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Gundam Siora
Mobile Suit Gundam: Siora

I was thinking of starting a long RP set using Gundams as its base, set in the world of Siora. Yeah, our MTRP world. The idea would maybe lead into a sequel RP...but since I doubt y'all gonna post at least every day to make that close to a reality, it'll likely be stand-alone with some other gundam ideas happening on their own.

Oh, you don't know Gundam? That's okay, you really won't need to know anything about Gundam to join, though I do admit it makes understanding some more technical stuff easier. However, a massive info dump of the backstory, technology, history, factions, stonkin' big robots, etc. is at the bottom of this post, so everyone can get in on the plot and setting.

[Image: 0YGgmWV.gif]

Speaking of the story or setting, you don't need to memorize all of it, it'll be here for reference. Flipped Smile

This'll of course be a character RP and I'll likely allow multiple characters per person to fill out the factions, and there will be lots of things for people to do besides be fighty-fighty shooty-shooty gundam pilots. Anyway, if you're interested, and/or want to help flesh out the future Siora while I cook up some more specifics, pop ideas/suggestions/interest in here.

[Image: A9DoCyu.gif]

Approved Characters
Approved Characters
Soraya KheramatiFeryn II Styrlund--Liina Valtonen
SorenSelma Selander---
Tao Yin----

The Character Sheet
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Timeline and Recent History
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History of MS Development
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Mobile Suit Technology/Terminology

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[Image: FrFbIGpl.png]
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Mobile Weapons of the Human Progress Alliance

HPA Overview

Human Progress Alliance

The Human Progress Alliance is a supranational community consisting of the old countries of Tieguo, Carpathia, Kazemura, Ishnalla, Svarna, Hoinom, Singan, Dagoth, “Ostaran” Severyane, Eretzora, and So’Karsa, among others. It was the second of the big three blocs to complete its orbital elevator in 1696 CE, and has begun construction of its section of the proposed orbital ring habitat. Member nations of the old world have been replaced by similarly-functioning administrative regions, and it operates asteroid habitats at L-point 4 and a research facility on Lune. The HPA was the first to enter the mobile suit era, in 1696, prompting the other factions to play catch up.

It is the most centralized of the three, with a chairperson as head of government who works and resides in the capital somewhere in Tieguo. The exact nature of its government isn’t known to those outside of its structure, though it’s apparently socio-politically socialist in structure with the stated mission of advancing humanity beyond what it views as an old primitive state of individualism into a future of collective utopia. The government exercises a large degree of control in the lives of its people, who are allowed freedom to pursue love, hobbies and other enjoyment, but heavily control information and constantly monitor to ensure “enemy saboteurs” don’t infiltrate to spread distracting lies about missing “freedoms.” After generations, the public at large seems to believe in the nobility of their good and just pursuit of utopia.

Significant Locations

The Internationale - the terminal transport station and ballast satellite at the end of the HPA-administered orbital elevator.

Space Habitat Fatong - the largest of a cluster of asteroid habitats operated by the HPA at L-point 4, housing some 120k people. The habitat is the site of space science research laboratories, and is connected to one of the region’s several mineral extraction and refining facilities.

Suits & Weaponry

MAJ-7 Quolong
MAJ-8 Xiaoshou
MSG-5 Menlong

MAJ-7 Quolong


The MAJ-7 Quolong is the world's only operating aerial mobile armor developed and fielded by the HPA since the mid-80's, when it replaced the bloc's outdated and more conventional craft. The Quolong is the smallest frontline mobile weapon to date, and heavily armed and armored for its size. Straight wings limit its speed, but heavy armor and an unmatched ability to loiter makes it a beloved air-support weapon amongst the HPA army.

Being too small for a cockpit, the Quolong is either controlled remotely or via fully-autonomous AI, courtesy of its powerful on-board computing and sensor suite. The craft's normal weapons can be swapped for additional sensing equipment for electronic warfare.

Name/Model: MAJ-7 Quolong autonomous CAS armor
Armor: Titanium Carbide
Crew: None (with remote computer control or AI pilot)



30mm Autocannon x2
Housed in a retractable mount beneath the craft's bulbous front, these dual autocannons can rotate and track both airborne and ground targets far outside its front arc.

External equipment mounts x6
For missiles, rocket pods, bombs, electronic warfare equipment, and anything else designed to fit upon these external equipment hardpoints.

MAJ-08 Xiaoshou

[Image: XFe4WII.jpg]

The MAJ-8 Xiaoshou is the mainstay space-defence mobile armor for the HPA. originally designed in the late 70's and serving from the early 80's for the maintenance and construction of the bloc's space colonies and orbital elevator, constant development and conflict led the HPA to adopt this weaponized variant of the machine. Small in size and lightly armed compared to many of its comparable early space opponents, this versatile, purpose-built space weapon nevertheless sports outstanding agility.

The mobile weapon's arms can be replaced with various weapons mounts as needed, or left in place for general utility. Instead of treads or legs, a single large liquid propellant tank makes up the bulk of the unit's height and lower half, and the thrusters it feeds are its sole means of movement. Too small for an in-built power plant, the Xiaoshou relies upon a rechargable energy pack, which limits its operating time and range; as such, it is primarily used for static station defense.

The unit's most significant claim to fame resides in what came after it, as lessons in the design and systems of this craft led tot he development of the HPA's, and the world's, first true mobile suit.

Name/Model: MAJ-08 Xiaoshou
Height: 8 m (about 3.5 m without propellant)
Armor: Titanium carbide
Propulsion: Electric battery; Synthetic CRF (jet propellant)
Crew: 1 Pilot


Static Equipment/Armament:

100mm x 50cal smoothbore gun
Lacking the power generation of other mobile armors the Xiaoshou relies upon conventional weaponry. It is capable of mounting one gun upon hardpoint mounts on either, or both, arms.

Missile/rocket pods
By replacing the unit's arms, the Xiaoshou can use various weapons pods at the cost of losing utility, these pods cannot be mounted elsewhere, or they would obstruct the machine's in-built reaction control thruster ports.

MSG-5 Menlong

[Image: tOAfTGK.png]

Introduced in 1696 as the world's first true mobile suit, the MSG-5 Menlong is the HPA's frontline mass-production mobile weapon, having fully replaced all its predecessors in the bloc by 1700.

Much of the Menlong's systems were tested within and come directly from the MAJ-8 Xhaoshou space mobile armor, making for quick training of pilots between the two systems and easy transition between the controls; the cockpits of the two mobile weapons are laid out almost identically, even, the only appreciable difference being a shift in placement of the Menlong's pedal controls, to accomodate a different range of leg-based movement from the Xiaoshou's zero-G thrusters. This similarity of systems also made for easier and cheaper development of this ground-breaking mobile weapon.

Where the Xiaoshou was a stop-gap weapon to quickly defend the HPA's space assets, the Menlong is a purpose-built war machine. Unlike the all-purpose compact design of the SSF's Thunderchief or the sleek high-powered Hjolrun of the LU, the Menlong was developed with the soul and doctrine of the main battle tanks of past eras by pushing the limits of the large mecha's main strength: by using its size and high power output to make each unit a veritable armored fortress. Weighing more than twice that of its rival mobile suits, the machine's mobility is comparatively limited, but the sheer bulk of its thick armored plating makes a large portion of the machine practically impervious to most conventional weaponry.

Unlike the small fusion reactors of the other blocs, the Menlong is powered by a combustion engine burning a synthetic reaction fuel, providing power to the electric motors that power the suit's movement and systems; this same fuel is burned in the suit's attached jumpjets, trading operating time for a mild increase in mobility in challenging or more vertical terrain. While considered prior-generation technology, the combustion generator reduces the suit's maintenance complexity and production cost over new-model small-reactor suits.

Name/Model: MSG-5 Menlong
Height: 16.4 m (18.4 m including the combustion exhaust)
Weight: 134.9t
Speed: 60 kph
Armor: Titanium Alloy Ceramic Composite
Propulsion: Synthetic CRF (main engine and jumpjet propellant)
Crew: 1 Pilot in neck/head


Static Equipment/Armament:

160mm x 50 cal. Cannon
This magazine-fed smoothbore gun is mounted on the suit's neck, beneath the cockpit. While able to rotate in a narrow forward arc, the range is limited and likely relies upon movement of the entire suit during intense combat, making it rather difficult to use. Each magazine holds 25 shells, and the suit can store up to four additional magazine reloads on its side armor skirts, two on each side.

280mm Missile launcher:
While the suit is capable of mounting old-style missile and rocket pods upon is shoulders and forearms, such pods can only be relaoded with much time and special equipment. After the Solar Wars, the HPA focssed upon a new design philosophy: to reduce firepower in favor of battlefield staying power by swapping pods and internal ammunition bays for external ammunition containers for quick resupply.

To that end the Menlong's magazine-fed gun and missile launcher were developed. This large missile launcher is effectively a simple long tube; a canister at the back of the tube holds up to three missiles that automatically load into the tube, and upon launch several vents block the backblast and redirect it to the side of the weapon. The Menlong can store two extra missile canisters on its rear armor skirt, for 9 total shots before resupply (a factory-fresh tube comes pre-loaded, allowing for 10 shots).

LASER Propogator
A rather effective anti-infantry weapon. Attached on either side of the cannon.

32-tube Rocket or 4 tube missile Pods
Like many other mobile weapons, the Menlong can attach rocket or missile pods to either forearm or to each shoulder. These are rarely used except when a team of suits must crack heavy fortifications. Use of the shield or 280mm missile launcher on either arm obstructs the mounting of these pods.

Mounted to either forearm (though generally the left), this large, thick slab of armor can deflect high-powered shots with proper use, or be used as a battering, puncturing melee weapon when needed.

Smoke launchers
Launch cannisters of smoke generators.

Mobile Weapons of the Lagrain Union of Free States

LU Overview

Lagrain Union of Free States

The Lagrain Union of Free States (usually shortened to Lagrain Union) is a supranational politico-economic organization spanning four continents and consisting of countries like the Western Brigidnan Union, Nerysia, Royal Kvaenna, Lanlania, Laurentia, Mordvania, Saratov, Angiris, western Severyane, and Eskkya, among many others. It is a democratic union, an association of nationstates headed by an elected chancellor and parliament that makes policy and law on matters for the whole union from Tarleton. States otherwise govern themselves, and its member states manage their own militaries but serve under a unified LU military apparatus. Several states have close association with the union to varying degrees but are not members, such as Taeunas, Mestra, Krinis, Drahen, Akitsu, and others.

