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Pokémon Ultimate
Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How does this work?
Previous iterations suffered from a lot of uncertainty while other suffered from way too many numbers. This time, we’re gonna simplify things down. The main stats you'll have to deal with are as follows:
  • Badges: How many badges you have will affect the type of Pokemon you can find and level they'd be at.
  • Moveset: Four moves per Pokemon. Low leveled Pokemon will start with one or two but gain moves quickly. Our server has a Pokedex; you can look up what kind of moves your Pokemon can/can't take on.
  • Levels: Each Pokemon will have a level. Leveling up will make your Pokemon increase their HP while also being tougher in other stats. Levels should be reflected in RP; a lower level Pokemon will likely get pummeled by a higher level rather quickly and vice versa.
  • Fame/Infamy: How well known you are around the region and your success in Gym Battles may have an impact on how others see you. As your adventure continues, you will find yourself answering for the deeds (both good and bad) that you may have engaged in over time. The higher this goes, the more influence you have in your travels. A high enough influence may even open some unforeseen doors...

Q2. Hold up. No money? No HP?
No and no. These are areas where we want to streamline things and put power in player hands. It’s best to not get bogged down in all the stats that you would see in the main game; the Levels stat covers most of that and allows players to focus more on the writing aspects rather than the numbers. Essentially, feel free to take the lead in most cases but try to be realistic. You’re a traveling young adult on a quest to be the very best that no one ever was, not some rich jerk who gets their jollies running a crime syndicate that steals Pokémon from others.

You will have a lot of leeway when it comes to how things play out but Lines and I are the final authorities on the outcomes. Put effort into your writing and interactions and we’ll leave you be. Try to blaze through things and we’re going to have to talk. There will be times where we may intervene to turn up the heat or cool things down in story, especially in battles with Gym leaders or crime syndicates. A list of the places where you'll find both will be forthcoming.

Also, plan to fail. We will be throwing obstacles at you and you will fail at times. If you don't want to lose ever don't fill out the app and go write some fan fiction. Simple as that.

Q3. How do Levels work?
Battles with other trainers or wild Pokémon. After each battle where your Pokémon succeeds without fainting, a hundred sided die is rolled. If the number is higher than your Pokémon’s level, your Pokémon levels up. If it isn’t, then the minimum roll required will be one less the next time.

So as an example, say you have a Charmander that is a Level 3. The die is rolled after battle and you get a 3 or higher. Your Charmander levels up to Level 4. Now let’s say your Squirtle, a Level 3, also won a battle. The die is rolled but you roll a 2. The next time your Squirtle wins a battle, you’ll need to roll a 2 or higher to level up.

Q4. How do I get around?
Biking. Walking. Skateboarding. Hoverboarding.

Fly will be accessible after you obtain two badges. You do not need to teach your Pokémon the move Fly; there will be an app on your smartphone offered for Fly service. You can only fly to towns you have visited before.

Surf works in a similar fashion. Two badges and you’ll have access to an app on your smartphone that lets you call for Surf service.

Ferries run along the coasts to take people to different towns. They are quicker than just walking on the roads, but you’ll find less chances to train up your Pokémon for upcoming Gym Battles. Also less chances to catch Pokemon in the wild.

Q5. How do I catch Pokémon?
Different areas will be set as “biomes” where certain types of Pokémon are more common than others. Lower level Pokémon will be more common at the beginning; as you gain more badges, you will be able to find higher level Pokémon and evolved versions as well.

You can have six Pokémon in your party at once. Any extras will be sent to your Storage. You can review storage from anywhere using a smartphone (all characters should have one) but you can only transfer Pokémon from a PokeCenter. They’re all around so that shouldn’t be a problem.

It’s best to check in with me when you reach a new area to see what kind of Pokémon are able to be caught. I’ll be happy to give you a rundown.

Q6. How do Gym Battles work?

3 on 3. First to have all three faint loses the match. If you win you gain a badge. If you lose, there’s always next time. Each trainer has their own gimmick in terms of Pokémon type but also in terms of the layout of the gym itself. Lines will run four and I’ll run four.

Note: Elite Four are 6 on 6 battles.

Q7. What’s the government in this world exactly?
There is none.

No, I’m not kidding. There’s really no real central government. All cities are city-states and the towns are their own jurisdictions. The only ties that are binding them together are the Pokémon Trainers League. Additionally, much like the series there are the Officer Jennies, but that’s the extent of their cooperation.

This is a world where might is right. It can be rather brutal, and everyone knows this. Do not expect them to wait up in their Gyms for you to come to them. They are their own powerful personalities with their own followings and will make moves to strengthen themselves to possibly become the Pokémon Champion.

