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The Duel of Dragons
Singanese Government Emergency Room
Kanjong, Singan
27 Ochtyr 1595

"Has our chance finally opened up, if not there better be a reason as to why I was pulled out of my meeting early," growled Prime Minister Daruo, he had been in a meeting for his new education plan, and his absence would be noted by those in attendance.

"Yes sir, the aircraft has been positively identified as two Tieguose Y-19 fighters. It crossed the air defense zone about thirty minutes ago, we scramble four F-3SIs to the pair of aircraft," responded Minister of Defense Harold Strom, a ethnic Lanlanian whose family had ties to Singan for decades due to his father's nefarious activities, only attaining his current position due to his history of being the Prime Minister's right hand man.

The pair entered the emergency conference room; a brightly lit room with military advisors, cabinet members, and the royal liaison all gathered along the centre wooden conference table. The last time the room had been this filled, and chaotic was when Tieguo began seizing Singanese fishing vessels offs its own coast. The Daruo Government had been formulating responses ever since from diplomatic, to economic, and finally a military response. While knowing war in southeast Ostara would doom the region, Daruo knew that he could not let the Tieguoese attempt at hegemony go unanswered. He had only one option at with to respond with, power.

"Mr. Strom has filled me in on prelimary details, where are we at currently?" questioned the Prime Minister once the entire room settled down, and the screen at the end of the table began its presentation.

"Normally, Tieguoese fighters commit ADZ violations on a near monthly violation, typically we intercept their fighters just as they before cross the ADZ over the Aesean Ocean. Since the Aesean Waters Fishing incident, our pilots have been instructed to not make themselves pronounced and begin to approach Tieguoese fighters undetected due to the benefits of the F-3SIs stealth capabilities. Today, a pair of Y-19 fighters have been detected by a Lomarran air warning aircraft on a training exercise with the 98th Reconnaissance Squadron near the ADZ over the Aesean Ocean," began the commanding officer of the Air Defense Command.

"Under the the recent directives from the Minister of Defense we have allowed the Tieguoese pilots to make deeper and deeper incursions, as to see their general intent to violate our airspace; however today the Tieguoese fighters did not remain over waters as they typically do but have gone over land, and are currently thirty kilometers south of the border. Our F-3SIs will intercept the targets within a few minutes."

"Has air traffic control made all attempts to establish contact, and instructed them to turn back?" asked the Prime Minister.

"Yes sir, and are continuing to do so until the F-3SIs are in position. They have clearly entered Singanese sovereign air space, and have not headed to civil air authorities. Given all other factors, and the current flight path; current rules of engagement allow for the aircraft to be targeted and shot down."

The room tensed for a few minutes, as the Prime Minister gave the final go ahead for the aircraft to intercept the Tieguoese. The F-3SIs were the Singanese variant of the 5th Gen multi-role Fighter III from the Holy Lanlanian Empire. The most able bodied aircraft in the Singanese inventory as they began to shift over to more advanced aircraft as legacy aircraft were phased out. The 6th Generation air superiority fighter was only a few years from low-rate production in Singan. Daruo knew and trust the aircraft, he oversaw the sale of them, as well as the development of the Singanese modifications to the design.

The monitor switched over to various windows showing radar, camera feeds, as well as audio playing from the Singanese fighters. The chatter increased as the Singanese aircraft attempted radio contact, typically Tieguoese aircraft would not respond but simply just turn back; however in this case the Tieguoese aircraft brandished their armaments welcoming a challenge.

The chatter changed from a calm operation to a frenetic dogfight. Even though the aircraft had since separated to be miles apart, the action sounded like they were just metres apart. The four singanese fighters had split into two pairs in order to chase their respective targets. One Tieguoese aircraft had begun to turn back towards the sea, while another keeping attempting to push further into Singan headed towards Yajong. After eight minutes of a cat and mouse game of the Tieguoese fighters was finally struck after a guided missile exploded right underneath its right wing, causing it to tumble out of the sky.

"This is Firebreak, Zeta One has been neutralized; pilot ejected requesting capture team," sounded one of the pilots as military officers began organizing teams to apprehend the Tieguoese pilot. The final Tieguoese aircraft was nearing to the ocean, however just as it began to bank towards Tieguo, a one of the F-3Sis managed to pull into a dive right above it and target the Tieguoese with one of the heat seeking missiles it was carrying. This time however, it was a direct hit as the entire aircraft exploded. The pilot radioed back that that he did not see an ejection as he flew past the explosion in the sky.

Prime Minister Daruo sat back into his seat after being on edge for twelve unending minutes. He thanked the military officers for their work, and ask his staff to begin working on a statement. He also ordered hourly reports on the status of the surviving Tieguoese pilot, as well as the wreckage of the aircraft.
Duongzhou, United Republic of Tieguo | 28 Ochtyr 1595

About 10 hours after the incident, an urgent session of the National Military Council gathered in Duongzhou. Although officially not a member of the National Military Council, Qiu Yu Zhao, as both President of Tieguo and General Secretary of the Tieguonese Nationalist Party attended the meeting as usual.

