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Nyland Liberalists (NL)
4 12.50%
Progressive Conservative Party (PCP)
6 18.75%
Nylander Popular Alliance (NPA)
0 0%
Nyland Centrist Democratic Alternative (CDA)
4 12.50%
Ultranationalist Party (UP)
3 9.38%
National Messanic Party (NMP)
0 0%
League of Communists of Nyland (LCN)
0 0%
National-Communist Party of Nyland (NCP)
1 3.13%
New Conservative Movement (NKR)
4 12.50%
Moderate Coalition of Nyland (MCN)
7 21.88%
Mandate International Party (MIP)
3 9.38%
Total 32 vote(s) 100%
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Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1592
1592 Nyland Federal Elections
For President and Half the Legislature
15 Vintyr 1592

Quote:This is a thread for the 1592 elections in Nyland. The Presidency is contested, and half the legislature's seats are up for grabs. Actual in-context, rp voting took place in Vintyr of 1591. Legislative voting opens now, and presidential voting opens later.

Party Voting is OPEN

Presidential Voting is OPEN
>>> CLICK HERE <<<

Welcome to the 1592 Elections! We have a very important election this time around, but when are they not: not only are half of the legislature's seats open, the Presidency is up for grabs again! Finally! Things are happening after so long of no one doing anything about anything and sitting on their thumbs instead of taking any initiative! Does this mean something in the world is about to happen? Analysts say that's "unlikely, no," but we'll do it anyway because we're not part of the problem! Right? Right!

As always when we have both a presidential and legislative voting year, voting will take place in two phases:

Party Voting will start now and run until the end of the election. Duh. More specifically, party voting will remain open until presidential voting ends; you can see below for when presidential voting will end. Everyone will have THREE votes this time to split between all parties, because I anticipate a lack of participation. A list of all registered parties, and links to their information can be found below, and may also be found within the vote itself. If you don't see any parties that fit your ideals, you like, or want to create your own just for the heck of it, then you can come to this thread and set one up! If you're curious about the makeup of the past term's legislature, you can see that at the veeeeeery bottom of this post.

Show ContentPolitical Parties of Nyland:

Current Seats Affected by This Election

Nyland Liberalists : 34 open seats
Progressive Conservative Party : 10 open seats
Nylander Popular Alliance : 17 open seats
Nyland Centrist Democratic Alternative : 39 open seats
Ultranationalist Party : 41 open seats
National Messanic Party : 14 open seats
League of Communists of Nyland : 11 open seats
National-Communist Party of Nyland: 13 open seats
New Conservative Movement: 27 open seats
Moderate Coalition of Nyland: 59 open seats

PRESIDENTIAL voting will happen in 1.5 weeks starting on the 18th of June because I'm late on the ball and want to give people time to get candidates in; if you would like to put forth a candidate, see the form below. Actual voting will run from the 18th to the 23rd. Remember, anyone who wins the election will be the President of Nyland, and the person who put forth that person as president will essentially be "in control" of the direction the country will take! You get one vote for presidents, but this vote will be a ranking of your top three or four picks, depending on the number of candidates available. A list of candidates is below, as well.

Show ContentPresidential Candidate Submission Form:

Show ContentPresidential Candidate List:

Let the elections commence! Feel free to make IC posts regarding the elections, from campaigning to news, if you so desire.

1591-1592 Nyland Federal Assembly

[Image: NKfoQN7.png]

UP 106 | CDA 101 | MCN 70 | NKR 68 | NL 66 | NPA 45 | NCP 25 | PCP 21 | LCN 18 | NMP 15
Name: Lalanda Marionett
Party: PCP

Picture/Description:She is very hot, with an enviable chest and smokin' natural red hair. At 56 years old, she has that experienced look, while the wonders of modern medicine have made sure she doesn't look too experienced. No one wants a hag of a President, after all.

Platform: She believes in a free pony for every family. Lalanda believes that fascists are bad, but also that the threat is exaggerated--that Brigidnan problems should remain in Brigidna. When questioned should the problem escape Brigidna, she answers "Nyland should do what must be done." She supports immigration, woman's rights, LGBTQ rights, the market economy, and freedom. Just, freedom in general.

Political/Campaign History: She ran for President 1588, but lost. She is currently a legislature, and has been for quite a while.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Name: Lenna Schenkenberg
Party: Nyland Centrist Democratic Alternative

[Image: sen-kirsten-gillibrand-gives-donations-f...ations.jpg]

Platform: On economic policy, Schenkenberg is considered a social-liberal centrist, although her platform moved slightly to the left since the 1591 primaries. She has proposed lowering taxation on wages and gradually lowering welfare payments to those outside of the labour market to increase the economic benefit of working relative to receiving welfare. She has also proposed increasing the income tax while a reduction in the corporate tax, and she has promised that the investment on education will increase if she is elected president. She has also endorsed the creation on green and soda taxes, and the creation of a federal fund for the persons with disabilities unable to find a job in the market.

On social issues, the Nyland Centrist Democratic Alternative is clearly left-leaning, in issues such as green energy, gender equality, and LGBT rights.

