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I am back!
Hey guys,

I am back and it been a crazy ride my Sophomore year so far. But I am glad to be back and having a good time with you all.

I would like to tell my story of what happened. You guys don't have to read it if you do not want to, but it is there.
The "story" will be in italics.

So I will start in September and early October. My main thing that was on my mind the first semester was Iceland. Iceland, Iceland, Iceland. I wanted to go to foreign exchange there during my Senior year and it excited me. Especially since there were exchange students in my school. One was Eva from Wallonia (in Belgium) and Riku from Finland. They were awesome people I had to pleasure to work with Eva in my band as we played a duet on the Christmas concert with me playing Oboe and her violin. Well, we were that is. The snow had our concert delayed twice and was cancelled afterwards.

September and October nothing really happened and it was a peaceful year it seemed like. November rolled by much the same with some stress keeping up with my grades, as well as December. But I loved our Winter this year. For the first time since I was 5 years old, I got the see snow in person!

Of course politics was on my mind as well. I will not get into details, but it really distracted me from my schoolwork. I literally watched the AP federal election map all night until 22.30. And that what I considered "good times". I wanted the highest GPA I could get and I was on track to getting straight A's. But I ended up getting a 3.46. I was so upset for the last couple of weeks because I did not think I could compete in the foreign exchange program with that on my transcript.

February roll around and a new semester started. With the help of my Councillor, I had a plan to manage my procrastination. It initially was working, to an extent. Something happened that completely destroyed any hope of managing my procrastination that year.

Take a guess on what it might be. I will leave that for later and it will become more obvious later. I might already gave it away  Tongue .

As you know, I am in band. As such, I have a responsibility during American Football and Basketball seasons to attend all games and perform there with my pep band. Nah. Screw it. I will tell you just to save you time. I started having feeling for a girl and it was the first time I had ever had that feeling. At 15, am I late to the party?

It was a girl in my band class that plays the flute. So sit pretty close to her when I play the Oboe so I have known her for a bit. We have of course talked before and at points, I wanted to become friends with her. But it did not last long enough for me to do much about it. Plus, I really did not know how to approach her. And you would think that it would be easier now, right? Ooops, my bad. I should have spoken earlier.

The thing about her though is she distrusts pretty much everyone unless you have known her for an observably long amount of time. Also, she is extremely introverted. Even though it is just emotions, I think why I fell for her was her character. Although she is quiet and introverted, she is a very decent human being and we had some overlapping interests. She had good character in my mind and she was someone that I felt comfortable trusting. Someone who I could lower my "wall" to so I can at least get to know her.

Her twin sister was in 3 of my classes. So I decided to befriend her. She was open to the idea of a friendship but she is a different story. She has an interesting way of looking at life. At first, I was excited. She seemed with a really good human being and she had a rich personality. But she later told me a month after we became friends that she was living for one thing only. For a friend she told me. One friend alone. She did not give any other details but I heard enough and it freaked me out.

In short, I told my mother about this and she alerted the school of it the next day. I had no idea that she would do that and when my Councillor pulled me out of my class the next day and asked for her name, I broke down in tears. Because I made a promise that her thoughts were safe with me and I never never judge her or think of her any less. I broke the pact. But I know that this could help her. I a few days later told my Councillor, but the school already found her by that time.

She next week asked me why I told them. I told her I did not and that I told my mom. She asked why I told her. I responded that I was freaking out and I was fearing for her life and that I cared about her. She responded that I shouldn't and she can take care of herself. She seemed unusually cheerful that day despite all of that. But the next weeks I would get cold silence from her.

I left her be for a couple of weeks but when I one day greeted her. She gave the coldest response anybody ever gave me. I responded by writing her a letter that night basically telling my side of the story and that I am her friend and I do not care if she is angry at me. I will still be there for her. Well, it was an epic fail. The next day she cut ties with me completely. It was one of the most upsetting thing that has happened to me in 3 years.

Meanwhile, the other twin (the crush) built a distrust towards me. To this day I am still figuring out why. All of this plus the exchange overloaded me. So I decided to come back on here to at least remember something that I was fond of. Emotional Therapy I suppose...

That was a really shortened version. But it should get the point across.

So I would like to finish off saying I want to start with a brand new fresh nation. My last two nations I don't really have the inspiration to play well anymore. I would do a bad job at rping those nations.

Hope to hear from your guys!

-His Wizardness
I could help your with the history, give you some ideas maybe. I really liked what you had written so far. So I need on IRC.
Allright. I'll look into it. I just felt like I handled the civil war terribly and it really lowered my inspiration into that nation.

Maybe I can change the nation a bit to fit my needs. Again, I would have to look into it.
I really felt I couldn't do anything with Arkiania until you came back us we are on the same island and you had pretty set all of the lore for it in ancient history. So I felt like I should just leave it be until I became unpatient.
Welcome back!

The Angirisian Empire/Dominion (2014- 2020)
The Solhaven Confederacy (2017-2020)
The Romulan Republic (2019-2020)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams

Here is an idea that a sketched up in about an hour:

The Union of Drausany

A Federal Directorial Constitutional Republic
Republic of Cantony
Republic of Sivókia
Republic of Fletetheim
Republic of Vygervina

Federation of Lansenag
- Canton of Tapernaland
- Canton of Pikarland

Federation of Rohayena
- Canton of Lukenbrev
The federal city of Losarberg(capital)
Est. 21 million

This country is developed and is a socially minded country with a relaxed foreign policy. They are involved in foreign affairs and participate in it peacefully. But they have a standing army that is strong enough the defend their own country. They are in terms of developed nations a middle income country. Germanic based country that is based on low german (northern german) people in particular. Union has been around for a few centuries after a reform in a loose alliance/confederation charter. Their nation identity is not however. Lots of old buildings/history.

It is not a paradise (obviously), but it is a safe place to live and relatively a clean place too. It goals are to develop scientifically investing alot into education in recent years. However, the central government is weaker than most other nations so it depends on the Republic.

Their tongue will be based on a mixture between Danish and Plattdeutsch.
(05-24-2017, 03:09 AM)Arkiania Wrote: I really felt I couldn't do anything with Arkiania until you came back us we are on the same island and you had pretty set all of the lore for it in ancient history. So I felt like  I should just leave it be until I became unpatient.

And don't worry, I will figure out something for us to RP together. It should be interesting how the new Octitanian government interacts with Arkainia's.

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