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RTT- Raidió Teilifís Taeunas

For the first time, the Thorin Flight Academy opened it's airfield to the general public and hosted the first annual Thorin Air Show. Their were several demonstrations of Taeunas' aircraft.

A second year team demonstrated the incredable attack power of the A-14 Jagatai on scrap metal mock ups of armored vehicles. In four passes, nearly an entire armored battalion was simulatedly destroyed.

A team of third and fourth year cadets took to the skies in a squadron of F-29 Tyre fighters and simulated a dog fight for the crowd. The smoke trails and puffs of colored powder paint in simulated missiles made for an incredible show.

The last act was a special first look at the new C-43 Dragonwing. Three of them flew in, the first being the AC varient. The guns of the assault aircraft tore up the nearby range with a massive amount of firepower. After what was only seconds, the AC moved off and two regular cargo varients buzzed in. As soon as the aircraft touched down, the ramps dropped and four vehicles drove out. A Sidewinder FST and a Thunderchild APC came from each. The vehicles circled and set up a perimeter, troops pouring out from the APC's. It was an incredible show of Taeunas combat abilities.

President DeSchaine was in attendance, and appeared very pleased with the results.

"The skill and dedication of all Taeunasans is evidenced here. Our troops, our workers... this is what makes our nation great. We certainly could be worse, like paranoid royals."

A grisley discovery today as the Belfast Garda sifted through what looks like a large scale dumping site for mutilated bodies. Initial estimates put the number of individuals at thirteen, with more probably waiting to be uncovered.

"It's highly disturbing." said an official, who asked not to be named. "Male, female, all hair colors, eye colors... there doesnt seem to be a pattern to it."

Whats even more disturbing is that there have been no missing persons reports filed on any of the victems. "None of the bodies we've recovered so far matches anything in the system."
Republic of Taeunas Database
RTT News

Only the strongest will survive... lead me to heaven when I die...
I am the shadow on the wall... I'll be the one to save us all...


DeSchaine's Shipyard

The search continues at a mass grave discovered outside of Belfast. The number of bodies found has risen to twenty, with more expected.

The Garda have released some preliminary findings from the medical examiner. The report states that the most recent of the bodies show contusions and abraisions consistent with restraints on the arms and legs. The report also states that the victims were exanguinated in what appears to be a ritualistic killing.

Two people are dead after a three vehicle accident near the intersection of M-57 and Shaner Avenue on Sunday evening in Bannockburn.

The accident happened around 6:25 p.m.

Four people were involved in the crash, Garda said. There were three vehicles, a motorcycle, a pickup truck and a van pulling a trailer.

Garda officers told the media that the van carrying the trailer was traveling westbound on M-57 and crossed the center line. It was struck broadside by the pickup truck. Both the driver and passenger in the van were killed. The motorcycle was heading eastbound when it made a quick maneuver to lay the bike down just in front of the accident.

The other two people involved in the crash, passengers in the pickup truck, were taken to Spectrum Butterworth Hospital and are being treated for non-life threatening injuries.

The victims names have not been released.


We've just been informed by the Belfast Garda that they have raided the compound of a extremist religious sect. Inside, they found an elaborate altar used for human sacrifice. The mass grave discovered earlier this month was the place where they disposed of the bodies. More on this as it comes in.
Republic of Taeunas Database
RTT News

Only the strongest will survive... lead me to heaven when I die...
I am the shadow on the wall... I'll be the one to save us all...


DeSchaine's Shipyard

In Belfast today, the investigation started into the raid on a cult compound outside the city. The raid several days ago turned into a full blown fire fight as the Garda entered the main building. The Cultists, armed with Kaidos V-83 light machine guns and Laddneian LASA R590 rifles, were able to stall the Garda. The situation was brough to the attention to President DeSchaine, who gave the go ahead for a single fire team of NoKS armor equipped HCT soldiers to support the Garda on the basis of foreign military grade hardware being used.

The five HCT troops were delivered to the site by VTOL and entered through the roof. Once inside, it was only a matter of a few minutes before resistance stopped. Twenty three cultists were killed, another twelve wounded, and six Garda hospitalized with serious wounds. None of the HCT were hurt.

As the annual Sléibhte Lárnach Bighorn Sheep lamb count is underway, state biologists are wondering how new program protections for mountain lions will affect the population.

