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Eskkya Today
Eskkya Today
Eskkyas news as it happens!
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Elections bring Alternative-CN-PoT government
Monday 9 Septem 1597 CE

The first elections since the re-unification of Eskkya and North Strathae has today officially finished. The elections resulted in a further lurch to the right in Eskkya as a result of the joining of North Strathae into Eskkya along with increased popularity of The Alternative and CN with Alternative having only grown since the new further to the right leader took over the party. The party campaigned on an anti-religious extremist platform mixed in with a platform calling for increased controls on immigration. The party has also called for further enshrinement of protection of lgbt rights and womens rights into law including that of minorities. The party has been accused with the CN of using these issues as a tool to target minorities and court racists in Eskkya in an effort to attract more of the far right. A charge the party denies. A big issue on the campaign trail is calls for a new Anti-Extremism Agency being formed in Eskkya to list "extremist organisations and cults" and prevent the spread of dangerous or violent ideologies. Something that The Alternative , CN , PoT  and CNP support in various forms.

The socialists campaigned on reform of immigration in order to make it easier for those who are law abiding and on focusing on services and public funding. The party accused the Alternative and CN of sabre rattling.

In Strathae the PoT enjoyed an increase in vote share from 44.95% to 52.19% mostly at the expense of the Clan Progressive Party. The Socialist Party and Democratic Alliance as expected lost seats due to reforms abolishing the non-clan list in assembly elections and federal seats. The results of the election resulted in Alternative and CN sweeping up over 60% of seats in all cantons except Rambouillet and North Strathae with the two parties also dominating assembly elections. Rambouillet as expected was unique with a Socialist-Green-Communist coalition taking power while Strathae was unique with PoT being the only party to gain power on its own without a coalition under the leadership of Blair Gobnet McLucais.The overall results of national elections was as follows:
National Congress:
Communist Party:5
Socialist Party:129
Green Party:30
Clan Socialist Party:20
Clan Progressive Party:12
The Alternative:261*

True Eskkya:0

Communist Party:0
Socialist Party:1
Green Party:0
Clan Socialist Party:2
Clan Progressive Party:1
The Alternative:24*

True Eskkya:0

The election is expected to result in a coalition of The Alternative, PoT and CNP under a nationalist right wing government which would have a majority of 92 with 507 out of 830 seats in the National Congress and 46 out of 51 seats in the Senate . The coalition agreement is rumoured to contain a clause making Blair Gobnet McLucais the Premier of Eskkya with it being the first time a minority party gains the Premiership of Eskkya. The CN are rumoured to be behind the unusual clause since their fallout with The Alternative. The government agreement is also expected to contain proposals to set up a listing system of cults and extremist religions as well as an Anti-Extremism Agency to monitor such organisations. The agreement is also expected to contain boosts to military spending to increase defense to better counter regional threats to national security , close economic relations with nations around the world especially with Lomarre and Valland , pushing for further co-operation within the SBTO. The document is also expected to contain the creation of a new Regional Development Fund and Bank, a commitment to greener policies throughout Eretzora and strengthened anti-extremism laws that allow for the deportation of "hate preachers". It has already been announced that new regulations shall control immigration especially from countries and communities with homophobic or sexist cultural tendencies.

On public services and Healthcare the government is expected to increase spending with a new 45% top tax rate bracket to be introduced on the richest in the nation among other taxes focused on raising some revenue for welfare and public services including public transport to create a more equal society. It is possible however access may be further restricted for immigrants to Eskkya though this is not confirmed as of yet.
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Blair Gobnet McLucais "declares war on extremism"
Wednesday 25 Septem 1597 CE
Today Blair Gobnet McLucais as Premier of Eskkya "declared war on extremism". In speech in the National Congress the Premier laid out plans to combat religious extremism within Eskkya. In her speech she said "Today fellow Eskkyans I declare that my government will fight and declare war on the greatest threat to Eskkyas liberal values and our own security. I am declaring war on religious extremism. No more may those religious extremist forces that try to make homosexuality illegal or ban gay marraige be accepted. No more may those religions that openly treat women as second class citizens be accepted in our equal breizonic nation. No more may may organisations hostile to secularism in this country be accepted. My message is simple today , you either accept our secular republic in Eskkya that grants equal rights or you get out of our country. We will not tolerate extremism or bigotry in any of its forms. We will no longer allow organisations like the Akhadic Society with links to terror and extremism and who promote sexism and Homophobia to exist, they shall face listing and banning within Eskkya. No more shall we allow barbaric immigrants from homophobic and sexist cultures to come in unchecked. If a nation has a homophobic or sexist culture we shall introduce a strict system of checks from immigration from there especially if listed religions are the majority of the population. Eskkya has had enough and we will defend our values."