The LU was the first bloc to complete its orbital elevator in 1696, and has begun construction of its portion of the orbital ring habitat. The union controls clusters of asteroid habitats at L-point 5, as well as a research station on Lune. It is the largest and richest of the three blocs, and considered by some as the most advanced in their weaponry given they are home to many old-world weapons powerhouses and were the last to unveil their mobile suit designs, but are likewise the least experienced operators of this eminent technology.

Significant Locations

Space Habitat Orchis - the first of the cluster of asteroid habitats operated by the union at L-point 5, housing some 80k people and an additional unknown sized staff at an attached weapons research station.

Lilium - A self-sufficient research lab on the far side of Lune

Suits & Weaponry

FA-33 Taifun
MT-43 Panther
MA-430 Mongrel
MA-440 Bastion
AMA-15 Fury
AMS-02 Hjolrun

FA-33 Taifun

[Image: DVZuZ1g.jpg]

The FA-33 Taifun (and it's FA-34 space "variant") is the Lagrain Union's mainstay multirole aircraft. First developed by Vytaras MW of Nerysia just before the end of the Great War, it has been endlessly improved and modified to match the evolving needs of warfare, and has seen extensive and distinguished service through the Solar Wars and into the present. While an aging platform, its countless upgrades have reduced its maneuverability in atmosphere but made it harder, faster, stronger than any aircraft in current service; with a massive powerplant, heavy armor for a fighter and an unparalleled assortment of weaponry, this boom-and-zoom fighter packs enough punch and survivability to concern even the toughest of enemy mobile weapons.

Unlike the other two factions, the Union didn't retrofit the Taifun as an unmanned unit, committing instead to an "AI Copilot" to assist with navigation, weapons targeting, and situational awareness.

Name/Model: FA-33/34 Taifun Multirole/Space Fighter
Height: 3.6 m
Length: 18.0 m
Span: 9.0 m
Crew: 1 (Pilot only, AI Copilot)

+ others


30mm Machine Gun x4
Standard armament since the 60's, 4 machine guns straddle the nose cone, 2 to either side.

LASER Propagator
While laser weaponry was rendered all but obsolete with the advent of Laser-Reflective Coating in the late Great War, it still remains rather effective as strafing weapon against soft targets. The Taifun has one such center-mounted beneath the fuselage.

Missile Launcher x12
four racks of three missiles sit atop and beneath the wings of the Taifun, giving it the firepower necessary to defeat even the hardest of mobile weapons.

MT-43 Panther


The MT-43 Panther is the Lagrain Union's primary ground weapon. Whereas the SSF focused on stonkin' big guns and the HPA phased out main battle tanks altogether, the LU relied upon volume of fire, giving the Panther a second 140mm smoothbore cannon and automated systems. To compensate for the heavy weight of a second gun, a wider turret ring was developed, and new longer ammunition created to keep it on par with the larger guns of its rivals. Over the years the crew was reduced in size as more and more systems were automated, until only the commander remains; it has since seen wide deployment across the LU as a relatively cheap alternative to the more expensive mobile armors, and export models see it widely used across the world, especially in places unable to field the autonomous command centers of its direct rivals.

Following the traditional layout of tanks defined centuries ago, the Panther was already considered an anachronism in its time and more than 40 years on may feel obsolete, but its small size, cheap cost and the outright massive number of variations (both for combat and support) made over the years still makes them useful to keep around.

Due to the sheer quantity of variants, stats and descriptions given are for the base rollout model only, unless otherwise stated.

Name/Model: MT-43 Panther MBT
Height: 3.9 m
Length: 9.6 m
Speed: 90 kph
Armor: Titanium Alloy Ceramic Composite
Crew: 1 (Commander w/ AI gunner/loader/driver)

+ others


140mm Smoothbore Gun x2
A single-minded pursuit of the "volume of fire" doctrine at the time led to a second gun attached to this tank. Increasing automation of the tanks systems now see it crewed by only a commander, which surveys the field and gives orders to the advanced driver/gunner/loader AI that handles all tasks.

LASER Propagator
While laser weaponry was rendered all but obsolete with the advent of Laser-Reflective Coating in the late Great War, it still remains rather effective as an anti-infantry weapon. The Panther has two such systems, one between the main guns and another coaxial on the tank's front.

12.7mm MG
Mounted on pintles to the front of the commander's cupola to repel infantry assault. Sometimes you just need a normal ol' gun to get the job done.

MA-430 Mongrel


Developed from the concepts of the Panther, the MA-430 Mongrel is related in inspiration only: at more than twice the height and length of the Panther and bristling with guns, the MA-430 was created during the Great War by LU engineers as a stop-gap to quickly field a mobile weapon that could counter advanced mobile armors from the HPA. The result was a ten-cannoned tracked behemoth, a "mongrel" seemingly bolted together with whatever parts the LU could already produce.

Because it practically was.

Nevertheless, the general design was refined and upgraded over the years to keep it serviceable and relevant, transforming the Mongrel into a tracked heavy fire support platform with a versatile and terrifying array of weaponry.

Name/Model: MA-430 Mongrel
Height: 8.0 m
Length: 18.5 m
Speed: 110 kph (maximum straight-line)
Armor: Titanium Alloy Ceramic Composite
Propulsion: Broda small-fission reactor
Crew: 2 (Gunner, Commander w/ AI loader/driver)



180mm Railgun x2
Mounted left and right abreast of the weapon's main body. The Mongrel's primary armament, these weapons have a high degree of inclination to lob high-velocity railgun shots at distances as great as most naval guns.

200mm missile tubes x8
Primarily used for self-defense, these stonkin' big missile tubes mounted at the ends of "arms" that protrude from either side of the mobile armor's main body, used primarily to defend the ungainly and unmaneuverable weapon in close combat.

56-rack rocket pod x2
Mounted one each on either side of the Mongrel's rear chassis, they can lay down an absolutely devastating barrage of fire in the mobile armor's frontal cone.

LASER Propagator x2
While laser weaponry was rendered all but obsolete with the advent of Laser-Reflective Coating in the late Great War, it still remains rather effective as an anti-infantry weapon. The Mongrel equips two on the arms between all the missile tubes.

30mm Autocannon x6
Mounted three per arm around the outside of the missile tubes.

Smoke launchers
Launch canisters of smoke generators.

MA-440 Bastion


An evolution of the MA-430, the MA-440 Bastion is a post-War heavy assault and fire support mobile armor. Developed as a next-generation replacement for the slap-dash Mongrels, the Bastion takes all its armaments and more into a more compact and maneuverable frame; the powerplant has been miniaturized, and the long tracked runners replaced with quadrupedal legs tracked for fast transport, but allowing for faster turns and a rotatable torso giving a range of motion that the longer rigid body of the Mongrel couldn't match.

Bastions are designed to be a mobile fortress, sent on their own to halt entire enemy armored advances, and take the LU "volume of fire" doctrinal philosophy to its most extreme conclusion. Bristling with enough weaponry to count as its own armored column, it's similarly covered in a wide array of electronic and kinetic countermeasures to reliably shrug off the withering barrage of punishment they are expected to receive...and heavy enough armor to either continue the fight, or survive at least long enough to take the enemy down with them.

All this power is controlled by the advanced sensor suite that sits at the unit's "head" and at countless points across the body to provide information to the advanced co-pilot AI that controls all the weapon's functions, overseen and directed by the manned pilot. This advanced AI suite logs and assesses threats, controlling the finer points of targeting and defending the suit while receiving tactical direction from its controller, who can manually take over specific functions as needed.

Name/Model: MA-440 Bastion
Height: 9.2 m
Speed: 110 kph
Armor: Tungsten/Titanium Alloy Ceramic Composite w/ ERA
Propulsion: Broda small-fission reactor
Crew: 1 (Pilot w/ AI gunner/navigator)



180mm/L Railgun x2
Pivoting over the shoulders, these stonking long guns can fire in high arcs for indirect fire support, or be brought on level for devastating direct fire.

50mm Autocannons x2
Also pivoting over the interior shoulder joints, these quick-firing guns can be leveled at softer ground targets, or aimed at the sky for anti-air cover.

4-tube SAM pack x2
Mounted behind the torso just beside the shoulders, these surface-to-air missiles receive their targeting directly from the suit's powerful sky-looking sensors, defending the suit and the battlefield from air attack.

4-tube missile rack x2
Two racks of four ground-to-ground wire-guided missiles are mounted on the inner forearms.

36-rack rocket pod x4
Mounted within the shoulder sections, two racks aim forward and two more aim backward, though the rear-facing racks can only be fired when the railguns are no more than 8° from level.

LASER Propagator x4
Mounted on top of the shoulders, two face forward and two to the rear. Excellent for anti-infantry protection in the forward and rearward arcs.

30mm Gatling X10
Four mounted forward in the upper torso, and two mounted in turrets on the outer shoulders. Two each replace what would have been hands at the end of the arms.

30mm Autocannon x6
Mounted two on each of the outer forearms and two aiming forward in the chest.

Flamethrower x2
Two large flamethrowers are mounted on the forearms for makin' bacon.

Smoke launchers
Launch canisters of smoke generators, mounted around the shoulders and knees.

AMA-15 Fury


The Union's main front line mass-produced weapon, the AMA-15 Fury is a small, fast, and light bipedal mobile armor intended to overwhelm the battlefield with massed numbers and heavy firepower for its size. Built as a fast flanking unit to serve alongside the MA-430/440, the Fury are often deployed in small teams to surround and overwhelm enemy mobile weapons under their withering fire.

At the time of the Fury's development, the LU had begun to dabble in autonomous weapons, which they were slow to adopt behind their rivals in the SSF and HPA. Using SSF research, all furies have been retrofitted with the ability to be operated via their on-board AI with input from a central battlefield station, or to follow the usual configuration of a manned pilot with an AI copilot.

With the help of its powerful jump jets and robust shock absorption, the Fury is the master of battlefield positioning and mobility, able to launch and recover itself several stories into the air.

Name/Model: AMA-15 Fury
Height: 6.2 m
Speed: 130 kph
Armor: Titanium Alloy Ceramic Composite
Propulsion: Broda small-fission reactor
Crew: 1 (Pilot in torso w/ AI gunner); None (autonomous configuration)



80mm Railgun
The Fury's primary weapon, mounted in a turret on top of the torso.

