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OOC: Mandate Tour Registration
The Vestor Licit People's Mandate and Licit Chiri Mandate are pleased to confirm the announced establishment of diplomatic tours for the purpose of normalizing relations between the MANINTERN and the robber-baron democracies. Tours for each national diplomatic party will consist of two components: a premeditated national tour focusing on the industrial-chemical-defense-culture complex, and a free-form tour where diplomatic parties may seek chaperoned tours on whatever area of society they wish to view. For each attending citizen, please fill out the SDD-1459 application in full and post as a reply to this communique to begin processing.

[b]Application for Diplomatic Visa, All MANINTERN[/b]
[i]Document SDD-1459, Visas, Applications for[/i]

[u]To be completed for all members of the diplomatic party[/u]
[b]Full names in native alphabet:[/b] Separate multiple names with commas
[b]Any internationally known aliases, or "N/A":[/b]
[b]Diplomatic Specialty, or "N/A":[/b]

[u]To be completed by visiting citizens' home consulate[/u]
[b]Is this citizen a diplomat or a member of the diplomatic retinue?:[/b] Pick One
[b]If security detachment, list weapons carried in-country:[/b] Or N/A
[b]If media, list recording equipment carried in-country:[/b] Or N/A
[b]List any cultural exchange items or gifts carried in-country:[/b] Or N/A

[u]To be completed by visiting citizens' military liaison[/u]
[b]Will the diplomatic party be traveling via air or sea?:[/b] Pick One
[b]If air, list the public transponder code of the vehicle:[/b] 1200 by default, "N/A" for sea
[b]If sea, list the name or registry number of the vehicle:[/b] Or "N/A" for air
Application for Diplomatic Visa, All MANINTERN
Document SDD-1459, Visas, Applications for

To be completed for all members of the diplomatic party
Full names in native alphabet: Vasile Zambaccian
Any internationally known aliases, or "N/A": N/A
Diplomatic Specialty, or "N/A": Liaison Officer, Ministry of Foreign Relations

To be completed by visiting citizens' home consulate
Is this citizen a diplomat or a member of the diplomatic retinue?: Diplomat
If security detachment, list weapons carried in-country: N/A
If media, list recording equipment carried in-country: N/A
List any cultural exchange items or gifts carried in-country: Carpathian two-handed broadsword, forged from patterned steel

To be completed by visiting citizens' military liaison
Will the diplomatic party be traveling via air or sea?: Air
If air, list the public transponder code of the vehicle: Unitrans UA-819
If sea, list the name or registry number of the vehicle: N/A

The Allied States of Carpathia and Moldova are a federal republic organized under the national-communist principles of meritocracy, empowerment of the people through direct democracy and constitutional dictatorship (also known as dictatorship of the constitution). The head of state is an elected dictator, who serves indefinitely, or until impeached by public referendum, or a motion of censure signed by the majority of the People's Gathering (parliament). Its citizens can also repeal any laws through a mechanism called a "people's edict", a referendum which is hosted whenever a petition for it, gathers enough signatures.

The Allied States are a technological, military and economic powerhouse, having East Brigidna's biggest economy, as well as the most powerful and advanced military.
(02-11-2017, 04:05 PM)Ceausescu Wrote: Full names in native alphabet: Vasile Zambaccian

Ambassador Zambaccian, Vasile has been approved for a diplomatic visa. Unitrans UA-819 flight information has been added to MANINTERN air defense and air traffic control systems.

Esteemed diplomat, we sincerely hope you will enjoy your upcoming visit and cultural exchange to the Vestor Licit People's Mandate and Licit Chiri Mandate. To better guide your tour, we offer a few optional and non-optional tour segments. Please check all that interest you.

