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  Global Thread Tracker
Posted by: Seperallis - 09-14-2016, 11:23 PM - Forum: Discussion and Planning - Replies (2)

Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, the Thread Tracker returns!

This initial post will serve as a space for the template and explanation, and Sal will post her tracker below as an example maybe sometime eventually.

What's the purpose?  To help a player keep track of how many threads s/he has going.  To help other players keep track of threads on a certain topic.  To help prevent the duplication of threads of the same topic.

What if I have multiple nations?  If you have multiple nations, submit a tracker post for each one within this thread.  This will help us keep an easy go-to list of all active nations, and if you need to update your nation's tracker but are unsure where to locate it, you will be able to click through in the list on this post, which will appear at the top of every page.  Easy squeezy.

What if I have non-MTRP threads, like Andlosheim threads?  This tracker is specifically for MTRP threads.  If you would like to start a tracker there, or would like for me to start one, that can be discussed.

How should I list my threads for a single nation's tracker? - That much is up to you - somewhat.  You may list alphabetically by thread title, chronologically by IC year, group by nations involved or by certain major events, by forum/subforum - etc etc etc...  However, it is best that you maintain the same convention throughout your entire tracker.  Don't begin alphabetically and switch to chronology halfway through - our brains are already burdened with so many adult things and there is no spare memory.  If you'd like to have multiple listing conventions, the example I've included will show you how you should set up your tracker: include ALL threads in both sections, but order them accordingly depending on how each section is labeled.  This is OPTIONAL.  Listing them once is fine.  The important part is making sure to include all threads for each of your nations.

Can I link to things that aren't really RP threads, like database and Wiki pages? - Yup.  I included a sample of how you could format such things in my template, but if there are things I have forgotten or that style doesn't work for you, feel free to revamp it so that it's most useful.


Nation Trackers (Alphabetical Listing)
~~ A ~~
~~ B ~~
~~ C ~~
~~ D ~~
~~ E ~~
~~ F ~~
- Florinthus
~~ G ~~
- Galeae
~~ H ~~
- Harmajaa
- Hôinôm
~~ I ~~
~~ J ~~
~~ K ~~
- Karjelinn
- Keszaria
- Kyrzbekistan
~~ L ~~
~~ M ~~
- Magentina
- Mordvania
~~ N ~~
~~ O ~~
~~ P ~~
~~ Q ~~
~~ R ~~
~~ S ~~
- Sequoia
- Severyane
~~ T ~~
~~ U ~~
~~ V ~~
~~ W ~~
~~ X ~~
~~ Y ~~
~~ Z ~~


[align=center][size=large][b]Nation Name[/b][/size]
[url=Wiki link]Optional: Wikipedika Page[/url] -- [url=Database link]Optional: Database Link[/url][/align]

[b][url=URL to thread]Thread Title A[/url][/b] - 1535 CE - Nations Involved - (optional: Forum/Subforum under which thread is listed) - Brief description of words, such as words and words.  Try to limit to two sentences of words.

[b][url=URL to thread]Thread Title B[/url][/b] - 1000 BCE - Nations Involved - (optional: Forum/Subforum under which thread is listed) - And so on.  Good job.

[b][url=URL to thread]Thread Title C[/url][/b] - 1570 CE - Nations Involved - (optional: Forum/Subforum) - Words words words, words words, words!  Words words words?  Words.  Aaaaand sports!

[b]Chronological Listing - THIS ENTIRE SECTION IS OPTIONAL[/b]
[b][url=URL to thread]Thread Title B[/url][/b] - 1000 BCE - Nations Involved - (optional: Forum/Subforum under which thread is listed) - And so on.  Good job.

[b][url=URL to thread]Thread Title A[/url][/b] - 1535 CE - Nations Involved - (optional: Forum/Subforum under which thread is listed) - Brief description of words, such as words and words.  Try to limit to two sentences of words.

[b][url=URL to thread]Thread Title C[/url][/b] - 1570 CE - Nations Involved - (optional: Forum/Subforum) - Words words words, words words, words!  Words words words?  Words.  Aaaaand sports!