3-tube SAM pack x2
Mounted either side of the turret, the Fury provides adequate anti-air cover.

6-rack reloadable rocket pod x2
Taking the place of "arms," these rocket pods support the main railgun with intermittent, reloadable volleys.

LASER Propagator x2
Mounted to the left and right of the torso, perfect for defending against infantry and soft targets in the frontal arc.

Twin 30mm Autocannon xs
Mounted two on each on the outside of the rocket pods.

AMS-02 Hjolrun

[Image: t8sHTxQ.png]

The MS-02/AMS-02 Hjolrun is the Union's first mass-production mobile suit, first delivered in 1700, and its its first fully AI-controlled mobile weapon (in the AMS-02 variant); the chest section of the MS-02 manned variant protrudes an extra meter forward to accommodate the cockpit.

Designed after the development of the SSF and HPA suits became known, the Hjolrun is a more modern take on either of their rivals' designs. It's of lighter construction and more mobile than other suits with a wider range of motion, cutting back on armor around the joints to increase the suit's freedom of movement while keeping thick plating around vital systems. Learning from their enemy's designs, the Union's Hjolrun was built to be modular for various situations: additional armored plating can be bolted on for better survivability, or swapped out for weapons mounts, or utility and sensors equipment for special missions.

The Hjolrun is also the tallest and most humanoid of the three spheres' mobile suits. Primary sensors are in a "head" with full range of motion, with additional secondary sensors scattered about key locations on its body. Building off the mobile suit research of the late Dr. Broda, these sensors feed into the suit's advanced AMBAC system and provide it with the most stable human-like movement of a mobile weapon to date.

Name/Model: MS-02/AMS-02 Hjolrun
Height: 17.2 m
Weight: 39.8 t
Armor: Titanium Alloy Ceramic Composite
Propulsion: Broda small-fission reactor
Crew: 1 (Pilot in chest w/ AI gunner); None (autonomous configuration)



LASER Propagator x2
Mounted on either side of the head sensor.

30mm Gatling X4
Located two-abreast of the cockpit on the chest, primarily used at close range.

120mm Railgun
The suit's primary weapon, held in one or both hands.

36-rack rocket pod x2
Mounted in place of armor on the suit's shins, these forward-facing rocket pods lay down a heavy barrage of fire.

Back Shoulder Mounts
The Hjolrun's strength is its versatility, capable of changing itself to suit the mission without carrying what it doesn't need. The back mounts of the suit can carry much of the MA-440's main armaments: either two 180mm Railguns, two 50mm autocannons, two 4-tube SAM packs, and optionally two 54-rack rocket pods, or a combination of two of the above. The suit can also mount a Space Propulsion Pack for maneuvering in space, though the use of this equipment interferes with back-mounted weaponry, so the two cannot be used together.

Arm Mounts
By removing the heavy armor plates on its arms, the suit can mount additional weaponry to hardpoints hidden within, including: 4-tube missile racks, gatlings, autocannons, and flamethrowers, among other equipment. With two hardpoints on each arm, the suit can arm any combination of the above.

Smoke Canisters

Mobile Weapons of the South Sphere Federation

SSF Overview

South Sphere Federation

The South Sphere Federation is a supranational political and economic association of independent states from Avidna and Skathia, such as Nyland, Almaniania, Millerainia, Sequoia, Sahalla, Khokharsa, Volta, Mavari, the Mandavaine Union and Oceanic Federation, among many others, and is closely associated with the defense of Kortoa and Southerland.; it also operates asteroid habitats at L-points 1 & 4, as well as the largest and most numerous Lune-based facilities of all space-born operators. Each member state is autonomous and controls their own military, but coordinate similar to something like NATO, and conduct their own affairs of state. Each country sends representatives and delegates to periodic quadrennial (and additional emergency) conferences to address things, though Nyland is pretty much the de facto leader with most of the military and economic power in the bloc, and the group is similarly headquartered in Nykoping.

The SSF is the last bloc to still continue work on their orbital elevator, though it is at least fully operational and will soon begin work on its portion of the orbital habitat ring. It is both the smallest and least centralized of the three blocs, and economic and political conditions within vary greatly between its members despite Nyland’s best efforts to prop up most of the region into truly viable partners. Despite this, the SSF has maintained a competitive technological edge by an openness and willingness to take in the best and brightest from the world over in its commitment to personal and sovereign freedoms.

Significant Locations

International Space Center - A large station managed primarily by the SSF with assistance and input from the LU, HPA and other interested parties, this space center is located at the Siora-Lune L1 point, and is used as a first-stop refueling and shuttle/ferry depot between the space habitats on Lune, the L4 & L5 points, and the planet. This station is a neutral weapons-free zone by international treaty, and an important safe harbor through which nearly all space traffic flows.

Suits & Weaponry

AM-61 Tigershark
A/FA-6 Tomahawk
A/FA-18 Triumph
AMA-101 Thunderbolt
AMS-105 Thunderchief

AM-61 Tigershark


The A/M-61 Tigershark is a semi-autonomous main battle tank for ground combat. Developed just before the Great War, it was introduced in 1656 as a semi-autonomous supplement to Nyland and later the SSF's mobile armors. It has since seen wide deployment across all SSF nations, especially in nations that cannot afford many of the more expensive mobile armors, and export models see it widely used across the world. Being semi-autonomous, the tank is configured for remote computer control by a battlefield command center, or manned by a small crew when situation calls for more constant in-person intervention.

Following the traditional layout of tanks defined centuries ago, the A/M-61 was already considered an anachronism in its time and more than 40 years on may feel obsolete, but its small size and the outright massive number of variations (both for combat and support) made over the years still makes them useful to keep around.

Due to the sheer quantity of variants, stats and descriptions given are for the base rollout model only, unless otherwise stated.

Name/Model: A/M-61 Tigershark semi-autonomous MBT
Height: 3.0 m
Length: 9.2 m
Weight: 60.9t
Speed: 80 kph
Armor: Titanium Alloy Ceramic Composite
Crew: None (with remote computer control); 2-3 (driver, gunner, & commander)

+ others


150/180/200mm Smoothbore Gun
A chonkin' large gun to deal with the chonkin' large armor of mobile armors that have been developed since the Great War; most units now pack the 180mm or larger L/60 variant of the gun, though it could be as short as L/44 depending on the operator. Fires various kinetic rounds.

LASER Propogator
While laser weaponry was rendered all but obsolete with the advent of Laser-Reflective COating in the late Great War, it still remains rather effective as an anti-infantry weapon. The A/M-61 has two such weapons, one mounted co-axial to the right of the main gun in the turret, and one manned by the driver in the front of the chassis.

12.7mm MG
Mounted on pintles to the front and rear of the commander's cupola are two machine guns to repel infantry assault. Sometimes you just need a normal ol' gun to get the job done.

A/FA-6 Tomahawk

[Image: Ta8w5s8.jpg]

Developed during the Great War, the A/FA-6 Tomahawk saw limited but effective use towards the end of the conflict, before becoming a mainstay of the SSF-AF throughout many post-War conflicts. As the world moved into space, hatches and cockpits were sealed, and with synthetic chemical reaction fuel (CRF) it became a capable space fighter deployed in small numbers to "Keep the LU and HPA honest."

Built to be manned, many units were retrofitted in the 1670's into unmanned semi-autonomous units, controlled remotely by a centrally located battlefield AI system. These variants (with the "A" at the start of their designation) are outwardly identical to the manned variants.

Small, fast, nimble and powerful, it was a potent force in its hayday, but the advent of advanced mobile suit technology might herald the beginning of the end for this capable weapon.

Name/Model: A/FA-6 Tomahawk semi-autonomous Multirole Fighter
Armor: Titanium Carbide
Crew: None (with remote computer control); 1 (pilot)

+ others


25mm Autocannon
Guns do the job, and this bad boy has four of them.

LASER Propogator
While laser weaponry was rendered all but obsolete with the advent of Laser-Reflective Coating in the late Great War, it still remains rather effective against soft targets while saving on ammunition loads.

AA-12 Air-air missles
Four of these puppies can track an bogie for miles.

A/FA-18 Triumph

[Image: QYsAC5V.jpg]

Developed in the 1640s, the A/FA-18 Triumph saw extensive use as a multirole, carrier-capable fighter during the Great War. While outclassed by the newer, faster and more nimble A/FA-6 Tomahawk, the Triumph carries a heavier weapons payload, and has more than twice the combat range. Already an old bird as the world moved into space, the Triumph was left behind in the atmosphere, and with new mobile weapons on the horizon it might be meeting its final end.

Built to be manned, many units were retrofitted in the 1670's into unmanned semi-autonomous units, controlled remotely by a centrally located battlefield AI system. These variants (with the "A" at the start of their designation) are outwardly identical to the manned variants.

An old and popular mainstay to SSF-friendly militaries around the world, the Triumph has seen the most variants out of any active aircraft, the most popular being its weaponless reconnaissance version.

Name/Model: A/FA-18 Triumph semi-autonomous Multirole Fighter
Armor: Titanium Carbide
Crew: None (with remote computer control); 1-2 (pilot, optional gunner)

+ others


25mm Autocannon
Guns do the job, and this bad boy has two of them.

LASER Propogator
While laser weaponry was rendered all but obsolete with the advent of Laser-Reflective Coating in the late Great War, it still remains rather effective against soft targets while saving on ammunition loads.

Missiles and bombs for days

AMA-101 Thunderbolt


The AMA-101 Thunderbolt is a post-War autonomous transformable main battle armor. Put into service by the SSF in 1682, this mobile armor quickly supplanted the bloc's old pre-War mobile armors with its balanced mix of heavier armor, high-output compact powerplant, and powerful weaponry; a pair of general utility arms augment the suits abilities for tackling unusual battlefield conditions, which can be equipped with handheld rocket pods for additional firepower or replaced entirely with a wide array of armament for a more conventional battlefield configuration. The MA folds into a wheeled, seated position for fast and stable long-range transportation.

Built both as a manned and unmanned weapon, each suit is capable of switching between either mode as needs demand it; most see service as fully autonomous weapons driven by local in-built AI systems, linked to and supervised by a forward command base. What gets mistaken as the suit's "glass" canopy is actually an advanced armored sensor array

This late-developed mobile armor was arguably one of the most compact and powerful for its size designs to come out of the pre-MS age, and sees wide use across all SSF militaries.