Additionally the region has very active and very dangerous criminal syndicates with their own ideologies. You will encounter them in your travels and they may try to bring harm upon you. Some people may choose to join them, and that’s perfectly acceptable. This is supposed to be open ended after all. You don’t have to play the Good Guy; you could just as easily become a criminal and become the ultimate lord of the criminal underworld.

But don’t expect the Elite Four to sit back in their HQ and watch the show either. They are the Elite Four for a reason, and they will be working to make dramatic shifts to the region. One of the Four alone can be a formidable foe. All four combined are extremely dangerous. If you seek to overthrow them, proceed with caution.

Q8. What Pokémon can I start with?
You can start with up to three first evolution Pokémon. You will have 10 Levels to distribute out to your Pokémon. Any requests for non-first evolution Pokémon must be cleared with me ahead of time. In the application, please make sure to list the Pokémon and their respective level.

Q9. Are there any things that need to be clarified?
Some things to keep in mind:
  • All captured Pokemon are registered with their respective Trainer. As a result, you can not capture another person’s Pokemon. It is possible to steal the Pokeball and rewrite its Trainer however, but doing so is in violation with the law.
  • We don’t talk about where the food comes from.
  • Generations I-III of Pokémon are the only ones we’re using. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Any other questions, please reach out to me and I’ll try to answer them as best I can.

Show ContentApplication:
Current Map of Arius

[Image: arius.png]
Reserved for More Future Info
Character Name: Aydlin Kaiser
Character Age: 15
Character Gender: Undecided

Character Personality:
Aydlin is erratic, almost a breathing contradiction. He's lazy, but will do what he must. He's easy going, but surprisingly prepared. He hates having to do things, but is incredibly whimsical. If possible, he'll try to get someone else to do the legwork...and his homework, chores, laundry, chewing--if you could think for him, that'd be great.

Yes, think of him as your adorable little sibling who you must protect at all cost. And give him lunch money while you're at it. He only eats at the finest of restaurants.

Character Biography:
Aydlin is the third son of King Ulrich Kaiser, King of Kaiser City. His childhood was fairly normal, though he began cross-dressing as soon as he could decide his own clothes. While his father was initially displeased, he eventually gave up and pretended nothing was wrong.

He kept pretending until he had to pay off the families of the six kids Aydlin beat up. At that point, he kicked his son out of the house, ordered his lawyer to support him and promptly fell back into his bubble.

Aydlin get along well with his older brothers, who were the ones who taught him how to fight. They helped him beat up the brats who'd been bullying him. Even now, they still talk with him regularly and occasionally send material support.

Aydlin received his Chikorita from <somewhere> on his tenth birthday. While he didn't have any opportunities to wander through tall grass, he did train with it in the courtyard, practice with his brothers, and occasionally whip his bullies. Quite literally. He received an Eevee as a gift from some important rich person. His eldest brother gave him a Growlith when he was kicked out.

Character Appearance:
Aydlin is in fact a boy. He may allow you to "check, just to be sure" if you're cute or otherwise his type. He is a natural blond, though wears aqua-colored contacts and will call you a pervert if you ask about his real eye color. Don't ask why. At a little under five-feet and almost 90 pounds, he's below average for his age and is taking hormones to keep it that way. While he appreciates his pee pee, he does feel feminine enough to wear "girl's clothes", and does sometimes find himself hot for guys. He's not sure what gender he'd rather identify as though.

Despite his soft appearance, Aydlin is fit and able. While he tends to act weak and "girly", he won't actually hesitate to deck you should you piss him off. And if he can't deck you, his Pokemon will.

Starting Pokémon:
Chikorita (Level 5)
Growlith (Level 3)
Eevee (Level 2)
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Character Name: Richard Peyton

Character Age: 19

Character Gender: Male

Character Personality: Richard is very apathetic towards confrontations. His very nature is relaxed and calm when dealing with most situations. He is overly caring for pokemon, sometimes more than other people. Although rare at times, he can be charismatic and as well as jaded towards others, given the circumstances. It is extremely difficult to cause him to hate someone and he treats first encounters as a litmus test for those he can trust later on.

Character Biography: Richard grew up on a ranch with his mother and father in the Johto region, just outside of Olivine City. The farm was known for its well cared for pokemon; his father was an expert breeder and caretaker of Mareep, Ponyta, and Milktank. Richard would go on his journey to become a trainer at age 10. However, his father was killed in a bank robbery. Richard was left with helping run the farm with his mother. For years he spent tending the crops and the domestic pokemon that were on the ranch. His mother knew she couldn't keep him on the ranch forever. She decided she could hire some farmhands after all these years and she knew that her husband would've wanted Richard to pursue his dreams. On his 19th birthday, she sent her son on his way. Alongside his closest pokemon, his trusted Ponyta, Richard brings along a Mareep and a Ralts.