General Qiang Zhen Lau was the first to speak, giving a detailed summary of the situation.

"It is our chance to crush Singan for good", Admiral Zhen Huang Chong said, as soon as Qiang ended his explanation. "We can teach them a lesson so they can accept to negotiate under our own terms".

President Qiu Yu Zhao listened patiently Admiral Zhen's words, and although he did not seem to dissaprove them, he remained silent.

"Even when an army is blessed with the winds of fortune, it is important not to precipitate toward the battle",  Li Guanting Jin said, breaking the silence. As Chairman of the National Military Council, Li Guanting Jin was considered the most powerful man in Tieguo only after Qi Yu Zhao, although increasing rumours predicted that Li may retire soon.

"I agree, Chairman Li", President Qiu said. "We can keep pushing Singan toward our interests without need of such a hurry".

"But such Singanese provocation can not go unpunished", said Secretary of National Defense Dong Mu Yuen, who had often disagreed with President Qiu regarding the policy regarding war in Hôinôm.

"Certainly", President Qiu replied. "A prudent answer is needed".

"I must say, however, that is unlikely that such a move was decided in Kanjong", General Qiang Zhen Lau said.

"It could be the case", President Qiu answered. "If that would be case, it is correct to keep the plan, but just increase the intensity. We will continue to tie increasingly smaller silky bows around Singan's body, and before they realize, it will break down".

"The armed  forces are ready for any task", Commander Shi Bai Zhou said.

"Excellent", President Qiu said. "Let's just increase the numbers of fighters testing the airspace, let's say by four, and increase their aggresiveness when they are approached by the enemy. And if the next time both approach our airspace, let's shoot down the Singanese from land if necessary".

"Yes, President", Commander Shi Bai Zhou.

"Meanwhile, let's increase the diplomatic pressure as well", President Qiu added. "And we will order Secretary Fang to tell our men in Tay Lahn to become...let's say, more creative and active along the Singanese border. If the situation does not improve, we'll see if we can improve pressure on the Bay of Tieguo".

"Yes, President", Admiral Zhen Huang Chong. "The navy is ready to act as soon as it is required".

"Well", Li Guanting Jin said, "now that issue seems to be settled, we can move to the next points of the session, the contribution of the armed forces for the new Plan of Stability and the last report from the Department of National Security regarding the current situation in Hôinôm.
NSA Unirea
Sword of Carpathia-class Superdreadnought
2nd Fleet Section
Bay of Tieguo
0600 Hours Local Time

Someone, somewhere, was going to have a very bad day. News of Tieguoese fighters breaching Singanese airspace had quickly reached Bucharest, where teams of analysts and military planners dissected it a thousand times, adding another piece to the puzzle that was the geopolitical situation in Ostara. Taking advantage of events occurring in Svarna Surya and Hoinon, Tieguo made a bid for regional domination.

Determined to not let things stand as they were, the authorities in Bucharest responded aggressively. Tieguo had been declared a rogue state, added to the Axis of Evil list, facing harsh sanctions as Carpathia flexed its political muscle, while a show of force was made by deploying the 2nd Fleet Section to the Bay of Tieguo only hours after the Lanlanians had dispatched a carrier group of their own, formally on a mission to safeguard civilian shipping in the area, although this also gave the Carpathian navy the convenient opportunity to swiftly blockade Tieguo, should the need arise.

Yet, despite the two foreign powers showing clear solidarity with the embattled Singanese government, Tieguo had chosen to respond with yet another provocation, this time in the form of a violation of Singanese airspace by Tieguoese jet fighters, to which the Singanese responded by shooting them down. The situation had deteriorated from there, with increased rebel activity at the border between Singan and Hoinom, where Tieguo-backed rebels ramped up their operations. After secret discussions with the Singanese government, Bucharest decided that it was not going to let this stand.

"Orders from Bucharest!" the lieutenant in charge of the comms station, announced. "Sigma classification, sir!"

The commander of the 2nd Fleet Section, a grizzled old man who's insignia identified him as a Grand Admiral, the highest rank achievable in the Allied States Warfleet, nodded to the lieutenant to patch the orders through to his quarters.

"One of our spy satellites has identified a buildup of rebel forces and hardware at several locations, which is consistent with reports of increased activity along the border," Grand Admiral Păunescu informed his officers. "Additionally, classified sources have informed High Command that the rebels are in possession of several heavy weapons caches, which they plan to use against both civilian and military targets."

