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Nyland Liberalists (NL)
2 10.53%
Progressive Conservative Party (PCP)
1 5.26%
Nylander Popular Alliance (NPA)
0 0%
Common Sense Coalition {Nyland Centrist Democratic Alternative vote (CDA)}
4 21.05%
Ultranationalist Party (UP)
4 21.05%
National-Communist Party of Nyland (NCP)
3 15.79%
New Conservative Movement (NKR)
2 10.53%
Common Sense Coalition {Moderate Coalition of Nyland vote (MCN)}
3 15.79%
Total 19 vote(s) 100%
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Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1596
1596 Nyland Federal Elections
For President and Half the Legislature
15 Vintyr 1596

Quote:This is a thread for the 1596 elections in Nyland. The Presidency is contested, and half the legislature's seats are up for grabs. Actual in-context, rp voting took place in Vintyr of 1596. Legislative voting opens now, and presidential voting opens later.

Party Voting is CLOSED

Presidential Voting is CLOSED
>>> CLICK HERE <<<

Welcome to the 1596 Elections! They Are definitely not late, and it is still definitely 1596! Half of the legislature's seats open, the Presidency is up for grabs again! Finally! Get that Lanlanian puppet out of here! Things are happening! Let's have stuff happen in Nyland as well! More explamations!

As always when we have both a presidential and legislative voting year, voting will take place in two phases:

Party Voting will start now and run until the end of the election. More specifically, party voting will remain open until presidential voting ends, 22 March. Everyone will have TWO votes this time to split between all parties, due to the (finally) reduced number of choices. A list of all registered parties, and links to their information can be found below, and may also be found within the vote itself. If you don't see any parties that fit your ideals, you like, or want to create your own just for the heck of it, then you can come to this thread and set one up! If you're curious about the makeup of the past term's legislature, you can see that at the veeeeeery bottom of this post.

Show ContentPolitical Parties of Nyland:

Current Seats Affected by This Election

Nyland Liberalists : 46 open seats
Progressive Conservative Party : 53 open seats
Nylander Popular Alliance : 5 open seats
Nyland Centrist Democratic Alternative : 41 open seats
Ultranationalist Party : 22 open seats
National-Communist Party of Nyland: 9 open seats
New Conservative Movement: 26 open seats
Moderate Coalition of Nyland: 47 open seats
Unclaimed vacancies : 2 open seats

PRESIDENTIAL voting will happen in 4 days from now, starting Monday, 18th of March because I'm late on the ball and want to get this done asap; if you would like to put forth a candidate, see the form below and post here before then. Actual voting will run from the 18th to the 22nd. Remember, anyone who wins the election will be the President of Nyland, and the person who put forth that person as president will essentially be "in control" of the direction the country will take! You get one vote for presidents, but this vote will be a ranking of your top three or four picks, depending on the number of candidates available. A list of candidates is below, as well.

Show ContentPresidential Candidate Submission Form:

Show ContentPresidential Candidate List:

Let the elections commence! Feel free to make IC posts regarding the elections, from campaigning to news, if you so desire.

1595-1596 Nyland Federal Assembly

[Image: P1hR0qh.png]

MCN 103 | CDA 94 | PCP 80 | NL 77 | UP 76 | NKR 50 | NPA 19 | MIP 14 | NCP 12 | empty 10
Posting on behalf of Ayzek:

Quote:Name: Lalanda Marionett
Party: PCP

Picture/Description:She is very hot, with an enviable chest and smokin' natural red hair. At 60 years old, she has that experienced look, while the wonders of modern medicine have made sure she doesn't look too experienced. No one wants a hag of a President, after all.

Platform: She believes in a free pony for every family. Lalanda believes that fascists are bad, but also that the threat is exaggerated--that Brigidnan problems should remain in Brigidna. When questioned should the problem escape Brigidna, she answers "Nyland should do what must be done." She supports immigration, woman's rights, LGBTQ rights, the market economy, and freedom. Just, freedom in general.

Political/Campaign History: She ran for President 1588, but lost. She was in legislature for quite a while before that, before being elected President in 1592. She is not a crook Lanlanian puppet agent.
Quote:Name: Sigurd Andersson
Party: Independent

Picture/Description: (optional)

Platform: His position on foreign policy is interventionist foreign policy, he wants to strengthen relations with historical allies and friendly democratic government. He believes that Nyland is a definitive power in the world, and that its muscle should be used for the greater good of freedom, and liberty, but also believes that Nyland should also be also be the center of power and that interventionist policies must also guarantee such. As a result, he supports increasing the military budget.

