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Organization Sign-up - Printable Version

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Organization Sign-up - Seperallis - 09-15-2016

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If you're curious about the old organizations, here is the archived thread from which to pull information.

RE: Organization Sign-up - BrumBrum - 10-05-2016

Name: National Messianic Party
Icon:Messianic cross
Popularity: Low

Position on Foreign Policy:Far-right
Position on Economics: Centre
Position on Political Centralization: right
Position on Civil Rights: Far-right(wishes to implement religious law in Nyland opposing gay rights, abortion lgbt rights and sex before marraige.Believes that all these should be punishable by jail as should adultery. Believes in death sentence for certain crimes and supports gay correction therapy.The party also belives in restricting immigration to messianics only . Opposing sex outside of marraige the party proposes a ban on inheritence by those born out of wedlock.

Economic policy:
The party believes its the riches duty to help the poor get a foot up in society.It opposes exploitation of the poor through payday loans, low pay and bad working conditions. It also supports a tithing and charity funding sector of religious charities and institutions to help the poor with a mandatory 10% tithing for all citizens.The party proposes a cap on interest rates of 10% to prevent usary.

To help all the party supports a Basic Income of $150 a week paid for by the state through taxation of the rich.

Education and health:
Education and health are essential and linked. We believe that education is not just a matter of knowledge but also morals. The state should promote moral Messianic values through education. We will stop the political correctness of praising all cultures equally. Some cultures are barbaric , just look at the Akhadists.

Healthcare should be free at the point of need.

Media should be regulated to see it adheres to messianic values.
Position on Social Welfare: Left ,believes it is societies duty to look after the poor

Note this is a rebranding of the NSP in order to attract Daenists.

[Image: pYksUrB.png]

RE: Organization Sign-up - BrumBrum - 10-05-2016

Name: Positive about Autism Society Nyland
Icon: [Image: 2nrhhox.png]
Type: Autistic Society with strong autistic input

Position on Economics: Support politics that enpowers autistic people
Position on Civil Rights: Wishes government to help autistic people while also protecting equality for autistic people.
Position on Social Welfare: Supports welfare for those who can't work or to get autistic people to the point where they can work.

Info: Welcome to the page of Siora Autistic Society. The society was set up with branches in Goldecia, , Eskkya and Strathae to promote a positive perception of those on the spectrum.Autistic campaigners around the world along with parents and some professsionals set up the Positive about Autism Society after becoming sick of the negative stereotypes and feeling that other charities had it wrong.They thought it was wrong that society sees Autistics as the ones who are "wrong". They believed society needed to change to accept neuro-diversity. The charity operates care homes that value and celebrate the individual and their autism and also operates services such as the autistic helpline and also education services. It has national Autistic councils and Autistic Youth Councils in each country it operates in where people on the spectrum are helped to campaign for their rights. The organisation is run with the following principles:

1:To portray the positive abilities and traits of autistic people as well as campaigning for help to overcome their challenges so they can reach their full potential. The charity will offer services to this end.
2:Will campaign for good services for Autistic people and their families so they can achieve their full potential
3:Will campaign for society change to truly accept neurodiversity and difference. It is the societies lack of clarity that is disabling not autism.
4:Autistics will be involved at all levels of the organisation from the bottom to the councils advising governments, businesses and international ngo's to the charities board and management. This society is to be Autistic led.

[Image: pYksUrB.png]

RE: Organization Sign-up - BrumBrum - 11-28-2016

Name: 99% First(99% Första)
Icon: The crest/icon/graphic that represents the party. For example, US Democrats use dat ass...I mean, the donkey.
Popularity: Low

Position on Foreign Policy:Tariffs , Free Trade with equal gdp per capita and working right economies, Neutrality Militarily
Position on Economics: Left wing, Support of SME's and Co-operatives
Position on Political Centralization: Right wing(Possibly
Position on Civil Rights: Far Right(Nationalist), Anti-Immigration
Position on Social Welfare: Far-Left

Info:Split off from NMP
Tax and welfare plan:
Federal income tax plan(x1.5 for couples):
Tax free allowance:$25,000
40%: $50-99,999
Corporation Tax Rate:
$500,000 or less profit:15%
$500,001-$1,000,000(or any co-op):25%
Capital Gains Tax:15%
Over $250,000:55%
Bank Taxes:
Share Purchase Tax:7.5%
Vat:Left to state
Universal Basic income(Available after 10 years contributions):
$1,500 per month per adult
Per Child:$500 per month per child
Cap:$56,000 a household

Immigration:Support skilled immigration.Allow one type of non-family work visa with $50,000 minimum wage or if no local capable local candidates are found.

