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I wish I could type fast enough for the auto-ban to keep me from saying many things, tbh.
Since there seems to be no real understanding as to why I was angry because of the stupid autoban, and the staff seems to be writing this off as an incident caused by "drama llama's", I'll explain my grievances here as best I can in a post I have to write on my iPhone.

I have lost confidence in the ability of people to listen to others respectfully here. And I think I'm not the only one who's feeling this (Nents was also getting very frustrated by this as well).

No - my outburst on the chat was not because Lom is a Trump supporter and disagrees with me politically. If I got mad at someone every time they disagreed with me politically for the sole reason that they disagree with me politically then I wouldn't be able to have any sort of discussion with DeSchaine (I'd name others like Jam and such but I don't really speak with them much so there haven't been many chances for angry outbursts to happen). If you want to write it off as "modern politics where everyone must agree 100% taking over" fine, but that is NOT the reason I was mad.

Lom has continually displayed nothing but contempt for liberals, particularly radical liberals who take things to the extreme (radical liberals who even I think are taking things too far). He most recently went so far as to try and claim that liberals would start supporting pedophiles. His evidence? One minor political party that never gained any significant traction in any elections, gaining exactly zero seats in any and all levels of government. I am not making this shit up.

When Lom came on and started just dismissing Nents' complaints, I really started to lose it. When I started speaking to him about the way he has been acting when it comes to these discussions, it became clear that he doesn't even think that what he's doing is wrong. Instead the discussion started going into the territory of how this was all because "we don't agree politically".

Me and Lom don't agree politically. That's fine. That's been established many times over. It's been done to the death. That is not why I was angry.

I was angry because Lom has continually acted disrespectfully towards others in a different part of the political spectrum, spewing at best half-truths that seem to do nothing more than demean and belittle the other side.

When Lom wants to have civil discussion, I know that he can. For example, when it comes to politics, he can bring up legitimate complaints about how China is only pretending to combat climate change. When it comes to not-politics, he's just about the only freaking person on the site I can talk about baseball with without having the other person dismiss baseball as a non-sport (I may be exaggerating a little on this one but that's how I feel).

But when I tried to talk to him about his behavior, all I got was complete dismissal. And then by many people, including the staff, the shoving of this into the category of "people fighting because they disagree on politics."

If you want to be in a dream land where this is all about Trump and his agenda and me disagreeing with it - fine. Live in that dream land. But that's not what happened.

To be fair to Lom - he is not the only person guilty of the complaints that I have. Carp is also very guilty of it - he just doesn't go on the site very often.

Now I'll be taking another break from RP'ing. I don't know when I will come back - it definitely won't be until after I get a replacement computer, but I probably won't be rushing back here right after I buy a new computer.

As a side note, to Lom: I don't hate you. You might not believe me because of the way things get whenever we talk about anything remotely political, but I don't hate you. Do I have patience for the way you have acted? No. But I don't hate you. In fact think you're a pretty cool person when you aren't acting in the way that I complain about. If you don't believe me, fine. I don't blame you and there's probably nothing I'd be able to do to change your mind.
Will be gone on the 11th till the 16th.
I'll be gone pretty much from Tuesday evening (June 13th) until August 4th, and even then I won't be on in any crazy capacity until September when I'm done with my Tech School. Wish me luck... don't fall apart while I'm gone Flipped Smile
[Image: Wbs3DMM.png]
gonna set my phone aside so it doesn't explode. I'll still be about every so often, but definitely not on the chat as much.

I get my new phone Tuesday (SO EXCITED)

It's going to be weird going without a phone for almost a week. What an adventure!!!
Update: apparently I can get onto the board at work, but chat is a no go
Sick since Tuesday - I blame the 4th of July. Jk. But yeah I'm down with flu probably from exhaustion from all my extracurriculars . I won't be around in the boards and chats until all is well.
|| Democratic Republic of Mayari ||

There is no solution to the peasant problem but to wage armed struggle, conduct agrarian
revolution and build revolutionary base areas

Now that I have the official job offer, Oer and I will be moving [AGAIN] around the end of the month and making preparations up until that point. Probably expect decreased activity from both of us until early October.
sweeeeeeet where to?
Ohio this time

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