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  Goldecia, Royal Family:
Posted by: BrumBrum - 09-14-2016, 11:08 PM - Forum: Factbooks - Replies (6)

King Edmund III(1572):
[Image: caspian_154032_l.jpg]
[Image: DF-03276.jpg]
[Image: skandar-keynes-1345653193.jpg]

Princesses,Princes and Kings of Goldecia:

Show ContentMain royals of Goldecia:
Show ContentLine of Succession to the throne in order::

Nobility Rankings:King/Queen

Family Tree

Monarchs of Goldecia:
Arthur the 1st:590-625
Luke the 1st:625-648
Luther the 1st:648-690
Luke the 2nd:690-736
Micheal the 1st:736-746
Harry the 1st:746-789
Harry the 2nd:789-831
Mary the  1st:831-864
Arthur the 2nd:864-864
Luther the 2nd:864-898
Edmund 1st:898-1963
Joshua 1st:963-972
Joshua 2nd:972-980
Micheal 2nd:980-1025
Edmund 2nd:1025-1070
George 1st:1070-1108
Georgina 1st:1108-1125
Godfrey 1st:1125-1140
Harry the 3rd:1140-1160
Edward the 1st:1160-1210
Elizabeth the 1st:1210-1247
James the 1st:1247-1249
Edward the 2nd:1249-1265
James the 2nd:1265-1285
Henry the 1st:1285-1330
George the 2nd:1330-1395
Henry the 2nd:1395-1430
George the 3rd:1430-1492
George the 4th:1492-1522
Beatrix the 3rd:1522-1542
Maximus the 1st:1542-1562(Abdicated throne)
Peter the 1st:1562-1569
Edmund the 3rd:1569-present

Main royal family:
Maximus Meriden-Zabala-Chatto I( born 1522) , who is part Strathaen is the son of former queen Beatrix and her first husband  Gofraidh Meriden-Zabala-Chatto.Gofraidh Meriden-Zabala-Chatto died when he was young of a heart attack. He has had 4 children with his Svarnan wife  Queen Consort Anita Bhattacharya Meriden-Zabala-Chatto.He was king from1542-1562 and having married at the age of 16 in 1538.He lost his wife Anita in 1557 to cancer.His reign has seen mostly Conservatives get in power and he is known for being willing to meet the people and not being snobbish despite his great wealth from the farming businesses and selling rights to use the Meriden-Zabala-Chatto or royal in a name.

His family face a crisis in 1561 when the counts  children tried to murder Marcus and murdered his boyfriend Henry. They then proceeded to threaten Edmund by putting a knife to his throat and tying him to a tree , taking him down threatening to kill him if he told any more people about the murders.

Edmund refused and was eventually arrested for wasting police time and even murder. He was released later and the boys tried to kill him and his friend by staging a hunting "accident" but Peter managed to save Edmund even though he was shot several times though Peter had to kill Albert(16). Harry was left alive and charged with murder and attempted murder and was sent to prison for for his crime (his dad was the leader of the fascist One Goldecia Party), he was released in 1562 to be killed by Marcus after threatening Edmunds life again and threatening to kill Edmund while he was out on his walks. Marcus met up with him then proceeded to kill him. He was pardoned by King Peter after he was convicted.

Edmund nearly died but pulled through losing his legs. Edmund eventually had to go into hiding temporarily. The King had to abdicate in favour of his son Peter who was crowned in mid 1562.Edmund was kidnapped by Count Wellington and 10 other One Goldecia members and used as ransom to try to get King Peter to abdicate in January 1564. He was tortured and almost killed , he was tattooed and branded with the word "half-blood". He was eventually freed in a military operation and the perpetrators were executed except one who had turned away from fascism. In 1565 Gabriel a noble, and Susan married in a royal wedding with crowds lining up the procession routes in Cair Para and world leaders , celebrities and royal families from around the world present at their wedding. It was done in a Sentric church.

