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Organization Sign-up
Name: Federal Criminal Investigation Service
Type: law enforcement agency

Position on Foreign Policy: N/A.
Position on Economics: N/A.
Position on Political Centralization: N/A.
Position on Civil Rights: CIVIL RIGHTS, FUCK YEAH.
Position on Social Welfare: N/A.

Info: The Federal Criminal Investigation Service was founded in 1412 as the Criminal Investigation Service. As an agency of the Department of Justice, it reports to the Secretary of Justice. The FCIS is Nyland's chief federal law enforcement agency and is tasked primarily with fighting crime at the federal level. While not an intelligence or counter-intelligence agency, the FCIS does support SHIELD in fighting terrorism and foreign espionage in Nyland. It is responsible for taking action on criminal activity discovered by the Federal Security Department.

It's key duties are:
  • protect Nyland from terrorist attacks,
  • combat public corruption at all levels,
  • protect civil rights,
  • combat transnational/national criminal organizations,
  • combat white-collar crime,
  • combat significant violent crime,
  • support federal, state, local, and international partners.
[Image: pYksUrB.png]
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Name: Federal Security Department
Icon:[Image: g9GTz3x.png]
Type: Nyland's domestic security service and counter-intelligence agency

Position on Foreign Policy: N/A
Position on Economics: N/A
Position on Political Centralization: N/A
Position on Civil Rights: Centrist
Position on Social Welfare: N/A

Info: The FSD is Nyland's domestic security and counter-intelligence service. It studies and monitors individuals and groups that through their activities or goals pose a threat the constitutional order and national security of Nyland. Its task is to identify the threats against Nyland and to inform, warn or advise the relevant decision-makers, such as politicians, law enforcement or the military, so they can take the appropriate measures to neutralize the threat. In general, and although this may change as the world changes, the FSD concentrates on threats of a political nature such as foreign espionage, terrorism, subversion, cyber attacks, and sabotage. Unlike the FCIS, the FSD is not a law enforcement agency and does not arrest, interrogate or prosecute people. It is a secret intelligence service and answers directly to the Director of National Intelligence. The FSD differs from SHIELD in that it does not collect foreign intelligence on foreign countries or threats, and only operates against threats that exist within Nyland's territory itself.

[Image: pYksUrB.png]
Name: Blue Light Media
Icon: To Be Made
Type: Blue Light is a videogame and film publisher with first party studios
Position on Foreign Policy: Center
Position on Economics: Center
Position on Political Centralization: Right
Position on Civil Rights: Center
Position on Social Welfare: Right

Info: Blue Light Media was founded in 1535 by Philip Lager, with a large investment from investors. It became widely known by its extensive promotion of its software developers and home computer games. Currently it owns studios worldwide and the diverse set franchises including Sports, as well as extensive movie studios in Nyland, Florinthus and Goldecia. Its early releases were on some of the first personal computers and it heavily marketed for them. An approach that was pioneered by Blue Light was crediting the developers on the box covers of the videos games and marketing material. This led to massive industry appeal and by 1540, Blue Light began developing on consoles and was widely accepted by retailers all over Nyland. In 1550, It had rising profits for a straight 10 years and opened up to film publishing and production and was the departure of its founder. After the 1550s it had acquired numerous studios and technology for its game development, which included established franchises such as Battlegrounds and Blackhole, and it had built up its Sports game library to an extensive set of Sports games. Today it consists of a workforce of nearly 20,000 employees and has experienced record profits. However, the company has come under harsh criticisms of being anti-consumer, occasionally anti-competitive, and below par worker conditions.

[Image: pYksUrB.png]
Name: The Free Arkianian Post
Icon: N/A
Type: The Free Arkianian Post is a media organization founded to report stories in Arkiania which are censored in the state-run Arkianian press.

Position on Foreign Policy: Center
Position on Economics: Right
Position on Political Centralization: Right
Position on Civil Rights: Center
Position on Social Welfare: Left

Info: The Free Arkianian Post was founded by Arkianian political refugees with the objective of providing uncensored news on Arkiania, to Arkianian's themselves and the world. The Free Arkianian Posts operates anonymously in Arkiania and also operates a pirate radio station inside Arkiania. Reporters and sources of the Free Arkianian Post regularly face arrest and life imprisonment in Arkiania for reporting on stories which are censored and regularly covered up by the Arkianian government. The Free Arkianian Post also operates offices in Octitania and formerly operated Achia before the Arkianian invasion.

[Image: pYksUrB.png]
looks fine
Name: For the People
Icon: [Image: 1zd7vi9.png][Image: 2en99hk.png]
Popularity: low

Position on Foreign Policy:Far Left(Believes in total non-intervention and neutrality)
Position on Economics: Far Left(Anti-elite party, proposes to ban private banks and turn them all into co-operative banks, building societies or credit unions and to give tax breaks for co-operatives and to raise taxes on elite to pay for public services and a universal basic income benefit)
Position on Political Centralization: Right(Argues for a centralised state control on regulations and ownership of key sectors such as transport, energy, water , gas , telecoms and postal services among others)
Position on Civil Rights: Far Left(Believes in individual rights , the right to marry whoever one wishes , fighting for social justice etc)
Position on Social Welfare: Far Left(Believes in UBI and comprehensive disability benefits, state or co-operative housing and universal healthcare, education and childcare services free out of taxes

Info: The party was formed in a protest movement that protested the growing exploitation of the working class and middle class by the elite. This group eventually grew into a party that aimed to fight for left wing ideals and to bring equality in both opportunity and outcome to Nyland.The movement is closely linked to trade unionism and promotes both political participation and direct action on issues such as services and the environment.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Name: Allmänbil
Icon: The crest/icon/graphic that represents the company.
Type: Car/Vehicle Manufacturer

Position on Foreign Policy: International stance. Centre
Position on Economics: Right
Position on Political Centralization: Right
Position on Civil Rights: Left
Position on Social Welfare:N/A
Info:One of the biggest car companies in the world and largest in Nyland. The company was formed through a variety of mergers and has brands in the following segments:
Mid Market:Allmänbil
Mid Market Sporty:Snabb
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Name: Ohlsquistbil
Icon: The crest/icon/graphic that represents the company.
Type: Car/Vehicle Manufacturer

Position on Foreign Policy: International stance. Centre
Position on Economics: Right
Position on Political Centralization: Right
Position on Civil Rights: Left
Position on Social Welfare:N/A
Info:One of the biggest car companies in the world and largest in Nyland. The company was formed through a variety of mergers and has brands in the following segments:
Mid Market:Jagrullar
Mid Market Sporty:Aerobil
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!

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