In her opening of Congress speech she announced a new Anti-Extremism Agency will be created that will use the BITE model among other checks to check on all religions and see if they count as extremists or cults and then list organisations if they fail checks. All religions will face regular undercover investigations to make sure their preaching does not fall into the category of extremism. Listed organisations would be banned from operating in the country and serving in leadership of such an organisation within Eskkya would result in prosecution and a jail sentence if found guilty and kicking out of the country if an immigrant. Any officials in leadership of listed organisations if they are international would be banned from entering Eskkya .Religions and organisations shall also be listed if people face recriminations or shunning for leaving the religion such as is the case in some religions.It is believed the Akhadic Society in particular is highly likely to face a ban within Eskkyas borders. Organisations would have 3 months to reform before being inspected again if they are deemed extremist or a cult in an investigation after which time they would face an official ban in Eskkya. The law would allow the AEA to routinely inspect any religious establishment in Eskkya without warning in order to catch out those groups promoting extremism. Religions would also be banned from receiving foreign funding in a bid to stop extremist organisations getting funding from overseas.

The government has vowed to crack down on religious and political extremism with a new Ministry of Anti-Extremism being founded. The ministry shall be responsible for running the AEA but also developing anti-extremism deprogramming programmes to get people out of extremist groups and provide a way out for young people who may have fallen victim to such groups. The new anti-extremism laws shall also consider members of cults or extremist religions to be a threat to children potentially allowing removal of children from their family placing them with new families instead if their parents do not mend their ways. The government has vowed that it will crush any and all extremism. The measures are expected to be supported by PoT, The CN and some Alternative politicians while the DA and Socialists are likely to oppose the measures and law proposals. Blair Gobnet McLucais said in her speech to the National Congress "I would like to make it clear. This is not a targeting of religions but extremists. Religious freedom shall remain strong in Eskkya with all religions being treated equally under the law. We are not about making all religions perform gay marraige but they must abide by our cultural values of equality and must not interfere in politics from the pulpit in order to try to remove rights of women and the LGBT community. As long as religions do no harm they shall continue to be allowed to operate as they always have done." The laws are expected to be passed with 3 to 6 months depending on whether amendments are needed for it to pass.
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Eskkyan Protection Against Extremism Act passes National Congress
Thursday 12 Dein 1597 CE

The Eskkyan Protection Against Extremism Act passed the National Congress 448 votes to 382 votes today. The act would have the impact of updating the law to expand anti-extremism powers. An Anti-Extremism Agency or the AEA will be founded if the act passes the next stage where it is highly likely to pass due to three main backing parties having 46 out of 51 seats. The Agency would have the powers of monitoring any organisation, religion or charities in the country through monitoring and undercover investigations. The Agency would then be able to list the organisations or even entire religious faiths if they meet the criteria of extremism according to the BITE model. They would be especially harsh on organisations that encourage hate such as homophobia, misogyny or trans-phobia. The act is understood to be designed in order to rid Eskkya of extremist organisations and the AEA once an organisation is listed would be able to monitor even individuals who are known to be parts of these organisations, ban donations or any funding going to these organisations and restrictions on running for office of extremists on grounds of security. Organisations with links to terror would automatically be listed and prosecuted under the law.Penalties would go up to banning of extremist organisations.

