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Pushing a Pebble Down a Hill
Lisle nodded. "We thank the Mordvanian delegation for their kind words and their comments on the topic at hand. We now ask for comments from the delegation from Severyane."
Vadim peered around the room at the host of other delegations and frowned, he never liked these sorts of conferences. Out in the open everyone put on a face and played the part of the dutiful diplomat. Here in these open rooms and grand halls, it was all cooperation and friendship however the moment the meeting subsided Vadim knew full well that at least half of the people in the room would be brewing up some sort of scheme. Some members of his staff weren't even a part of the Diplomatic Corps, but SUFR Operatives sent with him to spy on a select few delegates and their staff. Vadim loathed this game of intrigue and it made him despise his presence here more than ever, nevertheless, he stood to address his peers.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, might I say what an honor it is to be party to this momentous occasion. I must make it fully clear to all of you, Severyane is more than willing to cooperate with our fellow Brigidnan nations. We welcome it with open arms and embrace the fruits it will bear us. Some amongst you represent governments with which my countrymen feud with, and even to you, I say 'Let us cooperate' and move on towards better relations."

"In regards to the previous comments about regional security, I am in a position to say that the Republic wholeheartedly agrees that further strides for cooperation should be made in this arena. We have been, for little more than a year or so now, been discussing in Severyane the possibility of establishing a multi-national investigative bureau for Brigidna. As such we would like to formally propose this, and it can be discussed whenever we move on to the appropriate topic."

"As for student visas, Severyane already maintains an... 'Open Invitation' for lack of a better term to almost any nation who wishes to establish a student visa program. The only concern we have is in regards to security. We have a very stringent background investigation which must be completed on all potential student visa applicants. Any such regional program must meet the proper security requirements."

"In closing, my fellow delegates, we look forward to cooperation with all of you. Thank you, that is all."

Vadim took his seat, and let out an imperceptible sigh. This line of work was terribly exhausting.
[Image: Wbs3DMM.png]
"We thank the delegation from Severyane for their comments and ideas. Regional security is definitely a topic we will need to touch on."

"I now ask for comments from the esteemed delegation from the Holy Lanlanian Empire."
The Lanlanian diplomat spoke, followed by the Lomarran, and then the rest.

Most appeared interested in the student visa program put ahead by the WBU, and from here minor diplomats would get to work hammering out specific details.

The meeting adjourned for the day, and the diplomatic representatives went about their day, reporting to their host country, answering limited questions from the media, and preparing for the following day. 

The next day, they all arrived again, and the WBU representative, Lisle, opened the floor for discussion on regional security, as so many of the speakers the previous day had made it a point to mention it.
Vadim was given the queue to stand and address the assembled delegates. He smiled to them all as he raised himself up from the seat and cleared his throat quietly before proceeding.

"My fellow delegates, as mentioned yesterday Severyane has great interests in working with every nation in Brigidna to maintain regional security. As such, we have hammered out a few proposals that we hope will begin to establish a greater network of protection for all of us. Firstly, we would like to discuss the establishment of a multi-national investigative bureau. We believe that this would be a great first step towards wider cooperation on regional security. As it is currently envisioned it would have the authority to investigate crimes of war, genocide, and other crimes against humanity - an example being what was suspected to have happened in West Kaljurand some years ago - as well as organized crime, terrorism, and other crimes which involve two or more parties from different nations. This bureau would present the evidence of their investigation to an international tribunal which would have a representative from each member nation. The tribunal could pass judgment on the government or individuals as seen fit. This is all, of course, up for discussion as this is only a rough plan."

"Secondly, we would like to propose the establishment of joint anti-piracy and drug smuggling patrols in the North, South, and Laural Seas. This could also be overseen by, or under the management of, the previously proposed Investigative Bureau. Thank you all for listening to my short proposal, I will now take comments and questions." Vadim remained standing for a moment before returning to his seat.
[Image: Wbs3DMM.png]
The Vallish chief diplomat stood.

"I agree with the delegation from Severyane that these are problems of concern that warrant action from the nations assembled here, but I do have considerable concern with establishing an entity that may pass judgement on nations without being represented by those nations. As well, there is concern about an organization wearing too many hats. Why would a tribunal of sorts, a court even, have jurisdiction over something like piracy? This entity would investigate, but would it then also render judgement, and even prosecute? Who would enforce the ruling? I do believe we are headed in a positive direction here, but there are serious concerns we would need to rectify."

Edmund Lisle, of the WBU, spoke next. "Piracy is a significant matter and one we are dedicated to ending. A joint task force to manage international trade, at least insofar as our continent is concerned, could be something of great value, but how would it be managed? What the delegation from Severyane first described leads us to ask whether there should be developed an international court of sorts, to make rulings on international disputes. Certainly we can investigage, but who will make the ruling and who will execute the ruling to ensure it is enforced? There is much to discuss here."
Valentina de Liaño stood up to speak on security . She said " United Breighighist Duchies believes strongly in the stability and security of the continent especially against a rising tide of terror from certain groups.The Florinthian Swan and the increase in aakhadic and religious extremist attacks is a perfect example of such an issue. For this reason we believe a joint database for police throughout the continent with easy extradition is essential if we want to maintain security with nations able to put in requests easily. While a multi national investigative bureau would be good we believe that such an organisation must have strict monitoring to make sure its not biased in its rulings and should not be given free reign. Another good option would be to have a shared border force database which shows up people who have been denied entry or deported in other nations and what for. This would help stop bad guys hiding or going to other nations and on that database nations could request to put a no entry order so if they manage to sneak out they get extradited straight back to country where they are suspected of a crime."
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
''Before we continue,'' interrupted Gaiseric Dubius, with a deep frown on his forehead, ''I must officially protest at the careless choice of words of some of the Severyanian delegates, Chairman.''

Dubius leaned forward a bit, at whilst looking over the edge of his spectacles stared the chair in his eyes while completely ignoring eye-contact with the Mordvanians and the Severyanians. ''There is no such thing as a 'genocide' in Kaljurand. There is only a separatist rebellion in the East of Kaljurand, and the Nerysian kingdom stands firmly by the Kaljuran government and Kaljuran territorial sovereignty. And if the Mordvanians want a - I quote: rules-based security system - then they should agree that the illegitimate state of 'East-Kaljurand' is the first thing to be wiped off the face of Brigidna. The sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kaljurand is under threat.''

''I would like to know from all delegates present here how they see the Kaljurand situation, as it will show their true colors with respect to such vague concepts as 'international law.''
Valentina de Liaño listened as the Nerysian delegate spoke. Wanting to avoid the tension rising and being a neutral on the issue. She responded quickly "We in the United Breizhighist Duchies government would like to protest at the wiping off the map of "East-Kaljurand'. There are two sides to the issue and we will not take a side. To do so would not only be inappropriate but also cause more issues and tension. We believe negotiation between both sides is key to a peaceful resolution that is in the interests of both sides and would be happy to host negotiations as a neutral on the issue if this is required or support negotiation at a regional level. This is an issue that needs resolving through negotiation."
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
"The Holy Lanlanian Empire obviously recognizes only one Kaljurand," said Jonas Jonassen, head of the Lanlanian delegation, "and the provisional government acting from Kaaren is its only legitimate government. His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty cannot recognize an armed insurrection against a sovereign state." Jonassen, much like his handlers in Lanlania, though the previous line of discussion was quite concerning and sought to see what the Nerysian objections could achieve. Or would the "neutral" West Brigidnans simply squash it and thereby undermine both Nerysia and the entire concept of a multinational conference?
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.

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