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Pushing a Pebble Down a Hill
"If you allow me a few words before we can continue, Mr. Lisle", Minister Borislav Zahovek said. "I'll be brief, my aim is not to obfuscate the discussion".

"We are rather disappointed to hear what could only be described as crude and cheap propaganda from the Nerysian delegation", he said. "I can only hope that we are able to build a common understanding in which in 17th-century Brigidina, shooting to peaceful demonstrators, throwing your citizens into torture chambers, and bombing your own cities is not understood as a legitimate exercise of your sovereignty. Our peoples deserve better than that".

"I can only hope that Mr. Dubius' rant was not a sudden change of Nerysian policy", Zahovek continued. "We are not here to decide the future of any country or state, but as he misrepresented the Mordvanian position I can not help but clarify it: We haven't supported any "separatist rebellion", neither our government nor Iossilin government are opposed to the Kaljuran sovereignty and territorial integrity. On the contrary, our hopes aim that such sovereignty can exercise by the Kaljuran people after successful negotiations and through democratic elections. The only way to achieve that is through negotiations as established in the Denil Accords. As Mordvanian foreign minister, I will never call, neither in public nor in private, West Kaljurand's government -despite their evident institutional flaws and abuses of human rights- to be "wiped off the face of Brigidna", rather I call them to sit in the negotiation table so n united, peaceful, and democratic future can be built for the Kaljuran people. I hope, Mr. Dubius, that your government can be a force for good and do the same".

"As I said before", Zahovek added, this time looking at Lanlanian delegation, "we are not here to decide the future of any country. However, I can only ask Mr. Jonassen, that it's maybe it's time for the Holy Lanlanian Empire to reconsider their, maybe well-meaning but unpractical, decision. It has been 20 years since the end of the war, and citizens in East Kaljurand have continously and successfully expressed their voice through free and fair elections, building stable and democratic instutions. Their success can't be ignored. I don't expect an answer here, obviously, it's not the reason why we are here -although an united and democratic Kaljurand would certainly help to build a more stable Brigidna, there is no doubt in that-, but it's my hope that your government will reconsider its position in the coming future".

"But as returning as the real issue of our discussion here", Minister Zahovek continued, "despite our obvious disagreements, we believe that we can build a more stable Brigidna through cooperation in some important issues, such as security. There is much we can gain from inter-regional law enforcement cooperation, sharing security and even sharing intelligence, to fight organized crime, terrorism, and so on. While national sovereignty is a typical concern when such cooperation is proposed, there are other risks as well. It would be contrary to that established and desirable aim if we are not careful to build a system which is not abused for different aims. We can't waste our time, our resources, or the integrity of our constitutional order, to persecute crimes that are only imaginary in the minds of bureaucrat from a police state, or even worse, does not even exist in our legal system. That is why we propose building a rules-based system, something that I believe nobody can seriously oppose".
Gaiseric Dubius was rather satisfied with the effect that his interruption had. He had drawn a clear red line for the Mordvanians and Severyanians, signalling to everyone in the room that he wouldn't allow this conference to be hijacked by the humanitarian rhetoric that was so often employed against the Nerysian government and its allies.

On a deeper level, Dubius agreed with the Mordvanian delegate that this spat should not derail the entire conference however, and de-escalation was now necessary. The Nerysian delegation was not looking for a fight or wishing to re-open old wounds. But he couldn't fully agree to the Mordvanians either. The tone of their reply was arrogant and insulting.

''Mr. Zahovek, I can assure you, there is no policy change on our part. But you have to respect that we must respond when loaded words are uttered in this room like 'genocide'. It is a very serious accusation. The Nerysian government does not support genocide. I think a dialogue is indeed necessary.''

Dubius then struck a harsh tone. ''Forgive me, Mr. Zahovek, but I can't help but notice a very distrusting attitude in your words. You speak of possibilities for security cooperation, and at the same time you warn that it should not be abused by -police states- to persecute imaginary crimes... Are you accusing anyone in this room of being a police state or having a history of persecuting imaginary crimes? I would like to remind you that Mordvania is not the only country in Brigidna with a constitution and laws. We respect your laws, but you also have to respect ours.''
"Trust is certainly necessary, but it can not be blind either", Zahovek calmly replied. "I don't feel it would be constructive to name any country or government. I believe I have already showed clearly the position of our government. I have already said that we see the likely benefit of further cooperation on security".

"I do not aim to disrespect the Nerysian laws, or the Nerysian people", Zahovek continued. "However, the best way to prevent future conflicts is to predict them in advance. The most stable institutions are often those which take into accounts both the best strengths and worst flaws of their members. A rules-based system would be the best instrument to achieve such goal".
Lisle stood to speak after the Mordvanian finished. He had decided to let this go on for a bit, to see what might happen. He had expected some confrontation, but to his surprise they seemingly resolved it on their own, at least outwardly.

"No one here is intending to disrespect anyone elses laws or constitutions. It is to be expected that there may be some level of distrust in this room given past... disagreements." He did not look at the Nerysians or the Mordvanians. "But if we felt this could not be accomplished, we wouldn't be discussing it in the first place. There may be some value in a sort of Brigidnan Forum, where disputes can be settled when bilateral negotiations are no longer viable."

"Though as with all such matters, we have questions about authority and enforcement. Who would decide such cases? Who would enforce the decisions? These are serious questions."

"We agree with the delegation from Mordvania that much potential exists between all assembled here to promote better international law enforcement and sharing intelligence with regards to organized crime and terrorism. Surely we can all agree on fighting organized crime and terrorism, as long as the terms upon which we fight are agreed upon?"
The Vallish diplomat was next to speak.

"I do agree that an international organization, run through an international court, to fight organized crime and terrorism in our region is a fair idea, but there are significant questions about this that we may not have time to fully address. Concerns about authority are primary, in my eyes. Who will enforce decisions?"

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