Another section of the law would allow cancelling of citizenship of any citizen connected with terror groups or groups with links to terror groups at home or overseas. The law would require cancellation of citizenship if there is another citizenship or if they are within the 5 years provisional citizenship under law. The law would also allow extra immigration checks to be conducted on countries where there is a culture or history of homophobia, sexism, misogyny , trans-phobia or extremism though stops short of a ban that was favoured by Party of Tradition and the CN. The act would also allow kicking out of immigrants if it can prove links to any listed organisations. Though critics say that this act is an attempt to stoke fears and take advantage of anti-akhadic sentiment the government point out they would treat all extremist religions and organisations equally and that all religions would be expected not to use politics to restrict peoples rights based on gender, sexuality or ethnicity.

The act was passed through the lower house with The Alternative supporting it 180 to 81, PoT 48 to 4, CN 193 to 1 with Clan Socialist Party supporting it 11 to 9 and CNP 12 to 0. The DA, CPP , and all left wing parties with the exception of the CSP opposed the act.The Act is expected to pass within 2 months with possibilities it could pass within a month. It is expected the AEA will be formed within a year and listing could occur as early as 1598.
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Three Akahadic Traditions and organisations listed
Monday 16 Fein 1598 CE

Today the in a first victory for the Anti-Extremism Agency The Akhadic society and two akhadic traditions have been officially listed and outlawed in Eskka. The Bukh'a ,Zokukyar and Akhadic Society have all been listed as extremist ideologies and groups under the law. The listing was confirmed in courts in Rambouillet where protests occurred outside both in favour and against the listing with many liberal groups calling on the government to retract the Eskkyan Protection Against Extremism Act accusing the government of restricting religious freedom.

The AEA made the case in court in the three cases that they had found evidence of shunning, calls for killing of ex-akhadics , control over thoughts and feelings , encouragement of violence against non-believers or those who leave and interference in Gender and LGBT politics in order to restrict civil rights among other cult and extremism markers. The court agreed based on the evidence presented and the defense put up by the organisations representing the defendant cases that a listing was in order in order to protect Eskkya and its society and that the ideologies and Akhadic Society fell foul of the model used for assessment. Furthermore the court found Akhadic Society guilty of links to extremism and reccomended a police investigation into terror links.

The listing means that no member of the organisations shall be allowed to remain a member and if they decide to remain a member actions ranging from deportation to arrest could be pursued along with potential denying them working in any organisation receiving public funding.The Akhadic society head in Eskkya has already been arrested on suspicion of terrorist links with other prominent members being arrested also. The Interior Secretary has commented on the case saying " It is clear our approach is working. We have today made Eskkya safer and will continue to make it safer with current ongoing investigations by the AEA." Blair Gobnet McLucais said in a statement "I am proud of the efforts of the AEA in protection our society and the civil rights of all. I am proud that we today scored a blow againt bigotry , homophobia and misogyny and have outlawed extremist cults and organisations. No more will they threaten our security from the inside of our society. Furthermore this now means any Akhadic Society member known shall be denied entry into Eskkya.We will not be allowing this extremism to continue." The temples adhering to the ideologies have 6 months to reform their policies and culture before being listed.

The Socialist Party said in a statement " This is a sad day for Eskkya. We built this nation on tolerance and acceptance of differences. Now the right wing authoritarian government has wiped that away. They have dealt a blow to religious freedom and civil rights in the name of liberty and protection of liberal values. This is far from liberal or a protection of liberty but a persecution of a minority group and groups in this country." The PoT Blair McLucais has denied that the law is targeting minority groups saying " the law applies equally to all groups and these groups shall be allowed to continue to exist if they do not conform to the ideologies listed and the Akhadic Society can be legal again if it makes the necessary changes." The law shall continue to cause controversy in Eskkya and abroad.
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Government on brink of collapse over Carpathian Family deaths
Satursday 28 Vintyr 1599 CE

Today the Eskkyan government as conflict between For Eskkya and Coalition National have strained since the Carpathian families murder and the former home minister Tadgh Kearneys comments. The parties are facing tension over the CN's refusal to kick the former home minister out of the party and the failure to deal with incitement of hate from the CN politicians end. The party had been told the day of the comments that they need to get rid of the extremist member of the National Congress.

