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Shattered Earth CK2 AAR
The Pope, in his infinite wisdom, has excommunicated Giacomo...

[Image: hC4IjqG.png]

In retaliation, I declared a border dispute for Orvieto. I won, though closely. The Pope has a ton of armies actually, but I barely outnumbered him. The count of Orvieto is now my

Naturally the pope hates me even more now and getting the excommunication lifted will be difficult. In the meantime, I will have plenty of enemies as people try to pick Giacomo apart. Alas, life as a catholic is difficult.

The Count of Bologna tried first, but was defeated. Meanwhile, I notice a most hilarious thing taking place in Rome. It seems the peasants like Giacomo quite a bit, as they've revolted against the Holy Father. TAKE THAT!

[Image: FpZ9NOt.png]

In the end, the Pope LOST! Perhaps God does not support his leadership. A new Prince-Bishop rules in Rome and Giacomo now licks his chops at the opportunity to rule the largest city in Italy.

The Pope has meanwhile fled to Ireland. How funny is that? lol

I immediately declared war for the County of Rome. The poor peasant ruler couldn't stand a chance. I claim the duchy of Latium from the Pope, who is now surely very angry with me, but who cares, lol.

I notice there is now a decision to return Rome to the Pope... FAT CHANCE! lol

My brother. MY OWN BROTHER! He has plotted to kill my so... err... my heir Rolando. HOW DARE HE!

[Image: hhokI6C.png]

He will not drop his plot, so I must imprison him.

[Image: rKzlbOg.png]

Sure enough, he died in prison, and the County of Lucca came back into my fold. To think I had such nice plans for him and his children and grandchildren. Oh well, maybe next generation.
Welp... shit...

[Image: GE9ksYz.png]

My brother Patrizio has been given a duchy of Latium. A quick war should fix that, I'm sure.

A quick war for the Duchy of Latium is fought and won. The county of Rome will be mine eventually, but I must wait until I'm over age, as my council refuses to give me an extra title. Fools
Once Rolando II has come of age, he begins fighting his brother again to revoke the County of Rome.

His new ambition is to form a Kingdom of Tuscany. ROLANDO WILL BE KING!

I begin several wars to force vassalize some of my eastern neighbors. The wars are successful.

After several years, I have succeeded. LONG LIVE KING ROLANDO I OF TUSCANY.

It is now the year 811.

[Image: 8hxcG18.png]
With the Kingdom secured, it is time to distribute vassal titles.

The duchy of Ancona is granted to the count of Ancona. The duchy of Pisa is granted to the Lord Mayor of Pisa and the Republic of Pisa is created with five noble houses. Don't ask me about the realism of an Ashkenazi jewish republic in Italy.

The Duchy of Latium is re-granted to Rolando's brother Patrizio. Even though he is a rebel, he is family, and family should be taken care of. Leaving him in prison would not befit Rolando's kind nature.

Now, Rolando has five vassals, the count of Ravenna, the duke of Ancona, the count of Spoleto, the duke of Latium, and the doge of Pisa.

Also, I have no idea why, but when I loaded up the game this morning my color turned a sickly green. It's rather weird.

[Image: mnx2xF6.png]
The color is puke green because you’re a disgustingly Italian kingdom, of course.

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