On foreign policy, Lenna Schenkenberg proposes a liberal foreign policy, slightly similar as her time as Secretary of State, but more active on promotion of democracy and human rights abroad, further integration and cooperation in the region, and pro-market on international trade.

Political/Campaign History: Lenna Schenkenberg is a trained economist, with no political experience until 1567, when she joined Helga Myhre's New Centrist List. She was a member of the Nylander Assembly from 1568 to 1584. She was elected Speaker of the Nylander Assembly from 1579 to 1581.

Lenna Schenkenberg was Secretary of State from 1585 to 1589, during the second Kohout administration. In 1590, she was elected again to the Nylander Assembly in Nyköping third northwestern district.
Name: Astrad Bengtsson
Party: Nyland Liberalists (NL)

[Image: 355041-original1-adb2g.jpg]

Political/Campaign History:
Astrad Bengtsson is an assemblyman of the federal legislature from Aselkam, and one of NL's longest serving assemblypersons. Dubbed "the King of Isort" by both supporters and critics, Bengtsson has served in the assembly representing his district for the greater part of 48 years; prior to that, he served as mayor of the city for another decade, presiding over the city's largest and most prosperous period of growth during the region's oil-drunk building boom.

Bengtsson originally attempted the presidency in 1580, but lost the NL primary to the eventual President Kohout. He swept the party primaries in 1584 following Milan Vuletaski's refusal to run, but still failed to generate a response and oust the incumbent Kohout, who had joined the MCN. He spent the next 8 years in the Assembly working to mitigate the power of the so-called "Karlsson Caucus" within the NL until running again in 1592. He is often regarded as one of the "old guard" of the Liberal party, and though he and Milan Vuletaski had successfully worked together and neutered the obstructionist "Karlsson Causus" wing of the party, the two have very different visions for the future.

It's time to bring proper liberalism back to Nyland. Liberalism is the trust in man, not only as an individual force for good, but in the institutions he builds for himself. The entire democratic world is built upon the foundation of the Liberalist ideal, the free market, the primacy of the sanctity of man, and responsible finances.

The first and foremost responsibility of the government is to defend the country and its people from harm by crime and foreign aggression. In what way does fighting foreign wars on foreign soils for foreign benefit keep Nylanders from harm? When our people and our country are attacked, wherever and in whatever capacity that might be, then we have the duty to react with aggressive and overwhelming power, but it is not right for a President to sacrifice the lives of brave men and women in foreign adventures. It is our duty as the greatest democracy in the world to lead by strength of example, not by jingoistic force of arms.

Speaking of responsibility, it is our duty as elected stewards of the people, to represent all Nylanders. Taxes affect everyone, and everyone in Nyland at least deserves to be treated with some basic respect when it comes to how we spend those taxes. How disrespectful the left has been, then, in greedily clawing for more money, with no idea as to what they're going to even DO with any of it! It is our duty as keepers of the purse to not only spend wisely the funds with which we have been trusted, but to not take more than is necessary to pay for what we need. It is not the government's responsibility to steal from the pockets of taxpayers without a plan already in place, and especially not to waste for social engineering experiments for no other reason than to "use it or lose it."

Fiscal Responsibility is more than just balancing a budget, it is about knowing when a program doesn't need the ever-encroaching hand of federal government intervention.

It's time we get back to defending the freedoms of the people, defending the Constitution. Year over year, extreme leftist policies have slowly eroded the freedoms of the people and the powers of the states as they seek to concentrate authority in Nykoping so as to make it easier to enact their damaging regressive agendas. Enough of that! Nyland is far to vast and diverse a place with widely varied needs for a bunch of political mobsters on union payrolls in Nykoping to create their "daddy knows best" nanny-state, siphoning the rights of the people in the name of an amorphous "greater good", and have us not fall apart.

We are a country built on the principles of Liberty, be that freedom of action, freedom of choice, freedom of movement, freedom to live your life how you very damn well please. Let the people have a choice in how to live. Let the people have the freedom to better themselves and grow beyond their station, and not be saddled by the leftist shackles of excuses and debt and victimization. It's time to bring the power of governance back to the states, where it belongs. For God's sake, let's bring some freedom back to Nyland.

It's time to bring proper liberalism back. It is time for responsible governance.
Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1592, Final Results

Lalanda Marionett wins election for its first term as President of Nyland

Presidential results:

Lenna Schenkenberg (CDA)Lalanda Marionett (PCP)Astrad Bengtsson (NL)
FIRST ROUND20%40%40%

Federal Assembly Results
1593-1594 Nyland Federal Assembly

[Image: zUL7Gj6.png]

CDA 103 | UP 87 | NL 78 | NKR 67 | PCP 64 | MCN 58 | NPA 33 | NCP 21 | MIP 14 | LCN 7 | NMP 3

The 265 seats up for grabs this election were split as follows:
NL: 46 (+12)
PCP: 53 (+43)
NPA: 5 (-12)
CDA: 41 (+2)
UP: 22 (-19)
NMP: 2 (-12)
LCN: 0 (-11)
NCP: 9 (-4)
NKR: 26 (-1)
MCN: 47 (-12)
MIP: 14 (+14)

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