Name/Model: AMA-101 Thunderbolt
Height: 7.4 m
Weight: 40.9t
Speed: 80 kph
Armor: Titanium Alloy Ceramic Composite
Propulsion: Broda small-fission reactor; Synthetic CRF (jet propellant)
Crew: None (with remote computer control); 1-2 (Pilot, optional gunner)


Static Equipment/Armament:

200mm Linear Cannon
The SSF rendition of a rail gun, uses magnetic forces to accelerate kinetic projectiles at high speeds. Effective against even opponents as or better armored than itself, the Thunderbolt typically equips one on the left of its torso; a second fire-linked cannon on the right can be mounted for a devastating alpha strike capability, but reduces the weapon's limited cannon ammo.

LASER Propagator
While laser weaponry was rendered all but obsolete with the advent of Laser-Reflective Coating in the late Great War, it still remains rather effective as an anti-infantry weapon. Attached below the torso's "chin."

2x 12-tube Rocket Pods
Stowable for travel, two rocket pods raise above both shoulders for area suppression and barrage. Two additional rocket pods can be mounted to hardpoints on both forearms while preserving use of the hands for utility duty.

Smoke launchers
Launch canisters of smoke generators.

AMS-105 Thunderchief

[Image: bNRnaQp.jpg]

The AMS-105 Thunderchief is the SSF's first mass-production mobile suit to enter regular service, being released in 1699, as well as the first mobile suit capable of autonomous fighting (the HPA's MSG-5 only seeing remote control retrofits recently). It supplants the AMA-101 Thunderbolt as the main battle armor of SSF countries like Nyland that can afford it. Developed with lessons learned from the AMBAC experiments of the Thunderbolt, the Thunderchief copies much of its design, including most of its weapons and large portions of the armor and in-built AI systems.

The domed head of the Thunderchief is the most well-armored, housing the AI computer systems, and thus does not track as the SSF does not have a ring large enough to allow it. Instead, the external compound mono-sensors move across its surface on an external track, giving the suit a potentially very wide range of vision without breaking camouflage with movement.

Despite being nearly 5 meters taller than its predecessor, the Thunderchief is the shortest of all mobile suits, but also the most heavily armed. Along with its predecessor it was built to be an unmanned weapon, fully autonomous when linked to and supervised by a forward command base, but the unmanned AI can be overridden by a pilot in the cockpit.

Name/Model: AMA-105 Thunderchief
Height: 12.3 m
Weight: 59.3t
Speed: 130 kph
Armor: Titanium Alloy Ceramic Composite
Propulsion: Broda small-fission reactor; Synthetic CRF (jet propellant, in space configuration)
Crew: None (with remote computer control); 1 (Pilot in torso)



140mm Linear Rifle
The SSF rendition of a rail gun, this handheld weapon has aiming sensors above the barrel, an an attached 40 round box magazine with two spares stored in either hip compartment

200mm Linear Cannon
the Thunderchief typically equips one to a hardpoint on its left arm. With severely limited ammo of 10 shots, the gun is a back-up for use against opponents the Linear Rifle cannot penetrate

LASER Propagator (x2)
Attached above the right torso, two laser propagators can fire in a 40° forward arc to defeat soft targets.

50mm Rotary Cannon
Attached above the left torso, the 4-barreled rotary cannon fires to the suit's direct front with a wide variety of caseless incendiary, explosive, solid or other ammunition fed via belt within the suit's torso. Unable to change ammunition types without unloading the old ammo and reloading the weapon with the new ammo.

Rocket/Missile Pods
The Thunderchief can mount a selection of 12- or 15-tube rocket pods, or 9-tube missile pods, in hardpoints behind either or both of the suit's shoulders. These pods do not interfere with the Space Maneuverability Pack. When spent, the pods can be kept and returned to base, or jettisoned to increase maneuverability.

Smoke launchers
Launch canisters of smoke generators. A plethora are located on the shoulders, arms, and feet.

Space Maneuverability Pack
A detachable external propulsion tank and reaction thrusters are mounted to the back, allowing the suit movement in space. Maneuverability thrusters are arranged at all four corners of an X and face in all 6 cardinal directions, with the suit's main movement thrusters centrally mounted to the suit's mass in the lower back.

Mobile Weapons of Charon

Charon Overview


Charon is a paramilitary organization and operators of the Gundams, an advanced line of mobile weapons, with the stated aim of ending conflict and suffering in the world. It is unknown who organized the group, which formed some time after the Elevator Crises of 1674 but before the First Solar War of 1680, but it has kept away from the attentions of the world since its inception and working instead in the background. Now, though, it seems like it might take more overt measures.

The organization is relatively small, but has operatives and observers spread deep and wide, and its members hail from all across the globe with varying skills and backgrounds. Charon’s planned activities require a wide support net both on Siora and in space, and they have numerous facilities from which to base their operations, and many engineers, intelligence operatives, medical professionals, financial backers, a wide host of military know-how, and of course a small host of pilots for their mobile suits. The organization is not above enrolling those with less than scrupulous backgrounds to achieve its goals, though everyone is sworn to a code of loyalty and secrecy, and breaking this code is punishable by death.

Significant Locations
Elysium - Charon’s tactical mobile suit carrier space ship and home to the organization’s gundam team and their support crew. A rotating habitation ring surrounds the ship’s central weightless hangars and command module. Because it was never envisioned as a warship it lacks weaponry, but the combination of its inbuilt technology and innovative hull materials makes it defensively potent to survive combat situations.

Lethe - Charon’s secret space base, logistical center, and laboratory from where the organization develops and builds its suits. Presumably an asteroid habitat, unless it’s on the moon?

Suits & Weaponry

1st Generation
GX-001 Gundam Artelius
GX-002 Gundam Antasidas
GX-002R Gundam Antasidas II

2nd Generation
GX-003 Gundam Aedalus
GX-004 Gundam Ascalles
GX-005 Gundam Asphodel

GX-001 Gundam Artelius

[Image: 3B05LVU.jpg]

The GX-001 Gundam Artelius is a general-purpose mobile suit developed by Charon starting in 1688, and finally seeing deployment in 1692 as the world's first true mobile suit. Artelius was the initial prototype gundam upon which Charon based its later mobile suits, and tested much of the systems that are currently in use, such as the use of the GS Drive, the generation/manipulation/weaponization of the Broda particle through experimental beam weaponry, new space-developed armor materials, the V-fin communications equipment, and the dual-eye hybrid sensor, mobile suit cockpit control systems, and much more. The Suit's GS Drive system is much larger and protrudes from the back further than all Charon's later suits due to its support systems not having yet been miniaturized, and the addition of the GX Wings system (which was removed).

Gundam Artelius was deployed extensively in limited "interventions" of conflicts around the world to test its systems, and Aurora Millenis used the machine to disable GX-002 Gundam Antasidas, killing her brother Exos Millenis and recovering the machine before the latter could steal it away to one of the world's factions and reveal the Gundam program and Charon's existence to the world.

The suit currently sits unused aboard the Elysium due to a lack of GS Drives, though still sees occasional use as a simulator/trainer for current and prospective pilots.

The name of the suit comes from Arkianian mythology, Artelius being the sword-bearing guardian twin protecting the gates to the underworld.

Name/Model: GX-001 Artelius
Height: 18.0m
Weight: 53.4t
Power: Gundam-Type Broda Fusion Drive
Armor: ZGC-32 & Metal Carbide Alloys
Crew: 1 (Pilot, cockpit in torso)

Tao Yin (under the name "Basiliskos Resner")
Exos Millenis
Aurora Millenis

GX Beam Saber
An experimental beam saber stowed over the right shoulder, when drawn it emits a semi-solid field of GS particles known to "cut" through all known materials.

GX Beam Gun
A single-handed gun for mid-range combat that rapidly fires compressed pulses of GS particles. Unlike later weapons, this early-model prototype has no internal condensers, instead drawing power directly from Artelius; because the suit has no GS Condensers, the gun draws power directly from the suit's GS Drive. Consequently ,it is less powerful than later models as it is limited directly by the power output of the drive, though it still remains capable of easily defeating current metal-ceramic composite armors.

GX Shield
Made of the same experimental ZGC-32 alloy as the suit, this solid shield is nearly impenetrable to kinetic arms, and possesses a prototype generator to create a directional field of dense GS particles across its surface, increasing its resistance to defeat even its own beam gun.

GX Wings
The suit's first-generation experimental drive system can jettison large amounts of GS particles that get focussed by its clavicle antennae to create a stunning, shimmering wing-like effect. Beyond its psychological impact, the huge discharge of GS particles gives the suit stable mid-air hover and flight abilities at any altitude, in addition to the large particle discharge causing a wide field jamming effect on radar and communications. As the effects were not deemed worthy of the large expense of particles, later gundam drive systems were redesigned without this effect.

GX-002 Gundam Antasidas

[Image: 1R0nXzK.png]

The GX-002 Gundam Antasidas is the heavily armed and armored version of GX-001 Gundam Artelius, seeing first deployment in 1693. Where Artelius was used to test the groundwork of the GUNDAM system, Antasidas was used as a test platform for various offensive and defensive equipment sets; it is the first suit to make use of GS Condensers to store GS particles for later release, allowing the suit to perform instant or sustained bursts of power far in excess and independent of the GN Drive's constant output. This suit primarily tests various high-output weapons configurations, and as a result of both its heavier weight and limited role lacks much of the mobility of its sibling suit, relying upon its GX Composite Armor to instead shrug off any punishment.

The Antasidas was deployed extensively in limited "interventions" of conflicts around the world to test its systems much like the Aurelius. It was stolen by Exos Millenis in late 1694, who attempted to take the machine to the great powers of the world and warn against Charon's coming; Exos was killed in the resulting duel with his sister Aurora piloting the Artelius, and the suit itself damaged beyond repair, temporarily hampering Charon's Gundam research.

The recovered parts of the Antasidas were salvaged and used in the rebuild of the suit into the GX-002R Antasidas II, for further testing of weapons and defense systems.

The name of the suit comes from Arkianian mythology, Antasidas being the spear-bearing guardian twin protecting the gates to the underworld.