On economics, his position is that in order to for the market to be free, the government must be able to regulate and intervene in such cases where where the free market is no longer free. He however re-iterates that these regulations must be carefully written to ensure certain businesses are not favored as a result. He also wants to push and provide incentives for companies to provide opportunity outside major cities and poor areas as well as minimum wage adjustments according to productivity and inflation. On taxes, he supports a 10% income tax rate for individuals who's income make less than 35,000 a year, 15% for individual's income above 40,000 a year, 25% for individuals income above 400,000 a year, and 40% for individual's with an income over 1,000,000 a year. For corporations he supports low corporate taxes, but a moderate capital gains tax.

On Political Centralization, He primarily wants to uphold the status quo, and recognizes that a balance must be had between federal and state power.

On Social Welfare, His position is that the welfare state should be expanded and amended to be more efficient and encourage recipients to work. On healthcare, he supports a minimum basic coverage for every citizen in Nyland, however not too much which significantly restricts the options for private insurance.

On Civil Rights, He believes strides need to be made to guarantee absolute freedom, including going as far as support law which would require large social media companies to adhere constitutionally protected rights. He supports a no compromising attitude towards LGBT rights and protections, and gender equality.

Political/Campaign History: He previously served as a Senator under the CDA, and State Senator before it.
Name: Miguel Engdahl
Party: For Folket(For the People)

Picture/Description: [Image: 330px-Pablo_Iglesias_2016_%28cropped_3x4%29.jpg]

Platform:Running for new party For Folket or For the People. He leads a anti-racist, pro social justice and economic equality group. He proposes a universal UBI of at least $15,000 a year per person with $7,500 per additional person in the household. He would also boost this for the disabled.He would then put the minimum wage up $17 an hour to "catch up with productivity".He is also running with the slogan "For the people not the Pigs" on his anti-elitist platform that shows a particular disdain for bankers. His platform warns the banks will collapse if the current system continues and that this would result in a bail out from the government under all other parties who according to him have taken bribes in the forms of what are officially termed donations. As a result he proposes public financing of all elections though he credits the NPA for not taking big donations.He would radically expand the services provided by the state with free state nursery and childcare up until 18, free education from junior school to masters degrees , universal right to free healthcare and social care and universal right to state provided housing. The party would look at nationalising all companies in the education sector, transport sector, water, utilities, postal and telecoms services as well as key sectors such as mining and metal factories.He argues these should be either nationalised or co-operatised.

On the economy he would support co-operatives and building societies by automatically converting banks to co-operative banks or building societies. The rest of workers would have the right by ballot to apply for a state loan to buy out the businesses they work for if they are headquartered in Nyland to take over the company turning it into a workers co-operative.The party would make sure that if a nation did not meet similar labour standards or environmental standards they would face at least 60% tariffs to encourage standards to spread globally. He would also seek to ban one person or corporation owning more than one tv channel , newspaper and radio station to break up the media.Their would be incentives for farmers to co-operatise with other famers and their workers.He would require any company entering the market to enter with a local partner in Nyland owning at least 50% of the shares and would give lower tax rates to companies already in the country who do a lower tax rate of 20% corporate tax compared to the 40% rate for a non-locally owned private corporation.

He would reform environmental policy by banning any fossil fuel use within 15 years with massive state investment. He would replace it with Bio-fuels, Renewables and possibly nuclear though with restrictions. He states that he is "For the people not the elites" in his interview with leading left wing newspapers. He calls for a revolution by the working class and middle class to remove them from their "slavery".

On social and civil rights the party support LGBT marriage, the right to change gender , gun control and right to smoke marijuana at government run cafes. The party also supports legalised prostitution. All these reforms would be paid for by radical tax increases on the rich and also extra taxes on the lower income brackets though they state the benefits provided by the state would outweigh these.

Political/Campaign History:40 year old Miguel Engdahl used to be part of the NPA though he joined the growing protest movement thinking that the NPA had softened over the time. He joined the recently set up For Folket going up the ranks. He became noted for his charisma quickly leading his regional branch and then the national leadership team. He also has a high up position in the unions until his political career.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Name: Roxanne Dietrich-Hall
Party: Common Sense Coalition

[Image: 324039_16_9_large_422.jpg]

Platform: On Foreign Policy, Dietrich-Hall advocates good relations with historical allies and democratic-minded governments. The Common Sense Coalition propose a liberal interventionist as, while they declare that Nyland should not be involved in unnecessary commitments abroad, it is important to get invovled in foreign affairs when the greater good requires it - something that Marionett administration seems to have forgotten.

