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Beyond the Wall, an OOC Thread
I did it! I brought it back! Woo! A lot of what follows will be copy-pasted, but much has been changed, especially the premise. So pay attention! or don't.

I had an idea some years ago to see how we can do a sort of psychological character roleplay. However, I realized I really didn't want to go so far as to make an entire RP arc so full of doom and gloom and "stress" or whatever. Instead, I've changed the idea into being more of a tabletop format played via forum. A forum-DnD almost, except nothing will be rolled (unless I want "fate" to decide how I respond to something I guess, as DM) and no stats will be tracked, but characters will be persistent from one "campaign" to another - including their risk of death - if anything gets that far, and their actions will have consequences and might even become Andlosheim lore.

But don't worry about that, all it means is that I won't be spelling things out for you: it's up to you to let me know what your characters are doing, and it's up to me to give you good and complete directions (and make sure you're entertained enough to continue, of course). I won't be "pulling punches" as it were, but I will of course be fair and give as much warning as any situation warrants if it might involve character death. You just focus on making and writing and playing good characters, I'll be fair and make sure the story is good (enough), and everything else will fall into place!

Speaking of everything else, here's the meat of it:

As you might have guessed, this is a character RP. My focus is of course on the plot, but a big part of what I want to see and explore is the development of characters, as they are molded over time by the challenges they face, and the consequences of the actions they perform. The ultimate goal will of course be to complete the group's mission, but how they go about it could have lasting consequences for them and the realm. Some characters may even die...and that's okay! Don't get mad, I'm here to make a compelling story after all, and a story where danger abounds yet everyone is somehow immune to said danger is hardly compelling!

The roleplay of course takes place in Andlosheim, but far on the fringes of human civilization in a land known as Darnathir, several decades before the actions of the "main" plot. Darnathir used to be a homeland for other races, until human settlers arrived on its shores from far, far beyond the waves; over time, they subsumed the local civilizations via the usual methods that humans have of subsuming cultures. The various citystates of what is generously called a "kingdom" are now dominated by humanity, with any other races generally given a suspicious side-eye or relegated to second-class citizens. Mages are mostly in a similar boat, with magic and its practitioners tightly regulated and controlled through most of the realm. Furthermore, women are generally accepted as being as capable at any task as a man by virtue of both necessity and practice, almost like a fantastical wild west; the land is also one of deep-rooted societal norms where "women should be women and men should be men," whatever that means (this view generally doesn't extend to the Riders due to its nature). Basically, Darnathir is a land of "tradition," but for all its faults and backwardness is a tradition built on a need for social consensus in order for humanity to merely survive in a land that wants to see it gone. Everything and everyone has a place and a purpose, and many consider that upsetting that order will be the downfall of humanity.

I only emphasize this so you can have a clear understanding of what to expect.

The characters that are part of this roleplay would all be members of an organization known as the Riders, whose crest is an azure field with a single, white, rearing Pegasus. These Riders are unique in that they pledge an allegiance to the realm, not to any particular city-state or even not to the king. While they often take cases and requests for these various factions and often act with the king's direction and authority, their oath binds them to act for the good of the entire realm: they are funded by all the cities, and ruled by none. While the organization is most well known for its military arm - guarding the frontiers and keeping the peace - the organization runs far deeper to include high-level policing, espionage, disaster response/cleanup...anything that might need going for the general good of the realm, and its members drawn from all facets of society based purely mostly on any skills that will meet the organization's needs.

I can tell you right now that many of the challenges faced by characters will have nothing to do with fighting or other direct conflict, and there is definitely a place for those without combat abilities. One could say such people might even be required for success of the mission(s). *hint hint*

Of course, this means new characters would have to be created. Non-human and/or magical characters will be outright declined without speaking to me about your character concept beforehand; this is due to the restrictions of Darnathir's society. I will of course create a character sheet for people to create their characters, if they desire. The most important thing to remember is that your character have a skill useful to the group in some way, and deep personalities and histories. Multiple characters are allowed...encouraged, even, if you plan on continuing to roleplay following certain members' eventual deaths, though I feel you'll only have one at a time out on any particular mission.

Okay, so here's the deal. My original plan was to have all the information that anyone could ever want, in the library. While I've been doing some writing in my notebook, the progress I've made on it, and the depths into which I delve with the subject makes it clear that my ideal scenario isn't going to happen for several months at least a really long time.

I'm going to write summaries on as much as I can as fast as I can, trying to hit all the major information that is absolutely necessary to making a character and having a basic understanding of the setting.

If you still have any questions, feel free to ask them and I'll give you the info you so desire. Speaking of which, I'll place an "FAQ" of questions that have been asked and answered down under these topics.