Name/Model: GX-002 Antasidas
Height: 18.0m
Weight: 89.9t
Power: Gundam-Type Broda Fusion Drive
Armor: ZGC-40 & Metal Carbide Alloys; GX Composite Armor
Crew: 1 (Pilot, cockpit in torso)

Tao Yin (under the name "Basiliskos Resner")
Exos Millenis

GX Condensers
Experimental GS particle condensers, these canisters store particles and power generated by the GS Drive for later use, allowing the suit to temporarily use weapons or perform actions with greater instantaneous or sustained power or effect than a GN Drive could normally produce at any given time. These condensers allow the Antasidas to use much more powerful weaponry and equipment for a short period of time before these condensers must be recharged.

GX Beam Saber
The same beam saber as used by its sibling Gundam, when drawn it emits a semi-solid field of GS particles known to "cut" through all known materials.

GX Twin Beam Gun (x1 or x2)
A double-barreled version of Artelius's Beam Gun, mounted on hard points on the suit's forearms, freeing the hands for other uses or additional weapons. Can be equipped on either the left or right arm, or both with a second gun.

GX Beam Launcher
A large, high-output beam cannon, mounted on either the left or right shoulder. When its in-built condenser is fully charged, this cannon can release a large focused blast of GS particles in a single devastating shot capable of easily overmatching even the armor of another Gundam, and cutting a swath of devastation across the landscape.

Vulcan Cannon
A pair of small particle guns mounted within each side of the Gundam's head armor for anti-air defense and soft targets, where the suit's heavy weapons would be far too excessive an overkill.

GX Composite Armor
Attempts to create a concentrated GS particle field to absorb damage ran into problems of stability during initial system tests, where its effectiveness was greatly altered by local environmental conditions. As a result, this experimental armor system was created, in which a dense GS Field is contained within cavities fabricated between the inner and outer layers of the suit's ZGC-40 experimental armor. Should the suit receive a hit that penetrates the inner armor, the contained field dampens, deflects, and discipates the blow of kinetic arms and even a Gundam's beam weaponry, giving the suit unsurpassed survivability. As shown in the battle between Artelius and Antasidas, the more each armor chamber is damaged the less stable its contained field becomes, and multiple beam hits to the same damaged location can still eventually overmatch the inner armor.

GX-002R Gundam Antasidas II

[Image: xMguZTU.jpg]

The GX-002R Gundam Antasidas II (known simply as "Antasidas") is the rebuilt version of GX-002, which was scrapped in battle with the GX-001 Artelius. The heavily armed and armored version of Artelius, the Antasidas II was rebuilt and back in service by 1696 and remains a test platform for various offensive and defensive equipment sets, with several improvements and additional systems to test from lessons learned in the first Gundam-on-Gundam battle. This suit primarily tests various high-output weapons configurations, and as a result of both its heavier weight and limited role lacks much of the mobility of its sibling suit, relying upon its GX Composite Armor and a new GX Field system to instead shrug off any punishment.

The Antasidas II saw some limited deployment in "interventions" of conflicts around the world until the first Faction suits made a surprise appearance from the HPA later that same year; with interventions against these units deemed too likely to reveal Charon's existence, the large and heavy Antasidas II was recalled to Elysium, where it was used for weapons tests against Artelius and pilot training before being recalled to Lethe in 1699.

The suit currently sits unused in the engineering bay of Lethe, its GS Drive removed and its systems analyzed and deconstructed for development and improvement of the next generation of Gundams.

The name of the suit comes from Arkianian mythology, Antasidas being the spear-bearing guardian twin protecting the gates to the underworld.

Name/Model: GX-002R Antasidas II
Height: 18.6m
Weight: 85.4t
Power: Gundam-Type Broda Fusion Drive
Armor: ZGC-40 & Metal Carbide Alloys; GX Composite Armor
Crew: 1 (Pilot, core block cockpit in chest)

Tao Yin (under the name "Basiliskos Resner")


GX Condensers
GS particle condensers scattered throughout the suit's body store particles and power generated by the GS Drive for later use, allowing the suit to temporarily use weapons or perform actions with greater instantaneous or sustained power or effect than a GN Drive could normally produce at any given time.

GX Beam Saber
The same beam saber as used by its sibling Gundam, when drawn it emits a semi-solid field of GS particles known to "cut" through all known materials.

GX Twin Beam Gun (x1 or x2)
A double-barreled version of Artelius's Beam Gun, mounted on hard points on the suit's forearms. Can be equipped on either the left or right arm, or both with a second gun.

GX Beam Launcher
A large, high-output beam cannon, mounted on either the left or right shoulder. When its in-built condenser is fully charged, this cannon can release a large focused blast of GS particles in a single devastating shot before recharging.

Vulcan Cannon
A pair of small particle guns mounted within each side of the Gundam's head armor for anti-air defense and soft targets.

GX Composite Armor
An experimental armor in which a dense GS Field is contained within cavities fabricated between the inner and outer layers of the suit's ZGC-40 prototype armor. Should the suit receive a hit that penetrates the inner armor, the contained field dampens, deflects, and discipates the blow of kinetic arms and even a Gundam's beam weaponry, but it cannot protect exposed components such as joints and sensors. The more each armor chamber is damaged the less stable its contained field becomes, and multiple beam hits to the same damaged location can still eventually overmatch the inner armor.

GX Field
Through a condenser field system mounted on the legs and in the chest and shoulders, the suit can generate a dense, visible field of GS particles that can deflect kinetic arms away from the suit and even absorb high-powered Gundam beam weaponry: beams absorbed provide additional charge to the field's condensers, thereby increasing the time limit on keeping the field activated. With this experimental unit, the field can only be deployed in the the suit's forward 290° arc due to condenser placement and interference from the Drive system. Testing the condenseres were found prone to overloading and becoming disabled under excessive and sustained fire, especially if taken soon after activation; these tests have gone into further development of the GS Field system for future suits.

Core Block System
GX-002R features a first-of-its-kind core block system. When activiated, the cockpit, GS Drive, and attached engines jettison from the rest of the suit and form a quick, agile and weaponless craft for escape, preserving the pilot's life, her combat and equipment data, and (most importantly) the GS Drive.

Self-Destruct System
Ideally to be used with the core block system, the battle between Gundams demonstrated an immediate a need for a failsafe against both pilot failure and traitors. A self-destruct system was installed (but never tested) on the Antasidas II during its rebuild, which can be activated either by the pilot or remotely, and both the suit and the core block have separate self-destruct systems.

GX-003 Gundam Aedalus

[Image: gmczWbr.jpg]

The GX-003 Gundam Aedalus is a 2nd generation general-purpose mobile suit for the testing and development of weaponry, with weapons hardpoints and GS Condensers scattered throughout its body to fascilitate different weapons configurations. The first of the 2nd generation Gundams to be completed (in 1698), the timetable for testing of this generation was moved up due to the unexpected development of mobile suits from the HPA.

Although a general purpose suit like its predecessor the GX-001, Gundam Aedalus has overall increased power and performance from the various weapons condensers in its arms, adopted from the GX-002, and its large Core Condenser. The suit finally sports miniaturized GS Drive systems, and its experimental three-thruster drive cover delivers much higher propulsion power at the cost of increased strain on the pilot, frame, and Drive.

Tests of the Aedalus and its various weapons systems were conducted in space at the Lethe Gundam production plant, due to the heightened likelihood of being discovered on Siora; most weapons tests and mock battles were conducted with Antasidas II as the target due to its durability, until GX-005 Gundam Asphodel was completed in 1699. Following Asphodel's trials, the two were sent for ground testing and mock interventions in Solhaven, before returning to space; with ground use and secret transport procedures deemed a success, preliminary tests were deemed successful, and the next phase of active armed intervention was begun.

The name of the suit comes from Arkianian mythology, Aedalus being the personified aspect of pain and anguish.

Name/Model: GX-003 Aedalus
Height: 18.3m
Weight: 55.1t
Power: Gundam-Type Broda Fusion Drive (version 2, three-thruster variant)
Armor: ZGC-54
Crew: 1 (Pilot, cockpit in torso)

Tao Yin (under the name "Basiliskos Resner")


GS Condensers
GS particle condensers scattered throughout the suit's body store particles and power generated by the GS Drive for later use. The new addition is the large Core Condenser, providing even greater storage and more consistent dispersal rate.

GS Saber (x2)
Stowed on the back of the torso, when drawn they emit a semi-solid field of GS particles known to "cut" through all known materials.

GS Rifle
A larger and more powerful version of the Beam Gun that fires bursts of condensed GS particles, but consumes a larger amount of particles. To counterbalance this, it contains and internal condenser of its own, to allow for quick bursts or short sustained fire before drawing upon the suit's own particle reserves.

GS Launcher
An optional high-output beam cannon can be mounted on either the left or right shoulder by removing the clavicle antennae. Drawing power directly from the Core, the cannon is capable of several highly-devastating shots before expending this large condenser's particles, though the recharge time is much longer.

GS Vulcan
A pair of small particle guns, mounted one in each wrist, for anti-air defense and soft targets.

GS Shield
Made of the same experimental ZGC-54 alloy as the suit, this solid shield is nearly impenetrable to kinetic arms, and possesses a generator to create a directional field of dense GS particles across its surface, increasing its resistance to defeat even beam weapons.

GS Sword - Test Version
A prototype test version of a close combat weapon, whereby a large physical blade that folds out from the outside to the bottom of the GS Shield; using the shield's in-built generator, the blade becomes enveloped with GS particles to defeat even a Gundam's armor, and the physical blade bypasses particle field defenses.

Self-Destruct System
A self-destruct system which can be activated either by the pilot or remotely, which will disarm the reactors failsafes and detonate it into a nice big boom, obliterating the Gundam and protecting their secrets.

GX-004 Gundam Ascalles

[Image: uEQr63m.png]

The GX-004 Gundam Ascalles is a 2nd generation gundam, designed as a special high-mobility prototype and testing various new flight, propulsion and support system configurations. To increase its speed and reactions, much of the suits systems including its armaments, armor and condensers have been scaled back and lightened to balance the suit and lower its overall mass. With fewer condensers to compensate its output, the GS Drive dropped the powerful - if rather particle-hungry - tri-thruster propulsion system in favor of a pair of large GS Vernier engines in its shoulders, which are suplemented by small mobility boosters in its feet and torso.