Character Appearance: Slightly tanned, with short chocolate hair and blue eyes. Richard weighs no more than 160 pounds and is 5’11. He's usually wearing his hat backwards with a light hoodie or vest and undershirt. His leather belt has magnets to hold his pokeballs. He often wears jeans and brown workboots.

Starting Pokémon:
Ponyta; Lvl 5, Male

Mareep; Lvl 3, Female

Ralts; Lvl 2, Female
Character Name: Aimee (just her stage name, but no one uses her real name for anything...)

Character Age: 16

Character Gender: Female

Character Personality: Aimee is a performer, and as a performer, she knows how to "shapeshift" to fit most scenarios; an often demure presentation is simply a mask for a fiery, mischievous girl who loves to be the center of attention. Whatever she does, she does with a little extra pizzazz, and she carries herself as if a camera is on her at all times. Still adjusting to a life of fame and busy tour schedules as she comes into her own, Aimee is naive and quick to admit that she has a lot to learn about the way the world works. She doesn't yet have much confidence in herself in Pokemon battles, but her Pokemon believe in her, and it helps her feel courage.

Character Biography: Aimee grew up in the small village of Twinleaf Town in Sinnoh as an only child. Although she made friends quickly at school, and although she loved the nature around her, she longed for a life of adventure and fame even from a young age. There wasn't much to do in her tiny town, and Aimee found entertainment in her first Pokemon, Gastly, gifted to her by her parents. The two were inseparable and loved playing make-believe with her friends: Aimee and Gastly would play the famous rockstars, and her friends could be the excited audience. Every time.

At the tender age of twelve, she won a singing contest sponsored by Jubilife TV and quickly found her footing as a regional pop sensation. She brought her Gastly with her, and the two became a duo, Aimee even styling herself after her best friend and making music that she would describe as "Gastly-themed": a little dark, a little spooky, but always fun.

Along the way, Aimee was introduced by her manager to a Sneasel and a Skitty, her new co-performers. Pokemon-themed acts were all the rage, after all! Aimee grew to love her two new co-performers very soon, and she and her Gastly welcomed them into their group, even helping to coach them on their dance moves.

The other good friend she made while performing was her bodyguard, [insert name of Oer's character - TBD], and his loyal Machoke. Even when she would begin to feel homesick while away on a long tour, being around those two always made her feel like she was right at home.

On her sixteenth birthday, Aimee decided that she wanted to take her Pokemon on a new sort of adventure, and so she announced that she would be leaving on a hiatus to travel the world and train with her friends. She felt it unfair to force them into a fast-paced life of rehearsals, tour buses, hotels and signing autographs, never knowing their roots as Pokemon. She wanted to give them the opportunity to become strong and reconnect with the world around them, to meet other Pokemon and let their instincts grow bolder. After discussing with her bodyguard and their Pokemon friends, who all seemed very eager for the opportunity, Aimee packed up and hit the road.

Character Appearance: The clothing is something like this, but a bit frillier.

The shoes are a bit like this and she wears knee socks with them.

The face is something like this.

She holds her Pokeballs in a convertible backpack/brief case, and carries a black parasol on sunny days. Gastly likes to travel out with her after dark.

Starting Pokémon:
Gastly (lvl 4/F)
Sneasel (lvl 3/M)
Skitty (lvl 3/F)
Character Name:Carl Newton

Character Age:40

Character Gender:Boy

Character Personality:
Carl gives 110% in everything: his work, his enthusiasm, and his support of Aimee. He doesn't think too much on his troubles (what's the point?), prefering instead to charge headlong and tackle them as best he can, and let the outcomes determine themselves. Weilding a positive outlook on life that can only come from spending an entire childhood around death, Carl knows that everything will be fine: just keep your chin up and carry on.

He doesn't need fancy badges to tell him how absolutely fabulous and fantastic he is, though please don't stop mentioning it.

He's a real man's man and loves strong people, strong things, and strong pokemon, not just in raw power but also a moral strength of conviction. He also loves cute things, especially small cute things; super especially small strong cute things, which is the absolute trifecta of real man's manly fantastic fabulousness.

Character Biography:
Carl grew up as a lone child near Lavender Town, to a family of stonemasons whose primary work was to make headstones for the nearby graves of pokemon at "the tower." He never had many friends - Lavender Town being a more a place people with purpose came to than stayed and raised a family in - and so his parents one day returned home from town with a machop from the local care home. It was love at first karate chop.

Growing up, Carl and Clint both began helping with the family business, cutting, hauling, delivering and placing the headstones to the graves in town. It was hard work, but the two grew stronger for it, so much so that the two started to play games: lift that stone; lift that log; lift that wagon; please don't lift Madame Cooper. They were noticed about when the game came to "lift that Onix," and the two joined a passing circus as a strongman duo act. Such strong, much poise.