So, here goes, in spoiler form:

Show ContentMagic:

Show ContentGeography and Places:

Show ContentHistory in Brief:

A.C. 522 (S.Y. 4077) is the "current year" for the beginning of Beyond the Wall.

A.C. 545 (S.Y. 4100) is the "current year" for Elke's adventure to stop the Blackspawn to begin.

Show ContentIn-Frequently Asked Questions:

Okay! So, given all that, if you want to partake and make characters, I've attached a quick character form that you can fill out that will have the minimum necessary; you can of course add more, and I definitely encourage it.

Name: Fimri Bucephalas “Buck” Syodhozlyn III
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Race: Human
Allegiance: The Riders

Description: Buck is a solidly built, albeit short man. He is quick - and proud - to claim that what he lacks in stature is due to, and made up for by his family’s long history of carrying royal dwarven blood - his great-great-great-great grandma Braenlissa was a full-blooded dwarf, after all, and a queen to boot! (This is not true, although generations of carefully crafted tales for posterity that have become a bit more embellished with each retelling means no one currently alive in the Syodhozlyn lineage knows any better. Buck and his family are, perhaps uninterestingly, just short.) Barrel-chested and thick limbed from a lifetime of driving cattle, he’s nearly wider around than he is tall. He keeps a messy crop of sun-faded brown hair, usually pulled back, braided, and banded out of the way, that flows into an impressively bushy beard by way of perfectly mirrored mutton chops. He seems to have a permanent leathery tan to his skin, offset by a golden fleece of body hair. There’s a kindness to his facial features and warm, brown eyes enhance the effect. Nothing about his appearance is particularly eye-catching to the majority, but as his pappy always says, beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder (neither pappy nor Buck are sure what that means, but they have a certain reverence for apiarists and their all-knowledge of physical beauty.)

As for clothing, he prefers little adornment and opts for sturdy, utilitarian textiles - leather, canvas, and wool are much more useful than silks and other dantier fabrics. No man ever found himself in need of a lace doily six days into a cattle drive, after all. He dresses as is befitting of a man who spends much of his time in a saddle and carries as little as possible: a tent, a rope, a multipurpose knife, a good quality cast iron skillet, a farrier’s kit, maybe a few other small pieces of gear. His heavy-soled boots are perfect for stirrups and for marching on foot.

Personality: Buck is a man’s man. And a ladies’ man. Well, in fact, he kind of just gets along with everyone. A charmer without trying, he has perfected the art of buttering-up and finds that there aren’t many sorts he can’t get along with when he puts his mind to it. He can be overwhelming for the more introverted, homebody types, but he chooses to believe they’ll open up to him if he’s even more persistent. (He’s sometimes correct.)

Buck is also, rather unfortunately, something of an idiot. Born and raised on the range far from the civilized world of city slickers and government ministries and mages, Buck never received much of a formal education. He can recite the alphabet, knows his numbers, and can perform some basic arithmetic - mostly for the purposes of livestock-associated accounting - but he lacks factual knowledge about many things. History, if not regularly recounted in a storytelling format, eludes him. Chemistry, in his vocabulary, is only something that a gal might find she shares with her beau if things are going well romantically. He has only a basic reading ability, and even less of an ability to write.

But what he lacks in the ability to recite facts, he mostly makes up for in common sense garnered through experience. He’s got a pretty good grasp on navigation and pathfinding; he knows a good deal about large animal biology, physiology, and medicine (and honestly, how different can people be?); and his survival skills are top notch. He’s reverse engineered a good bit of machinery in his time and, in doing so, has sorted out most of the mechanics behind the object. Most often, he can figure out when he’s being taken for a ride, although it takes him a bit longer to catch onto a scam than the average man of his age, and it may be too late to fix a situation by that time. But his hindsight is 20/20. 20/30, maybe. Okay, 20/40 at worst.

Being lucky also helps.

Buck is neither a pacifist nor a warmonger. He lets his head and his heart split the decision when it comes time to react to an escalating situation. He likes to think that he can be the bigger man most of the time, but it would be a lie to say he doesn’t get a kick out of the occasional down-‘n-dirty brawl (especially when he wins.)

Biography: —WIP—



Charmer. Despite his lack of formal education, Buck is very charismatic and most find him endearing. There are those who find his personality overwhelming or even obnoxious, but he’s pretty good at reading people and can usually reel in his more boisterous side if needed. Sympathy and empathy are two tools he’s able to wield pretty well in order to get into the good graces of those around him, and he is genuinely caring and very loyal to anyone he considers his friend. And while he mostly uses this power for good and harmony, it would be false to say that he never uses it for personal gain.