In 1569 after a terrorist attack on the royal family claimed the lives of King Peter I , Princess Susan and Gabriel while severely wounding Edmund who shielded his cousins from the bullets. Lucy ,  Lord James , Lord Felix and Kale were also wounded but were saved from serious trouble by Edmund shielding them.

In 1574 on new years eve Edmund ,Samantha, Lucy , King Frederico, Edmunds and Lucies Children , Prince Marcus and James and Felix were taken hostage by Patriots of Goldecia double agents on the guard team. Edmund and Lucy were in hospital for 1 month with life- threatening injuries before the Royal Commandos could rescue them.

The royal family are in charge of the crown estate which makes about 860 million Goldecian pounds profit on 3 billion Goldecian pounds with 450 million paid in dividends.7

Lucy Cantacuzino-Meriden-Zabala-Chatto Di Haggia
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Favorite Color:
Romantic Interest:
Shown Right:

Royal Yacht
Royal Yacht 2

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  Freedom and Democracy Survey OOC
Posted by: Seperallis - 09-14-2016, 10:58 PM - Forum: Discussion and Planning - Replies (6)

The "1594 Freedom and Democracy Study" can be found here!

Hello, and welcome back to the coveted and much-loved survey that's fun for all the family, the Freedom & Democracy Survey!

Quote:This is something of a placeholder until I can get around to formatting data and such. I'll eventually make this a pretty post with all kinds of wonderful BBCode and pretty pictures, I'm sure, but you're stuck with this for now:

This is the OFFICIAL database for Siora's Democracy Index, as administered by the "Freedom and Democracy Study" of Nyland's Rue Research Group, a not-for-profit academic study formed by Nylander social, economic and political researchers in 1522. Originally meant to only analyze Nyland's deficiencies and how it could improve, the study eventually expanded to include any and all nations the researchers could reasonably include. PLEASE note that there is no universal definition of "democracy," and while the researchers attempted to be as unbiased as possible, this survey is conducted by Nylanders, and as such the questions and answers will obviously be bent towards their definition of the term.

Quote:Please only submit data for nations that are yours; any "trolling" will be disregarded. Furthermore, please answer truthfully and to the best of your ability; I understand if people interpret questions differently, but it's obvious when someone deliberately tries to nudge up their nation's score (and I can change the responses anyway). I mean, some on. It's just for fun.

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  OOC for Nyland
Posted by: Seperallis - 09-14-2016, 10:52 PM - Forum: Discussion and Planning - Replies (21)

This thread is copied from the original thread on the old forum, where past discussion may be found.

Quote:So I'm creating this thread for use with Nyland, Eternity's semi-npc analog to the US. Kinda. Within this thread will be all kinds of discussions pertaining to the nation that aren't IC or in-universe and so don't belong in the regular roleplaying bit or the database. I'll be maintaining this thread, and perhaps putting important topics of discussion into this post, just so we have an idea of what's up. I guess.

To start with, here are some things I'd like to get done with it so we can start having fun with it:

1) Finish the factbook. If you have suggestions and want to pop values into the bits that are blank or have only hyphens, feel free to pop some suggestions here. I'm mostly concerned about the bits that take me the most time to prepare...cultures, administrative divisions, names for shit, so on and so on. Also, Batt, if I could see how you did the numbers for Aurentina, that'd be awesome; I'd like to hopefully get that detailed with numbers for this nation, as well.

2) A history. The general idea is that Nyland was a former Lanlanian colony that broke free; whether this was relatively peaceful or not is up for debate, but presumably losing Nyland could mark the start in Lanlania's decline. Really hoping to work out things like how old this nation is, the important internal and external events that mark the nation's history, etc.

History has been discussed in passing in the chatbox, but such things really need to be posted and fleshed out here so we can start setting it in stone.

3) Constitution, bruh. I really should plop down a draft sometime. Either that or copy-paste little bits from various real constitutions from around the world. Hm. >.>

Maybe other things. You know, I used to know everything that needed done, but I'm old now, and forget them during the course of the day after I've thought of them.