The 400 remaining Bighorns, which live in the rocky alpine wilderness of the eastern Sléibhte Lárnach, are one of the most endangered large mammals in the Taeunas.

This winter, however, state biologists had to scale back efforts to snare and collar suspected nuisance cougars after a complaint that even those not threatening sheep were being harmed.

Now a lion proven to kill bighorns can be shot. But lions can't be snared to collar and track them.

Taeunas voters gave mountain lions special protections in 1560.

The sheep, with horns that splay sideways, have been listed since 1569.
Republic of Taeunas Database
RTT News

Only the strongest will survive... lead me to heaven when I die...
I am the shadow on the wall... I'll be the one to save us all...


DeSchaine's Shipyard

The President called for an investigation to explain how military weapons from outside the nation ended up in the hands of the Woogie Cultists outside of Belfast. Two of the six wounded Garda have been released from the hospital, and the cult members that were captured have waved all pre trial apperances, saying the government of Taeunas has no authority to judge them.

The five HCT troopers that took part in the raid after Garda officers were pinned down were awarded the Justice medal by Minister Michelle O'Neill. "These men and women have shown the highest regard for others above themselves. For this, the nation is grateful to know we have such capable and vigilant hero types among us."

Cpl. Eoghan Ó Faoláin, leader of the team, and his troops accepted their medals at a ceremony in Belfast. The soldiers made no speech of any kind, but instead went to the hospital and gave their medals to the wounded officers. When asked why, Cpl. Ó Faoláin said only this "It's our job to face fire only when needed. These officers do it every day. They are the true heros."

There was a large building fire just outside the Walker City limits at Ottawa Excavators Incorporated Sunday night. Cooper, Marne and Walker fire departments were all on scene.

Responders told RTT that the fire started around 8 p.m. Neighbors reported hearing an explosion and when firefighters arrived, a large maintenance building was engulfed in flames. It took firefighers nearly an hour to stop the fire. No one was inside the building at the time of the fire and no one was injured, said responders.

The owner of Ottawa Excavators told RTT they had just been on the property around 6 p.m.

Firefighters will be on scene well into the night working with a crane to remove debris from the charred building.

It will be a year next month since Mark Moore was stabbed from behind at the Sidhe Motel on Alpine and Three Mile Road. It will be at least three more months until Moore's family will learn if they'll get the justice they seek. Their patience is wearing thin.

"We are not asking for vengeance. We are asking for justice," said Moore's sister, Stacia Barnes, reading statements from various family members after Friday's competency hearing for accused killer Jack Jacqmain.

Barnes and Moore's wife, Jarrin, made the trip from Inishfree to hear whether a judge would order Jacqmain to stand trial for the stabbing. Investigators say there was no provocation for the stabbing.

Moore, who lived in Inishfree, was in town installing cell phone towers. Jaqcmain, who has a history of mental problems, allegedly stabbed Moore several times in the back. Jacqmain is charged with murder. But a county psychiatric examination determined that, as of right now, Jacqmian could not assist in his own defense. Until that time, there will be no trial. An 1575 article in the Taeunas Criminal Law Annual Journal suggest competency evaluations for suspects only happens in about 8% of felony cases in Taeunas. There is a chance further treatment will work and Jacqmain will be sent to trial.

"They find he has exhibited improvement in his mental thought status from the last progress update from March," said Repulic Judge Peter Versluis, reading from a Taeunas National Forensic Center report.

National law maintains the trials can continue to be postponed, as long as there's evidence the suspect is making progress. Still, the process can be frustrating for families seeking justice. Justice delayed is not easy to explain to Moore's young daughter.

"She misses her daddy everyday," her mother, Jarrin, told RTT. "Mark was murdered on the 18th. And there's not an 18th day of every month, every holiday, birthday, ballgame that isn't painful for us," Barnes said. "All we hear is that Jacqmain has his rights. Where are Mark's rights? Yeah, we have a problem with the current laws."

The judge ordered another competency hearing in 90 days.
Republic of Taeunas Database
RTT News

Only the strongest will survive... lead me to heaven when I die...
I am the shadow on the wall... I'll be the one to save us all...