Despite being the second of the new-generation suits to begin development, delays in its radical design and preliminary testing of its systems, as well as the tightened timetable of the second-gen rollout saw Ascalles finish assembly in 1700, beyond GX-005 Gundam Asphodel and just before Charon was to resume active interventions once more. The suit has yet to complete post-assembly tests, but with the imminent departure of Elysium for the planet, its prototype systems will likely see first-use in live combat.

The name of the suit comes from Arkianian mythology, Ascalles being the personified aspect of just retribution.

Name/Model: GX-004 Ascalles
Height: 18.0m
Weight: 53.3t
Power: Gundam-Type Broda Fusion Drive (version 2, GS Vernier variant)
Armor: ZGC-54
Crew: 1 (Pilot, cockpit in chest)



GS Sword (x2)
Stowed in the end of Ascalles's shield, when drawn they emit a semi-solid field of GS particles known to "cut" through all known materials.

GS Dagger (x2)
Stowed one each in the gundam's knees, when ejected they emit a semi-solid field of GS particles known to "cut" through all known materials. The "blades" on these daggers are much shorter than a full beam sword, and thus less prone to diffusion.

GS Carbine
A lighter, slimmer, shorter version of the GS Rifle with a smaller condenser, and thus fewer stored shots. The condensed GS particles it fires are still dangerous to even a Gundam.

GS Missiles
Stowed within the shield, Ascalles can fire up to 16 wire-guided missiles loaded with condensed GS particle warheads that explode in contact or proximity to the enemy. Perfect for defeating swarms of opponents, or one very stubborn one.

GS Vulcan
A pair of small particle guns mounted one abreast of the suit's forehead just below the V-antennae, for anti-air defense and soft targets.

GS Small Shield
Made of the same experimental ZGC-54 alloy as the suit, this solid shield is practically impenetrable to kinetic arms. Smaller and lighter than other Gundam shields to enhance the suit's mobility, it was designed as a last-resort option in the case the suit's mobility is not enough to avoid a hit. Its primary purpose is as stowage for the suit's beam swords, and the front plate of the shield slides open to reveal its armament of GS Missiles.

Optical Camouflage
Activatable via voice command, a prototype film applied to the suit's surface projects an active image of the suit's surroundings upon itself to render itself practically invisible to long-range visual observation; within several hundred yards, however, the effect begins to lose efficacy as distortions begin to appear, growing more pronounced with decreasing range. The system cannot be used while the suit is activated, as the special film reacts negatively with the GS Drive's particle releases.

Bit Control System
With the assistance of a Haro plugged into the cockpit interface, this system controls various defensive and offensive "Bits" that augment the suit's offensive and defensive power. Currently deactivated, as the Bits have not yet been completed.

GS Condenser
A single large condenser is mounted behind the torso below the GS drive cover, providing larger particle storage and more consistent dispersal rate than several small condensers.

Self-Destruct System
A self-destruct system which can be activated either by the pilot or remotely, which will disarm the reactors failsafes and detonate it into a nice big boom, obliterating the Gundam and protecting their secrets. Both the suit and the core block have separate self-destruct systems, and when activated from within the suit, the core block is ejected prior to the suit's explosion.

GX-005 Gundam Asphodel

[Image: mKj6jpG.png]

The GX-005 Gundam Asphodel is a 2nd generation gundam and spiritual successor to the GX-002R Gundam Antasidas, designated as a special prototype heavy assault mobile suit and testbed for defense and fire support systems. GS condensers throughout the suit have been scaled back to a single large condenser to stabilize particle dispersal rates following data from the previous generation of gundams. Despite its designation pegging it as the third 2nd Gen Gundam, development delays in Gundam Ascalles's design and a tightened timetable for development saw Gundam Asphodel produced ahead of schedule in 1699, some months after Gundam Aedalus.

Despite being designated as a heavy assault platform, Asphodel was completed before most of its planned heavy weapons were completed or tested. Despite this, the suit still packs both the greatest offensive and defensive firepower of any mobile suit. Its armor materials and construction have significantly lightened the suit over its predecessors while still improving upon its strength; this lighter weight and its redesigned tri-thruster drive system makes Asphodel fast and surprisingly agile for its size, at the cost of increased stress on the pilot, frame, and Drive.

Tests of the Asphodel and its systems were conducted in space at the Lethe Gundam production plant, due to the heightened likelihood of being discovered on Siora; with most of the systems straight improvements from Antasidas II, the trials concluded relatively quickly. Piloted by Aurora Millenis until Charon's new class of pilots had completed their training, Asphodel descended to Siora for ground testing and mock interventions in Solhaven, before returning to space; with ground use and secret transport procedures concluded, preliminary tests were deemed successful, and the next phase of active armed intervention was begun.

The name of the suit comes from Arkianian mythology, Asphodel being the personified aspect of death and mourning.

Name/Model: GX-005 Asphodel
Height: 19.0m (18.4m when inactive)
Weight: 60.9t
Power: Gundam-Type Broda Fusion Drive (version 2, three-thruster variant)
Armor: ZGC-54 & GS Composite Armor
Crew: 1 (Pilot, core block cockpit in chest)

Aurora Millenis


GS Condenser
GS particle condensers in the arms and shoulders store particles and power generated by the GS Drive for use with the GS field generators. A single large condenser is mounted behind the torso below the GS drive, providing even large particle storage and more consistent dispersal rate than several small condensers. Power is fed back to the suit via large cables.

GS Saber (x2)
Stowed within Asphodel's knee armor, they slide out when needed. When drawn they emit a semi-solid field of GS particles known to "cut" through all known materials.

GS Long Rifle (x2)
A larger and more powerful version of the Beam Gun than even the GS Rifle, the GS Long Rifle has no condenser, an additional targetting sensor mounted below the barrel, and draws power directly from the suit. It is capable of rapid high-power bursts of condensed GS particles; it has an additional ability to telescope and narrow its focussing array, lengthening and tightening the apogee of the barrel to force single shots into a supercondensed, high-penetration beam of exceptionally long range. When exceptional firepower is needed, a second Long Rifle can be stowed behind the suit's shield.

GS Vulcan
Asphodel inherits the GS Vulcans from Antasidas, with a pair of small particle guns mounted one abreast of the suit's forehead, for anti-air defense and soft targets.

GS Shield
Made of the same experimental ZGC-54 alloy as the suit, this solid shield is nearly impenetrable to kinetic arms, and possesses a prototype generator to create a directional field of dense GS particles across its surface, increasing its resistance to defeat even beam weapons. A second GS Long Rifle can be stowed on hard points along the shield's backing.

GS Composite Armor
A dense GS Field is contained within cavities fabricated between the inner and outer layers of the suit's ZGC-54 prototype armor. Should the suit receive a hit that penetrates the inner armor, the contained field dampens, deflects, and discipates the blow of kinetic arms and even a Gundam's beam weaponry, but it cannot protect exposed components such as sensors, etc, and thus the suits joints have been specially designed to minimize potential exposure. Damage to individual field chambers no longer weakens the particle field.

GS Field
Through a six generators in the shoulders, torso and arms, the suit can generate a dense, visible field of GS particles that engulf the entire suit and can deflect kinetic arms away from the suit and even absorb high-powered Gundam beam weaponry: beams absorbed provide additional charge to the field's condensers, thereby increasing the time limit on keeping the field activated.

Core Block System
GX-005 inherits the GX-002R's core block system. When activiated, the cockpit, GS Drive, and attached engines jettison from the rest of the suit and form a quick, agile and weaponless craft for escape, preserving the pilot's life, her combat and equipment data, and (most importantly) the GS Drive.

Self-Destruct System
A self-destruct system which can be activated either by the pilot or remotely, which will disarm the reactors failsafes and detonate it into a nice big boom, obliterating the Gundam and protecting their secrets. Both the suit and the core block have separate self-destruct systems, and when activated from within the suit, the core block is ejected prior to the suit's explosion.

I actually might be interested in this a little.

The Angirisian Empire/Dominion (2014- 2020)
The Solhaven Confederacy (2017-2020)
The Romulan Republic (2019-2020)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams

Gimme that robot, BHOI. I'm a hot-blooded Virgo!
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Name: Liina Valtonen
Rank: Civilian
Alias: [N/A]
Alliance: Karjelinn
Birthplace: Lohkuva, Karjelinn
Age: 32
Sex: Female


Liina is on the taller side for a Karjelinnian woman at 178 cm (5’10”) but otherwise, with blonde hair, grey eyes, and fair skin, blends in with the rest of her countrymen. She has an athletic build and is more angular than curvy.

For work purposes, Liina’s attire is that of a business professional, usually a pencil skirt or trousers, blouse, and blazer with a comfortable pair of flats or penny loafers. Outside of work, she aims for a clothing style that speaks of effort that went into making her ensemble look effortless: jeans that fit perfectly with a light linen top that blouses just right when tucked in, matching athletic leggings and tops, and so on. She tends to stick to neutral colors (khaki, navy, cream, black, grey, etc.) and deep jewel tones (wine red, indigo, emerald green, etc.) for her clothing. She wears makeup on a daily basis, although not heavily unless for a special event (a date, a party, etc.). Because she’s already so tall, she usually avoids high heels. Liina likes fashion, but more important than trends to her are classic pieces that fit well. She views clothing as a way to express herself.

Liina has a thin white gold necklace that she wears almost always, taking it off only to bathe. The necklace was a gift from her father when she entered university.

She also has a small tattoo on the outside of her right ankle of a snowdrop flower with its stem curved into a heart shape - a small piece of artwork dedicated to a childhood friend who passed away in early adulthood.

There is a scar on her left knee from an old sports injury.

Liina is Type A to the core: analytical, deadline-driven, and detail-oriented. She is a natural leader and not afraid of taking charge of subordinates. She has been described as staunchly uncompromising (or rather, a “hard-ass”) and ruthlessly perfectionist. However, she is also charismatic and can sway emotions and direct a group toward a common goal with ease. She is efficient and confident and comfortable with coming up with solutions on the fly.

In relationships of all types, she prefers to be the dominant one and can certainly come across as cold or distant. Liina keeps her focus on the long term and the mutual benefit that will come from any partnership, and so, if it seems a friendship or romantic relationship is floundering, she is quick to cut her losses - no hard feelings. Certainly, there are friendships she has maintained for years, even decades, and when she finds a friend or partner that complements her well, she puts as much effort into showing her affection for them as she possibly can. Acquaintances and friends by circumstance interest her little, and she instead seeks out those who share similar passions and who she feels can encourage mutual personal growth.

