and a meal for the night. Through dinnertime conversation, it was discovered that the earl's younger brother had been a classmate of Laimonis who had often sung his peer's praises. In exchange for the Zvaigznekalns' hospitality, the earl agreed to transport two of Laimonis' works directly to the king's advisors and to recommend him a position in the court based on his late father's legacy as a talented musician and on the basis of his own merit.

Several months later, a carriage did, in fact, arrive at the Zvaigznekalns homestead, and with it came a summons from the king.

As a painter for the court, Laimonis became a very wealthy man and fairly renown in the capital, and was given such honorary tasks as producing royal portraits following the coronation of the young King Viljems. As a man of ambiguous political leanings with a talent for sweet-talking those above him in the pecking order, Laimonis has largely enjoyed an easy relationship with the king and his men. He is still allowed the freedom to return to his late father's home to visit his mother from time to time and continues to send large portions of his commissions to her.
I just wanted to mention that I will not be playing as one of the "main" named people above. Similar to how Jam's doing in the space rp, I want to concentrate on being the "DM," most likely taking the role as narrator and controller of NPCs.
All y'all who were interested should get involved! >:U

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