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Q&A Strathae
Welcome to the Q&A for the Strathae election. This our first major six party debate will consist of questions from Strathaens and from abroad. Enter your questions and which if any of the leaders it is directed to below is possible leave names>

Party:Leader:Founded:Economics:Tax:Welfare:Immigration:Law and Order:DisconnectionClan DemocracySocial:Foreign Policy:
Party of TraditionBlair Gobnet McLucais1317Centre RightCentre RightCentre Right30 Years Consecutive Marraige(Except for Strathaens)ConservativeUp to religion/ProYesConservativeInternationalist
Clan Progressive PartyÉimhear Dearbháil Scott1579CentristCentristCentristReferendum on immigration system with residency and marraige optionsCentristAnti/Removal of Tax breaks for faiths practising policyYesLiberal/CentristInternationalist
Clan Socialist PartySadhbh Aisling Seòras1479Centre left/LeftCentre Left/LeftLeft wing15 Years Consecutive Marraige(Except for Strathaens)ConservativeNeutral/Up to FaithYesConservative/CentristInternationalist
Liberal PartyRatna Nilima Darzi1521CentristCentristCentristPoints SystemLiberalAntiReformLiberalInternationalist
Conservative PartyAnnick Frañseza1510Centre RightCentre RightCentre rightPoints SystemConservativeAntiReformCentre RightInternationalist
Democratic Reform Party Sarah Fletcher1535CentristCentristCentrist5 Year RuleCentristAntiReform(Anti-Clan)CentristInternationalist
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What is your position on disconnection and why? Bláthnat Ó Meadhra

What is your plans for the economy. Do you support clan co-operatives or a more business led economy? Sé Flanagon

What do you think the role of immigration is in Strathae and why? Síle MacMathan

Our culture is very important to Strathae as you know. How will you ensure that the culture isn't invaded via globalisation? Gavin Mag Raith

What would you do for relations abroad and what sort of countries do you seek relations with? Séarlait McNeill

Some in this country see Akhadism as the fifth column do you agree with that assessment and what do you intend to do to deal with the Akhadism problem in this country? Coilean McGuire
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What is your position on disconnection and why? Bláthnat Ó Meadhra Scott
Blair Gobnet McLucais:I do not believe its the states right to decide who one or the community decides to associate or indeed not associate with. This is solely the right of the family and denominations court. They should be able to decide their own policy. I honestly believe in the right of any family to disconnected anyone they wish and I do not regret disconnecting my son. I have my so called sons best interests , to me he is no son right now. To deny the right to disassociate is to breach religious freedom.

Éimhear Dearbháil Scott:I thin the idea of disconnection is not a kind one or in the spirit of love our religion tells us we should act. How can we claim tolerance if merely leaving ones religion risks disconnection, shunning and isolation from any society. I believe disconnection is immoral and will fight it. I will do three things , I will first remove any tax breaks for denominations who allow disconnection or have punishments for leaving the faith, yes this would also include faiths like Akhadism if practised in their most extreme form but we need to take a stand on any religion native or otherwise that practises such ideas and I'll be honest most of the time Akhadism is more advanced on this than our own native faiths most extreme denominations.

Sadhbh Aisling Seòras:I want to make clear that personally myself I am not a fan of such a policy and would never do it. My denomination indeed does not practise such a policy. However I am with Blair legally. This is a culture and denomination issue.
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What is your plans for the economy. Do you support clan co-operatives or a more business led economy? Sé Flanagon McLucais
Blair Gobnet McLucais:While I applaud the clan co-operatives and worker co-operatives an economy cannot run on these alone. The fact is we need balance and indeed economies are built on small and medium enterprise family owned businesses or independent traders. I do believe the CSP's plans are economic suicide. They do not want you to have the oppurtunity to own your own business, they want to penalise you if you happen to work hard and become rich and they are a threat to jobs by punishing big corporations. Big corporations are not the enemy and are indeed vital to the country. Our party will fight for you but will also fight for the right to prosper from ones own work and also fight to get more jobs into the country by encouraging foreign investment. We need a mixed economy not an ideologically run one.

