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Election 1580 Strathae
Party:Leader:Founded:Economics:Tax:Welfare:Immigration:Law and Order:DisconnectionClan DemocracySocial:Foreign Policy:
Party of TraditionBlair Gobnet McLucais1317Centre RightCentre RightCentre Right30 Years Consecutive Marraige(Except for Strathaens)ConservativeUp to religion/ProYesConservativeInternationalist
Clan Progressive PartyÉimhear Dearbháil Scott1579CentristCentristCentristReferendum on immigration system with residency and marraige optionsCentristAnti/Removal of Tax breaks for faiths practising policyYesLiberal/CentristInternationalist
Clan Socialist PartySadhbh Aisling Seòras1479Centre left/LeftCentre Left/LeftLeft wing15 Years Consecutive Marraige(Except for Strathaens)ConservativeNeutral/Up to FaithYesConservative/CentristInternationalist
Liberal PartyRatna Nilima Darzi1521CentristCentristCentristPoints SystemLiberalAntiReformLiberalInternationalist
Conservative PartyAnnick Frañseza1510Centre RightCentre RightCentre rightPoints SystemConservativeAntiReformCentre RightInternationalist
Democratic Reform Party Sarah Fletcher1535CentristCentristCentrist5 Year RuleCentristAntiReform(Anti-Clan)CentristInternationalist

There are 104 Local Clan Seats(1 for each clan) , 104 clan vote national list seats and 23 non clan seats elected by non-clan citizens.

The clan council is in charge temporarily while elections take place.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Election Result overall:
Party:MOP's/CAM'sVotes:Vote Percent:Seat Percent
PoT61(-31)1,218,440 29.45%26.41%
CPP:117(+39)2,038,966 49.29%50.65%
CSP:40(-13)822,246 19.88%17.32%
CP:4(+1)17,109 0.41%1.73%
LP:3(-1)15,098 0.36%1.3%
DRP:6(+3)25,098 0.61%2.6%
Total:2314,136,957 100%100%

Local clan Results:
Party:CAM'sVotes:Vote Percent:Seat Percent
PoT271,206,786 29.90%25.96%
CPP:612,019,866 50.04%58.65%
CSP:16809,567 20.06%15.38%
Total:1044,036,219 100%100%

List Clan Results:
Party:CAM'sVotes:Vote Percent:Seat Percent
PoT311,206,786 29.90%29.81%
CPP:522,019,866 50.04%50.00%
CSP:21809,567 20.06%20.19%
Total:1044,036,219 100%100%

Non-Clan Results:
Party:MOP'sVotes:Vote Percent:Seat Percent
PoT311,654 11.57%13.04%
CPP:419,100 18.96%17.39%
CSP:312,679 12.59%13.04%
CP:417,109 16.98%17.39%
LP:315,098 14.99%13.04%
DRP:625,098 24.91%26.09%
Total:23100,738 100%100%
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Head of State:High King Daniel Gwenegg-Di-Haggia
Head of Government:High Chief Éimhear Dearbháil Scott(F)(CPP)
Deputy Chief:Siobhán Brígh Erwing(F)(CPP)
Department of Defense:
Minister:Brigid BiddyDaigh Ó Duinn Erwing(M)(CPP)
Department of Home Office:
Minister:Saoirse Uí hUallacháin MacCarmaig(F)(CPP)
Department of Agriculture and Countryside
Minister:Eilís Síne McCullain(F)(CPP)
Department of Culture and Sport:
Minister:Roibeárd Ó Cuana MacCùga (M)(CPP)
Department of Education, Social Care
Minister:Bláithín Méabh McRoibeirt(F)(CPP)
Department of Health:
Minister:Seumas Ó Síoráin McCullain (M)(CPP)
Department of Finance and commerce:
Minister: Abhlach Uí hIarfhlatha Erwing(F)(CPP)
Department of Business:
Minister:Nuadha Ó Maolmhochóir McCarmaig(M)(CPP)
Department of Regional Development:
Minister:Aindriú Mac Eoghain MacSiridh(M)(CPP)
Department of Work , Pensions and Welfare:
Minister: Darina Móirín Ayrloch(F)(CPP)
Department of Justice:
Minister: Lonán Ó Dubhartaigh MacDhubhaig(M)(CPP)
Department: of Science and Technology:
Minister:Oonagh Gormlaith MacCamran(F)(CPP)
Depatment of Transport:
Minister:Cillian Seaghdh Hayburn(M)(CPP)
Department of the Treasury:
Minister: Aisling Béibhinn MacCamran(F)(CPP)
Department of Resources, Energy and Water:
Minister: PFinnuala Úna McFir(F)(CPP)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Minister:Achall Uí Liatháin McFir(F)(CPP)
Ministry of Brignadian Affairs:
Minister:Ros Ó Bearáin Seòras(M)(CPP)
Ministry of Democracy:
Minister:Ailis Ní Longáin Gordon(F)(CPP)
Department of the Environment:
Minister:Tomás Ó Bradáin Chiscarte(M)(CPP)
Department of Tourism:
Minister:Nárbhla Uí Ailín Torcuil(F)(CPP)
Department of Clan Affairs:
Minister:Moirin Uí hUiginn Gus(F)(CPP)
Department of Non-clan Affairs:
Minister:Mizusawa Ichiyo(M)(LP)
Department of Religious Affairs:
Minister:Agaistín Mac Íomhair(M)(CPP)
Department of Equality,Anti-Bigotry, Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Racism(DEABADAR):
Minister:Colla Mac Consaidín Kyran(M)(CPP)
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Platform for CPP:
1:Setting up of progressive tax system that rewards business
2:More negotiations for treaties with more nations, especially democratic ones in the world
3:Expansion of Welfare system to the worse off
4:Removal of tax breaks to denominations practicing disconnection and introduction of new services for those disconnected including relocation scheme
5:Rolling back of hate speech laws to allow for bigoted comments but not harassment, bullying, incitement of violence or threats.
6: Decriminalisation of Adultery
7:Referendum on immigration system with 15 year marraige and 15 year residency system options
8:Easing up on requirements for work visas for kathmore and MacCarmaig
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
LESTHO Council Reps:
CPP:6(1 Winners Bonus)
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!

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