RE: Organization Sign-up - Ceausescu - 02-21-2017

[Image: qEP34rB.png]

Name: National-Communist Party of Nyland
Popularity: Low

Position on Foreign Policy: Center
Position on Economics: Far-Left
Position on Political Centralization: Center
Position on Civil Rights: Far-Left
Position on Social Welfare: Left

Info: The National-Communist Party of Nyland is a new arrival on the Nylander political scene. Modeled after Carpathian National-Communism, the party blends nationalism with communism and advocates for a more prominent role for Nyland, in international politics. The party wishes to implement an economic system based on Carpathia's co-funding model, where new businesses would have to be funded in part by the government (with budget allocations acting as a means for economic planning). The state would then collect revenue as a shareholder, rather than through taxes.

The National-Communist Party also advocates for a drastic increase in military spending and a major overhaul of the armed forces. One of their stated objectives is to double the size of the navy and airforce. The party supports a complete liberalization of gun ownership, as well as the implementation of a direct democracy by referendum system. Regarding religion, the official stance is in support of state atheism and taxation of all religious organizations.

The party's stance on immigration is very strict and would completely ban unskilled migrants from the country, as well as religious extremists. It is in favor of creating a blacklist of countries, who's citizens would be forbidden to emigrate to Nyland, barring special circumstances such as diplomatic visits, or business delegations.

[Image: pYksUrB.png]

RE: Organization Sign-up - Severyane - 02-23-2017

Name: Nilsson Systems Limited

[Image: kTgOIDe.png]

Type: Military Design, Manufacturing, and Distribution

Position on Foreign Policy: Center
Position on Economics: Right
Position on Political Centralization: Center
Position on Civil Rights: Right
Position on Social Welfare: Center

Info: Nilsson Systems Limited is Nyland's up and coming premier military manufacturing company. We focus on the design and manufacturing of several dozen types of military equipment, ranging from aircraft to ground vehicles, and maintain the logistic routes to distribute our designs worldwide. Additionally, we design and manufactures rotorcraft, electronic and defense systems, missiles, satellites, launch vehicles and advanced information and communication systems. We also provide numerous military and commercial airline support services, such as manufacturing and shipping replacement parts to international locations and shipping supplies to military or civilian contractors in combat and non-combat locations. Nilsson Systems Limited also provides logistical support for Humanitarian and Relief efforts by shipping food, water and other essentials to disaster zones whenever required. Our mission is to be at the forefront of technology and innovation, delivering superior capability in tandem with maximized cost efficiency. As we evolve as a company, the responsibility we feel for our country and the citizens and troops we help support grows with us. ​Squarely meeting our obligations, fiscally and technologically, isn't just a business goal, but a moral imperative that drives our company in all that we do.

[Image: pYksUrB.png]

RE: Organization Sign-up - Severyane - 03-07-2017

Name: Nya Konservativa Rörelse (New Conservative Movement)
Icon: [Image: JuUkTvt.png]
Popularity: Low

Slogan: En ny Nyland för folket.

Position on Foreign Policy: Center
Position on Economics: Right
Position on Political Centralization: Center-Right
Position on Civil Rights: Center-Left
Position on Social Welfare: Right

Show ContentForeign Policy: Center:

Show ContentEconomics: Right:

Show ContentPolitical Centralization: Center-Right:

Show ContentCivil Rights: Center-Left:

Show ContentSocial Welfare: Right:

Show ContentCongressional Relations:

[Image: pYksUrB.png]

RE: Organization Sign-up - Flo - 03-19-2017

[Image: gwjaWSh.png]

Name: Moderate Coalition of Nyland (The Moderates)

Icon: The symbol of the moderate party is lady justice wielding a balance representing a nuanced and educated approach to politics. Behind the good lady is a rising sun, representing a rejection of radicalism and a new age of balance and understanding.

Popularity: New party, so low. This party may take small groups from more extreme parties though

Position on Foreign Policy: The Moderates see Nyland as a key actor on the global stage for good. Nyland must not seek to dominate the globe however, and maintaining good relations with historical allies is important. While not interventionist, the Moderates do understand the need to get involved in foreign affairs when the greater good requires it.