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  Goldecia, Important People
Posted by: BrumBrum - 09-14-2016, 10:40 PM - Forum: Factbooks - Replies (2)

Important People:

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  The Interleague Super Cup (ooc)
Posted by: Seperallis - 09-14-2016, 10:38 PM - Forum: Discussion and Planning - Replies (2)

Archived Thread: Here

30th Interleague Super Cup Participants (Year 1579)
- Nyland (permanent)
- Millerainia (permanent)
- Angiris (first draw)
- Strathae (second draw)
- Drahen (third draw)
- Goldecia (fourth draw)
- Severyane (fifth draw)
- Sequoia (sixth draw)

List of Past Winners
Since 1571 Restructure:
1571 Winner - Club Skathia FC (Sequoia) [Runner Up - IFK Lilleham (Nyland)]
1572 Winner - New Alma FC (Millerainia) [Runner Up - Club Skathia FC (Sequoia)]
1573 Winner - Haverford FC (Nyland) [Runner Up - Lut Gholein (Angiris)]
1574 Winner - IF Tarvastehult (Nyland) [Runner Up - Athelon Greywolves (Angiris)]
1575 Winner - Royal Telos FC (Drahen) [Runner Up - IK Torskors (Nyland)]
1576 Winner - Cuyahogium Saints (Angiris) [Runner Up - FC Wolburn (Millerainia)]
1577 Winner - Loracre FC (Drahen) [Runner Up - Nyköping United (Nyland)]
1578 Winner - Flåleandshem Metro (Nyland) [Runner Up - Royal Telos FC (Drahen)]
1579 Winner - Sandbanks FC (Nyland) [Runner Up - Roslalv FC (Severyane)]
1580 Winner -

Foreign Candidate Nations

The Interleague Super Cup is a Football (soccer) tournament for club teams. Originally started as a Nyland-only competition (where it was just known as the "Super Cup") between its Division 1 and select Division 2 teams, the Super Cup was completely restructured in 1548 when the Football Association of Nyland restructured the league system; the Super Cup came to include the top teams from Millerainia, in a joint venture with Millerainia's Major League Soccer.

The tournament's current champions are [class=link]Flåleandshem Metro[/class] from Nyland, who have won the tournament in 1578. Nyland is the winningest nation in the modern tournament, winning 3 of the 8 tournaments since the introduction of "foreign" leagues to the competition in 1571.

1579 marks the 30th running of the new Interleague Super Cup; the tournament was expanded in 1573 from 16 to 32 teams, with the new spots being given on an invitational basis to six different foreign leagues, who are free to determine which clubs attend as they so wish. Each league, including the permanent hosts Nyland and Millerainia, will each be allocated 4 slots for their teams

Any leagues that wish to participate in this tournament will fill out the application below. However, do keep in mind that the Super Cup is largely tied to the schedule of the NFL and MMLS, which runs from Spring to Winter, and so games are from late Vintyr/early Alvan to about late Quartyr/early Fein; this comes to about one or two games per month. Thus, leagues that run their regular season from Fall to Spring (such as nearly all of Brigidna & Kvaenna) may want to seriously consider whether participation might overwork their clubs.

While Nyland and Millerainia have guaranteed spots, the other six spots will be chosen via lottery, whereby the losers of said lottery get to curse at Random.org instead of me. This also is subject to change in the future.

Anyway, here's an application, since I hear people like them:
Show ContentYou Complete Me:

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  Svarna Surya
Posted by: BrumBrum - 09-14-2016, 09:05 PM - Forum: Factbooks - Replies (2)

Nation's Official Name:Svarna sūryā lōkatāntrika Gaṇarājya(Democratic Republic of the Golden Sun)
Shortname:Svarna Surya
Time Zone:
Demonym:Svarna Suryan
Capital City(ies):Nadi janksana
Other Major Cities: Mārśa śahara(मार्श शहर, Marsh City),Dō nadiyōṁ kē siṭī(दो नदियों के सिटी, City of Two Rivers),Sā'uthapōrṭa śaharai ,Gārḍana Gānva, Mōtī Kē Siṭī,Paṭhāra Agōrā,Bachchan siṭī,Jōya kē siṭī,Kilē Kē śahara