Blair Gobnet McLucais blasted the CN publically in a statement on behalf of For Eskkya "We in this party have tried for years to confine the fight to extremism and not target all Akhadics or members of whole groups. We have stood for anti-racism and tried multiple times to tone down the rhetoric. We today as a result feel we can no longer work with the CN as a partner in parliament and will be seeking new elections and a new mandate from the people. We feel following the recent murders and spike in attacks we have no option but to act to say violence and incitement of hate is not acceptable or Eskkyan."

The CN have not commented today despite many media questions. The party is said to be in crises and split itself with many not backing the leadership though many have suggested they were too tough in agreeing to the sacking of the home minister. The crisis is unprecedented in Eskkyan history with expectations of new elections soon. The elections polls since the home ministers comments have shown a significant drop in support for the CN since the home ministers comments. The polls however still show an Alternative lead in the polls. It is reported talks are happening between For Eskkya, Green Party and Democratic Alliance and across the parliament to review what courses of action should be taken though. Talks are continuing between CN and For Eskkya but its likely the coalition will collapse within a week according to insiders.Blair Gobnet McLucais has requested a personal meeting with Dictator Ceaușescu on how to proceed and to discuss security and anti-extremism.Blair Gobnet McLucais has said "I and For Eskkya fully condemn this disgusting murder of innocent civillians based on race. We at For Eskkya do not stand for racism and certainly not for murder. We will do all we can to get justice for the victims." She has offered to meet the family and to pay fully for the funerals out of her own pocket.
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New government coalition deal announced-without CN
Sunday 8 Alvan 1600 CE

Today the Eskkyan Republic has a new government after successful negotiations with For Eskkya including PoT , the Democratic Alliance, Clan Progressive Party and the Green Party in some states. The government party will coalition with DA and Clan Progressive Party nationally. The party will also coalition with DA and Greens in depending on the amount of seats they have in a state. The new deal will include new conditions for coalition. The listing laws will be abandoned with the new laws focusing on individual acts of extremism and also including racist nationalist acts among extremism. Banning will only take place if an organisation systematically encourages violence towards other groups. The green laws will be kept as they are currently with the DA having accepted them in fear of losing vote share if they oppose them.

Other aspects will include slightly reformed immigration laws with limiting of extra checks on Akhadic immigration from Alhadic countries though there would still be increased monitoring. The new deal is expected to change politics with it being first time the new guard parties are working with the old guard. There is also reportedly an unnoficial agreement in place to cordon sanitaire the CN.The Strathae assembly has collapsed as a result and will undergo emergency elections though it is reported the CN have lost ground there in the polls. Blair Gobnet McLucais and Nolwenn Garandel have promised some key cabinet positions to the DA including the Home Minister Position.
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PARE replaced by Protection Against Extremism Act 1600
Thursday 5 Dosa 1600 CE  

Today in the first major passage of an act after the new coalition. The Protection Against Extremism Act 1600 was passed revoking previous listing laws. The act passed 525 to 305 votes in the National Congress and 33 to 18 in the Senate.The passage means there will be significant reforms to anti-extremism laws. While an anti-extremism agency will remain this will now be called Anti-Extremism Police of Eskkya(AEPOE). Their job will be to establish if the religion or organisation incites violence or supports shunning  based on sexuality, gender, ethnicity, or for criticising the faith.Only if one of those conditions is met could a group or political organisation be listed. If listed it will depend on if incitement of violence is proven in which case an organisation would be banned if that is not proven the organisation shall lose tax exempt status and access to any public funded venues or events instead. The act changes will also restrict listing nations for immigration extra checks only to nations that have extremism problems like Wadiyah. Homophobia will no longer be considered in such judgements though this is already covered by the pledge for citizenship or residency anyway which demands tolerance as a condition of residency or provisional citizenship. The government say that this act still tackles extremism within the nation and asserts that the government is still determined to fight extremism be it political or religious in Eskkya.
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