Position on Economics: The Moderates recognize the importance of market forces as well as government intervention in the marketplace. The invisible hand is not always a fair one, and it is important that the government ensure the market remains as fair and neutral as it can be. That being said, government intervention should be measured and calculated, as the government can end up stifling creativity and ingenuity in the private sector. The Moderates reject the abrasive left/right conflict and instead try to view everything within the lens of equality of opportunity. There is significant concern with regards to wealth concentration, however, and the Moderates feel the constant rhetoric about "income distribution" is a smokescreen to hide the real problems.

Position on Political Centralization: The Moderates respect the importance of the states but also recognize the value of shared responsibility and obligation is necessary and prudent for a functioning society. The present system is not considered to be broken and can be worked with to ensure positive changes.

Position on Civil Rights: The Moderates do not believe the government has the right to intervene too heavily into the personal lives of citizens, barring egregious acts. The Moderates typically try to assume a "common sense" approach to individual liberty. Individual liberty is something to be protected and cherished, but it is prudent for all individuals to sacrifice some liberties for the greater good.

Position on Social Welfare: The Moderates understand the need for a safety net to ensure no one becomes trampled, but that safety net should not become a permanent cocoon of idleness and waste. Education is seen as the primary means of limiting poverty.

[Image: pYksUrB.png]

RE: Organization Sign-up - STRATCOM - 03-21-2017

Name: Mandate International Party
Icon: Symbol of the Vestor Licit People's Mandate: A white letter V with white wings on either side, preferably on a dark background.
Popularity: Low popularity with large Internet following.

Position on Foreign Policy: Far-right. MIP wants collaboration and trade with MANINTERN nations and all democracies to be shunned or invaded if useful.
Position on Economics: Far-left. MIP desires the complete state control of industries and Pure Total Meritocracy imposed.
Position on Political Centralization: Far-right. MIP desires the state to orchestrate Pure Total Meritocracy via labor bureaus and citizen recognition and tiering boards.
Position on Civil Rights: Far-right. MIP wishes the individual to gain rights according to their tier, but those rights are explicitly granted by the state in exchange for productivity.
Position on Social Welfare: Far-right. MIP wishes to follow the Vestian 'work-to-eat' model, where citizens have basic needs provided in exchange for satisfactory labor and can receive other goods and services in exchange for superior labor, but inferior labor (accounting for ability, for disabled and elderly are not judged as harshly) gives only the bare minimum of goods and services needed for survival. Repeated noncompliance (refusal to work) can result in prison time.

Info: The MIP was treated as an exceptionally fringe group funded primarily by Mandate intelligence services until recently. The potential for mockery of the foreign system made the party extremely popular online, with a sort of mock-reverence for the group and the Mandate states developing as a semi-ironic Internet subculture. Now the MIP has been making gains in recent polls, though how much of the support is genuine rather than done for a laugh has many Nylander intelligence analysts scratching their heads. They do agree, however, that the timing of the MIP's growth with the MANINTERN's return from isolationism is a suspicious coincidence...

[Image: pYksUrB.png]

RE: Organization Sign-up - Lomarre - 10-18-2018

Name: National Rifle Federation
Icon: NRF
Type: Nonprofit Organization

Position on Foreign Policy:  N/A
Position on Economics: Center-Right. The NRF supports a free and stable market.
Position on Political Centralization: Center-right. “The less powerful the government is, the more free and powerful the people are.” -NRF founder Bjorn Schornclatz
Position on Civil Rights: Center-Left. The NRF Supports basic civil rights and considers them sacred to the foundation of the country.
Position on Social Welfare: N/A

Info: Founded in 1499, the group has informed its members about firearm-related legislation since 1526, and it has directly lobbied for and against firearms legislation since 1542.

It’s formation occurred to advance rifle marksmanship. Now, the modern NRF continues to teach firearm safety and competency. The organization also publishes several magazines and sponsors competitive marksmanship events. According to the NRF, it has 3 million members as of 1594.

The organization has been outward supporters of the Nyland Liberalists for almost fifty years, however on and off at times. Under a more left leadership the NRF chose to be rather distant. Under current libertarian leadership, the NRF feels the NL is at its best. The other parties it supports is the PCP and the NKR for their clear standing on the rights of gun owners across Nyland.
The NRF has also denied any claims that the organization supports the NMP, claiming the NMP is a “flavor of the month” and “cannot be trusted to defend the rights of Nyland gun owners.”

[Image: pYksUrB.png]