"Which leads us to our mission. At 0600 hours local time, we have received orders from High Command, informing us that we are to neutralize these weapons caches, which are located here, here and here," he said, pointing at three highlighted sets of coordinates on the briefing room's display screen. "At 0800, the Unirea will execute a series of short-range ballistic missile strikes against these locations, to eliminate these weapons caches, along with anything else the rebels may possess at these locations. We have our orders. Let's get it done," the Grand Admiral spoke, causing his officers to scramble to their designated battle stations.

Tieguo's strategy of hybrid warfare was one with which the Allied States were familiar as well, afterall they had employed similar strategies too, throughout history. Moreover, the Allied States knew how to deal with such methods and had decided to throw a wrench in Tieguo's plans for regional domination in a way that would either force the rogue state to either fully commit to the rebels, or abandon them outright.

At 0800 local time, the massive superdreadnought that was the flagship of the 2nd Fleet Section, opened up several of its multitude of vertical launch tubes. In rapid succession, twelve V-55 ballistic missiles detached themselves from the Carpathian ship and took to the sky, heading towards their respective targets.
Huê Trâng, Hôinôm | Dein 8, 1595

The village of Huê Trâng had become one of the most prosperous of the province during the 1580s. As its economy consisted mostly on agriculture, the village was severely affected by the famine and the ongoing conflict. Since them, many of their inhabitants had left. However, Huê Trâng remained an important center under the control of the Tay Lahn government -officially known as Democratic Republic of Hôinôm- as it was close enough to the Tieguonese border in eastern Hôinôm, and it was crossed by the old highway to Vin Xuyên. Although since Tieguo did not recognize Tay Lahn as the legitimate government of Hôinôm anymore, the Tay Lahn forces were facing pressure by the Hoinomese army in the northeastern provinces, forced to withdraw toward the south - and the only controlled a few kilometres along the border in the Bùc Trâng and Chiên Châm provinces, included the mentioned highway.

Tieguonese assistance to Tay Lahn government had not stopped, however, and they helped them to be better supplied than the rival rebel government forces based in Quang Cai and Hoa Làk. While the Hoinomese army had been able to advance toward the east and south in the last months, fighting between the two main rebel forces had increased, specially since Hoinomese government and Quang Cai signed a ceasefire and entered in negotiations. Better armed, Tay Lahn forces -which included Tieguonese advisors and so-called volunteers- were able to produce a high amount of losses to their rival revolutionary forces, although they could only gain territory in a few counties.

Since Tieguo intervention, Hûe Trâng was mostly unaffected by the war, and the remained inhabitants found able to survive -even to prospere-, only affected by the arrogance and eventual extortion by the militias and local officials, loyal to Tay Lahn government. That morning, however, a sudden and unexpected noise woke up the population, as several projectiles impacted the village. One of them hit a nearby settlement while at the same time another missile destroyed several buildings nearby the local headquarters of the Tay Lahn government.

Only a minute later, a third missile caused a huge explosion, as it impacted in an old warehouses where Tay Lahn militias stored many kind of weaponry, including explosives. A large number of vehicles -both military and civilian- were destroyed in the attack as well. At least two missiles impacted nearby Huê Trâng in the middle of such chaos, while the rest of missiles would impact a few kilometres on the north along the border.

It had been a long time since Hoinomese government was able to launch an attack against rebel territory that far away from the front, so it was unclear where the attack had come from. A few bridges and roads were severely damanged by the attack, and telecommunications had been damanged as well, so Tay Lahn could only be properly informed two hours after the attack. Although unconfirmed until six hours later, Tai Zedong Wong -a Tieguonese official who had intense contacts with the Tay Lahn government- had died during the attack, as an unconfirmed number of Hoinomeses militiamen and civilians. Many civilians were forced to leave Huê Trâng, as a chemical plant had been damaged by one of the missiles.

Lâ Vân Quân, the President of the Democratic Republic of Hôinôm, was furious. It had not been a good year for Tay Lahn government. After the fall of General Lê Công Thuân's government in Hôi Luỳên, and after the Hoinomese government entered negotiations with Tieguo, things started to get worse for Tay Lahn as the Hoinomese government entered in some kind of de facto alliance with the Quang Cai forces. Tay Lahn forces had lost most of its territory in the northeast, and while Tieguo still supported -at least economically and militarily- the eastern rebels, any chance of the Tay Lahn government to win the war seemed gone - Tieguonese help in the last months seemed to reduced to help them to resist in Tay Lahn, and become an nuisance for both Hôi Luŷên and Kanjong. Since Muong Còng Ngôc took over in Quang Cai, President Lâ's influence in the revolutionary movement seemed almost gone in the rest of the country. But Lâ resisted to play such secondary role, even if his government was a vulnerable as ever.