Carl and Clint stayed with the circus for quite some time, returning home from time to time when the troupe took their tour breaks. Somewhere along the way he learned that a really real celebrity was coming to their tiny town, and Aimee performed a concert there - of course she would, singing to all the ghosts of pokemon. Being Lavender Town the crowd wasn't very big, but you could bet your left butt that Carl was there, starry-eyed at the absolutely overwhelming quantity of cuteness on display. Somehow he (and Clint, though maybe mostly Clint) were noticed in the crowd by the girl's manager. One thing lead to another, and he's been her bodyguard ever since.

Character Appearance:
Show ContentSpoiler:
(This is a placeholder. I think Sal wanted to draw our characters, but this is fine for now)

Carl is 1.7m of barrel-chested muscle whose entire head of hair has migrated to his bountiful auburn mustache, his green eyes framed with the creases of sun and age. He no longer wears the striped circus unitard of his younger days, though his clothes still fit rather snugly around his...bulky form. Normally he wears the most dad of outfits, with his polo tucked and belted into his cargo shorts, protected rain or shine by his trusty safari sun hat. Lately, he also carries all of his and Aimee's personal effects in a hiking pack on his back.

Clint does not have a pokeball.

When officially working for Aimee as her bodyguard during whatever event demands it, both Carl and Clint will wear black "STAFF" shirts, and matching shades.

Starting Pokémon:
Machoke "Clint" : lv 30
Pichu "Biggles" : Lv 8
Show ContentAydlin Kaiser:

Aydlin is approved. As per our discussion, Aydlin will be starting in Kaiser City.

Show ContentRichard Peyton:

Richard Peyton is approved. Please contact me so we can figure out a starting location for your character.

Show ContentAimee and Carl Newton:

Aimee and Carl are both approved. Please contact me to figure out starting locations for both of your characters.

I'll be putting my application up shortly... working on getting things set!
Character Name: Asuka Maki
Character Age: 16
Character Gender: Male
Character Personality: Asuka swings between two different extremes it seems. On one end exists a cold, focused demeanor intended to calculate the path of least resistance. On the other end is a temper that runs as hot as Groudon: viciously cutthroat and willing to do whatever he needs to in order to come out on top. These extremes seem to falter in the face of Pokemon; he almost always goes googly eyes over them, especially his own and loves to play with them when he isn't busy.

In order to keep his mind and body sharp, he keeps to a training regimen. Training with his staff, he often trains alongside his Pokemon so they work better as a cohesive team. He's hoping to reach a point where no words will have to be spoken between them in battle.

Character Biography: Asuka, the youngest of four, straddles on the border between two worlds. His mother is a renowned (and manic) scientist currently based in Kaiser City and his father is a studious martial artist who runs the Grand Peak Academy. Despite the two living vastly different lives, their shared love for Pokemon and each other seemed to have been enough to have four children and more than 30 years of marriage. Three of the four have left the nest, striking out to become successes throughout Arius in their own right: Jun, the oldest, is a celebrity on the Pokemon contests circuit; Katsu, the second, is traveling to collect all the Gym badges (with three to his name); and Haruna, the third, is making waves in the biology community with her breakthrough on evolution theory. All of them expect Asuka to become a legend in his own right, possibly as a scholar, a trainer, or maybe even a Gym leader blessed by the Elite Four!

That last one's actually a problem. Because Asuka wants to be the one to crush the Elite Four and go down in history as the region's Pokemon Champion.

Growing up around greatness has led him to grow somewhat unhinged. Sure he's normal enough and like his family members has quite a drive, but there's something else. One could say he has a chip on his shoulder, but to him its more like the weight of his family's name. He's stuck with a need to prove that he's not going to be the one that's a failure or fall just short of expectations. No, his drive is turbo-charged and aimed towards the Elite Four's Headquarters... and he intends to win.

It doesn't help that his parents encouraged him to unleash his impulses by providing him the knowledge to inch further towards those goals. It certainly doesn't help that they let him adopt a Charmander to have a playmate. Or that they let him keep the Eevee he brought home one day and nursed back to health. Nor did it help how they let him train at the Grand Peak Academy, blissfully unaware that while he was learning how to be a good Pokemon Trainer he was also learning how to be a skilled fighter as well.

All to surpass his entire family's line and claim the mantle of Pokemon Champion.

Now on his 16th birthday, he's prepared to bid his parents farewell and set out on his journey. With his Charmander and Eevee right by his side, he'll set out to burn his names in the annals of history... or die trying.

Character Appearance: Workin on it!
Starting Pokémon:
  • Charmander, M (Haruto) - Level 5
  • Eevee, F (Miyaki) - Level 5
If you don’t mind, I’m going to make a thread now Smile

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Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.