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Belayazemlya Today
Belayazelmya Today
The real news from Belayazelmya
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Scientist Anar Armanov killed by Eretzoran Government
Sunday 1 Marth 1585 CE

36 year old Medical researcher Anar Armanov was Today found dead in the lab via heart attack. She was found when her colleagues entered the medical laboratory at the Bolatov Resarch Institute. The scientist was researching vaccines and the production of antogens to the super-flu virus in order to innoculate the Belay population after a rise in cases. The scientist was hired for her knowledge and expertise in manipulating viruses with her masters in Medical Biology from Gorodlvov University.

The police today have suggested foul play was responsible for the death of the young researcher and have said that while investigations are ongoing into who may have been responsible it is reasonable to suspect Eretzora and their government given the timing as well as their operations within the country. The government have confirmed the MRB are looking into the Eretzora link saying they are 95% certain so far that Eretzora is responsible in some form with suggestions senior figures as senior as Rachel Singer and Yohanna Mizrachi maybe be involved in the plot to kill the young scientist.

Ramzan Igorevich has today on the campaign trail commented publically. In his speech he said "Today we mourn the loss of a great young patriot and scientist Anar Armanov. A young lady who was first and foremost a great scientist and humanitarian. Today we not only mourn her death but look for those responsible , to Rachel Singer and Yohanna Mizrachi I have this to say. We know who is responsible, we know you are responsible and we will bring you to justice. We will not forget what you have done. I promise this now , we will double the troops on your border, you will not get to feel safe. Your agression on top of your theft of land and oppression of the Belay will not go unpunished. If you want to go on a path to war then we will match you and our might wolf will win, we will prevail because we have justice on our side. We will prevail because we are strong and you are nothing but cowardly pigs and disgusting heathens who embrace sexual immorility , allow our women to be whores and get confused over whether your women are men and men are women!. You society will not win while it is so morally corrupt and I will rejoice the day your society fails and falls."

The family of the scientist have commented saying "Today our bright young soul was murdered , murdered by a foreign entity. We will not forget her kindness, sense of humour and her selfless acts. Today we lost not only a great scientist but a great mother, a great wife and a pure faithful Akhadist soul. I ask for the privacy to mourn our loss and to move on honouring our Beautiful daughter."

The president currently running for reelection has left the campaign trail to start the process of giving her the Wolf Medal for Service and Patriotism and to head an emergency cabinet to respond to the crisis. It is expected troops will move to the border as soon as 3 days and that there will be extra intelligence efforts including focusing on opposition parties to root out the traitors in those parties that are suspected to exist. The government have promised a tough strong response to Eretzora with all options on the table.
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