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Future RP
A full squad of marines will be necessary to ensure security in vital areas of the ship and in the event of a possible landing on a planet, moon, asteroid, or other body.
I have posted the beginning of our exploration of the galaxy. Please note that if anyone wishes to take the captain's slot, they can do so at any time, and they can even import their own character if they want, and we can simply retcon the current NPC captain.
I've opened it up a bit now for everyone to contribute.
*Waits for someone who isn't a Marine to comment* Though perhaps I can write Anna's introduction... *shrug*
Is He Active Now? Only Time Will Tell...
You don't have to RP only within the meeting that I have set up, of course. You can post about anything (as long as it is within the scope of the RP, obviously).
I'll make a post within the next 2-3 days, I'm just busy outlining my mid-term essays (I have 5 of them to do for one class). After I do that though I'll be golden.
[Image: Wbs3DMM.png]
Raz, Rom, and I have decided that the technology exists to provide Mars-like gravity aboard ship. However, when making hard accelerations, such as to reach intersystem cruising speed, the use of acceleration couches will be necessary. Acceleration itself, however, creates pseudo-gravity, by the way. When the ship is not accelerating and is moving on velocity alone, acceleration couches will not be necessary, and the crew can move as normal.

Stations may utilize a combination of spin-gravity and/or artificial gravity.

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You can find a more extensive list of stuff that's happened in role play here...if people bothered to add it.

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Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.