Top cities:
1:Mārśa śahara:33,666,909
2:Nadi Janksana:32,551,239
3:Dō nadiyōṁ kē siṭī::26,505,451(Kēndrīya rājya)
4:Gārḍana Gānva::18,726,677(Cāvala Rājya)
5:Sā'uthapōrṭa śahara:18,342,540(Cāya Rājya)
6:Mōtī Kē Siṭī:13,636,863(Svarga)
7:Paṭhāra Agōrāī::12,292,383(Kēndrīya rājya)
8:Bachchan siṭī:9,795,493(Cāvala Rājya)
9:Jōya kē siṭī:9,075,236(Akkim)
10:Kilē Kē śahara:7,634,722(Ātmā jhīla)
Percentage of population:37.95%

Geography:1,390,718.56 sq km
Population density:345.2684309 per sq km
Most of the population is on the rice paddies and coastal farmland as well as towns and cities on the east coast. The inland is dominated by mountains , tea plantations and industrial cites with farmland on the low valleys. The country has a dry season and a monsoon season.

Show ContentDemographics:

Show ContentPolitics:

Show ContentMore about Svarna Surya:

Show Contentmilitary:

Show ContentIntelligence Agency:

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  Strathae, Kingdom of
Posted by: BrumBrum - 09-14-2016, 08:58 PM - Forum: Factbooks - Replies (4)

Nation's Official Name:Kingdom of Strathae
Time Zone:
Capital City(ies):MacCarmaig

Other Major Cities: Kathmore

Top 2 cities:

[Image: Stirling%28DonaldMacDonald%29Dec2005.jpg]
[Image: 800px-Stirlingcastle.jpg]

[Image: Glasgow_Montage.png]
[Image: 787px-Glasgow_City_Chambers_and_War_Memorial.JPG]
[Image: 640px-View_of_Glasgow_from_Queens_Park.jpg]

Geography:36,572.25 sq km
Population density:193.2741081 /km2
Strathae is a land of mountains and hills. The climate is temperate with harsh winters and good for grazing cows and sheep. The land is hilly with plenty of peaks and the nation is surrounded by mountains. Most of the great forests have survived due to the small population.The conditions are ideal for crops such as barley, corn (maize), hay ,rye, and wheat.

Show ContentDemographics:

Show ContentPolitics:

Show ContentMore about Strathae:

Show ContentMilitary::

Show ContentIntelligence Community::

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  Angirisian Senate Session for 1579-1581
Posted by: Aerandariel - 09-14-2016, 06:04 PM - Forum: Siora - Replies (1)

Angirisian Empire
Senate Session 1579-1581

Current Senate Makeup: Republicans (27), Conservatives (13), Orthodox Conservatives (11), Federalists (5), Communists (1), Democrats (13), Imperialist (4), Independents (3)

Coalition?: YES; Republicans (27), Democrats (13), Independents (2 of 3)

Speaker of the Senate: Arcturus Augustus (Republican)
President pro Tempore: Antony Mellis (Conservative)
Floor Leader: Darius Sorex (Independent)
Majority Leader: None, no majority or coalition
Opposition Leader: None, no majority or coalition

Items on Agenda:
Healthcare reform, possible minimum wage increase, Akitsu sanctions, Svarna Surya recognition, defense spending increase, aid package to Octitania, continuing resolution for AOSEA funding, any other item brought up to floor

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  Angirisian Chronicles RP Series
Posted by: Aerandariel - 09-14-2016, 05:12 PM - Forum: Discussion and Planning - Replies (2)

Hey guys, I had an idea hit me and I thought I might pitch it to you guys and see what you guys think and hopefully you can help me out.

I'm plotting out a series of historical RPs that will chronicle some of the most important events in the Angirisian Empire's history. I have never ever gone into deep detail about many events in Angiris's history, partly because I always thought "Hey, what the hell it's just history!" and well, if I ever tried to commit anything to either paper or post it would always get turned upside down because well... events of the past always seem to malleable here. But... that said, I want to do this. And I'd like y'all's help in doing this. And don't worry, I have half the mind of doing something very similar to this for the Tuscarawan Dominion.

