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Eternity in The Sims
So I picked up The Sims 3 recently, as it was on pretty deep discount during Steam's latest winter sale. It may surprise everyone here (except Sal) to know I'm actually super into virtual dressup and lifestyle stuff -it's at least half the reason I play online games with clothing and character customization- so naturally I've had my eye off and on Electronic Arts' virtual dollhouse simulator for a while. So far I've put 24 hours into the game, as of writing this post, and 95% of that time has been spent in the create-a-Sim mode. I have no expansions or "stuff packs," and I don't know why; either I was really dumb, or EA was really dumb and didn't put them on sale either, and if it's the latter least there's always mods.

I chose 3 over the newer and shiner 4 because 3 is on Steam and I bought it during a lazy perusal of the deepest parts of my wishlist. I also chose 3 over 4 because 4 is an objectively worse version of 3 with shiner graphics, smaller homes, more gamification, and even more content stripped out of the base game to be served a-la-carte in even more overpriced DLC and "stuff packs" that still somehow come out as less content than equivalent versions in 3. Yeah, four or five years on and I'm a little salty. As for the Sims 3 game itself, I've been having a blast and I've barely gone outside character creation, like I've said. I remember back in high school, I had a "Sims: Bustin' Out" sort of almost-spinoff game on the PS2 that was okay, but it was nothing compared to this. Customization options are huge and robust, even though I agree with an old friend that everyone seems to have big cheek bones and either rigid jaws or none at all.

Regardless of anything, as often as I wax lyrical to Sal about this game after having barely played it, it's pretty evident I'm having a blast. However, my feelings for this game are not why I'm here, so I'll get right down to it:

Can I add you to my Sims game?

I've been floating an idea around (inspired by the same old friend) to do a sims story about this community, where I would put people in my town and then write about their happenings while controlling them as little as possible - because controlling avatars of real people is weird and gross. Unfortunately, I know my ambition exceeds any time I'd have to do such a thing regularly with a new job coming soon and all my other projects that I will eventually get to, so I think I'll settle for just having you all in the town where Sal and I made a household, and maybe just report on the occasional story as it pertains to our play and interactions.


So anyway, if you're okay with a creepily authentic version of yourself in our Sims game, please let me know here or otherwise, because I won't do it if someone takes offense to the possibility of some guy on the internet they've never met creating detailed virtual dolls of their likeness for fun and lols and weird stuff possibly happening to them. I know that sits wrong with some people. Also, it's just a lot better for people to come up with their own personalities, as they know themselves better than I know them; it's a little odd, saying "this person has this personality" when I barely know them.

"What do you need from me, then?"

All I need is your written consent. Just post here or send me a PM saying "sounds good," "I don't mind," "You're amazing and I love you, please take my virtual body as your own," or whatever else suits your fancy. If you don't consent, then there's no need to say anything; I will only create Sims based on people who've expressly consented. I know, I'm pretty sane for a grown-ass man who plays with virtual dolls.

Also, a name is okay if you want a real name used, otherwise I'm using online handles and/or randomized name generations. I know some people's names already, but I'm not going to use them.

Your astrological sign helps, as well as your favorite food, music, and color. I know people use these for online security questions, so it's fine to not share them; I can make up that crap.

In addition, I'd prefer having some form of picture to use as a basis for your Sims model. This can be sent in a PM if you'd like to keep it secret, otherwise I'll default to these threads (btw, show us your new selves! I know you're not all babyfaces anymore!)

Lastly, I'd like 5 traits and a lifetime dream/wish/ambition. I'll spoiler a list of both down below, for the sake of convenience:

Show ContentTraits:
Show ContentLifetime Wishes:

"What if I'm fine with all this, but really don't care to do any of what you're asking me?"

Simple. First, I'll thank you for your approval, and then proceed to just make up stuff about you.

. I have some photos lying around you can use.
I assent to this.

Hahk Hahkerson


Pizza, Rock, Orange

PM'ed you some pictures

1.) Ambitious, 2.) Computer Whiz, 3.) Vehicle Enthusiast, 4.) Friendly, 5.) Daredevil

1.) Swimming in Cash
[Image: Wbs3DMM.png]
I do assent to this:

Blacaria Olsan, Aquarius , Red, Chicken, and Pop

Traits: Lucky, Loner , Hot-Headed, Good, Excitable

Wish: Become an Astronaut

The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg
Head of State: HM Arch-King Aerin III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Nis Overgaard

The Ceribian Federation
Head of State: President Okropir Bakradze
Head of Government: Prime Minister Daviti Dgebuadze

Sounds good. But, here's some stuff I guess.

Alvino Castillon, Sagittarius, Chocolate, Classical, Red.

Use whatever picture you want. If you really want one, DM me and I'll send one over (that isn't total shit. Just don't redhead me!).

1) Absent-Minded 2) Genius 3) Charismatic 4) Computer Whiz 5) Friendly

Ambition: Leader of the Free World (Y'all saw this coming). If that for whatever reason doesn't work, CEO of a Mega-Corporation.
Some pictures.

Show ContentSpoiler:
Aerandariel Anakinexi

Aquarius, Pizza, Rock (or whatever close it is in Sims 3), Black

I don't have a recent picture of myself, but you guys have a good idea what I look like (though... can I be a redhead?)

Traits: Artistic, Bookworm, Genius, Loner, Computer Whiz

Ambition: Professional Writer

The Angirisian Empire/Dominion (2014- 2020)
The Solhaven Confederacy (2017-2020)
The Romulan Republic (2019-2020)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams

(02-14-2018, 05:21 AM)Aerandariel Anakinexi Wrote: I don't have a recent picture of myself, but you guys have a good idea what I look like (though... can I be a redhead?)
You certainly can be a redhead if that's what you want, though I actually and honestly don't really know what you look like, other than you have dark hair that's longer than I thought.

I don't know what Ikar looks like, either. Flipped Smile

I mean, that's not a problem. Honestly, I planed on just making up what I don't know. For example, I'm completely bullshotting what most people sound like...which doesn't matter, because with three voice options I'm not going to get accurate voices, regardless.
Deg deg!
Sul sul!
Srekapati?! Bwezee!
(02-15-2018, 01:04 AM)Flo Wrote: Deg deg!
Sul sul!
Srekapati?! Bwezee!

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Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.