Éimhear Dearbháil Scott: Dare I say it , but Blair does raise some good points. We do not need to punish big companies domestic or foreign but we need to recognise the threat they can pose based on economy of scale. That is why our government would propose lower tax rates for small businesses and co-operatives. We would support domestic business and social enterprises. We need a mix but the economy should be run for the people not just for corporate profit. The economy should be run to protect the environment not just profits. Simply put we are not ideologically pro-business like PoT or ideologically supporting of co-operatives. We need a good mix and ultimately the people should decide what economy they want.

Sadhbh Aisling Seòras:My two opponents here are just simply wrong to suggest we wish to punish big business but for too long now big business has got away with far too much. The rich -poor divide is still too great and there is still way too much focus on profits. Profits are often above 3%. This is not good, this means wages could be raised and benefit the workers but CEO's greed prevents that. We propose 3 pillars, 1: support of clan-co-operatives and co-operatives 2:Support of social enterprises and 3: Pay caps of 25 times the lowest worker. These are not outrageous, they only affect the richest and why does one need to be a millionaire. Thats just greed. Furthermore we must fight for the 55% tax bracket to remain or even raise it 60% . We must fight to reraise corporation taxes to pay for public services and we must nationallise transport , energy utilities and water by force if the companies don't want to sell for a fair price. In short we need radical change in our economy, an economy run for the people not for millionaires.
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What do you think the role of immigration is in Strathae and why? Síle MacMathan MacCarmaig
Blair Gobnet McLucais:Immigration is good but one must assess the good of the immigrant to the country. How can one say importing sexism is good or that importing homophobia is good? How can one protect the country if it allows the Akhadists to build up enmasse to become a fifth column. I do not over exaggerate when I say Akhadists are the greatest threat in a generation and that is compared to the sentrecists. No we cannot let these Akhadists win, they show their values every time they bomb us. I will accept immigration but it must be good immigrants who come, not Akhadists. We must do all we can to tell the Akhadists you are not welcome, you are considered an enemy of the state and of the people. We in short must come up with a final solution to the problem.In fact we should return to the rule of 30 years marraige, if you are not related to a citizen then why should you enjoy citizenship.I also want to finish off on one thing, lets kick all Akhadists including the clan akhadists out of this country. If they want to be the bigoted pricks they are , let them , but let them in hellholes like Wadiyah. Perhaps we should send all their asses to the Akhadist state over there!

Éimhear Dearbháil Scott: This is precisely why we left the government , are some akhadists a problem undoubtedly. Are there akhadists who are a national security threat? Well you'd be a fool to deny this. But the key is not all Akhadists are evil, not all are our enemy. Most simply want to get on with their life without interference from the state, most want to integrate into our society. Now as for immigration I believe that immigrants must be able to keep some of their identity but we should encourage a Strathaen identity based on tolerance, hard work and acceptance and also the celebration of our clan and communal values that make us great. Immigrants have a big role, they provide working age people, increase production here and make sure our economic and welfare system works. I believe we need to change to make it easier, we need to stop seeing immigration as a threat and seize the oppurtunity , would immigration be good in the clan lands, no we do not need to flood such small communities and destroy the way of life there but in McCarmaig and Kathmore as long as they are not violent, work hard , are tolerant and integrate into their community why should they face hardship. I believe we should have a referendum on whether a 15 year residence rule is adopted or whether we adopt a 15 year marriage rule. I understand why we used to fear immigration after all this nation was attacked culturally for many years but now we are respected. Now there is not cultural threat from immigration if it is managed right.

Sadhbh Aisling Seòras:While I disagree with the CPP on their stance, the marraige requirement must be kept.I also think returning to 30 years marraige is a tough law and one that may be outdated. The laws we have now are about right. I wish to condemn Blair McLucais's comments on the fifth collumn. Do Akhadists follow our values? No Can some Akhadists be threat? Yes and indeed a big proportion are but only these should be punished . You cannot punish one for being the same faith as a bomber, not all are guilty by association. I see the role of immigration being that of a immigrant community that is strathaen, accepts all regardless of clan, religion, sexuality and gender as their equals. I see an immigrant population that works hard, cares about their community and teaches their children to be patriotic. This is the role I see for immigration.
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Some in this country see Akhadism as the fifth column do you agree with that assessment and what do you intend to do to deal with the Akhadism problem in this country? Coilean McGuire McLucais
Blair Gobnet McLucais:Well I think everyone well knows I do not like Akhadists. I say right now no Akhadist is truly Strathaen. The best is a terrorism enabler, the worst a hateful extremist bigot who is a threat to the security and safety of Strathaens. Look what happens when you let their kind in , they bomb you, they kill your own children. They in short threaten the existance and security of Strathae just like those cultural imperialists over 200 years ago. And we must fight, we must win , we must fight until there is no Akhadist left in this nation. They are a fifth collumn and while a single Akhadist remains in Strathae , Strathaes very values are under threat. Akhadism is not compatible with civillisation