Now, below are descriptions of certain events I want to cover, when they happened, where in the world they happened, quick descriptions of those events, who was involved and who might potentially be involved in one way or another.

Here are the events I'm thinking of doing:

- Birth of the Empire
When: 240 CE
Where: Caldeum, Kehjistan and Cathedrium, Angleterre
Description: The Angirisian Empire historically was formed in the year 240 CE, after the Angirisian League defeated and conquered the kingdom of Kehjistan (modern-day Kehjistan, western Virginium and eastern Ohiae) after the Battle of Caldeum. By this point Khanduras, Westmarch, Arreat, Skovos, Xiansai and Aranoch have all fallen to the League and only Kehjistan stood in the way of the birth of the Empire.
Major Players: Angirisian League, Kingdom of Kehjistan
Possible Players: Ceribia?, Mahkal Empire?, Sentrite Empire?

- Galasian-Sentric War and the Sacking of Cathedrium
When: 411 CE
Where: Azreae, Pythos, Angiris
Description: A series of Sentric incursions in the Near East for a decade before this war angered the Angirisian and Mestran empires, provoking the Galasian-Sentric War with Angiris and Mestra uniting against the Sentrites. Battlefields opened up all over the Sentric colonies of Azreae and Pythos. In the earliest days of the war, the Sentrite Empire and its allies broke through the Arreatian Mountains and overran the entire western half of the Angirisian Empire and sacked the Angirisian capital of Cathedrium in hopes of ending the war quickly. But a rally by a vengeful Imperial Legion and with help from the Mestrans, the Angirisians took back their capital as well as the western half of their empire and charged into and occupied Pythos, capturing the colony. A joint Angirisian-Mestran assault on Azreae nearly broke the Sentrites' back there but the invasion ultimately failed. The Sentrites lost the war, and the Mestrans and Angirisians became even more powerful, the latter of which reached its greatest extent.
Major Players: Sentric Empire, Angirisian Empire, Mestran Empire
Possible Players: ?

- End of the Third Civil War and the Battle of Tristram
When: 1039 CE
Where: Tristram, Khanduras
Description: The Third Angirisian Civil War has been raging for over three decades following the brutal murder of Emperor Arius IV by rogue Imperial Guardsmen revealed to be agents of the Kingdom of New Galasia, which begins an all-out invasion of the southern half of the Angirisian Empire on top of a major rebellion in Khanduras. Angiris found itself opposed by two enemies that seemed hellbent on destroyng the then-nearly 800 year old Empire, and with no help from the south or any other allies, the task of repelling a major invasion and quelling a rebellion seemed impossible. But yet by 1039, the war was almost over and the Legion - nearing victory - to the last rebel stronghold in the city of Tristram. What followed was perhaps the bloodiest and most vicious battle ever fought in the Near East, as thousands of rebels, Galasians and Angirisians lay dead on the battlefield and Tristram was left a smoldering ruin.
Major Players: Angirisian Empire, New Galasian Kingdom, Khanduran Rebels

- The Reign of Tassadar IV
When: 1423-1460 CE
Where: Aiur, Aiuria and Cathedrium
Description: Emperor Tassadar IV reigned in an age where the Angirisian Empire was still reeling from the excesses of the Industrial Revolution as well as the dying days of the Aiurian Dynasty. During his reign, he helped establish the foundations of Angiris' future democracy and helped industrialize Eastern Ostaran nations such as Akitsu to protect them from Brigidnian colonial assault. Tassadar IV also dealt with innumerable domestic issues, many of them within his own government that he managed to conceal from the public in order to put on a facade of a joyous and peaceful reign.
Major Players: Angirisian Empire
Possible Players: Akitsu?, Hoinom?, Brigidnian nations?

Of course if anyone else has any ideas, please feel free to say so and we can hash them out. I'm only doing these one at a time and they don't necessarily have to be in order. What do you all think?

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Chat and Sioran News
You can find a more extensive list of stuff that's happened in role play here...if people bothered to add it.

About Eternity RPC

Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.