President Lâ Vân Quân immediately called Tô Quang Quang, General Secretary of the Nationalist Party of Hôinôm -the de facto ruling party in Tay Lahn- and Vice-President and Minister of Defense Cao Dùc Trai to his residence in Tay Lahn. He informed then that it was already confirmed that the attack had not come into Hôinôm, and although Tieguonese sources did not confirmed him, it was likely that the attack was likely related to the recent confrontation between Tieguo and Singan.

"This is our chance", Lâ Vàn Quân told them, although he rather assented as Cao Dùc Trai claimed that it was unlikely that a Tieguonese response was coming soon - not at least until the situation was clear enough.

"Anyway, anything may happen now", Là Vàn Quân said before ending the meeting. "Despite our efforts, maybe our struggle is about to end. We won't surrender without a fight".

Two days later, Phò could see the southern Singanese border for first time in his life. When the conflict started, Phò was only a teenager, and he had not left his village until then. In the last three years, many things had changed in Phò's life.

Hidden in a hill, Phò could see as Captain Thao confirmed him that the time has arrived with a move of his hand.

Phò took his rifle and looked through his rifle telescopic sight. At the other side of the border, one Singanese seemed to look bored at the Hoinomese lands on the top of the border tower.

For a second, it was as Phò and the Singanese soldier could look at the eye. It was probably just an illusion. Before a second thought was able to appear on his mind, Phò shot.

It was a good shot. The bullet entered directly into the Singanese soldier's right eye, penetrating in his skull. His body immediately fell.

"Nô!", Thao ordered. Immediately, other snipers and machine guns along the hill shot against Singanese positions at the other side of the border.

Not far from there, hundreds of homemade rockets -along a few decades-old Oslanburgan-made projectiles- were immediately launched into Singanese territory. Their aims were diverse: Singanese border positions, military barracks, and airdromes and government buildings on the territory around the valley north to the province of Wuiso - but they were not very precise, so it was unclear where they could end.

After several minutes of fighting, Thao ordered Phò and his friends to withdraw immediately, before Singanese forces were able to prepare a proper defense. While Phó left the hill, he was able to hear the noise of machine guns and Hoinomese rifles shooting at the other side of the border, not far away where they were, following the same plan.
Huyoi Airbase, Singan

Inside the airbase, the HQ of the Lomarran forces was abuzz with the word of the the contact between Singanese and Tieguoese aircraft. As it stood, Lomarre’s sole purpose in the country was to help assist in training and testing for the new strategic bomber between Singan and Lomarre. At this point though, Lomarre’s purpose shifted to assist it’s military partner. The 98th Reconnaissance Squadron’s highest ranking officer, Lt. Colonel Matteo Estevas scrambled four fighter escorts to allow the Singan pilots to return to base and refuel. Meanwhile, his pilots would keep an eye on the crash sight for a Singanese helicopter to capture the pilot.

In the northern part of Ostara, in Lomarre’s newly constructed military citadel off the coast of Severyane, Brigadier General Antonio Serrano was calling an all hands meeting with Company commanders of the 1st Cavalry Brigade. The Brigade would be put on standby awaiting further orders; Singan had yet to approve the arrival of the reinforcements. Though with the chance that a combined arms conflict was perhaps days away, the General would rather have the men and women of the 1st Cavalry ready to move out.

By the late morning, Singan’s government did approve the cavalry brigade as well as an extra squadron of planes to be stationed at Huyoi. That squadron, the 5th CAS, landed at noon. The Cavalry took much of the evening to unload the men and equipment.

The 5th CAS was split; six jet fighters and four propellor close air support aircraft. The squadron’s commanding officer is Lt. Colonel Ramiro Santelli-Moro. Both squadrons have well trained pilots, yet none of them have seen combat as the last war took place almost 50 years ago.

By 01:00 The First Cavalry was situated with their new quarters and equipment was unloaded. They also lacks in combat experience when it comes to enlisted and most officers. However it’s Brigadier General, Antonio Serrano, was an NCO during the Tropic War against the communist insurgency in Trinitas. He is well liked among his men, despite a less than adequate health and his old age. Experience in dealing with an insurgency has made him a excellent choice in being the vanguard for Lomarre’s Ostaran Corps. Especially when that vanguard is equipped with helicopters that can bring in the troops to a contested area in a moments notice. The brigade lacks in armored protection with only a dozen FBT-3 “Forza” tanks. However brigade doesn’t plan on using them much at all on the offensive that was being planned.

As word came that Carpathia began launching cruise missiles and firefights began erupting across Singan and Tieguo’s border, Lomarran forces began mobilizing. The tanks would begin moving to help fortify the border. Helicopters began to do reconnaissance of Tieguo and even Hoinom on the border, without entering enemy airspace to avoid a POW situation. And at least two CAS planes were airborne at any given time, prepared to give a fiery grave incase the situation erupted into a declared war. As it stood, Lomarre would look menacingly as possible without firing a shot till word came to do so.

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