DeSchaine's Shipyard


In a surprise move today, the Seanad voted nearly unanimously to change the second amendment of the Constitution. This happened suddenly in response to several court cases and lawsuits by immigrants from other nations that have higher crime rates, as well as a highly vocal minority from the ultra liberal left. The text of the amendment was changed from
Quote:In order to provide for public protection, and a well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free Republic, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.


Quote:In order to provide for public protection, and an armed civilian population being necessary to the security of a free Republic, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

While a seemingly minor change, the new wording affects most of the cases currently before the court, and according to experts in the legal field, will allow the judges in the cases to throw them out.

The Seanad today also passed legislation that has restricted the use of petroleum in plastics. In response to concern over the growing issue of plastic packaging, it was determined that use of bio degradable plastics is a better, cheaper and faster renewing resource. With the amount of corn produced in Taeunas, the legislation makes it illegal to produce and use petroleum based plastic packaging, and makes it mandatory to use Polylactic Acid based materials. The difference between them is very small, and PLA based materials can be formed, cut and processed on the same machines being used for Petrochemical ones. This will have a double effect on the economy. It reduces the consumption of oil for products not used for fuel, thereby reducing gas prices, and will spur a growth in the corn market, both in price and in amount being grown. Over time, this will balance out into slightly higher than current prices.
Republic of Taeunas Database
RTT News

Only the strongest will survive... lead me to heaven when I die...
I am the shadow on the wall... I'll be the one to save us all...


DeSchaine's Shipyard

Tara- New Ammo for Military and Garda

Military and Garda officials announced today that they would be phasing out traditional full metal jacket "ball" ammunition, and switching over to the new Radically Invasive Projectile, also called a RIP round, from G2R Inc.

The round is a solid copper design, with the tip being machined to have eight trocar pointed "petals" designed to break from the bullet upon impact with a body. This design also allows the round to act as a hole saw and pass through thin solid layers, such as plywood or sheetrock, "packing" the hollow point with whatever material it passed through.

[Image: rip2-900x450.jpg]

This ability allows the round to conserve more of its energy to be expended when it hits the target. In a fluid, or in soft tissue, the projectile fragments, with each trocar pointed petal making its own wound track. The geometry and thickness of the petals cause them to flip along their path, resulting in a massively devastating wound.

[Image: rip-round-500-4.jpg?w=500&h=406]

Indeed, the company motto states "The last round you will ever need."
Republic of Taeunas Database
RTT News

Only the strongest will survive... lead me to heaven when I die...
I am the shadow on the wall... I'll be the one to save us all...


DeSchaine's Shipyard

Tara- Outrage at Severyania

In Tara today, protests erupted outside the Severyanian embassy over the news of a mass execution in that country. Over three hundred people were killed by government forces in a raid to eliminate political rivals.

Several thousand Taeunas citizens gathered outside the embassy in Tara and voiced their displeasure. Garda forces were present, but no protesters were detained. Toward evening, many protesters began throwing rocks at the embassy proper.


[Image: embassy460.jpg]

Unknown forces have stormed the Severyanian embassy. Sources at the scene have said over a dozen armed individuals have entered the embassy. Sounds of gunfire and explosions are being heard from within. Protesters outside are cheering. More news as it develops.
Republic of Taeunas Database
RTT News

Only the strongest will survive... lead me to heaven when I die...
I am the shadow on the wall... I'll be the one to save us all...


DeSchaine's Shipyard

Tara- Embassy Attack Being Probed

Garda forces are continuing to investigate the attack on the Severyanian embassy after the body of the security chief was found inside several hours after the attack. Cause of death was a single gunshot to the back of the head from a medium caliber handgun. The mans name is being held back pending notification of next of kin.

In response to the remarks by the new Severyanian Premier, Taoiseach DeSchaine took offense.

"On behalf of the Taeunas people, I refute those claims. Had THAT government not mass murdered several hundred people in cold blood and THEN let those responsible for the atrocity get away with it, I am one hundred percent certain that this incident would NOT have happened. In addition, an Embassy is considered to be home soil to the nation that owns it, and once their perimeter was breached, there was nothing Taeunas authorities could do. Seems that their own security was lacking in that respect. They have only to look in the mirror to see the ones ultimately responsible for this."
Republic of Taeunas Database
RTT News

Only the strongest will survive... lead me to heaven when I die...
I am the shadow on the wall... I'll be the one to save us all...


