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1595-96 Nyland General Assembly
The current President is: Lalanda Marionett(Ayzek)
The current Speaker of the Assembly is: Lawrence Caufield (Flo)

1595-96 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions

[Image: P1hR0qh.png]

MCN 103 | CDA 94 | PCP 80 | NL 77 | UP 76 | NKR 50 | NPA 19 | MIP 14 | NCP 12 | NMP 10

Bill Posting Period is CLOSED

Emergency Sessions: None

HEAR ye, hear ye, the 1595-96 session of the Nyland Federal Assembly is now in session. All Honourable Assemblypersons, do please take your seats for role-call.

Within these halls, all legislative decisions for Nyland shall take place. Anyone from any party shall be allowed to present legislation for consideration, but only one bill may be active upon the floor for debate and vote at any one time. Furthermore, during debate, one must clearly state who is being recognized to speak on the floor, their party (if applicable), and then put forth their statement or argument for or against the bill and other points of discussion; one may refer to others arguments if they so desire, but they shall refrain from direct outbursts on the floor without having been called to the floor to speak.

The Rules
This is meant to be a fun thing where anyone can pop in as an assemblyperson of Nyland's legislature, and legislation by no means has to remain serious or solemn. There are a few basic rules to consider, however:

1) Legislation for the period can only be presented during an open period for submittal. The status of the Bill Submittal period is located above. If you miss the posting period, tough shit; hold onto it for later.
2) Submitted Bills are first-come, first-served. If emergency stuff happens, such as natural disaster or a state of war, a separate thread will be created. (No more Tambossa-style "vote only" unless time is really, really of the essence)
3) There are no time limits on debate. If the session ends before debate finishes, or we don't get through the queue of bills, then tough shit, it's gone; remake it in the next session.
4) To move for a vote, two people must motion for a vote. Voting will then begin in this thread, with people posting whether they vote for or against, and which party they represent.
5) After a bill moves to a vote, there is no revote; will not be re-submitted until the next session.
6) Votes will be weighted by party, and the party's votes split based upon those who recognize themselves as from such party. Individual people may of course split their alloted votes amongst (yes), (no) and (abstain) if they so wish.
7) Any Bill that passes a vote, regardless of how trivial or silly, will move to the President's Desk for consideration; the President must post his approval/denial in this thread.
8) Any bill denied by the President may still become law with a 2/3 majority in favor in the legislature; any bill approved by the President is in immediate effect and becomes law throughout Nyland.

God help us all.

If one so wishes to put forth legislation, please proceed through the following steps:

1) Complete the following form:
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2) Post form in a reply to this thread, during an open submission period; legislation is first-come, first-served.

Show ContentLegislation Being Heard (on the floor):
Show ContentSubmitted Legislation (to be heard):
Show ContentLegislation Passed or Failed:

Previous Sessions

1593-1594 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1585-1586 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1583-1584 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1581-1582 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1579-1580 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1577-1578 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1575-1576 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1573-1574 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1571-1572 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1569-1570 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
Impeachment of Director of the FCIS
Assembly Bill ----.---
Drafted by: Kasper Jansen
Submitted by:Kasper Jansen
Submit Date: Not available
Hearing Date: (Date the bill was heard on the floor. (leave blank))
Revision Date: (Latest revision date of the bill. (leave blank))

Impeachment of the Director of the FCIS due to his clear political bias and persecution of one political party based on the parties beliefs.

Section #:1:Impeachment
1:Noting the political bias of the Director of the FCIS
2:Noting the clear persecution and unfair targeting of one political party based on the Director of the FCIS political persuasion and bias.
3:Noting the danger to democracy that head of the Director of the FCIS presents due to the above factors.
4:This bill calls for the impeachment of the Director of the FCIS and replacement with a more neutral and appropriate Director of the FCIS
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Speaker Lawrence Caufield (MCN): The bill from Kaspar Jansen is now on the floor. The debate on "Impeachment of Director of the FCIS" is now open.

Mr. Jansen, you may begin.
Kasper Jansen, NMP: Ladies and gentlemen of this chamber. I today call for the impeachment of the director of the FCIS. It is clear the FCIS director doesnot understand political neutrality. Indeed he is at this moment supporting an undemocratic witch hunt into thew NMP. Why is he doing this? He says its because we are extremists or we are encouraging terror when we do nothing of the sort. This is a few supporters doing these actions yet he seems fit to conduct a fascist witch hunt into a whole party. This is a threat to our democracy and a breach of neutrality. We don't investigate communists anytime a left wing attack happens. We believe this is vital to protect democracy and remember , it might be NMP being unfairly targeted today but it could be communists next or moderates because one member did something wrong. The implications of setting a precedent like this are huge. They risk the very democracy all parties including us the NMP cherish. We call on you to vote yes to protect democracy just as we will do. We must fight to preserve democracy and freedom.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Rosario Manrique (MCN)

This entire hearing is a goddamn waste of our time; I for one have more important things to do than to listening to nonsense ramblings and self-serving rhetoric from a sick psychotic megalomaniac whose hobbies include living in a land of unicorns and make-believe, and wishing death on anyone here who isn't himself, and who clearly has either no clue or no regard for rule of law, good governance, or good sense - or maybe even all three, whose to say?

I, for one, am not going to pretend that this so-called "bill" is anything more than it really is: a desperate ploy to avoid being implicated in criminal investigations to which neither he nor even his party are named suspects, so he can act the poor injured party, the downtrodden Lost Cause and True Defender of our freedoms against the almighty and all-powerful corrupting Deeeeep State, the small band of "elite" internationals who have somehow taken over the most powerful and democratic country in the world - yet are just such a small illuminati sect that they are also somehow literally 99.9% of the country?...but I won't try to understand the mind of a psychopath.

Anyway, facts don't care about your feelings, Mr. Jansen. Fact is, the only threat to democracy in this country are a sect of domestic thugs seeking to use legal loopholes, government systems and perverse definitions of freedom to bully the weak, disenfranchise the minority, and scam their way to power. Fact is, the FCIS has the legal right and duty to pursue federal criminal cases, regardless of who the target might be. Fact is, political affiliation gives no one immunity from the law or investigation into criminal acts. Fact is, removing the FCIS director will have absolutely no effect on the continued mission of the agency to do its job unless Mr. Jansen finds it somehow expedient to keep delivering thousands of these nonsense propositions of removal against each member of the FCIS in turn until there is noting left of the agency all so he can hide "alleged" ties to criminals and terrorists.

Sounds a lot like "corruption" don't it, Mr. Jensen, or is it only corruption when it's anyone but yourself? Because if it were me, I'd welcome any investigation into any crowd to hunt actual criminals intent on committing actual harm, regardless of the political optics, but I recognize morals and integrity aren't your style.

Fact is neither this Assembly nor three hundred million Nylanders are stupid. I'm tired of this clown's ridiculous "guardians of the people" charade, and I motion to get this waste of energy to a vote, and off our floor.
Kasper Jansen, NMP: Objection your honour. We must keep the respect and honour of this house we object to the very personal and unprofessional attack by the right honourable Rosario Manrique.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!

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