On economic policy, the Common Sense Coalition recognizes the importance of market forces as well as government intervention in the marketplace. While necessary, the government intervention should be measured and calculated, as the government can end up stifling creativity and ingenuity in the private sector. Dietrich-Hall has critized both the neoliberal "laissez-faire" defended by the Nyland Liberalists and the ambitious redistribution programs often proposed by the left-wing parties, which often may answer a real problem as wealth concentration, but they are difficult to enforce in practice through legislative reforms that unnecessarily burden the national economy. Instead, Dietrich-Hall has declared that the government should try to prevent inequalities occurring in the first place rather than ameliorating them via tax and benefits once they have occured. For achieving that, Common Sense Coalition proposes an economic agenda that includes: strengthening equality of opportunity and social mobility through a gradual increase of the minimum wage, transparency and worker empowerment in the workerplace while keeping a pro-business fiscal policy, providing good quality public services -particularly housing, healthcare and investing in skills of the young-, expanding the investment in education, and encouraging long-term investment.

On social welfare, Dietrich-Hall has promised to strengthen and improve the current welfare state, but at the same time she has declared that it could be introduced reforms to make it more efficient, avoid the waste of unnecessary resources, and that the need of a strong safety net is not contradictory with promoting individual ambition and meritocracy. She has also proposed lowering taxation on wages and gradually lowering welfare payments to those outside of the labour market to increase the economic benefit of working relative to receiving welfare.

Dietrich-Hall has a centrist view on political centralization, considering that the current system has worked well although it could be certainly improved. She has declared that she respects the importance of the states but also recognize the value of shared responsibility and obligation is necessary and prudent for a functioning society. The present system is not considered to be broken and can be worked with to ensure positive changes.

On civil rights, Dietrich-Hall do not believe that government has the right to intervene too heavily into the personal lives of citizens, barring egregious acts. Individual liberty is something to be protected and cherished, but it is prudent for all individuals to sacrifice some liberties for the greater good. During the campaign, she has also expressed to compromise to advance on gender equality, LGBT rights, and social integration.

Political/Campaign History:  In 1584, Dietrich-Hall was elected Chairwoman of the Moderate Coalition of Nyland, and she has been a member of the Nylander Assembly since then. She also served in the federal government during Kohout administration, in several positions, as well as parliamentary speaker of the Moderate Group in the Nylander Assembly from 1593 to 1596. Along Martin Vossman, she has been chairperson of the Common Sense Coalition since the centrist coalition was established early this year, following a pact between the Moderates and the Centrist Democratic Alternative.
Name: Monica Friberg
Party: Nyland Liberalists
[Image: benita-ferrero-waldner-6cb42e1c-7dbf-4ad...e-750.jpeg]

Platform: Nyland needs more freedoming up in this bitch. Get you some right, more rights. All the rights. Gun rights, gay rights, women's rights, human rights; you name it, we need it, and Monica's gonna give it to you. If you think you got more freedom and rights than Nyland, then you got another thing coming, kiddo.

Nyland also shouldn't be wasting money and lives in overseas adventures. That ain't right.

Political/Campaign History: Madame Friberg served in state government before being elected to the Federal Assembly in the 70's. She had a failed run at the party nomination in 1580 against Kohout, before trying again and winning in 1596.
Presidential Voting is OPEN
>>> CLICK HERE <<<
Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1596, Final Results

Roxanne Dietrich-Hall wins election for her first term as President of Nyland

Presidential results:

Sigurd Andersson (ind.)Lalanda Marionett (PCP)Miguel Engdahl (ind.)Roxanne Dietrich-Hall (MCN/CDA)Monica Friberg (NL)
FIRST ROUND8%16%8%33%33%
SECOND ROUND16%16%33%33%
THIRD ROUND25%42%33%

Federal Assembly Results
1597-1598 Nyland Federal Assembly

[Image: XDcJun8.png]

CDA (CSC) 107 | MCN (CSC) 100 | UP 85 | NL 75 | NKR 60 | PCP 57 | NCP 23 | NPA 20

The 265 seats up for grabs this election were split as follows:
NL: 44 (-2)
PCP: 30 (-23)
NPA: 6 (+1)
CDA: 54 (+13)
UP: 31 (+9)
NCP: 20 (+11)
NKR: 36 (+10)
MCN: 44 (-3)

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