[b]Application for National Tour, All MANINTERN[/b]
[i]Document SDD-1200, Tours, Applications for[/i]

[u]To be completed by the tour party[/u]

[b]Vestor Licit People's Mandate Sites[/b]
[  ] Chemical districts, Lawact
[  ] Industrial districts, Lawact
[X] Mandate National Laboratories, Port Rapier
[  ] VOX demonstration, Port Rapier
[X] Ranger Corps demonstration, Port Rapier

[b]Licit Chiri Mandate Sites[/b]
[  ] Enhanced open pit mining, Mihilak
[  ] Labor force allocation, Mihilak
[X] Meritocratic citizen tier benefits, Chiri
[  ] National Tactical Command demonstration, Chiri

Additionally, please view the attached New Citizen Videx during your flight to give you a better understanding of the sociocultural context of the proud Vestian people:
Application for National Tour, All MANINTERN
Document SDD-1200, Tours, Applications for

To be completed by the tour party

Vestor Licit People's Mandate Sites
[ ] Chemical districts, Lawact
[X] Industrial districts, Lawact
[X] Mandate National Laboratories, Port Rapier
[X] VOX demonstration, Port Rapier
[ ] Ranger Corps demonstration, Port Rapier

Licit Chiri Mandate Sites
[X] Enhanced open pit mining, Mihilak
[X] Labor force allocation, Mihilak
[X] Meritocratic citizen tier benefits, Chiri
[ ] National Tactical Command demonstration, Chiri
(02-11-2017, 05:14 PM)Ceausescu Wrote: Application for National Tour, All MANINTERN
Document SDD-1200, Tours, Applications for

To be completed by the tour party

Vestor Licit People's Mandate Sites
[ ] Chemical districts, Lawact
[X] Industrial districts, Lawact
[X] Mandate National Laboratories, Port Rapier
[X] VOX demonstration, Port Rapier
[X] Ranger Corps demonstration, Port Rapier

Licit Chiri Mandate Sites
[X] Enhanced open pit mining, Mihilak
[X] Labor force allocation, Mihilak
[X] Meritocratic citizen tier benefits, Chiri
[ ] National Tactical Command demonstration, Chiri

Thank you, Ambassador Zambaccian, Vasile. Diplomatic facilitators will work with your staff to plan a trip date.
Application for Diplomatic Visa, All MANINTERN
Document SDD-1459, Visas, Applications for East Tambossa

To be completed for all members of the diplomatic party
Full names in native alphabet: Ade Laronde; Jean Gillette, Alan Foy, Malcolm Hardy
Any internationally known aliases, or "N/A":
Diplomatic Specialty, or "N/A": Ambassador; Diplomatic Staff
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
(02-12-2017, 01:22 AM)Ayzek Wrote: To be completed for all members of the diplomatic party
Full names in native alphabet: Ade Laronde; Jean Gillette, Alan Foy, Malcolm Hardy

Ambassadors Laronde, Ade, Gillette, Jean, Foy, Alan, and Hardy, Malcolm have been approved for diplomatic visas. Overland travel or air routes will be coordinated with Vestian-Tambossan border agencies.

Esteemed diplomats, we sincerely hope you will enjoy your upcoming visit and cultural exchange to the Vestor Licit People's Mandate and Licit Chiri Mandate. To better guide your tour, we offer a few optional and non-optional tour segments. Please check all that interest you.

[b]Application for National Tour, All MANINTERN[/b]
[i]Document SDD-1200, Tours, Applications for[/i]

[u]To be completed by the tour party[/u]

[b]Vestor Licit People's Mandate Sites[/b]
[  ] Chemical districts, Lawact
[  ] Industrial districts, Lawact
[X] Mandate National Laboratories, Port Rapier
[  ] VOX demonstration, Port Rapier
[X] Ranger Corps demonstration, Port Rapier

[b]Licit Chiri Mandate Sites[/b]
[  ] Enhanced open pit mining, Mihilak
[  ] Labor force allocation, Mihilak
[X] Meritocratic citizen tier benefits, Chiri
[  ] National Tactical Command demonstration, Chiri

Additionally, please view the attached New Citizen Videx during your flight to give you a better understanding of the sociocultural context of the proud Vestian people:
The Vestor Licit People's Mandate and Licit Chiri Mandate thank the international community for their interest in the MANINTERN. Formal invitations of tour will be sent shortly.
The Vestor Licit People's Mandate and Licit Chiri Mandate thank the international community for their interest in the MANINTERN. Formal invitations of tour will be sent shortly to both national parties separately, unless both express a desire for a joint diplomatic tour.
Esteemed ambassador Zambaccian, Vasile, your plane is cleared for landing on Runway 23E, National Airfield 106, Port Rapier, Vestor Licit People's Mandate.

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