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UAS: Celebration of Unity
11th of Tolven, 1595
I'valis, Mestra
United Allied States

The Imperial Palace had for the past three weeks seen extensive preparation for the upcoming celebration. Staff moved this way and that; placing flowers here, moving furniture there. The Grand Ball room had been decorated to such a grand state that hadn't been seen since the coronation of Edward many years prior. The only portion of the Palace left untouched was the eastern wing where the Imperial Family's personal quarter were kept. The kitchen had been preparing for weeks now, everything had to be perfect.

The city itself was no quieter. The main parade route had been decorated and secured, visitors from far and wide had swarmed the city over the past week in preparation for the grand festival and ceremonies that would be held as part of the grand celebration. Security was unusually high for the Imperial Capitol, but that was to be expected. At long last the celebration that had been planned for nearly two years would be underway. It would be a time of joy and celebration, but also a time to remind the people of their commitment and dedication to one another. Through unity, the nations of Mestra, Drahen, and Arkiania had begun the long path towards building a bright future. Besides, who could blame the people for being excited? There were to be parties, festivities, and the Football Tournament to be held amongst the top teams in the UAS.

While preparations were being wrapped up, the airport was under high security as the Imperium waited to greet its foreign friends with open arms.
11th of Tolven, 1595
I'valis, Mestra
United Allied States

Tiberius sat in his room with his mind fixated on the coming discussions and the inevitable war with Octitania as he waited for the plane to land. The rest of the Royal Family spent the time making final adjustments to their outfits. Tiber's wife, Sophia, felt anxious and excited to see her family again. The Royal Guard made final preparations in their protection of the family. "We are beginning landing procedure, Everyone place take your seats." The pilot announced over the intercom. While in his seat, Tiberius directed to his children "Make sure put on your best impression, after we get settled inside you all are free.". The plane made the gentle landing and taxied towards its stopping point. "Alright its time." Tiberius told his family.
11th of Tolven, 1595
I'valis, Mestra
United Allied States

The delegation awaiting the arrival of the Arkianian Royalty was prepared and watched with bated breath as the plane was taxied to the delegation. The stairway was moved in place and the doors to the aircraft were opened. As the Arkianian delegation began to exit the plane, the Imperial Band of His Majesty's Imperial Guard began to play the national anthem of Arkiania. Waiting at the base of the steps a few feet back was the ancient Chancellor Markus Salrio, who was expected to retire after nearly 50 years of service to the Crown. Along with Markus was Grand Duke Brian Lucas Halva, cousin to the Emperor and soon to be appointed Chancellor. The Mestran's watched as the Arkianian King and Queen descended the stairway with their children in tow.

Markus and Brian bowed first, followed by the rest of the delegation. "It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Imperium your Majesties," Markus said in a soft but somewhat regal voice. His age was catching up to him quickly now. He stepped back as Brian began to speak. "It is truly an occasion for you visit," Brian spoke as he shook King Tiberius' hand. Brian turned to Sophia, "It is good to see you again dear cousin." Brian kissed the side of Sophia's cheek. "I do apologize that your dear brother could not arrive to greet you. There were some urgent matters that arose that needed to be handled with haste. We will take you to the Palace now." Brian motioned to the limos that would take the Arkianian's to the Palace. Markus bowed again and returned to his own car. Brian explained that he would be waiting for the Drahen Delegation to arrive, while Brian accompanied the Arkainian's to the Palace.

The trip took 15 minutes to cross from the airport to the center of I'valis, where the Palace stood upon its hill. The Palace was regal in its own way and ancient compared to the rest of the city. The cars rolled up to the north entrance. Brian exited the car first, then Tiberius and Sophia followed by the children. Brian lead them through the grand entrance and into the entrance hall, where Edward, Mami, and their two children waited to greet them.

--10 minutes earlier--

Edward was pouring over paper work, signing various documents, making comments on others. He was unfortunately behind on some of the matters of State, and it did not help with Markus being so ill. Brian was of course doing a good job filling in for Markus, but he wasn't Chancellor yet and therefore had limited legal authority. Even the Imperial Senate was becoming agitated. It was becoming difficult in some regards to maintain perceived control over the vast Imperial State. Concessions had to be made to delegate additional powers to the Houses of Parliament, but Edward was hesitant to what those would entail. It didn't help that the UAS celebration was to begin soon, and the planning that entailed was beyond the allotment of time in a day, but somehow they had managed it well. At least, the children and Mami were a great distraction and his plans for a surprise for Mami were still well kept.

The final order of business was to determine how best to prepare for the Octiania crisis. There were growing concerns as tensions began to rise between Octiania and Arkiania. Of course, the Imperium was committed to its allies, but the situation was not helping at home.

"We should be concerned about a possible outbreak of war, my Lord should either side enter into full confrontation. We are currently not in a position to provide rapid response or aid should the unfortunate occur." The Lord Commander stood near a projected map the region, current deployment of Mestran Forces were being constantly updated.

"That would be an issue, I assume the Archon Defense Net is online in Arkiania? That will provide some comfort." Edward was looking at the map, Arkiania was well enough away from the Imperium to provide air support from the mainland, and well enough away from Drahen. Either case, this would require the deployment of a fleet into Arkianian or nearby international waters. Something that may upset Octiania even further. Perhaps Edward thought...

"What if we repositioned the deployment of the Second fleet from the war games. Move it closer to the Arkiania, but still far enough away to not bring great notice?"

"That might be possible, my Lord. Issue is we would have to move the entire war games which might draw attention. There is the option of expanding the exercise zone."

Before Edward could respond, a footman walked in and bowed, "My Lord, the Arkianian delegation is just arriving." The man bowed again before exiting the room.

"Well I best be off then. Expand the exercise zone, Lord Commander. Inform the Drahen and Arkianian commands of the change as well." Edward left the office as the Lord Commander saluted and left through a side door. Edward walked down the hall towards the entry hall. Mami and the children were already waiting. Edward quickly kissed Mami and waited as Tiberius, Sophia, and there children were lead in by Brian.
11th of Tolven, 1595
I'valis, Mestra
United Allied States

Quintilus stared at his tablet as the plane approached I'valis scanning over reports. The recent tensions between Arkiania and Octitania especially worried the Emperor. With defense spending heavily reduced after the Green Coup in 1588 in many defense programs were cut short or eliminated as part of the government restructuring and the civilian populace had little support for any additional warmongering after nearly 30 years of Pan-Nationalism. With tension rising, many of the reports predicted a likely conflict between the two states and with the Mestrans firmly supporting Arkiania, Quintilus knew that Drahen would likely be called upon it's UAS military obligations. Getting involved in a conflict with little civilian support wouldn't do the current government any favor, and the Emperor knew that the coalition government under Prime Minister Graciano Gerardo Urbinawas a fragile thing, consolidated only around the fact that they didn't support the Green Party. The Emperor was worried that if Drahen was called to war the coalition government would unravel, with potentially disastrous repercussions for the current government reforming the Empire after 3 decades of nationalism.

The Emperor's musings were interrupted as pilot's voice crackled over the intercom, "Fight crew, prepare for final approach". Quintilus sighed and closed his tablet, any further musings wouldn't be helpful at the current time, and leaned over to kiss his wife.

"Honey, are you ready to meet the extended family again?" he chuckled and patted her on the head

She rolled her eyes, "Not with you messing up my hair" she said as she brushed back the few strands he had knocked out of place.

Quintilus chucked and checked his own clothing, smoothing out a few wrinkles that had developed over the long ocean flight. He rested his eyes as the plane descended down to the runway and taxied to the awaiting delegation.

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