DeSchaine's Shipyard

Goodevening, and Welcome to RTT

Our top story: Riots at Fitzgerald Stadium after a controversial two-nil loss to Severyane. Over forty thousand fans took to the field and then the streets as the Sev players and game officials were taken away in Garda armored trucks. Several cars in an official lot were destroyed, as well as a couple Garda cruisers, before reinforcements, including several Gallowglass anti riot drones, arrived on scene. The crowds were eventually dispersed by water cannons and tear gas, but not before several arrests were made. A spokesman for the Garda told RTT that charges are pending.

[Image: 10531940-large.jpg]

[Image: belfast-riots-hmed-215a-grid-6x2.jpg]

More protests are expected, and several threats on social media networks are being investigated, accoding to Garda sources. One officer was overheard saying that "They should get out before something really bad happens."

Tensions are running high, and there is a large Garda force at the hotel where the Severyane team is housed. Outside, crowds have gathered and adapted traditional rebel songs to denounce the Sev team, but no serious altercations have been reported. When we come back, the weather outlook for the rest of the week, PLUS! a sit down with one of Taeunas' newest musical sensations. Stay tuned!
Republic of Taeunas Database
RTT News

Only the strongest will survive... lead me to heaven when I die...
I am the shadow on the wall... I'll be the one to save us all...


DeSchaine's Shipyard

NAIS Develops New Super Steel By William Herkewitz

From shipping containers to skyscrapers to turbines, good old steel is still the workhorse of our modern world. Now, scientists are discovering new secrets to make the material better, lighter, and stronger.

Today a team of material scientists at the New Avalon Institute of Science announced what they're calling one of the biggest steel breakthroughs of the last few decades: an altogether new type of flexible, ultra-strong, lightweight steel. This new metal has a strength-to-weight ratio that matches even our best titanium alloys, but at one tenth the cost, and can be created on a small scale with machinery already used to make automotive-grade steel. The study appears in Nature.

"Because of its lightness, our steel may find many applications in automotive and aircraft manufacturing," says Hansoo Kim, the researcher that led the team.

Bend, Don't Break
The key to creating this new super-steel was overcoming a challenge that had plagued materials scientists for decades. Nearly forty years ago researchers discovered that adding aluminum to the mix when creating steel can make an incredibly strong and lightweight metal, but this new steel was unavoidably brittle. You'd have to exert lots of force to reach the limit of its strength, but once you did, the steel would break rather than bend.

Scientists soon realized the problem: When creating the aluminum-steel alloy, they were occasionally fusing atoms of aluminum and iron together to form tough, crystalline structures called B2. These veins and nuggets of B2 were strong but brittle—until Kim and his colleges devised a solution.

"My original idea was that if I could somehow induce the formation of these B2 crystals, I might be able to disperse them in the steel," he says. The scientists calculated that if small B2 crystals were separated from one another, then the surrounding alloy would insulate them from splintering.

Kim and colleagues spent years devising and altering a method of heat-treating and then thinly rolling their steel to control when and where B2 crystals were formed. The team also discovered that adding a small percentage of nickel offered even more control over B2 formation, as nickel made the crystals form at a much higher temperature.

Time Will Tell
Kim's team has created the new metal on a small scale. But before it can be mass-produced, researchers must confront a tricky production issue.

Currently, steelmakers use a silicate layer to cover and protect mass-produced steel from oxidation with the air and contamination from the foundry. This silicate can't be used for Kim's steel because it has a tendency to react with the cooling aluminum, compromising the final product. Before we starting building skyscrapers out of super-steel, they'll have to figure out a way to protect the material out in the real world.

It'll be worth it. The final product of all this tinkering, currently named B2D, "is 13 percent less dense compared to normal steel, and has almost the same strength-to-weight ratio compared to titanium alloys," Kim says. That's remarkable, but Kim insists that the method is actually more important than the result. Now that his results are published, he expects scientists to cook up a multitude of new alloys based on the B2-dispersion method.
Republic of Taeunas Database
RTT News

Only the strongest will survive... lead me to heaven when I die...
I am the shadow on the wall... I'll be the one to save us all...


DeSchaine's Shipyard

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