Éimhear Dearbháil Scott:Once again Blair proves her ignorance and also proves just how extreme she is. This is why we left government. Akhadism is not the threat, akhadist extremists are and we will fight those but we need the akhadist community to aid us. If we call them all fifth column why should they help us? Perhaps her isolating langauge is part of the reason attacks have risen. Perhaps her driving of Akhadists to extremism is part of the reason we are in this mess. I say stop focusing on the Akhadism problem and instead focus on the Akhadist extremist problem. Stop fighting the community but instead work with them to fight extremism within their own community. If you want to stop this problem we need to work with them not against them and perhaps we need to revise our hate laws. One should be allowed to air a view but if they do they should expect backlash if its intolerant. But unless someone has harassed someone, or threatened a whole group or incited violence they should have the right to state an opinion no matter if its tolerant or not.

Sadhbh Aisling Seòras:I very much in this regard with Éimhear except on hate speech. I think our current laws once again are just fine but we do need to find a better way to work with the community. We need more Akhadists in law enforcement and intelligence and to help akhadists who patriotically report extremists. Ultimately we need to find a much better way to work with moderate akhadism while still condemning bigoted, homophobic, sexist and violent akhadism.
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Our culture is very important to Strathae as you know. How will you ensure that the culture isn't invaded via globalisation? Gavin Mag Raith

Blair Gobnet McLucais:I think we have the most beautiful culture on Siora and indeed our rich clan cultures have created that unique Strathaen way of life. I don't know of another nation with over 104 different cultures each unique to their group that works so well in harmony to create a core set of values. We need first and foremost to keep clans as powerful as possible. No matter how big the non-clan population the clan population must dominate. I will try to keep the clan and strathaen population above 90% and possibly even 95%. This I believe to be important for all the nation as a nation that loses its identity loses its soul. I will protect our diversity by devolving more power to clan councils but most importantly I will set out protections for national values of gay rights, gender equality and trans rights making these compulsorary and banning anyone speaking out against these while living in Strathae from the country forever. I will also focus on finding ways to reduce the Akhadist population to zero, the ideal number of Akhadists , I think its time we accepted that Akhadism is the new laurentian.

Éimhear Dearbháil Scott:Honestly I am as passionate about our culture as you sir. But to defend a culture does not take law, it does not take authoritarianism. It takes teaching Strathaen Values in schools, it takes encouraging communities to integrate with our environmental values and social equality for all. It takes promoting the values through adverts in media and takes actually allowing reasoned debate, free speech while also condemning those who decide to bring intolerance. Now we could either do this or we could legislate , we could fight all Akhadists for the views of the minority , we could fight all minorities instead of fitting their culture into the matrix of many clan cultures that exists. Yes celebrate our clan cultures but also allow immigrants to add their cultural elements. We'll be all the richer for it and who knows maybe new traditions equally Strathaen will be born.

Sadhbh Aisling Seòras:I very much believe its a time we may have to accept change. This doesn't mean we scrap clan culture but maybe we ought to be more tolerant of foreign cultures and even potentially celebrating diversity a little more. After all we have 104+ cultures already. Whats the harm in more as long as they fit our values. However we must do this on case by case basis teaching Strathaen values, discouraging foreign langauges in the community and ultimately not allowing homophobia and sexism to take root. We must still stop the spread of cultures that promote homophobia, sexism, allow for abuse of the environment and spread violent extremism by law. In short people like extremist Akhadists or the most bigoted Sentrecists must continue to be deported.
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