Liina’s happiness in life comes in large part from her successes in her career, and she is highly driven to perform well and receive recognition. She is not above using people to get what she needs, but she is mindful to minimize the harm she does to others in her pursuit of personal achievement.

In general, she is a rule-follower rather than a rule-breaker, and she prefers to follow exhaust known methods before doing any wayfaring. She doesn’t do well with spontaneity, good or bad.

Liina’s personality type would be best described as ENTJ.

Her goal at this point in her life is to continue advancing in her journalism career.

Liina was born first of three children in a city near the coast at the eastern border of Karjelinn. Her childhood was fairly unremarkable - her parents divorced while she was in primary school, but as they remained on generally amicable terms, she and her siblings were able to maintain a good relationship with both of them. With old money in the family, Liina grew up well-off and privileged to enjoy equestrian club, private tutors, and other such luxuries. As a result, however, she discovered as she aged that she was also sheltered.

Her first foray into the world of journalistic reporting was a school newspaper club in secondary school. From there, a love of journalism was sparked. With an aptitude for public speaking and research to boot, Liina’s career path seemed chosen fairly early.

As she advanced through her courses in university and her interest in reporting grew, so did her knowledge about areas of the world that weren’t blanketed in perfectly manicured lawns and surrounded in whitewashed fencing. She took particular interests in the struggles of combat veterans returning home, post-traumatic stress disorder, and the over-prescription of drugs to “manage” shellshock. If, through her aptitude and passion for uncovering a good scoop, she could help soldiers recover from the battlefield and help improve programs to reintegrate them back into civilian life, Liina decided she would be fulfilled.

Liina’s first and current job is with the Karjelinnian Public Media Alliance (KPMA), the national public news network. Currently, she is a lead editor for their print branch and has recently taken an assignment abroad to investigate ways in which other nations are helping their veterans reintegrate more successfully than Karjelinn has been able to.

Although she travels frequently enough to practically live out of a suitcase, Liina’s mailing address is an apartment in downtown Roavenalev, Karjelinn. Her younger brother (the middle child) is an engineer in the Karjelinnan Federal Navy currently on deployment and her younger sister (the youngest child) is a veterinarian in their hometown. Liina stays in contact when she can, especially with her baby sister, with whom she’s always had a close relationship. Her parents are both retired and insist on Liina visiting them for brunches and the occasional vacation when her schedule allows.  She and her on-again-off-again boyfriend are currently off-again, but hopeful.

Mobile Suit


Name: Soraya Kheramati
Alias: Melinoë
Alliance: Charon
Birthplace: Andisheh, A’sir
Age: 21
Sex: Female


[Pic - like this but more anime]

[Pic - Seriously, it’s really hard to find anime characters that are both androgynous and brown]

With a lean muscled build, a sharply contoured face, and a close-cropped hairstyle, Soraya is often mistaken for a young man. Her voice, then, is almost jarringly feminine by contrast and catches many new acquaintances off-guard.

She looks typically A’sirian with olive skin peppered with light freckles, thick dark hair, and light brown eyes, but her style of dress strays from the classic colorful kaftans and fashionable modern maxi skirts in favor of more practical clothing: jeans, sweaters, hoodies, sweatpants — typically from bargain bins and resale stores, as often from the menswear section as not. She finds no use for makeup, perfumes or jewelry and finds that she looks awkward and unfamiliar in things like dresses or bathing suits.

When with Charon, she typically stays in her flight suit, unzipping it to her waist and tying the extra around herself for comfort.

She measures in around 5’6” (167 cm).

She has a large scar originating between her index and middle finger and trailing up almost to the bend in her elbow on her left side from a workplace accident as a girl, and several small pockmarks on her face as a result of a pox as a toddler. Her left flank is covered in burn scars, but these typically aren’t visible.

Personality: Soraya is often embarrassed by her lack of formal education and, as a result, is a woman of few words. She’s a good listener and can retain information well.

She can be quick to anger, but quicker still to annoy. To avoid the insufferability of others, she has become standoffish and withdrawn. Internally, she’s struggling to reconcile her semi-misanthropy with her desire to benefit mankind.

Perhaps despite this, once Soraya forms a rare bond with someone, it will be extremely profound. Cross or wound her, however, and you will be placed on her black list forever.

Although typically kind and helpful to her comrades while on the job, she does not often banter or fraternize, preferring to stay on the sidelines.  

It can be difficult for Soraya to process strong negative emotions - fear, despair, and so on - and she has the tendency to convert any painful feeling into anger. Although she’s been doing better about this recently, she still finds it icky to express these emotions.

She’s good at thinking on the fly and can adapt to a major change in plans easily. She can also be brave to a fault and may rush headlong into a situation without complete information, although when there are other’s lives on the line, she is more careful than when it’s only her own at stake.

She was motivated to accept Charon’s invitation by the knowledge that she could finally make a difference for the people of her homeland.

While living her assigned identity [see Biography], Soraya uses the opportunity to practice all the “feminine” traits she missed out on as a girl - daintiness, coyness, demure, grace, and so on. Thus far, she hasn’t found these natural and has not been successful in adapting these into her daily life while with Charon (though not for the lack of occasionally startling her comrades by practicing on them).

Her personality type would best be described as ISTP.

Biography: Soraya was born the oldest daughter out of six to a local master glazier and his wife in a small mountain village. With no sons in the family, she was raised as a bacha posh — a daughter presented as a son — and trained in her father’s trade from a young age, acting as the man of the house when he was away on extended business. Because of these responsibilities, Soraya never felt particularly close to her sisters or female peers, and she understood that her chances of one day being a wife herself had become jeopardized. Despite this, she does not resent her parents for her upbringing; she understood then that they were doing the best they could with the limited resources they had, and she accepted that her sacrifices meant that her sisters would be able to have a better life as they would not be selected for the same treatment. Additionally, she was grateful for the limited schooling she was able to receive and the opportunity to play football with the boys. Soraya and the other daughters were treated well by their parents and never questioned whether or not they were loved.

During Soraya’s childhood, international relations between A’sir and its neighbors were strained, and domestic instability made an already hardscrabble life more difficult. Domestic terrorism from extremist sects plagued A’sir, although most of the incidents took place near more important towns than Soraya’s little village. At the age of 12, her country became the battleground for a war that did not directly involve their people, and the sound of missiles and jet engines overhead soon replaced the songs of the calls to prayer and the bustle of open air markets. The flow of imported goods into A’sir became limited as demands by “allies” for A’sirian commodities increased. Small villages like Soraya’s were overrun by foreign soldiers who quartered themselves in stolen homes to set up defensive outposts before being sucked dry of any and all resources. Soraya’s family, along with the rest of their village, were shipped toward the A’sirian interior. She was haunted by the resigned faces of men and the mourning of women forced to leave the only home they’d known as their children begged for food and water, but she remained a strong elder ”brother” for her sisters.

At the age of 15, Soraya’s family was again uprooted from the refugee camp where they’d settled as conflict pushed northward. While en route to the capital via train, an IED was detonated by a local insurgent group, derailing the train and killing many of the passengers, including all of Soraya’s family save for herself and the second born sister. The two of them spent several weeks recovering in a military hospital, during which time Soraya developed an intense hatred of the world and recoiled even further inward until the medical staff came to believe she was mute.

Once recovered, Soraya and her sister were placed in foster care in a refugee camp. Soraya refused to bond with this new family and grew even more estranged from her sister until one night, she left the camp under the cover of darkness, determined to return to her home village and take up arms against the invading forces.  Her plans would be intercepted when, along the way, she would witness a Charon intervention. Enamored with this seemingly godlike force, Soraya watched the intervention from a covert location and, when the battle had ended in a Charon victory, emerged onto the battlefield and demanded (terrified) to know who this powerful organization was. With no reply given before the Charon pilot fell back, Soraya promised herself that she would one day find out and join them.

At 16, Soraya became a rebel fighter under the self-appointed [male] name Meherzad. She was strong from a childhood of physical labor and good with a gun. She and her comrades went up against foreign and domestic enemies alike, and for the first time, Soraya felt she was making a difference. As Meherzad, she always kept an eye out for the mysterious and awesome power that she encountered once, but it wouldn’t be until she was 19 that she would find them again. This time, when she approached and demanded that they accept her into their fold, this force - Charon - confirmed they had, indeed, been watching the brave, broken, and possibly insane girl they had first seen four years prior; that they had seen her misguided attempts to better the world by leaving an indiscriminate trail of dead; that they had a better way; and that there was a position within their organization for people like her.

Currently, her assigned identity has her living in the LU (Angiris) as Taraneh Qasemi, a 23 year old university graduate of International Trade and Business, when she’s not deployed with Charon. She works various odd jobs when there to add to her Charon stipend. She is not sure what has become of her little sister but believes her to still be in A’sir and married to a local mosque leader.

Mobile Suit
GX-005 Gundam Asphodel
Name: Feryn II Styrlund
Rank: Supreme Commander
Alias: The Lionheart of Lanlania
Alliance: Lanlania (Lagrain Union)
Birthplace: Halvadag, Lanlania
Age: 66 (1700)
Sex: Male

Appearance: Feryn is quite mobile despite his age, undoubtedly thanks to medical advances and his active lifestyle. He is a tall man, and well-built with a wide chest. His blond hair has dulled with age and his beard too has taken a grayer hue. He has blue eyes and tanned skin. He is regularly seen professionally, sharply dressed with suits and ties, though certainly dresses more casually in the privacy of the restored Miklafornstad Palace.

His wears stud earrings and a Sentric cross necklace, each fitting his station. He also wears a fancy watch.

For certain Royal duties, he dresses in ceremonial regalia, though the Crown has stored away the majority of Imperial items.

Personality: Feryn II is a proven military and political leader. He is fairly cautious and charismatic. He was a unifying figure after the Empire was dismantled, despite his power and authority being limited by the post-war constitution forced upon the Archkingdom by the victors.

Feryn II is the current Archking of the Lanlania. Despite the monarchy being reduced to a ceremonial role, tradition ensure he remains a fairly influential presence in Lanlanian politics. The third son of Holy Emperor Wilhelm V, he took the throne after the Holy Emperor was killed when the Miklafornstad Palace was destroyed during the Battle of Halvadag. His elder brothers had already been killed fighting in the war.

