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Shattered Earth CK2 AAR
We're going to see how this goes. I'm going to start a shattered earth campaign. If you don't already know what this is, it is where every county is its own independent state. You have different options for this. I chose to leave in merchant republics and non-feudal rulers. We'll see how this develops over time. You can have some interesting states rise up. Shattered earth gives lots of opportunities for the religions that usually die, such as Zoroastrians and even the Jewish folks that rule in ethiopia.

The di Haggia family (ring any bells?) has risen to power in Firenze under the leadership of Rolando di Haggia. Gaze upon his visage and tremble!

[Image: 0IfZcV9.png]
He is handsome, isn't he?

My first act as a new count is getting married. The woman who was supposed to be the ruler of Firenze (whose spot I've taken) is available. I've chosen her as my wife. She has fine enough traits but ultimately she's available and willing so why not right? TIME TO MAKE THE BABIES!

In the meantime, I have told my chancellor to fabricate a claim on nearby Siena. It's in the duchy of Tuscany that I plan to take.  For now, it's time to wait on the claims. I've turned off the easy peasy casus belli that let's you take any nearby title with your culture because I wanted the expansion to take a bit longer. I've started in 769 so we got time lads.

[Image: J2RdZNe.png]
Welp, that was fast! Within the year, my wife Giulia has had our first child and my new heir Giacomo.

[Image: taSm85y.png]

In time, Giacomo will become a fine ruler, I'm sure. I can tell from birth. I'm gifted like that.
By 744, I now have the opportunity to declare my first war. A ducal conquest of Lucca. FOR GREAT JUSTICE!!!

[Image: lafSv4V.png]

I defeat their armies very quickly, as I outnumber them. Ironically, I am attacked by "tuscan raiders" twice during the ensuing siege. Alas, it is not enough, and they quickly succumb and Rolando claims his second county!

Just in time, however, I get the other claim I need.

[Image: GIlu3fN.png]

Things are coming up good for Rolando di Haggia! The war for Siena is quick as well. Rolando has good martial ability and so he outnumbers most of his neighbors. In time, he will be the first Duke of Tuscany. All he must do is wait until he has enough gold. Nearly 200 gold in fact. I suppose it's for purchasing the new crown? I'm not sure. Alas, in the meantime I will send ole chancellor to claim the county of Pisa. It is ruled by a republic holding, so I won't be able to hold it myself, but it will make a fine vassal and, eventually I can make it it's own merchant republic to rival some of the others in the area.
Alas, in 778 I am still waiting on the money, but I have a second child, Cristoforo. We shall see how he and Giacomo relate. Perhaps they will be rivals, or friends? Who knows. I just hope I have the duchy before I die so I won't lose any titles to gavelkind. View little Cristoforo!

[Image: nRySCel.png]

After we celebrated the new child, a learned Jewish man appeared in my court. He has REALLY good stats for chancellors, so I promptly fired my old one and have decided to use this man. I also gave him a wife so he can hopefully proliferate. Perhaps if he is gifted I will give him a title...

Finally, in 779 I form the Duchy of Tuscany. LONG MAY DUKE ROLANDO REIGN!!!

With the prestige gained from forming the title I declare wars to force vassalize the counts of Piombino and Orbetello. I win these wars very quickly. It's rather startling how quickly you can blob in this game, isn't it?

[Image: RsAF12D.png]
In 781, I finally have the claim on Pisa. I fight that war quickly as well, and in time, the county of Pisa is mine, though I quickly grant it to a new vassal. Ruled by a city holding, this title isn't technically a county, rather a "grand city". I grant it to my Jewish friend Amram, who now becomes Lord Mayor Amram of Pisa. If I can get to a kingdom fast enough, he may become the new head of a merchant republic. I reward those who serve me well, what can I say?

With that title claimed, I turn my eyes south, to Orvieto. I will soon be at Rome's gate. What shall I do when I get there? We shall see.
While waiting on Orvieto, I decide to plan some of my next moves.

Part of me wants to have a smallish holding in Italy and then spread around the mediterranean islands. Another part of me wants to establish other independent dukes with my family name.

Let me know your thoughts. I'm all ears!

[Image: 6diI6YD.png]
The latter years of Duke Rolando\s life are spent upgrading the castle in Arezzo in his home county of Firenze. Starting out in 769, there really isn't much development, even in the heartland of Italy. His first son, Giacomo, has come of age and unfortunately doesn't seem as martially inclined as his father.

[Image: OiGHYGg.png]

Giacomo di Haggia was married to the eldest daughter of the Genoese Grand Mayor, who has already been so kind as to provide a child to the family. Though not a son, this young Giacinta should prove of some use. Perhaps as an alliance-securer later on, or as a leader in her own right should I be unlucky with the pollination mechanics.

I've decided to halt my rapid expansion on the peninsula, focusing instead on the islands of Sardinia and Corsica. We'll see how long that takes, however. I've expanded very rapidly and I think it's high time to relax a bit and improve some of my holdings, expand the family tree a bit, and settle down before I focus on my next ambition. There is, in fact, a kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica, so perhaps I will form that later and grant it to one of my family members later.
In early 791, Rolando had the rather awkward situation brew. His daughter-in-law, Pilitrud the Genoan, was dissatisfied with his sons... performance... and instead chose to play with the old bull. Being a lustful man, I felt it was only prudent to accept her request and form a special bond. While Giacomo does not yet know, I have to wonder how this will turn out...

[Image: B18KLLM.png]
She's rather fine, wouldn't you say?
Sure enough, in late 791 the results of Rolandos little tirade.. err... are released. Giacomo is none the wiser, but it is a bit ironic that Pilitrud was so adamant about naming the child after his dear old grandfather, isn't it?

[Image: gWeqYCM.png]
In 794 Rolandos second son, Cristoforo came of age. He is a bit more martially inclined than his older brother, but his selection of headwear leaves much to be desired...

For now, his duty is to have children to expand the dynasty. Should I gain something extra, I may grant it to him, but at some point, his descendants will receive something, I'm sure.

[Image: rMAIzXB.png]

In other news, the Genoese Grand Mayor decided he didn't like Rolando anymore... something about a trade dispute and some not-so-nice words Rolando said in retort. Alas, we must fight for our honor!

We're not taking any land, but we are going to try and extract tribute from the Genoese swine.

Alas... it was not to be. Rolando died during the siege of Genoa. Giacomo is now the Duke. LONG LIVE GIACOMO! Giacomos brother, Cristoforo, becomes the count of Lucca. The war against the Genoese Grand Mayor ended inconclusively.

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