Animal whisperer. Whether hoofed or clawed, feathered or scaled, large or small, Buck is good with just about every kind of animal. Horses and cattle are his forte. He can break a young stallion without a harsh whip in a matter of days and can read the general mood in a herd of steer as plain as if they were people. He’s also a huge dog and cat lover.

“Just a scratch!” He can take a pretty hefty beating and still walk away, unassisted, and have a good laugh over it. Similarly, he can eat almost anything without ill effects.

Brute strength. Despite being shorter than most, he’s decently strong and can turn almost any heavy object into a blunt-force projectile.


Illiteracy. He can recognize common signage (“danger”, “inn”, “Welcome to (Town Name Here)”, etc.) and can sound things out phonetically correct about eighty percent of the time, but he’s no reader. Definitely no writer. Despite this, he remains the best reader in his family, and having never been told otherwise, is completely unaware that he’s at the reading level of a seven year old. Maybe he’s dyslexic - who can say?

”I reckon you could say I’m an expert.” As with his language skills, Buck often has the false impression that he has knowledge of things that he, clearly, does not. That weird, blobby shape he just scratched into the dirt with a stick, for instance? “Why, that’s a secret ma-a-agical spell taught to me by a man who was wearing a golden dragon skin. He says it’s a protection wart— err, ward? Somethin’!” You look at the shape again. It’s just a smiley face.

Pretty women. He’ll do a lot of dumb things for a leggy blonde. He’s got many an [angry] ex from his youthful days of sewing wild oats who would testify.

Landlubber. Buck has only been to sea once. The ordeal lasted only two nights and three days, but resulted in a panic that caused such a commotion that he has not so much as stepped foot in a rowboat since (and left him banned from doing business with a particular chartering company). He much prefers the trusty earth and solid soil to being surrounded by something full of sharks that would swallow a man up in seconds and leave no trace. He cannot swim.

Not-so-fine motor skills. He’s a bit of a bull in a china shop.

In general, his attributes would be as follows (scale is 1 - 12):
Strength: 9
Constitution: 11
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 4
Wisdom: 6
Charisma: 11
Name: Asmund Gosta Thorsen
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Race: Hyoomon
Allegiance:  The Church?  of Latter-day Saints Dat boi
Asmund is a middle-aged man with greying blond hair kept in a bowl cut. He is of average build, albeit slightly on the scrawny side. A man of (the) god(s), Asmund wears little beyond a boring, brown tunic and matching boots. He carries a leather bag and a wooden staff topped with a sapphire, as well as a dagger and other tools of the trade. He is rather inexpressive, so it surprises some he has a dedicated wife and multiple sons.

In general, he is quite stoic and focused. He has a soft-spot for children and his wife, for which his personality turns right around. Nonetheless, he can get along with most people just fine--he's not anti-social or reserved. He is quite learned in his fields, which include healing magic, the human body, and herbal medicine. He can read well enough and complete simple math.


Healing Magic, medicine, basic biology. He has a pact with Eira, Valhalnir god of healing and medicine.

He's of average constitution and is not very good at fighting, either physically or with magic. His pact with Eira prevents him from personally taking another life, be it human, demi-human or animal.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Name: Kari Magnahild
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Race: Human
Allegiance: RIDERS
Kari is a beautiful redhead with big boobs a smaller than average chest. She keeps her hair short, to the point where she is often confused with a guy. Pale-skinned, she prefers to keep her body protected from the sun, lest it turn redder than her hair. She is tall for her gender and well-built. She carries a backpack with a variety of tools. Her main weapon is a sword, though she also carries a small shield and a couple shorter blades.

Kari was raised to be a warrior. Her battle sense is strong and extends somewhat into general interactions with others. She can somewhat tell if someone has immediately malicious intentions or otherwise intends to harm her. She is nonetheless young and somewhat naive, though is capable of beating her way out of any trouble that might cause. Generally friendly, her strong sense of justice gives her little patience for crime or evil, including mages.

Raised the daughter of a minor lord, she is able to read and write and do mathematics. She loves to eat, drink, and exercise.


Her combat skills are exception; she has defeated even fine knights.

Perhaps a bit too loving, her father had her develop a tolerance to many common poisons.

She is a sucker for a sob-story.

She is infertile (she does not know this yet).
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Well I did it! I finally filled out the Geography and Places section in the original post! From this point I think I've done the absolute minimum to prepare the campaign/setting for roleplay, until there are more specifics that come up during writing, or if people have more questions.

From this point, I think I'm ready to begin. So if we're still interested, and if more people would like to take part (I'd like at least 3 people besides myself, ideally), then let's get cracking sometime soonish, yeah?

For ease of seeing what's new, I copied the geography section below. Everything under the "places" header is new:

Show ContentGeography and Places:

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