He fought in the latter half of the Great War, where he made a name for himself in his steadfast defense of the Holy Lanlanian Empire. An officer in the Holy Lanlanian Army, he shined as both a field commander and pilot of the experimental Mobile Armors of the time. He earned the title of "Lionheart" for his brave and fierce leadership throughout the war, and especially in the desperate Battle of Halvadag, where he proved himself by leading the defense of the Imperial capital as the chain of command collapsed.

After the Holy Lanlanian Empire was dismantled, Feryn II sought to rebuild the Lanlanian State within the Lagrain Union. He has fostered good relations with other Lagrain Union states. Within private circles, it is known that he now seeks to restore the Empire and has instructed sympathetic administrations to consider diplomatic reunion with Azreae and military solutions to Syorid.

Mobile Suit
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Name: Soren
Alias: Hermes
Alliance: Charon
Birthplace: Syorid
Age: 22
Sex: Male

Appearance: Soren is an ethnic Lanlanian of slightly below average height. His eyes are a light shade of brown, and his anime-hair slightly darker. As a gundam pilot, he is fairly well-built with a toned, athletic body. He wears his uniform while piloting and his fatigues around Charon facilities.

Personality: Growing up in poverty, Soren has a very practical and frugal personality. He tries to conserve as much as possible, and generally prefers the more straightforward option. He has no issue taking lives, having competed to survive on the streets of a ruined Syonna. This makes him a fairly efficient if brutal combatant.

He reads to relax.

He was taken off the streets by a Charon-affiliated orphanage in his early teens, and ended up recruited into their military forces.

Biography: Soren was born in Castlian-occupied Syonna. His parents were killed in a home invasion when he was 6, and no relatives came forward to take him in. He consequently joined the mob of orphans that spread across Syorid after the territory was occupied by Castleon. He tries to forget this period of his life, where he struggled against hundreds of other kids to survive.

As Castleon crackled down on crime in Syorid, Soren was taken in by a Charon-affiliated orphanage in the outskirts of Syonna, where he stayed for a few years before being recruited into the organization. Later, he was selected for the organization's Gundam program.

Mobile Suit
GX-003 Gundam Aedalus
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Alias: "Tao Yin"; sometimes just "Commander" aboard the Elysium, but he hates that one. Formerly "Basiliskos Resner," which is even sillier.
Alliance: Charon
Birthplace: Shizhen, just north of the old Sainam-Tieguo border, HPA.
Age: 39
Sex: Male

Show ContentClick for Pic:

Tao Yin was once a soldier, and has striven to maintain that same fitness and readiness as a soldier for Charon; he has a fit build with strong shoulders, even if a change in age and diet has made him somewhat softer in the gut. Considered on the cusp of "middle age," the last several years have matured his soft face with hard edges.

He wears a pilot suit, complete with helmet, both when in the Gundams and when commanding operations on the bridge aboard the Elysium. When aboard the Elysium but not at his command post or in a Gundam cockpit, he tends to wear comfortable clothes that he can easily fit into said pilot suits, or slip out of quickly to change, such as plain t-shirts (usually white) and sweatpants (usually navy); when anywhere else, he likes to enjoy his newfound freedom of wardrobe with various plain or printed button-down shirts, maybe some heavier knitwear over top if it's cold, and comfortable slacks and casual footwear.

Tao Yin looks fairly typically Sainamese; his skin is of a typical South Ostaran complexion, if lighter than his parents due to spending his life in school and within mobile weapon cockpits instead of bent under the sun in fields or construction. Everything else about him is straight from his parents: his father's large eyebrows, hard nose and sparse facial hair, and his mother's dark eyes. His dark hair is cut tight to the sides of his head in something of an undercut, the top he has allowed grow in his time away from the military. He has noticed himself sounding more and more like how his father sounded, as his voice takes on more gravel with age; with his sparse beard, he has begun to look more like him, too.

At 5'10" he is a little tall for a Sainamese man, but that's just the way the military likes 'em; suits their propaganda better with tall, strong men on the front lines.

Tao Yin's body is riddled with various surgical scars from his time as a "test pilot". While the ones on his legs are the largest, from the time a Quolong he was testing exploded beneath him (a maintenance mistake; that mechanic, he heard, was "reassigned"), the symetrical scars on his cheeks are the most noticable since, well, he can't hide those. Other, similar-looking scars can be found in various places on his torso and arms, slowly-fading remnants of his mission in the HPA.

Tao Yin by nature is endlessly curious; he loves to discover "how it works," whether the "it" is a thing or a person; as a child he spent much of his free time poking about on everything at home and even including his father's heavy work equipment, and that wonder has translated into his constantly poking about at learning how the Gundams work, despite being repeatedly and specifically told to not poke about in the Gundams. He also loves listening to people's stories: their histories, their problems, the things they like; every person is a different and interesting machine that ticks along in a different way.

To that end, he has a rather analytical mind, prefering to evaluate a topic, conversation, facts or other circumstances before coming forth with his own action or take in order to come at it with the best response. When he is at a disadvantage or when facts elude him, he learned as an HPA drone operator & mobile armor pilot to trust upon his acutely tuned intuition to find the best path; second-guessing himself, he has learned, tends to produce worse outcomes.

He's a generally polite and sociable person who tends to carry himself with a smile in all but somber occasions...or, sometimes, inappropriately in somber occasions. Even when disappointed or angry he remains civil, burying these emotions with such speed to go from fuming privately in one moment to being courteous and amicable, even outright joking with the topic of his frustrations. Life is too short, and impressions too permanent, waste either in anger; life needs to have more happy moments in it!

He generally dislikes open and emotional confrontations, electing to soothe and disarm while taking a moment to swallow his own pain or exasperations and "deal with them at a later time." He will quite happily launch himself at the problems of others before tackling his own, often attempting to turn the mood or offer rather unsolicited advice he will often attribute to his mother. He has great difficulty in addressing his own pain, either outright avoiding to deal with it or doing so inappropriately, until it physically breaks him.

He has a habit, a tick, of quickly tapping a hand or a heel when deep in thought, when addressing a difficult task, or when frustrated at not being able to do or understand something.

Charon saught him out as a test pilot for his knowledge and skill in experimental weaponry with the HPA, and he joined Charon after a decade of frustrations with internal HPA politics. He still believes strongly upon the propaganda fed to him as a child about the utopian ideals that the HPA strives to achieve and will defend them when pressed, but he believes just as strongly that the HPA leadership as it exists is incapable of creating that change.

The old order of the world must be wiped clean, so that the new one may rise.

Tao Yin's family was taken to Tieguo as part of the HPA's "displaced persons resettlement program" during the lost decade to settle refugees into areas population-decimated by the fighting. Born in the winter of 1660, his childhood was defined by the relative goods shortages of the last years of the War, the post-War depression and uncertainty over mankind's future that immediately followed. Even so, HPA policy meant that the effort to repopulate and rebuild the Shizhen area made his family stable and cared for, and while certainly left wanting for some things, food, a home, and regular employment meant a life of relative ease within the town's hastily-erected barbed-wire perimeter.

While his father worked construction to rebuild and his mother worked the fields to stay fed, Tao Yin attended Pre-Education School in the mornings as a toddler to learn the basics of Tieguo language and mannerisms before coming home to his grandmother, seeing his parents for a short time in the afternoon before they too attended a night-version of Pre-Education School that he learned later mysteriously lacked a "P". Much of his childhood passed this way: go to school, play with friends, come home and see his family before bidding his parents good night as they left for classes. It was a simple life.

On the days he didn't have normal school, he still woke up early for morning civics classes - he liked these, they were more fun than his language and counting classes - before running off to see his dad at work. Always a pest, he would insist on climbing the big equipment and, when old enough, maybe running them every once in a while. He loved the power and control of these machines, and would learn their controls every chance he could: how to control them, how to fix them, how they worked; as a result, when the Aptitude Battery was administered, it came as no surprise that his practical skills came in at top marks, and when his other skills were shown to be less flattering, it seemed pretty natural and obvious to his family what his employment selection would be.

That's why it came as mildly surprising when he was targeted by "recruiters" and joined the HPA military as a technician and mobile armor pilot a year later. He spent much of his time training for a war he was assured would not come; they were a defense army for the people, sworn to defend the new future their people were building together from the regressive influences of the other big blocs, whose interests was to grind the masses into the dirt for the profit of a few.

That's why it came as mildly surprising when the HPA invaded Krinis, and Tao Yin was deployed to the north to preempt the Union's predicted counter-invasion, which came as expected...though the ferocity of the attack and the use of new, powerful, and autonomous weaponry forced Tao Yin and his other operator/pilots into a slowly retreating defense while HPA leadership devoted resources to other fronts. Their drones depleting, a still-green Tao Yin watched the people he trained with slowly dwindle over the next months as they broke encirclements and rushed to set up defenses, and to their credit their efforts did well to stall the advance in their area, but Union gains elsewhere had eroded the HPA negotiating position. After months of dogged fighting, the eerie calm of the pre-armistice ceasefire was almost too much to bear, and Tao Yin was relieved to be recalled from the front at the end of the war.

His reward/punishment (depending on who you ask) for not dying was to be promoted and reassigned as a "test pilot." He participated in the testing of most of the HPA's newest weaponry and technologies. It was exciting coming to work every day to face some new challenge and he did well at it, though it was less exciting when the challenges involved the operating lights and scalpels. He sometimes wondered why his fellow pilots were mostly "rifraf" like himself while his commanders were almost exclusively Tieguonese. Some years later and with countless commendations displayed over his left breast, he also found it odd that it seemed like some younger and less commendable officers were promoted over him. Nevertheless he did his duty as he was taught, and when the second Solar Wars arose, he took his experimental mobile suit into the field and piloted with all the skill he had been taught.

And just like he had been taught, he detonated said mobile suit, and disappeared into the jungle.

Since then, Tao Yin has been with Charon. To protect his family, he has completely dropped his name and exclusively used his assumed identities. He was the organization's first test pilot and participated in its first interventions. Over the years, he has trained the group's other pilots and engineers in control and operation of the Gundams. He field-tested the systems of the second-generation Gundams in Solhaven, and when Edward Borg left Elysium to assume direction of operations at Lethe, it was Tao Yin that was asked to assume leadership of the coming Gundam operations.

Mobile Suit

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